The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, September 20, 1952, Image 8
PAGE EIGHA Rec Hal! Rally '(Continued from page one) the boys when they fumbled was a little pat on the back. Scheetz told the crowd the bovs were facing .ten rugged games this year and needed the support of the whole student body. He said his boys’ had experience, but not enough. Frosh Routed Out Alan McChesney, head cheer leader, led the crowd in cheers and songs accompanied by the Blue Band. In a burst of pre-rally enthus iasm members of hat societies routed frosh and upperclassmen out of the dormitories. Skull and Bones and Parmi Nous reported their efforts were not too fruitful in the Nittany-Pollock area and that dormitory residents were re luctant to leave the area. .The parade began at 7:3<J~p.m. at the corner of Garner and Ham ilton streets. Following the Blue Band, McChesney and the Nittany Lion, mascot. at football games, rode in a blue and white “hot College Chapel Schwab Auditorium SEPT, 21. 1952 Speaker: ■ Rev. Luther H. Harsbarger • Chaplain • of the College Anthem: “Turn Back O man”—by Holst Sf. Andrew's Episcopal Church Fouter Are. and Frasier Si. The Rev. Jones P. Shannon, Rector Holy Communion every Sunday 7:45 a.m. First Sunday 7:45, 10:45 a an. Sunday Church School 10:45 a.m. Morning Prayer and Sermon 10:45 a.m. Choral - Evensong—s:oo P.M. Canterbury Club 6:30 P. Mi University Baptist Church Will airy Ave. and Burrowes St. The Rev. Robert H. Eads, Pastor Church School College Class 9:40 a.m. Morning Worship .... 10:45 a.m. Roger Williams Fellowship 5-7:30 p.m. Supper at cost Friday Fun Night . Frte Methodist Church Sparks Street W. College and West Beaver Ave. Sunday School Sunday Service Young People’s Service 7:00 p.m Sunday Evening Service 7:30 p.m. Prayer Meeting. Wed. 7:30 p.m. KAPPA KAPPA GAMMA PHI GAMMA DELTA PHI KAPPA PSI PHI KAPPA TAU PHI SIGMA DELTA PI KAPPA ALPHA PI KAPPA PHI SIGMA CHI SIGMA NU SIGMA PI TRIANGLE ZETA TAU ALPHA COLLEGIAN Members of the cheering squad and football team followed in seven convertibles. Other cars joined the parade downtown and coeds fell in behind the Blue Band as the parade passed Simmons and McElwain Halls. Music for the Kickoff Dance, which began at 9 p.m., was furn ished by Jack Huber and his or chestra. Mortar Board, senior women’s hat society, sponsored a penny-pitching stand, and Skull and Bones sold soft drinks with proceeds going to the Campus Chest, sponsor of the dance. College Ranks 19th In Master s Conferred The College ranks 19th among colleges and universities of the country in the number of mas ter’s degrees conferred during the academic year ending June 30, 1951. It ranked 30th in the num ber of doctorates conferred. 7:30 p.m. 9:45 a.m. 10:45 a.m. This Messes THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA This month we all celebrate the 500th anniversary of. Gutenberg’s invention of printing with movable type. The first book ever to be printed was the bible. Then it was in Latin. Through the ages God's word has been brought to men in the language of their times. Once in the 16th century the Bible was so scarce and costly that it was chained to a Church pillar but it was open for all to read. This month ONE'MILLION COPIES of the new Revised Standard Version will be published the "Greatest Bible News in 341 years." Get it. Read if. Live by it. Roman Catholic Church Fairmount Ave. and Frasier Si. The Rev. John C. O'Leary Rector and The Rev. Richard Walsh Sunday during regular. College Session 8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 and 12:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. Mass at Schwab Aud. Holy Days 6:30, 7:00, 8:00 a.m. The Presbyterian Church Westminster Foundation Beaver and Frasier*Si. Rev. Andrew E. Newcomer. Jr. Pastor Student Breakfast .... 9:00 a.m. Church Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Monday Church Service, 10:45 Westminster Fellowship 6:3.0 p.m. Evening Church Service 7:30 p.m. Friends Meeting 318 Atherton St. School for Youth'and Adults and Student Discussion 9:30 a.m. Meeting for Worship. 