The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, October 08, 1952, Image 1
. . • • • • • • . . . ' . ~IA S .) . Frosh, Be Wary - Of Illegal Pledging . .0.,.4., Tilr ilatig..!-N Toil . ~,,,....„:,,,,.. . See Page 4 • • . te,s • FOR A , BETTER PENN STATE . . • STATE COLLEGE, PA., WEDNESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 8, 1952 VOL.' 53, No. 20 , _ AIM , . • 1 - Tomorrow. Is Deadline , „ ..,.. . .... , . • • Tio Discuss. -For -Penn_ Grid Tickets ITo • arvest . a . H tiaTysodiaoy mail stomdoernrtowit ticket t a h p e_ together Stuen shouldt wishing n tob e applications ' seated r plications to the Penn State Ath- together. One check or money . letic Association for the Penn order. can be drawn to pay for The Autumn Ball, jointly spon- ' State-University of Pennsylvania more than one ticket. sored by Leonides and the Asso- football game Nov. 1 at Frank- If the demand for tickets in a lin Field, Philadelphia, accord- particular p rice range should, ciation of Independent Men, will ing to Harold R. Gilbert, grad- exceed the supply, the Athletic be discussed at the first meeting ' uate -manager of "athletics. Association reserves the right to of the AIM Board of Governors at Applications must not be I n ubstit r y c t e e tirrkaelsetinotrhetoremmaat -7 p.m. tonight in 102 Willard, Wil- .be postmarked earlier than ne g ces p sary refunds, Gilbert said. Liam - Shifflett, presi d e n t, an- 6:30 aim: today. Those - 'post- Tickets will be distributed nounced. • marked earlier will not be ac- from 8:30 a.m. to noon and from The dance, planned by- the ex- cepted, Gilbert said. The mailing 1:30 to 4:30 p.m: Oct. 23 and 24 ecutive committees of AIM and period for applications extends at the Athletic Association ticket Leonides, independent women's to 5 p.m. tomorrow. office windows in 01 d Main. organization, -is scheduled for • 9 Tickets will be • sold at $3.90 Athletic Association books must p.m. Oct. 18 in Recreation Hall, and $2.60. Money orders and be 'presented to obtain tickets. Shifflett said. checks must be drawn payable Signatures .on the - books must Music will be provided by Jack to the Penn State Athletic Asso- match those on the applications. Huber and his orchestra, and en- ciation for the exact amount of One person may pick up a group tertainment is being organized for the purchase and must include of tickets if he has the books for the intermission. A motorcade for Pennsylvania the student's address. . verification. Week and • a temporary budget will also be discussed atthe meet- D . . in The motorcade is being tenta tively planned for the' Home coming - game with Nebraska. • : • Test's on both dates will be ad- Each group will enter one car. The Pennsylvania Week commit- a e Series Final , 4- ministered at the College. ' , Results of the college qualifi 7 tee has not made final arrang e- cation test and the standing of a ments as yet. / BROOKLYN (if') ---j• Young Mickey Mantle, capably, filling t . 1 . - 1, e student in his class are used by Howard Mason is chairman of the publicity committee for the shoes of the great Joe DiMaggio, and stout hearted Bob Kuzava led local boards as evidence upon which to defer students. Defer dance. Lavanche Leith and Eliza- Casey Stengel's New York Yankees - to a record tying fourth straight d ent is recommended for stu beth Johnson - are co-chairmen of world championship yesterday in a 4-2 seventh game triumph over dents scoring over. 70 in the test, the combined decorations and re- the stubborn . Brooklyn Dodgers. freshments committees. Lefty. Kuzava, supposedly a • - the discretion of - the local boards. The dance will be the inde- choice morsel for the Dodgers' Tribunal Hears During