PAGE EIGHT Frosh Group to Discuss Suggestions for Customs Women Student Government Association Freshman Council passed a motion Sunday night to consider the joint customs board proposal "as well as other recommendations for customs changes, such as strengthening the existing WSGA Freshmen Customs and Regulations Board." ' A committee was appointed council will submit 'to WSGA Senate as its recommendation for changes in the customs program. The committee's report will be submitted to the council for ap proval March 17. Members of the committee are Patricia Ellis, chairman, Barbara Foss, Louise Glud, Nani Ku, and Barbara Pick. The three women serving on the board would be chosen from members of the Freshman Cus toms and Regulations Board by the Judicial chairman, subject to the approval of cabinet. Cabinet to Hear Appeals The board would decide the guilt and punishment of each of fender. If the offense were com mitted by a woman, the chair man of judicial would sit as chair man and if the offender is a man, the Tribunal chairman would of ficiate. All-College Cabinet would be the court of appeals. Miss Ellis said she felt the plan would "unite freshmen as a class for the customs period." Taken Power from WSGA But Patricia Thompson, assis tant to the Dean of Women, com mented that she didn't feel there would be a gain in "spirit" since freshman men were even more apathetic than women during the last customs period. She sug gested that the women might be able to make their own customs program more effective by such activities as "Frosh Day," spon sored this semester by Cwens, sophomore women's honorary. The clause requiring women members to be approved by cab inet "w ou 1 d take away some power from the Women's Stu dent Government Association," Ann Cunningham freshman sena tor, said. She said that she felt since women have hour s, men and women's customs are too differ ent to be handled by a joint board. She suggested finding ways to cooperate with Tribunal on such phases .of customs as the no-dating period and the length of customs, without actually form ing a joint board. Forum -- (Continued from wage one) is actively trying to publicize the Soviet anti-Semetism, but so in fluential are Jewish communists in the Jewish community and press that the truth is being sup pressed." (Closer-Ups, 1949). "America today is made up of minorities all of which have spe cial axes to grind. They are Pol ish, Lithuanian, ' farmer, CIO, AFL, and a certain minority in New York City." (Tulsa Wom en's Republican Club spee c h, 1949). The ADL report states that, "Whenever possible (Close) in corporates thinly veiled attacks against Jews, seldom missing an opportunity to inject a defama tory innuendo or phrase calcu lated to reflect unfavorably upon `minority groups'." Bishop Bernard J. Sheil of Chi cago has hit Close's "Untruthful statements, unjust implications, despicable insinuations, and ut ter intellectual dishonesty." Close has made a radio broadcast pur porting to link Bishop Sheil with communist ideas. Kitzmiller Crowned 'Sweetheart' at Dance • Mary Anne Kitzmiller was crowned Penn State Independent Sweetheart at the Baron's Dance Saturday night at the TUB. About 200 persons attended the dance. which was held from 10p.m. to midnight, with music by James Erb's orchestra. Guild Meeting Changed The general business meeting of the Radio Guild which was scheduled for tonight has been postponed until next Tuesday be cause of sorority rushing, Phyllis Brot- president, announced today. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN STATE P o draw up the proposal which the House Crew Needed For Players' Production Students who wish to work on the house crew for Players' "You Can't Take it With You," to be presented this week. in Schwab Auditorium, may now sign up, John Price, vice-president, said yesterday. Applicants may contact Price by telephoning 3246 or sign up in the Green Room of Schwab Audi torium. CLASSIFIEDS LOST ROOM KEY in brown leather case be tween Simmons and Keeler's. Finder please call 253 Simmons. SILDE RULE in Willard or Eng. A. Call Larry, 5051 Ext. 278. Reward. VICINITY WEDNESDAY Mineral Industries. Blue and, silver Parker '5l. Broken clip. Please return to Student Union. BLACK LEATHER bag in Temporary Building Feb. 29. Contains glasSes which I need. Call Mary Ann, ext. 11 i 7. Reward. RING WITH thin gold band and red set. Lost last semester. Call 252 Mc- Elwain. Reward. FOR SALE HOUSE MANAGERS: Practically new— green !band , dinnerware; stainless steel silverware; electric Coca-Cola cooler; Gris wold french fryer; hot plates, sandwich grills (electric) combination broiler and grill (gas) : 1/3 h.p. compressor; new car bonator; red leather dura-chrome up holstered chairs; water, cocktail, juice glasses; 8' smoke canopy for kitchen waffle iron Selling way below cost "all Wink's Skytop; 6592. HOUSE MANAGERS: Used study room furniture: bureaus. chairs, one and two man desks—oak wood—good condition, bar gain prices. Call Delta Chi 4989. KEEP YOUR trailer snug and warm with a Ccgernan oil heater, model 666 A. Radi ating, circulating 31,000 BTU's an hour. Fuel-air control saves up to 25% on fuel; low draft burner, oversize heair exchanger, new functional air flow design. See it soon at Routs. 