10:45 a.m. Student Meeting e is Brought to You Through the Shabby Suit Hinders Career Of States Lion Penn State’s Lion may appear only at four football games this fall. His suit’s too shabby and he can’t afford a new one. Because of the poor condition of the suit, the Lion may see ac tion only at the Temple, Nebras ka, Penn, and Pitt games, Alex Gregal, who portrays the Lion, said yesterday. If the suit can be repaired and it isn’t used too hard, it may be worn for the remainder of the home games. Despite the poor condition of, the suit last year, a- new suit was not bought this year due to lack of money. Because the Athletic Associa tion cannot finance the purchase of a new suit, it should be a stu dent project to approach the stu dent councils and class finance committees for help in- raising a 7:00 p.m. Macßae ~ <Continued from page o ne) of a thorough investigation at the hearing. , “The new rules that we are kicking about never applied to anybody except Macßae,” Wer ner said. “All the rest of the em ployees signed in May under the old rules, and the last paragraph of the President’s statement as sures us that in, the future the old rules (“preponderance of evi dence against the defendant”) will apply again. Macßae is the one and only victim of this slow and mysterious change in the rules.” fund to buy a new suit, Harold R. Gilbert, graduate manager of athletics, said. Gregal said he hopes a perman ent fund can be established from which money for a new suit may be taken when needed. Otherwise the traditional appearance of the Lion at the football- games may have to be discontinued, he added. The present suit was purchased two years ago for approximately $4OO. It takes about three months to have a new suit made. Rev. Robert H. Eads University Baptist Chonh, Minister to Baptist Students First Church of Christ Scientist 10$ West Bearer Are. Sunday. School Sunday Service 11:00 a.m. Testimonial meeting Wednesday Faith Evangelical and Reformed Chureh College Are. 3c Miles St. The Her. 'Albert Asendori Sunday. School 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship Student Fellowship ... 6:30 p.m. Church of Christ Woodman Hall O. L. Castleberry. Minister Bible Class .... Worship Courtesy of College Organ!: 9:30 a.m. 7:30 p.m. 10:45 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. izations SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER- 20,-1352 Graduates to Meet Wednesday Night Convocation for students and faculty of the ' Graduate, School will be held at 7 p.m. Wednes day in Schwab Auditorium. At 8:15 p.m. meetings will be held for the various school groups. The benediction will be given by the Rev. Luther Harshbarger, College chaplain. A series of short addresses will be given by Adrian O. Morse, provost, Harold K. Schilling, dean of the Graduate School and Woods Thomas, chair man of the temporary organiza tion committee of the Graduate Student Association. Freshmen (Continued from page one) squelched by counselors in the West Dorm area Thursday night. Summoned to dorm windows by bugle taps from Hamilton Hall and firecrackers exploded in the vicinity of McKee Hall, frosh men protested customs and denounced hatmen for almost two hours. St. John's Evangelical United Brethren Church Beaver Ave. and Burrowe* Si. The Rev. Melvin W. Whitmire, Pastor Mornipg Worship and Sunday School 9:30 a,m. Student Fellowship Meeting 6:00 p.m. Vespers 7:30 p.m. Grace Lutheran Church College Ave. and .Atherton' Si. The Rev. John F. Harkins, D.D., Pastor • and The Rev. Edwerth E. Korte Campus Pastor Matins Service 8:15 a.m. Church School 9:30 a.m. The Service 10:45 a.m. Lutheran Student Meeting 6:30 p. m. Vespers B'naFß'rith Hillel Foundation 133 West Bearer Are. Rabbi Benjamin M. Kahn. Director Friday Evening Services 7:30 p.m. Saturday Morning Services 9-12:00 a.m. 51. Paul's Methodist Church and Wesley Foundation College Are. and McAllister The Her. Frank W. Montgomery. Pastor Miss Dorothy Blanchard Program Director Student classes 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship 10:45 a.m. Fellowship Supper and Program . 5:15 - 7:30 p.m. ALPHA EPSILON PI ALPHA GAMMA DELTA ALPHA OMICRON PI ALPHA XI DELTA ALPHA ZETA BEAVER HOUSE BETA THETA PI CHI OMEGA CHI PHI DELTA GAMMA DELTA ZETA KAPPA DELTA RHO .. 7:30 p.m.