the distribution of ap pendent attraction for Hom e, right hand hitters, blazed his fast plications Monday and Tuesday, coming Weekend. ball down the groove in a 2% M. J. Egan, supervisor of Central The Board of Governors in- innings relief job to make the Parking Cases Pen draft boards, will eludes the officers of AIM who lead stand up. - be available to answer questions were elected last spring, the four It was Mantle who gave the , regarding application procedure. officers of each of the four - mem- Yankees their victory margin. He Tribunal heard seven cases last ber . councils, • Nittany, Pollock, honierestin..the-sixth- tn.-break a night . involving campus, parking • Mrs. Sara E. Case, who handles $1 Selective 'service - forms -for the ViilatfonS: ' -0 - nel :s2'• fine, 'two Town and West Dormitnit, - and 2-2 tie and send the New Yorkersd Dean of Men's office, said 500 several representatives-at-large. ' ahead for the third time in the fines, and three $1 suspende Th e representatives-at-3 arg e u p and down game. In the sev- ,fines were levied. more application forms are ex • petted so an expected 2100 appli- have not yet been elected. The enth he scored Gil McDougald The student fined two dollars cat ions. can be distributed. West Dorm Council is sending from second - with a sizzling single protested he loaned hiS car to a In addition to Egan and Mrs. four temporary representatives to over Pee Wee Reese's head.- friend who incurred three viola- - Case, a representative of the local, the council. The other three coun- •When Gene Woodling clutched tions. Both the car owner and board in Huntingdon and five' cils expect to have elected offi-the student driving the car -at Reese's fly for the final out, the others will distribute applications.' cers by the time' of the board entire -Yank club • descended on the time of the violation appeared 4.pplications for the Dec. 4 test meeting.• before Tribunal. The committee Kuzava, whooping and yelling must be postmarked on or before . . with the joy of men who suddenly decided a car owner is responsible Nov. 1, and those for the April 23 Players Set found themselves some $6OOO richer. for his car at all times. The driver was charged with a first offense. James Schulte, Tribunal chair- test on or before March 9. . It was Kuzava who applied the man, warned that a second of- LaVie Photos Set Shaw Comedy fi dreamskil o l f in . a s bp r m to ' O - B r f c rigl e y r r i s s fense would. be handed over to . Education seniors ' may have • - . . / win with his - brilliant job after the' disciplinary committee of the their pictures taken for the 1953 Eddie Lopat and the dead tired College Senate subcommittee on LaVie until Monday at the Penn Tryout Dates Allie Reynolds and Vic Raschi • student affairs. State Photo Shop, official LaVie • Tryouts for George Bernard had given their all. He urged car owners- to ini- photographers. Called in to face Duke Snider, press on those who borrow cars Men are requested to wear suits, Shaw's "Major Barbara," the sec- the Dodgers' four homer man, the seriousness of obeying cam- white shirts, and ties. Women are and Players show to be produced with the bases loaded and one pus traffic regulations and park- asked to wear white or plain at Center Stage this season, will (Continued on page eight) ing in designated areas. • colors. be .held at 7:15 p.m. Monday and Tuesday in the Green Room, - • • 0 • Schwab Auditorium. Monday has been designated as Polio; Victim - Receives . ' the night on which persdns not formerly associated with Players will read. Those who ,have been connected with Players in the past will read Tuesday. Copies ion Football Souvenirs . of the play are now available in the - Green Room for beforehand A little Rhode Island boy con reading, and ' those - who try out valescing from polio is having his Down It Goes' need not make. advance appoint- • • ments. bedroom redecoratedth .