The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, May 27, 1952, Image 9

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    1V1A:Y727; - 1652 .
W:Otiio(l:s,. - 4,(:iep, t,
Fiiit'Eka'rti :.'Ordeals'
, •
' • . ': ; By EYVIE KIELAR
Now is the time to prepare your crib notes, for it is the eve of
final eAams, and students - and profs. alike are • about to be ',tried in
the. furnace." • • • '
. Downtown,. students -are buying their bluebooks wholesale and
rubbing 'ellSow,s with Shady individuals who hint of "putting you
in the know. for a price:"
On the Mall one may' glimpse
sorrowful, chuckling students en
route, to a critical interview with
a prof: sorrow speaks for
itself; for even though the weath
er's warm, 'they are in danger of
the draft. They are chuckling only
to- get into practice for the prof's
Dorm Reopening Set.._
Dormitories 'will 'reopen for
the fell semester the afternoon
of Sept. 10,. the Dean of Wo
men's office annduncedyester
. .
Vo!lect courses
To Be Offered ...*
During Summer
Courses for undergraduates and
graduate stUdentS in almost every
field of, study , will be' offered at
the College during one or more of
three summer 'sessions, the first to
begin June 10.
The summer program will be
divided into the inter-session,
June 10 to June 27; the main sum-1
mer session, June 30 to Aug. 9;
and the post-session, Aug. 11 to
Aug. 29.
Advance registration for each
session will be accepted bar mail at
the office of the Director of Sum
mer Sessions, provided the appli
cations are made before the dead
line dates specified by the office.
Otherwise, registration must be
completed on the official regis
tration date, which is the day the
session or special course begins.
Saturday is the deadline for inter
session advance registration; June
21 *tor main session, and Aug. 2
for the post session. •
Two six-week: science sessions
will also be offered. The first of
these sessions will be June 10 to
July 19, and the second from July
21 to Aug. 29. Advance registra
tion will be accepted for the first
science sessions before Saturday,
and by July 12 for the second.
5 NROTC Seniors
Assigned b io Ships
Five of the 32 graduating sen
iors in the Naval Reserve Officers
,Training Ccirps have been assign
ed to ships for the coming sum
mer cruise, it was announced yes
terday by Cdr. R. N. Billings, as
sistant professor, of Naval Science.
John Althouse will report to
San Francisco, • where he
will be' assigned to the USS Vesu
vius. Richard Spriggs will also re
,pott to San Francisco, but he will
be assigned to .the USS Karin. •
George Bevard -and Stanley
Rapp will report to Little Creek,
Va. Bevard will be stationed .on
the USS Rockridge and Rapp will
be stationed on the USS Randall.
John Barron will report to the
USS Noble which is tied up at
San Diego, • Calif:: ' •
Chem-F'llys doses
Blue Book Fiie
•The blue book file of the School
of Chemistry and 'Physics has
been closed because students have
been destroying it by taking parts
or by taking books of tests, accord
ing to Mrs. 'Ralph :U.. Blasingame,
who is in charge of .the physics
reading room. .
She, - said. that o'.if . students,
through 3.1 (I.'e n t governthent,
would Arrange:- 'a,, methodkeeping a file,-assistance be
given Ahem
. ,
F or that `special' date , in,ly'ew YOrk
.. . ;
• we invite you_to spend:an evening with : *.cit the
__._. •
..,.. . We'll be there June 2nd through 29th
• . '• .
• '.... •
Rosalind Patton,: Danny Riccardo
'l• , • 'I and all . the boys .in the
At night these demented beings
roam the corridors and, in some
cases, even • underground steam
pipes,, Perhaps they search for
light to throw on notes taken
when they- were not illustrating
the profs. profile. But there is no
light. It rains.
• Some of the craftier ones have
made across index, of three other
person's notes. , You can get sport
ing odds from their roommates
that said this exam .will be based
on the book. .
If one were to ask "What do you
want to get out of college, any
way?" sober citizens of this•quaint
hamlet would wait an impressive
moment, jab you with their little
finger, and boom, "Why, the pur
suit of knowledge, dolt!"
Not-so-sober co-travelers in this
vale of tears would smile dazz
lingly, and with an earthshaking
groan, answer, "Guess!"
Hopelessly then, the student
goes to the final. He resists taking
40 aspirins or the early milk train
to Reading. Perhaps he will take
a little something from his room
mate's private stock, but that's
only to keep awake. He doesn't
have to build up his nerve, not he.
The student, in black despair,
has weighed the advantages of a
hitch in the Coast Guard with
every moment he has been pre
paring for the final—and he has
been up all night.
