PAGE ,EIGHT COME TO CHURCH Three great words have been woven into the fabric of our culture: equality, justice and fraternity. Past generations have emphasized equality and justice. The present generation faces the question of fraternity. Never before have circumstances forced men into such close proximity. The far-away relative is now the next-door neighbor. But Proximity does not create fraternity. Two people living in, the same family often find, a lack of the fraternal spirit. Two towns in the same county often are bitter antagonists. Two countries of the same continent often are cruel enemies. While equality and justice can be described in intellectual terms, fraternity is a.term of the heart. Fraternity is'a gift of God. Though man may create the fraternal spirit through a commonality of experience, he soon discovers that there is an exclusiveness about such a fraternity. This exclusiveness becomes a cruel weapon when, through prestige and authority, a spirit of intolerance is created that may become a weapon of destruction for all mankind. Religion has not always been a reliable source of truth. Most of the world's great religions have been based upon a philosophy of exclusive fraternalism. Originating from the' decisions of men, these religions "draw the circle premature" and shut out the rest of the world. The peculiar genius of Christianity in its New Testament sense is its inclusiveness. "For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son that whosoever..." The Christian concept is that the fraternity of men College Chapel Schwab Auditorium March 30, 1952 Speaker: President Milton S. Eisenhower Topic: SPIRITUAL SECURITY Anthem: 4 0 Heart Subdued with Grieving' —Brahms ' Chapel Choir St. Andrew's Episcopal Church Foster AWN and Frasier St. The Rev. John N. Peabody, Rector Holy Communion every Sunday 7:45 a.m. Also First Sunday 10:45 a.m. Sunday Church School 10:45 a.m. Morning Prayer,and Sermon 10:45 a.m. Choral - Evensong-5:00 P.M. Canterbury Club 6:30 P. M University Baptist Church Nitteny Ave. and Burrowes St. The Rev. Robert H. Eads, Pastor Church School College Class 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship .... 10:45 a.m. Roger Williams Fellowship . . . 5:00 p.m. Free Methodizt Church Sparks Street W. College and West Beaver Sunday School Sunday. Service Young People's Service 7:00 p.m. Sunday Evening Service 7:30 p.m. Prayer Meeting, Wed. 7:30 p.m. ACACIA ALPHA CHI OMEGA ALPHA CHI RHO ALPHA CHI SIGMA ALPHA EPSILON PHI ALPHA EPSILON P 1 ALPHA 'GAMMA DELTA ALPHA GAMMA RHO ALPHA OMICRON PI ALPHA PHI ALPHA ALPHA PHI DELTA ALPHA SIGMA PHI ALPHA TAU OMEGA ALPHA XI DELTA ALPHA ZETA BETA SIGMA OMICRON BETA SIGMA RHO ,' BETA THETA PI CHI OMEGA CHI PHI DELTA CHI DELTA DELTA DELTA DELTA GAMMA This Message is Brought to You Through the Courtesy 'of Panhellenic Council- and `.;lnterfraternity ...Councid 9:45 a.m . 10:45 a.m. THE DAILY COT,LEGIAN: STA'T'E ,7~EGE PENNSYLVANIA does not spring from the hearts of men. It begins with the initiative of God.,. As He draws men together, it does not grant such a fra ternity a place of privilege but a place of responsibility. One of -the greatest challenges before men today is to cre ate through love of God a fraternity of men that will draw all man kind together at the feet of God. Then, and only then, as the prophet, Micah, said, " ... shall they beat their swords into plough shares and their spears into pruninghooks." Only such a fraternity of men with God can overcome the perverted, the cruel, the in human fraternities of men that today are endeavoring to blot out the image of God from the hearts of men. Roman Catholic Fairmount Ave. and Frazier St. The Rev. John C. O'Leary Rector and The Rey. Richard Walsh Sunday during regular College Session 8:00, 9:00, 10:00 and , 11:00 a.m.-9:00 a.m. Mass at Schwab Auditorium. Holy Days 6:30, 7:00, 8:00 a.m The Presbyterian Church Westminster Foundation Beaver' and Frazier Rev.. Andrew E. Newcomer. Jr. Pastor and The:Rev."Donale W. Carruthers, Director Church' Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Morning Church Service .1.0:45' a.m.. Wesimin - ster'Fllowhip 6:30 p.m. Evening Church Service 7:30 p.m Friends Meeting 318 Atherton St. School for Youth and Adults and Student Discussion 9:30 a.m. Meeting for Worship.- 10:45 a.m Student Meeting . 7:00 p.m DELTA SIGMA PHI DELTA TAU DELTA DELTA THETA SIGMA DELTA UPSILON DELTA' ZETA GAMMA PHI BETA" - KAPPA ALPHA THETA KAPPA DELTA KAPPA DELTA. RHO KAPPA KAPPA GAMMA KAPPA SIGMA Andrew E. Newcomer, Jr The Presbyterian Church First Church-of Christ 'Scientist IRS West Beaver Ave. Sunday SchnOl Sunday Service 0 11:00 a.m. Testimonial meeting Wednesday Faith Evangelical and Reformed Church College Ave. & Mies St. The Rev. Albert Asendort and Then Rev. Richard Goodling Sunday _ School 9:30 a.m Sunday Service 10:45 a.m Student Fellowship ... 6:30 p.m Church of Christ Woodman Hall 0. L. Castleberry, Minister Bible Class Worship -.. LAMBDA CHI ALPHA OMEGA PSI PHI PHI DELTA THETA PHI EPSILON PI PHI' GAMMA DELTA PHI KAPPA PHI KAPPA PSI PHI KAPPA SIGMA PHI MU , PHI- SIGMA DELTA 9:30 a.m 7:30 p.m 10:00 a.m 11:00 am -SATURDAY, ' MARCH .'•29;1952 St. John's Evangelical United Brethren Church Beaver Ave. and Burrower St. The Rey. James P. Reed. Pastor Morning Worship and Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Student Fellowship Meeting 6:15 p.m. Vespers 7:30 p.m. Grace Lutheran Church College Ave, and Atherton St. The Rev. John F. Harkins, D.D., Pastor • and The Rev. Edwerth E. Korte Campus Pastor Matins Service 8:15 a.m. Church School .. .... 9:30 a.m. The Service 10:45 a.m. Lutheran Student Meeting 6:30 D. m. Vespers Sinai B'rith Hillel Foundation 133 West Beaver Ave. Rabbi Benjamin M. Kahn, Director Friday Evening Services -8 p.m Saturday Morning Services 10 a.m. Si. Paul's Methodist,. Church and Wesley Foundation College Ave. and McAllister The Rev. Frank W. Montgomery, Pastor Mrs. Dorothy G. Anderson Program Director, Student classes 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship 10:45 a.m. Fellowship Supper- and Program 5:15 - 7:30 p.m. PHI KAPPA TAU, • PHI' SIGMA KAPPA PHI SIGMA• SIGMA PHI KAPPA. ALPHA P 1 KAPPA PHI PI LAMBDA PHI SIGMA ALPHA EPSILON SIGMA ALPHA MU SIGMA CHI SIGMA DELTA TAU SIGMA NU ' SIGMA PHI *PHA SIGMA PHI EPSILON- SIGMA PHI SIGMA SIGMA PI - TAU KAPPA EPSILON TAU PHI DELTA . THETA CHI THETA KAPPA PHI THETA PHI ALPHA THETA XI - • TRIANGLE ZETA BETA -TAU ZETA TAU ALPHA • 7:30 p.m
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