- week • is . - •,,„,,.ki..*:• , •,'"'.4- ..; .k ) . , . ', ', "Major Barbara" will be direct- with an inscribed Penn Sta t e . - , , ,,,... ~ -- . ' , •.. 2 , „•., :- '', .'. - . .zi , - , , , ,,, ed by Walter H.' Walters, dra- football and autographed Photo- ' I- - j.':t •1 . ' "'.ir -- 4 - - ~. - .:'' 1, - ',,,,:', ,- - . k'aGo l. ' matics instructor, who directed graphs of Nittany Lion gridiron - . ~' .. . . • ' .. ~' ' t • - `.,,' • . '• - 4 1 , ,i-1 "The' Heiress" and "She Stoops •t ...- to . Conquer" .last year. The play layers.p - will open Dec. 12 at Center Stage The - polio victim is "10-year-old '' :- - - ,- , -c, ', - . --. '.-.,.. it;., ~ ~ •. ~!,: -: .. ',4 - h,i'' `i. * • ' .- , -S and will continue six weekends. Jaycee Rosenthal, of Cranston, r...'' '. ' - ,''.. - - i - '7:;:, ' ~l, . Il' ' Nit 71.4 According to Walters; it is "an R.L He .is receiving tliese person amusing - '' . '''''.';''' . ~- t,5.‹....' amusing satire on "Warren • ' .. . aimed souvenirs of the Penn State . '-; .:1...: . • f. , ' ;6.• Peace," one of Shaw's finest corn- . , edies." -- football team mainly through -the --• • ' - :•../. - • .- . ''''4i - - . - ' - ; ,, .: ,I V'.>. •-.' Roles are available for six.wom- efforts of Alpha EpsilOnsPi frater- -;• ' •.. •.- :.,-... .. -. ' 4r.. •-- -.'-, ' ' - ' e' v'• en and nine men. Fine character pity. ,t' - portrayals are - offered by both • -, t , ' . ' ...':',:"-> .' . • . ", •.'.--'''' ' • 'PPer - " o' - * "' • -N' - 4 major and minor roles, Walters .1 .. , .',14 ., *. , ',v ,- : .<- And . he still hasn't heard the ~.,: -..:;., - ..4., " 4 ; ‘ ' - - ' ~ .. . . - 4;av: , -4 =,- ., .v.•4 , .;. said. ' last from AEPi. The fraternity ,- •:.:' ',: :4.- , :" , “ .4 , •:.;.::•. , .'.:.'1 . ...::,.:..,. , ..... '.', -' Vtk.AW. , g - - ,:-.' : ••',-- . ,•„..• , , 41&:,-i ... ....'.--- ,-',-, "...::!.. - :.:'e°,;.•!• , iA. - .:: . . t ~. . :1A,, ,- . ' .• ~' i... , qq. brothers have now- collected $5O --._ ~,,=',4, * ”:4..'..i. . ' ,:. ,-. . ~49,e,*ix,, . - ~-. „. , .. , ._ ..1.11 0 7,>7•,, ',%:•:',..:,;;..:.'-, ' .i . .-, -- ,' "-s. - .1 2: • . .00° k- among themselves, partly through .--• , ' , -Ac:-',r . .. .. 4 .4.1:: , •••: 4 ::: ..... -..,' >,..-.:. -:' -. '. '.' _ - :t, .. • . Y. • -v.3 ...,..: •• ' ' - ;..- -- 4 , - .:•,f ... , :;i , ., .:: . ~- ~- ..,' ..!,. ~ : .. : ,:.:..5.:.z,,,,.. . . ~.. .<3 . goldfish - swallowing exhibitions. -,r,- , ... . • '7F..,"''' ''' ',. i',t-• ' TODAY'S ' lama ) - This sum will be used towards .. , „ ..2a..,, .-- :• , „.;:•s r.z. -, . ..:. -..-. , .: ,, i7 i ...•,-,.....-. ' .zi.'''.,l . . . . „ . . WEATHER - it - 40 -‘ ' the purchase of a 3-spped phono- l ',; s f ,-1 ,'i, 1 1 r7 '',:Af r '' , -,;'-',-2.': , :. -- ' ''' '"' :..;'''•:::.;;:',,,. ' -,- -;,;•''''' .:"..; graph and records for Jaycee. _ • ~Z,.: - ' l '4' . ~.... •„,-, , ,,•,v, ~,. ~,,,,, , ;;-•,4,4 , -' ,‘ :z4- 4 ,,• . - FAIR - :::.. - Here's how it all started. Jay- 4 4,,,,,,ir 4 ::::?-; ,'. ::.-;,,.:/,,,,, ' .:.::, —::-. - , , „_'., : ".,c 17,4 , ,, '!.47: - : ~, e #,, : - : ! • cee's - mother asked her neighbor, , , ~.,. ~...,,,,: k=, •,,,, __ 7 . :,,,„,,, . . ..; . . . , , 7, AND • , '' . :: : .,'"i • ~„ , Mrs. Albert Cohen, to write her . , —Photo by Austin . ',.. . COOLER „ 0.. - twin, sons, Freddie -and Lar r y HOWARD SALUS, member , of Alpha Epsilon Pi fraternity, gets . Cohen, Pledges at AEPi on cam . - set to swallow a wriggling goldfish after one failure last Friday 'pus, requesting autographed pic- night.'This stunt collected -an additional $2O for AEPI's fund for (Continued on page eight) - a 10-year-old polio victim. 