The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, May 17, 1952, Image 8
PAGE EIGHT Fall Counselors To Be Chosen The orientation counselor's com mittee will meet at 4 p.m. Mon day in the Dean of Men's office, 109 - Old• Main. to complete the selection of Orientation Week counselors for. the fall semester. Those selected to be counselors will be attend a meet ing at 7 p.m. Thursday in 121 Sparks. Students selected will be notified by mail. At the meeting in Sparks, the counselors will be informed of their duties and will be given prepared information pertaining to the positions. Chapel Fund -- (Continued from page two) ter at the College is one of the proposed cam p u s projects. It would mean constructing a build ing or renting a house where for eign students at the College could live - together. The funds could also be used for a center for ac tivities fostering understanding between foreign students and American students with a plan ned program of social functions, lectures, and discussions. A Chapel on the campus could be constructed fo r individual meditation, the use of sina 11 groups for services or worship, weddings and funerals, and meet ings of religious organizations. It would be all-faith in nature and have a seating capacity of 75 to 100 with a meeting room and chaplain office. Other contribu tions would be sought, but con struction would not be possible until reasonable fund has ac cumulated. A scholarship for a foreign stu dent would amount to $lOOO to cover - room, board, fees, and books for -.the student. Projects that would bring a student from one of the previously mentioned insti tutions for a year of study might be considered. With an additional allotment of money, travelling expenses could also be covered. Journalism Group Elects Gromiller -James Gromiller was elected president of Sigma Delta Chi, na tional professional j our n alistic fraternity recently. Other officers elected for the coming year are Andrew McNeil lie, vice president; Ted Soens, treasurer; and Charles Hender son, secretary. Prof. Franklin C. Banner, head of the Department of Journalism, presented Sigma Delta Chi awards for high scholarship in journalism to Paul Beighley, Ronald Bonn, Marvin Krasnansky, Leonard Kolasinski, and Moylan Mills. Penn State Players Will Hold Picnic The Penn State Players will hold their annual picnic May 25 immediately following initiation of -new members at 12:30 p.m. on the second floor of Old Main. The picnic will be held at Poe Paddy and all Players planning to attend must Sign up in the Green Room by Tuesday, Betty Lou Morgan, president, said. Those who will be able to sup ply transportation are asked to give notice at the same time, Miss Morgan added. Friends to Hear Smith Warren Smith, assistant profes sor of dramatics, will discuss dra ma and its relation to other fields of human interest at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow at the Friends Meet ing ,House. The group will de cide opi some activity in place of the originally scheduled cabin party. Faculty Club to Meet The Faculty Luncheon C 1 u b will meet at noon Monday at the Hotel State College to hear Dr. Bruce V. Moore, professor and head of the Department of Psy chology, speak on "New Fron tiers in Psychology." AIM to Hold Dance The Association of Independent Men will hold its annual Spring Week dance tonight in the West Dorm lounge. Jim Erbe and his orchestra will play for the open dance, which will be held from 9 • .m. to midnight. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE C 4 -sZTAGE PENNSYLVANIA Hoppin' From House to H SIGMA CHI Sweetheart Dance 100th ANNIVERSARY _ PHI KAPPA PSI. Saturday Afternoon PICNIC at Spruce Creek Saturday Night HOUSE PARTY s, ALPHA SIGMA PHI CLUB TOP DELTA TAU DELTA " AND CHI PHI ' Invite You To Attend Their ORIENTAL GARDEN DANCE LEE VINCENT'S ORCHESTRA Formal 9 - 12 Open Bid VISIT THE "BOWERY BALL" AT PHI DELTA THETA WELCOME ALPHA EPSILON Pi's BYE-NIGHT Venez-vous s a la fete Try it the French way at the PiKA's - sizzling • • "Cafe Marseilles Presents Its Annual Presents Its Annual 9. 1 " HAT WELCOME TO THE GRAND . ' REOPENING OF HOTEL SIGALPHIA at SIGMA ALPHA - EPSILON BEAVER HOUSE Welcomes You To Its "PIRATE DANCE" PHI SIGMA KAPPA sponsors A FORMAL GARDEN PARTY in honor of their pledgeS •on Saturday MUSIC BY AL GLOU SWAY IN THE BREEZE WITH THE Z Br s • OPEN HOUSE PARTY - SATURDAY SIGMA ALPHA MU "TUM AS A Tor Dancing 9-12 PLATER CAMPBELL & HIS ORCHESTRA Swing and Sway in the Hawaiian Way at BETA SIGMA RHO's HAWAIIAN ISLAND PARTY FORMAL DINNER DANCE SIGMA PHI EPSILON PRES . ENTS "MOONSHINEWS BALL" .. - DANCING FROW,TEN . , . . SATURDAY,;- MAY' ;17: ouse 9-12 presents