But he goes to the final. This
simple fact shows just how deep
and abiding is our faith in miracles.
Strait Receives
$250 Award
Roger H. Strait, fourth semes
ter student in agricultural edu
cation, has been chosen as one of
eight regional winners of Sears
Roebuck Foundation scholarships.
'Dr. Russell B. Dickerson, vice
dean of the School of Agricul
ture, announced the $250 scholar
ship after attending meetings of
the national judges and candi
dates of •the' Foundation earlier
this week:
Strait had previously - %been
awarded one of 12 $2OO Founda
tion • freshnian scholarships and
this year received the $2OO sopho
more scholarship. He is secretary
of the Poultry Club and repre
sents that organization on- the
Agriculture , Student Council. •
Arnold Elected .
David Arnold, .fourth semester
student in civil' engineering, has
been elected president, of'.Druids,
sophomdre - men's';hat 'society.
WRA Clothing Drive
To Run Until June 6
• The Women's Recreation As
sociation clothing drive, which'
started Sunday, • will continue
until June 6, according to Gwen.
Griffith, drive chairman.
Any type. of clothing:may be
placed in the boxes located out
side. the hostesses' offices
,iii all
women's dormiteries,The,cloth
ing will be .sent yo,Koreart war
orphans:- '- • `:.
Delta Sitr..Queen
. •
,Nancy ,Broscious, this year's
Delta Sigma Phi Sweetheart, was
Crowned at the chapter's annual
Carnation Ball. She was presented
with a cup• by-the, president of the
hoyie, Jack Brougher, rand a •bou , ,
quet of roses by-her escort, Wesley
~~~ ..
institute Offers
15 Fellowships
Fifteen two-year fellowships .
at the Institute of Gas Technol
ogy affiliated with the Illinois In
stitute of. Technology, Chicago,•
are being offered to seniors and
graduates in chemistry,• chemical
engineering, mechanical' en gi 7
neering, physics, petroleum engi
neering, and related. fields. •
These fellowships are available
for the training of . men interested
in securing positions in the field
of utility gas. -
Applicants must be American
citizens, in good health, • and
under 28 years of age. Applica
tion forms and further informa
tion may be secured from depart-,
ment heads or by writing to the
Dean of Students, Institute•of Gas
Technology, Technology Center,
Chicago 16, 111.
A fellowship to a student work
ing on his master's degree is cur
rently worth $4OOO plus summer
earnings in the gas industry. If
he continues and .works for his
doctorate, the value of the fel
lowship is increased to $5700. •
Speech Honorary
Initiates Ten
debate and public speaking hon
orary, at ceremonies Sunday.
Those initiated were Robert
Alderdice, John • Baron, Joan
Dobson, Thomas Durek, Peggy
Fahringer, Mar' Jane Kelly,
Eugene Kolber, Constance Kat
lavage, Nancy Nelsen, and Mark
Mary. Jane Kelly was elected
president and Nancy Nelson was
named secretary, at the meeting.
"Volcanic ash sometimes : f a 1 l
with the condensed steam from a
volcano to make "mud rain."
and Baron \on Steuben.
—the Absolutel y Unifoirri•
1111AbtiolUte uniformity means drawings without
"weak spots;'—clean;: legible detail. Famous
for ih, li -wearlr
L.-o , G~c~~. r
. , ,
Alpha, Epsilon -Pi •
••'•Alpha EpSilon recently .in-,
.itiated Sidney Coheni
'sett, .I•lernianKaufinah, Lawrence.
'Klevaiis and Tredri4:Marks.•
,• Sulian :Gordan and Irving Sus
son received :the: outstanding
-graduating brothers award: •.:
,College in" 1951.
Phi. Sigma Sigina. •
Phi Sigma -Sigm&;- held ..its
annual senior bpnch. - • at 'lO a.m.
Sunday, •the' . Allenest Tea
, . ,
The .eleven seniors hOtioreci are:
Mrs. '.Ralph Brand; Ellen -Fried.:
man ; R e gin a • Friedman, Betty
Koplovitz; Shirley Nast, Myrna
Newman;. Mrs. Marvin. Riesen-.
bach,s,Marjorie •SamuelS, S - aILY
Shapiro„ Jean Shtaget,land: Har
riet Stiefel. ". • •
• •
The: senior gift to . ,.the sorority,
the pledge - gift to the, - sokority,
the big-little sister gifts, :and the
sorority gifts• -to: the,. seniors
were presented • at.• the
Each. '-senior ••also .reeeiyed an rose;: the flower
of : the sorority.