4v New Hat Societies qtatt Are Real Need— See Page 4 Application Form To Be Available For Draft Exam Applications for the Selective Service college qualification tests to be given Dec. 4 and April 23 will be distributed Monday and Tuesday in the lounge on the second _floor of Old Main, Frank J. Simes, assistant dean of men, announced yesterday. Students wishing to apply for the tests may obtain applications between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. on those days. To receive applications, students must have their Selective Service registration card and number. Persons who have recently reach ed the age of 18 and whose regis tration forms are being processed will be able to receive applica tions even if they have, not yet received their registration cards. To be eligible to take the col lege qualification test, the appli cant must intend to request occu pational deferment as a student, must be satisfactorily pursuing . a full-time college course leading to a degree, and must not have pre viously taken the test. Indonesian Cites Action Of WSSF Indonesian students appreciate the attitude . of mutual service and interest toward world sblidarity ;even more than the material benefits of the World Student Service Fund, according to Dr. Boesjra Zahir, representative of WSSF in the Republic of Indo nesia. The World St ude n t Service Fund is one of the programs given funds through the Campus Chest. Service funds are being used to help provide housing, labora tory equipment, books, and stu dent health service in Indonesian universities and colleges, he said. The manner in which WSSF handles aid to foreign educational institutions, preserves the dignity of both the donor and receiver, Zahir said. Zahir, who spoke to the All ' College Cabinet Campus Chest committee and College officials last night, said that Indonesian students took active part in the fight for independence from Dutch rule. The students still consider themselves responsible for the maintenance of that independence, he said. - Before World War 11, Zahir said, there were three institutions of higher education with a total of 500 students. There are now six universities and five colleges with a total enrollment of 18,000, he said. Floods, population migration, and the increase of educational institutions has left Indonesia as well as India, Pakistan, and Ma laya with a shortage of equipment end housing. He said that thous ands sit' students in these coun tries are living in basements, refu gee camps, and railroad cars. Clique Officers To Be Elected By Lion Party The Lion Party will hold its first clique meeting at 7 p.m. Sun day in 10 Sparks, according to William Walters, acting chairman. Nominations will be opened for All-College, freshman, and sopho more class clique officers. At a steering committee meet ing last week Lois Lehman and Harry Stephens were appointed\ to serve on the committee. The committee considered a pro posal to sell books of Bibler's Little Man on Campus cartoons d u r in g Homecoming Weekend. Profits from the sales would be divided between the Lion and State parties for election cam paigns. IFC to Meet Tomorrow To Discuss Homecoming The Interfraternity Council will meet at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow in 219 Electrical Engineering rather than tonight as previously sched uled, Arthur Rosfeld, IFC presi dent, has announced. Plans for Homecoming Week end concerning lawn displays will be discussed. The committees for IFC ,rushing, the IFC Workshop, and the cup for outstanding frat ernities will report. FIVE CENTS