0. W. Bouts and Son, Inc. N. Buckhout, State College; 6703. 58 - 666 - 62.53660.5 - 66665" • ry0.44,"1/4-# , HE......____ _ . ...........------- ..... ..%.% -.......- -- .............. * 1 , - ••••_.:y. ), 4 .r 4 .c,,, v Rii ',f,..;:' , \. .... ________\ .... - „_.... 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V- ---- PHILLIPS-JONES CORP., NEW YORK 1, N. Y CG Approves Confab Plank The Penn State Chapter of the Intercollegiate C o n f e r e n c e on Government last night approved 'the report of the taxation com mittee and adopted four planks that will be presented at its re gional and state mock presidential conventions to be held later this spring. The amendments, proposed by Howard Mason, chairman of the taxation group, were adopted at a meeting that was nearly dead locked on several sections of the proposals. The amendthents passed were the reduction of taxes whenever possible without jeprodizing 'the National Defense Program, the plugging of loop-holes in the fed eral corporation and personal in come taxes, and the lowering of taxes for persons in the lower income brackets and finally the resumption of several types of taxes to State control. APARTMENT WASHER 3 1 ,:. ft. high; wringer; self-draining. Original price $6O. Now $35.' Phone 6895 after 5. HELP WANTED PIANO, SAXAPHONE, Trumpet players Phone Bellefonte 3348. ROOM & BOARD ROOM and BOARD at Marilyn Hall. $l6 Per week. Ask for MrS. Elleard at 317 E. Beaver Ave. FOR RENT FIRST FLOOR room with bath and outside entrance in private residence. Available to one student in exchange for twelve hours work per week. Apply in person after 6:00 p.m. at 740 W. Fair mount Ave. MISCELLANEOUS IF YOUR typewriter needs repairs, just call 2492 or bring machine to 633 W. College Ave. Mr. Beattie? 28 years ex perience is at your service. TYPING and MIMEOGRAPHING Secre- tarial Service—Room 207, Hotel State Co lege. Phone 4906. CLOSE-OUT OF slightly soiled Woolrich 100% wool shirts, vests, vest jackets, and coats. Broken assortment sizes, styles, and colors, so come early to find your size. 0. W. Routs & Son, Inc., N. Buckhout, State College. COMBO. Five piece •group from Pitts burgh. Available for House party week end. Call Bob Swisshelm 6093. NNSYLVANIA Tickets on Sale Now For Boxing Matches Tickets for the Eastern Inter collegiate Boxing Association championships, to be held Fri day . and Saturday in. Recrea; tion Hall, are available at• the Student Union desk in Old Main. The championships will be held in three sessions—quarter finals 7 p.m. Friday, semi-finals 2 p.m. Saturday, and finals 7 p.m. Saturday. Dean's Advisory Meeting Postponed Daniel DeMarino, assistant dean of men, yesterday announced the postponement of the dean of men's advisory committee meet ing until 8 p.m. next Tuesday. The meeting had been scheduled for tonight. DeMarino said Edward K. Hib shman, State College burgess and retired alumni secretary of the College, and John Juba, . State College chief of police, would at tend the meeting. Radio Guild -Tryouts Final tryouts and casting for "The Voice of Norman Corwin," a , radio script which will be pre-. sented by the Radio Guild at 8 p.m. Thursday over WMAJ, will be held at 7 tonight in 304 Sparks, John Price, director, announced today. OUTSTANDING OPPORTUNITIES in Construction, maintenance and operation of telephone plant and equipment . . . Manufacturing process development, engineer ing and operations . . . Research, development, and design in communi- ' cations and electronics . . . Development, manufacturing, and field engineer ing for the Armed Services . . . Ordnance phases of atomic weapons . . • • BELL TELEPHONE COMPANIES • WESTERN ELECTRIC BELL TELEPHONE LABORATORIES and • • SANDIA CORPORATION PERSONAL INTERVIEWS .. . ; for openings in such positions in all parts of the country for seniors and graduate students, in Engineering and Physical Sciences. . . MARCH 5 and. 6 Consult your Placement Office' • -A" - BELL TELEPHONE SYSTEM Essential in Peace, Vital in War • , • • r - . • - TUESDAY, - MARCH - 4, 1952 Rev. Pecibody To Leave Post The Rev. John N. Peabody,'rec tor of St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, will leave .his State Col lege post March 26 to assume his new duties as rector and canon of the Pre-Cathedral Church of the Incarnation in Baltimore, Md. The Rev. Peabody, who ,has served in the local church since 1944, has been very active in Col lege affairs, serving as chairman of Religion-In Life Week this year, being chaplin to the Epis copal students at the College, and sitting on the board of the Penn State Christian Association. Professors to Present Chamber Sonatas Recital Theodore Karhan, violinist and assistant professor • of music and music education, and Edwin Gam ble, pianist and instructor in music, will present a faculty music recital at 4 p.m. Sunday in Schwab Auditorium. They will play chamber sonatas of Bach, Brahms, and Hilidemith. Grosslight to Speak Dr. Joseph H. Grosslight, assis tant professor of psychology, will speak on "The Faith. of the Ex perimental Psychologist" at - the regular meeting of the Psychol ogy Club at 7 tonight in 204 Bur roweS.
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