. .
Al,p - XL-Delta- , . . •
Delta' held it.'s 'anima
'Rose Danee in hon6r of the pledges
Satuiday,night at Tani Kappa Ep
silon. The
,model• pledge cup was
awarded to Judith
• • Initiation,..w as held . 'Sund ay
Morning_ NO initiates '•afe Joan
Freyler;Elizabeth GeOrge,;AUdrey
Killinger, Miss, Kinzel, - Aacqueline-
Mitchell, Mary JO- ItY•erson, and
Betty. Lou "Yarnell. -Sunday. the
sisters • and neW.. initiates • attended
a breakfast given;by the,alumnae.
That afternoon a picnic .vas held
for the 'sisters anct their' 'dates,
Kappa Alpha Theta
KaPp a' Alpha. Theta has-initiated'
Henriettalderfer, Patricia
bert, Helen Grotyoliann„ Patricia
McMullen, Barbara' PattcM, - ,NancY:
`Scofield, •Dorothy Sivanson, .Betty
Smucker,.and Barbara,W.allace.
' Sunday evening th.e - sotority had , "
its annual , Senior Bantinet , ;at the'
State College Hotel :in honor: of its
graduating seniors.?Eritertainment
was supplied 'bk ieach class, and
honors - were: given ;to':: - the • out
standing senior, .the '-outstanding
pledge, and :to the Pledge with the
highest average during the' first
semester. . . • •
Sigma Delta Tau
Sigma Delta Tau held abrunch
in honor of the new initiates' Sun-,
day in the Simmons" Hall 'recrea
tion room. At that :time :Sylvia
Davis was awarded the; model
pledge cup. • '
Gifts were -presented to girls
who were recently engaged: Laryn
Sax, Marilyn Cohn, Marilyn Ju
man, and Marlene, Garson.
Sigma Pi
Joyce Gardiner was crowned
Orchid Lady at the annual Orchid
Dance at Sigma Pi. She Was pre-;
sented with a gold cup at-a dance
held during Spring Weekend.
The fraternity recently pledged
William Chestnutt, Edwin Holt,
Lewis Landon, and William Wahl.
Delta Delta Delta
- Jane tfft, sixth semester home
economics major, was presented a
scholastic scholarship, by Delta.
Delta Delta at a. meeting this
' The sorority held its annual
Panty Breakfast honoring gradu
ating seniors Sunday at the Centre
Hills Country Club. Nancy Cox,
: historian; read an, account of the
year's •events • and 'Constance Mel
mernber.of the sorority,•read
luirnbrolis verses about each sen
'Beta Sigma Omicron
Beta Sigma Omicron initiated
Marjorie. Boyd, Janet Campbell,
Grace Davis, and Joanne Low
Sunday morning.
Miss Boyd- was presented the
cup . for
..b ein g , the , outstanding
pledge at.a dinner in honor 'of the
pledges, held, at the Tavern earlier
ifi the '
Bernice Yerkes was elected so
cial chairman, and Miss Boyd,
suite 'manager. " - •
;Norma Zehner, president, and
Miss Campbell will represent the
sorority .at 'the national conven
tibn thiS summer.
Seriiors Featured
In. LAAngiei
Nine senior personalities will
be , :featured in the LA Angles
which..will 'be distributed Thurs
day in' . -the • lobby of Sparks and
at the .Student Union Desk in Old
Main, according to William Slepin,
- editor: -: •
Piiblished by the Liberal Arts
Student Council, the eight-page
issue include' columns by
President Milton S. -Eisenhower
and Ben - Etiwema, - dean of _ the
School 'of Liberal .Arts.' •
. The' -LA,.-Angles personalities
are Carolyn. AlleY, Carolyn Bar
rett;' Patricia Bowles, Robert Fras
er,. • Kolasinski, Fr ank
Lewis , Mciylan Mills; Robert VoS
bUrgi and Peter. Whelan.
- The first in a series explaining
honor societies in- the •Liberal Arts
i r school will feature Sigma Delta
national - men's - professional
journalism society, and Alpha Del
ta Sigma, professional advertising
. A cartoon by Moylan Mills will
be - published, along with stories
on-the Radio Guild; the National
Student Aisociation, and the
names - of the council members.
• :'Besides Slepin, members of the
staff include: Alexander Ayers,
.Leonard Goodman, Lenore Ka
hahowitz, and Eliza Newell.
PSC - Elects Mutchler
David Mutchler, •chairman of
Tribunal, has received the award
fora the most outstanding inde
pendent senior man given each
year by - the Penn State Club.
for graduation announcements
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