The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, October 03, 1952, Image 5

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    FRIDAY, • OCTOB '1952
Dormitory Ticket Sellers See
Five Types of Male Callers
There are advantages in sell
ing tickets for a community or
ganization in 'a. women's dormi
tory:„ /
Not too many, but how else
can a "mere female sit and watch
the stronger sex come to call for
her own kind?
Everyone will . agree that the
official pose of selling tickets
affords an excellent opportunity
to eavesdrop. It's almost the only
way the •female - can see just what
happens down in the lobby be
tween 6 and 7 p.m., when it's
no-womai-i's land.
The whole scene develops
around the .telephone, where
it ie: the common aim of each
mate to summon the female
from her domicile. Here five
distinct ma I types are dis
Enter :the first-type male, the
guy-w h o-has-something-o n-h i s
chest-and-m e a n
straightened-out kind. He strides
bodly to :the phone, and is obvi
ousliy ,andered when the operator
doesn't connect him immediately
with his girl. He does to a chair
Will Speak
At Conference
The Rev. Donald MacLennan of
Toronto, Canada, will be guest
speaker at the annual fall con
ference of the Inter-V a r sit y
Christian Fellowship this week
At the first meeting at 7:30 to
night, the Rev. MacLennan .will
speak on "Is Christ Sufficient?"
At 10 a.m. tomorrow the topic
will be "Are You Walking
Straight?", and - at 7:30 p.m. to
morrow, "The Bible—Living and
Powerful!" All meetings will be
held in 405 Old Main.
The Rev. MacLennan was grad
uated from Moody Bible Insti
bite in 1933 and did, missionary
work in western Canada for two
years. After returning to-Wycliffe
College for two years, he became
pastor of St. George's Church, a
member of the Church of Canada.
The Rev. MacLennan has been
associated with Inter-V ars it y
Christian Fellowship since two
years after its . organization, in
1930. He is the sponsor of an
Inter-School Christian Fellowship
group in Canada.
(Continued•from page four)
the 24 .hour, periods before and
after vacations. -
The, upperclassmen '-sent a pe
tition asking for a modification
of the ruling, and when' it was
turned ' down the students- coun
tered with an -ultimatum that if
favorable action were .not re
ceived. within a . given time they
would take independent action.
When nothing :-was. foithaoming
from the College fathers, the Stu
dents held -a mass meeting and
voted. to refuse to attend classes
unless granted- their.. -demands. •
The "strike" lasted ten 'days,
and probably more than any other
single factor prompted • the COl
lege to set up a system of student
Home . Cooked
served by. the, -
After . All Home
Football Games
5 to 8 p.m.
os STEAKS _ 1
"ROAST ,BEEF ... . $1.50
• RAKED HAM $1.50
.` Homey Atmosphere
4 Miles East of State College
in a -far corner (where the girl
will have , the most difficulty in
finding him) and dejectedly flings
hiniself down to wait.
Type-one male leaves in a fury
of noises and dust, yanking the
door • open and slamming it be
hind him and leaving the girl,
'whose heart he has just broken,
in distraught tears.
Enter •second-type male. This
lad's never • seen the inside of a
women's dorm - before. He ap
proadhes cautiously, asking,
"What is the procedure for call
ing a ; young lady? I have never
done this before." His explana
tion is hardly necessary.
He is directed to the_ phone,
whereupon he immediately asks
the. operator, "Will you please
tell Myrtle Smith that I am
Somehow the operator gets
word to Myrtle, she arrives, and
they exit dramatically. Myrtle
takes his hand, opening the door
for him, and leads him from the
amused gaze of the line form
ing at the telephone.
In the line is third-type, male.
Aye Sees
The Aye Sees, a local group
which will affiliate with Pi Beta
Phi, at the end of a year, has
elected, officers. They are Helene
SteinbuChel. president; Phyllis
Bur go on, vice-president; Gail
Fromer, recording secretary; Sal
ly _Silhol, corresponding secretary;
Dorothy Robb, treasurer.
Christine St.' o w e r s, publicity
chairman; Jane Albrecht, social;
Nancy Beitsch, historian; Joanne
Wilson, scholarship; Louise Glud,
activities; Melinda Thomas, Pan
hellenic Council re p resentative
and rush chairman; Juanita Hud
son, ifiagazines; Ann Barker,
tramural; ,and Patricia Reynolds,
junior Panhellenic representative.
William Bovard, a fourth sem
ester pre-veterinary student who
was a member of Acacia at lowa
State, has transferred to the Col
lege and affiliated with the local
Theta Phi Alpha
Theta Phi Alpha recently held
a 'birthday
.party in the suite for
'two• meinbers, Jane Overmeyer
and Gertrude' Malpezzi.
Kappa. Delta
Carol Thompson was recently
ribbdried by Kappa Delta. Her
name was-- omitted from the list
of ribbonees published this week.
Phi Mu •
Phi Mu sorority formally
pledged Mary Lou Benner, Cath
erine ' Carr, Janice Faiold, Mary
Jo 'Heckman, Joan - Hill, ,Eleanor
Kelly; Kay Kerr, Barbara - Led-.
erer, - Ruth. Meng, Margaret Sny
der, .f and Carolyn Spengler Wed
• The women - were ribboned
SatUrday. Later a slumber party
was held in the suite with- en
tertainment" proyided by the rib
bonees.'Refreshments were served.
