The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, March 18, 1952, Image 8
PAGE EIGHT New Program On WMAJ Starts Tonight Beginning at 9:15 tonight, WMA,T will present each Tuesday a 15-minute program entitled "More Ini!eimation Please." The purpose of the program is to gel. behind the headlines, and to bring about the realization of the signifigance in certain pat terns in the news. The program also hopes to clarify various underlying facets according to David Mackey, assistant professor of Spee s ch at the College, and one of nine on a committee which will meet weekly to decide the sub ject of the programs. On tonight's presentation Leon Roudiez, instructor of Romance languages, will be interviewed by Mackey. The subject of the pro gram will be the apparent defec tion of some of Gen. Charles De- Gaulle's deputies in the National Assembly of, France. Tied in with the discussion will be the ;question of German rearmament and French participation in the North Atlantic Tr eat y Organization. which later may lead to a mile stone in French politics. Army ROTC Riflemen The Penn State Army ROTC rifle team defeated the Gettys burg Arm y ROTC rifle squad 1373-1288 in a shoulder-to-shoul der match at Gettysburg Satur day. AT MARYLANII ---,,,.. , ;:-. ,, ,0, ,, .., - J.: - • ---- _ _.__ • 1 ' '.. - ':',._ : .... : •,../...: ,. .... - - i.... -- , s CHESTERf IELDS::•grea.-..much...M and give you the ADDED PROTECTION o 1 ' ' Na UNPLEASANTAFTER4AsrE*' THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE -Ct.e.;:EGE PENNSYLVANIA Thomas (Continued. tram nage one) expression of "bliss and suffering forever shared and fOrever all your own," Thomas said.: He chose not to speak of trends or to develop an over-all picture of modern poetry, since this is impossible because "only posterity can see; the picture as a whole, and posterity will have to look out for itself," he said. Thomas spoke of the ordinari ness of the lives of most poets, and the refusal of the public to believe that a poet can lead a life no different from that of any other person. Of his poems, and any other poems: "They are what they mean." Camp Counselor Positions Available Experienced counsellors for day camps located in South Philadel phia are needed for an eight week period beginning June 27 and ending August 22. This includes a training period. Salaries range from $lOO to $4OO, depending on the age, back ground and experience of the ap plicant. Anyone who is 17 years old or over may apply for these sobs, Applicants can write for more information to Julian L. Greifer, executive director, Neighborhood Center, 422-28 Bainbridge street, Philadelphia 47. Varoitp tr*tai . * Cliestexciela , • oeo */,e/PArfo, aloe} 4/, 2 Al Sp SWOT) . „ pßor ► IBTOR REPOR 'Peg Show Runs Today, TomorrovV - "Peg 0' My Heart," by 'Hart ley Manners, will be presented at 7:30 tonight and tomorrow night in the Little Theater, basement of Old- . Main, as Carl Wagner's master's" thesis . .oroduction. ,Wag ner, a graduate student in arts and letters, is director of the play. A limited number of free tick ets are available. They .may be picked up from Jean Martin, sec retary in th e dramatics office, Schwab Auditorium. The cast includes Ruth Devlin, Dennis Sherk, Prim Diefenderfer, Charles Schulte, K a e y e Vinson, Louis Savitch, Connie Melvin, Gordon Greer, and Sidney Archer. Unions (Continued from page •one) known whether they would all support the union in a work stop page• ' ~The effect of a work stoppage among service employees is also open to speculation. The College refuses, to discuss the question, but it is known that the union haS a rather heavy hold over employees in the power plant and dining commons. The union will meet Wednesday night' in the Moose Hall to act on its motion of two weeks ago call ing for the special meeting at this time "to set a date for a work stoppage." OF , A WELL' = KNOWN 'RES E ARCH 'OR'QAMIZATION Customs -- , (Continued froninage one) 'member of the newly formed 'freshman customs board. , ,As. recommendations o utsi de 'the proposal, council is suggest ing that customs last • only two weeks and that joint meetirliS of freshman 'inert' and women be held to learn songs and cheers. In answer to the objections that CLASSIFIEDS LOST LADY ELGIN watch between West Irvin Avenue and Atherton Wednesday. Yf found please call 144 Atherton. Reward. GLASSES. GRAY frames, ,in blue case. Lost Friday on As Hill. Call 107 Ath erton. DEITZGEN SLIDE Rule, black case: Ie ters inside case. Contact Tom La Venda, ext. 292. Reward. MORTAR BOARD pin, finder please call 23 IVleßlwain. No. 11.2 , GRANGE KEY attached on chain to metallic pencil, between Grange and McAllister. Reward at Student Union. FOR RENT MALE GRAD assistant has 3 rooms, all conveniences, bohemian apartment to share. No restrictions what-so-ever. Call 3086 bet Ween 6 and 7 p.m. FIRST FLOOR room with bath and outside entrance in private residence. •Available to one student in exchange for twelve hours work per week. Apply in person after 6:00 p.m. at 740 W. Fairmount Ave. ROOM & BOARD ROOM and BOARD at Marilyn' Hall. $l6 per week. Ask for Mrs. Elleard at 317 E. Beaver Ave. ..,_...,„,,.,.,,.,.....: :Mll.!'.iit 0r 1iy..:, ; ... 1.1, ... -...:-. ::::,,,..: ... >r•. : le. the joint , bOard would'fike-lWay some of the power from: - WSGA, Janice Holm, council member, said: "We are all Penn StaterS '"and working on customs jointly will give freshmen a • feeling—of By working;'w it h • the men, we , can help with 'their en forcement of customs,withoutlos ing anything ourselves. Two weeks of cooperating withthe men will not ruin our govern ment." /F YOUR typewriter needs repairer just call 2492 or 'bring machine to 633 W. College Ave. Mr. Beattie,' 23 years' ex perience is at your service. KEEP YOUR trailer' snug and warm with a Coleman oil heater. Fuel-air - control saves up to 25% on fuel; low draft burner. oversize heat exchanger, new functional air flow design. See it soon at Bouts. 0. W. Bouts & Son, Inc., 13. Buckhout, State College; 6703. SPANISH LESSONS at your convenience. Monday through Friday. $1.50 per hour. Phone 7910, 5:30-8:20 p.m. RIDERS TO Raleigh to NCAA - games; Leaving Thursday late or Friday very early. Phone 7965. , DRUMMER FOR Thespian show. See Jack Longnecker between 8-9 p.m., Tuesday March 18 at Schwab Aud. 1948 CHEVROLET sedan. Good condition Cali 6455 between 6 &;' 7 p.m. LIGHT GRAY: - double-breasted , suit, size 44, $24. Size 10 1 / 2 E loafers,• $3.50. Call Pat, 7150. moo:ars mus 7 01ACCO Ca g;_ „ T - :„ ~ , 1 << ^•':•t;::cr TUESDAY, " MISCELLANEOUS WANTED FOR SALE ~_: