The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, March 05, 1952, Image 3

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    IVOI4EBDAY, , IVIARCH 5, .1.95 z"
House Votes to Shelve UMT Bill, 236-162
Bill Not Likely
To.Be PaOW:
This,Yeigil - ...
WASHINGTON,' March 4-41)).
House voted 236 to 162
tonight to send the administra
tion -backed Universal a r
Training bill back to committee
just about wiping out. any chance
that the hotly controversial meas
ure can be passed this pyear.
Chairinan. Vinson (p-Ga) of the
Armed Services Committee told re
porters after the administration
"I'm not going to call up any
more UNIT legislation at this ses
Truman si ll
The bill would have made• able
bodied youths liable to six months
of military training' as - soon 'as'
they reached the age of 18. In
addition, it would have kept them
in the re,serves, and subject to
recall, for seven and one-half
years after their training was
President Truman and most
military leaders, including Gen.
Dwight D. Eisenhower, endorsed
the bill. A number of church,
farm, educational and " other or
ganizations waged a strong cam,
paign against it.
Probably Killed
Today's final vote came after
six bows of often stormy debate
and complex parliamentary man
While the House Armed Serv
ices committee still can bring the
measure to the floor for another
vote at this session, administra
tion leaders conceded in advance
that a vote to recommit would
probably kill the kill for the
remainder of this year and per,
haps for several years to come.
Today's vote likewise was ex
pected to sidetrack Senate con
sideration of similar ulyiT legis
sVoting to send the House bill
back to committee Were 155 Re
publicans an d 81 Democrats.
Against the motion wer e 131
Democrats, 30 Republicans and
one independent. '
UN to Get Dominican
Complaint on Red Subs
CrUDAD TRUJILLO, Dominican Republic, March 4—(4 3 )—The
Dominican Republic's secretary of war said today his country will
complain to the UN Security Council that 'Russian submarines have
violated Dominican territorial waters.
Gen, }lector Trujillo Molina said the move in the' UN will be
made "after conclusion of th,e official investigation into the presence
of the (Russian) submarines in
Dominican territorial waters with,
out prior permission"
The Dominican government an
nounced. yesterday that five Rus
sian submarines had been sighted
in Dominican watera and at a
point 80 miles from Mayaguez,
Puerto Rico.
The ,subs 'caused "alarm 'and
restlessness,' in the Dominican
Reptibiic, Trujillo Paid,
I Washington; the U.S., Navy
ottangqd ita earlier attitude which
discounted the stor y and an
nounced that Rear Adrp, Marshall
only the SYCAMORE FAMILY would
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The World
At a Glance
Italian Reds -
" ROME, March 4 —(R)-- 2 Italy's
Communist party said today it
will ask Parliament to nationalize
the, power and steel inchistry. The
.4pdp will also propose free medi
cal service and a government
home building ,program to pro
vide three Million rooms.
Crash Report
NICE, France, March 4—(JP)—
Official investigators said today
in a preliminary report that me
chanical failures appear to have
caused the crash of an Air France
plane yesterday in which 37 of
the 38 persons aboard were killed.
Try& Warfare
GREF i IsISBURG, Pa., March 4
(/P) Declaring "t hese over
weight trucks are getting out of
hand," a State Police captain to
day warred qn overloads with a
record-breaking•l,s34 arrests in a
one-week period.
Moran Sentenced
NMI! YORK, March 4 (R)
James J. Moran, who flourished
as a shakedown artist during ex-
Mayor William Oljwyer's Demo
gratic regime drew 4 1 / 4 to 28
Y : ears in prison today for extor
tion and conspiracy.
Brazilian Wreck
March 4—P)-4 freak. train
wreck on a bridge over the
flooded Pavuna River killed 100
persons and injured about 200
As two-electric trains approactieci
at 50 miles an hour frc,im - opposite
ends of the bridge, three wooden
coaches of one train derailed,
swung acra,ss the tracks of the
other and were sheared into kind
ling wood.
The wreck was the worst train
disaster in Brazil's history.
R. Grier, commander of the Carib
bean sea frontier, has been asked
to investigate and report.
Th e mysterious submarines
were reported around Saroana
Bay on the northeast rim of the
Dominican Republic.
The U,S. Atlantic Fleet is con
ductihg an exercise in Caribbean
waters and there were suggestions
that a recent Navy announcement
of tests on a new type of "killer
submarine" might hold the key
to the identity' of the submarines
reported sighted,
ens for
weights or
le their "blintzes"
ooked by a Grand
ttempts Cabinet
to form a new cabinet to get
France out of its political and
financial jarfl. Pinay was Trans,
ports • Minister in the outgoing
cabinet of Edgar Faure. (AP
Court to Decide
If MacArthur
May Drop Name
The Dauphin County court was
asked today to decide whether
Gen. ID ou g l ais MacArthur can
legally withdraw his name from
Pennsylvania's presidential pref
erence primary.
Judge Karl E. Richards prom
ised a speedy decision, probably
tgmorrow, aft e r hearing argu ,
merit on the question by a group
of 144cArthur's supporters and a
deputy attorney general,
A fighters-for -MacArthur
group, headed by John G. Davis,
Yeadon, en t e - r e d MacArthur's
name in the April 22 primary
without• his consent. The State
Election Bureau later dropped
the name from the ballot at the
general's personal request.
Death Toll Light in Earthquake
TOKYO, Wednesday, March 5
(in --$ 1 - 4 o w and bit ter cold
heaped misery on homeless thou
sands in Northern. Japan Tues
day night and early today in the
wake of one of the heaviest earth
quakes of the twentieth century.
Despite / a terrifying pattern of
huge tidal iw av e s,. collapsing
homes, derailed trains, .great earth
cracks, and swamped fishing vil
lages, it. appeared the death toll
would be amazingly light.
The latest official IJ,S. Army
estimate of dead stood at $1 Jap
anese. Twenty dead and 17Q in
jured were reported by Japanese
police. There were no American
The - almost complete collapse
of communications jn the hardest
hit areas some 550 miles north of
Tokyo delayed an accurate count
. .
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Iron Curtain Nations
Sent Truman Plea
WASHINGTON, March 4—(N)—President Truman broadcast a
fervent peace plea today to the hundreds of millions who live under
Communist rule.
In an nrip'recendented address from the deck of the Voice of
America's new floating radio transmitter, the President aimed over
Reds Insist
50,000 PW's
'Do Not Exist'
MUNSAN, Wednesday, March
S—(IP) Communist truce nego
tiators insisted Tuesday that 50,-
000 unaccounted for South Ko
rean prisoners "do not exist" but
Red propaganda loudspeakers on
the front lines flatly contradicted
Between artillery barrages, the
Red loudspeakers boasted that
captured South Korean tropes
now were fighting against the
United Nations and blared this in,
vitation to other Republican
troops: "Come to us."
The UN command again de,
manded the Communist supply
data on the missing 50,000 South
ern Korean troops an d include
them in any prisoner exchange.
No progress was, made Tues
day, The Reds refused to give up
their insistence on. Russia as a
neutral truce inspector,
The Allies were equally firm
in insisting on voluntary repat
riation of war prisoners and said
they would not send hal* to the
Reds any prisoners_ who did ,not
wish to go.
Dean's Coffee Hour
The honorary and professional
organizations on campus will be
represented at the Dean of Men's
Coffee Hour at 4:30 p.m. today
in 109 Old Main, Thirty of the
§5 persons invited are representa
tives of those organizations,
of dead, injured and missing,
Ilawever, the area is relatively
lightly populated, citizens are
wise to the ways of earthquakes.
And a warning service spread the
tidal wave/alarm. Most Japanese
along the Coast took to their heels
at the first violent shock Tues
day morning, believing that tidal
waves sopn would come sweeping
in. They were right.
In fact, waveslo feet high still
were sweeping in this morning
along the Southeast coast of liok
itaido at 15-minute intervals, caus
ing more destruction.
Two U.S. divisions are on duty
in the stricken area, but Army
officials paid no soldier wap in
jured. The 24th Division is on
Northern Honshu, Japan's main
ipland, The U.S. First Cavalry
the heads of the men in the Krem
lin this message to the common
people under their domination:
"We are your friends. There
are no differences between us
that cannot be settled if your
rulers turn from their senseless
policy of hate and terror, and fol
low the principles of peace."
46 Languages Broadcast
He added: "We know that if
you were free to say what you
really believe, you would Join
us to banish the tear of war, and
bring peace to the earth."
Powerful transmitters beamed
the President's words in 46 lan
guages toward most nations of
the earth. But in many countries,
lied engineers were prepared to
"jam" the broadcasts and pre
vent his message from reaching
many of those to whom it was
150,000-Watt Statiqn
That's a situation which th e
"Courier," from whose mist-cov
ered deck Truman spoke, is in
tended to correct.
"It's a Coast Guard cutter,
smaller than a destroyer, whidh
has been turned into a roving 150,-
000-watt broadcasting station cap
able of cruising near enough to
Russia to hammer its messages
deep into the Soviet heartland.
The "Courier" is three times as
powerful as the largess commer
cial broadcasting stations in this
country, and can be heard over a
1000-mile radius.
The Aeolian' isle alluded to in
the Odyssey has been said to the
island, associated with Roberto
Rosselini, called Stromboli.
Division occupies Hokka i d o,
northernmost island and the hard
@st hit.
Initial reports estimated 1,300
tomes destroyed or badly dam
However, an army spokesman
for the Japan logistical command
disaster center at Sapporo, capi
tal of Hokk.aido, said the quake
"is apparently not a major dis
It did not approach the disas
trous 1923 To ky o earthquake
which cost• 150,000 casualties.
Tokyo itself was not hit by
Tuesday's earthquake.
4TNEL Bikft4yD4oßr
VgRA 1-41. EN
OPEN at 6:20