He has a suitcase dragging• . from
his limp arm. You see, he's some
body's brother, bringing her win
ter coat and ski pants from, home.
Behind him; fourth-type . male
carries a duffel bag over his
shoulde r. He is somebody's .
steady 'boyfriend. When - this
fellow leavas, it is with empty
arms and the promise of clean
sacks by morning. His 'duffel
bag is now on the shoulder
of a poor, weak female, head
ing for the laundry room ap
propriately starry-eyed.
Finally, enter fifth-type male.
He puts just one foot in the door,
but you can tell all about him by
looking at that foot. It is shod in
a white buck -and it reeks of
suaveness. You see the .female
feet which immediately meet
fifth-type male's. - A whistle brings
them running. Fifth-type male
has a way with women.
Yes, there are some advantages
in selling tickets in a women's
dorm. But' somehow you can't
help but think as ypu leave, "This
has been a waste of time and
very disillusioning."
Beta Sigma Omickon
Norma Zehner, president of the
local chapter Of Beta Sigma Omi
cron, was awarded the diamond
phi at the biennial national con
vention this summer -at French
Lick Springs, Ind.
Judging for , the award was
based on leadership and person
ality. The diamond pin is the'sor
ority pin of the late Maud-Haines
Bernadine, founder of the- soror
ity. It is one of - the two awards
presented - to outstanding mem
bers of the national sorority, -
' The local chapter was repre
sented at the convention by Miss
Zehner and Janet Campbell.
`Jump' to Feature
Variety of Dances
Square, round and polka danc
ing will be featured at the "Ap
ple Jack Jump" from 9 p.m. to
midnight tomorrow in Recreation
Ross Lytle and his • orchestra
will play for the dance, sponsored
by the Home Economics and Ag
riculture Student Councils.
The choosing of Old Mot he r
Hubbard and 01 d MacDonald
from the audience -will be fea
Tickets priced at 50 cents each
are on sale at the Home Econoth
ics Building. Ag : Hill, and• at"• the
main 'bulletin board in .front of
Carnegie Hall. A scholarship fund
will be established • with :the -pro
, Working on the dance commit
tee are co-chairmen Jane Mason
and Richard Stanley, and Dawn
Anthony, Helen Davis, Kermjt
Knauss, Conrad Kresge, Mary
Lynch, Peggy Mayberry, ,a n d
Morris Schroeder.
Hillel Sabbath Eve services at -8 tonight in the Hillel Founda
tion will mark the opening night of the Feast of SuccOth, the
observance of harvet and thanksgiving. Samuel Avital, professor
of mathematics and navigation at Haifa -Nautical School, 'lsrael,
will speak on "Pilgrimrnage Festivals in Israel!' Independent stu
dents will be hosts at a reception in the Hillel succah following ,the
Five local student groups have
scheduled social activities for to
West minster Foundation stu
dents will be guests , of . Roger
Williams -Fellowship for a scav
anger hunt and fun night at 7:30
tonight at the University Baptist
Two hayrides are planned by
Wesley Foundation. One group
will leave from the Creamery at
7 tonight and the other from the
foundation at 8:45 tonight. There
will be square 'dancing at the
foundation bdtween 7 and 8:45
p.m. and after the groups return.
The Lutheran Student Associa
fon will hold a square dance at
7:15 tonight at the student house,
with Chauncey Lang, professor of
agricultural extension, calling the
A "Popcorn Ball" is planned by
Newman Club for 7:30 tonight at
Woodman Hall, corner of S. Al
len street and Hamilton avenue.
Dining Service Offers
Choice at Friday Meal
Students who eat in• the Col
lege dining halls may now have
their choice of meat or fish at
Friday dinners. The system was
initiated this semester on a trial
basis as a result of a Student
Encamp me n t recommendation,
Mildred A. Baker, director of
Food Service, said.
-Alpha Xi Delta
Alpha -Xi Delta recently ini
tiated Harriet. Freeze and Carol
Stevenson. Initiation was followed
by a breakfast in the suite, after
Which the sorority attentied
Most of the world's oil has been
discovered by Americans.
For Some Rea
Corner : of Pugh . St. and College . Ave.
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Will Observe
of Succoth
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kauffniann
of Broomall announce the engage
ment of Mrs. Kauffmann's daugh
ter. Dolores D'Onofrio, to Robert
Pawloski, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Alfred Pawloski of Secane.
Miss D'Onofrio, a member of
Alpha Xi Delta, is a seventh sem
ester fine arts major. Mr. Pawloski
is a member of Kappa Sigma and
in the seventh semester in journ
ly Good Food
at the
so you'll be set for that
football game this weekend—
and party afterwards. Yes—
add an "extra" because
sweaters are just the thing
to wear—be it for class or date:
N • :, •
Come in today and see our
wide selection—all styles
and sizes.
Pictured: feminine
little cardigan,
short sleeved, with
peter pan collar.
Navy, gray, black,
and red.
123 S. ALLEN
&gag . emenb
You can cut
• Bread
and Classes, too ...
HAIR is "Our"
Any cut you desire,
we'll do. Come in today!
107 S. Allen Street
add an "extra"
to your
Fall Wardrobe . . .