The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, February 23, 1952, Image 2

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Countians Favor Airport;
Would Use Tax Money
Centre Countians indicated Thursday night they want a county
&port and are willing to pay tax money to get it.
These points came out of the results of a four-question poll
taken of those attending the State College town meeting which
aired the airport problem publicly for the first time.
Poll results of the meeting were:
Should Centre County have an
airport? 186 yes, 21 no.
Should tax money be spent for
an airport? 138 yes, 66 no.
Is the present Centre County
Air Depot site suitable? 106 yes,
75 no.
Are you a State College area
property-owner? 166 yes, 46 no.:
330 Present
These results showed a reflec
tion of the opinion that was found
earlier in newspaper and, tele
phone polls by the Centre Daily
A total of 330 assembled at the
meeting to hear a panel of ex
perts answer a series of questions
in an attempt to uncover all pos
sible facts.
Points brought out in the three
hour session, sponsored by the
Lions Club, showed that the Cen
tre County Air p or t Authority
favors a county airport and voted
unanimously that it be in the
State College area.
Information uncovered at the
meeting showed the College can
not legally participate financially
in the airport and will accept the
authority's selection of a site. The
College also has no intention of
operating an airport anywhere,
discussion indicated.
COst Taxpayer $2.50
The authority reportedly con
sidered many sites before it de
cided upon the present Air Depot
as the most practical. Comparative
cost figures on the depot an d
Black Moshannon, a location pre
viously offered for establishment
of the, airport, will be available
Annual costs to the average
State College taxpayer was es
timated at $2.50.
Meanwhile, there was a report
that a group of State College
residents is planning to circulate
a petition protesting the use of
the Air Depot as an airport site.
Reports, showed much of the op
position arose from the nearby
location of the Corl street school
and the safety factor involved.
On the British coat of arms are
pictured the thistle, the rose, and
the shamrock growing on on e
stalk. These are, respectively, the
emblems of Scotland, England,
and Ireland.
Bibler's Cartoons Published
In 25 Daily, 100 Other Papers
An eager kid wandered into
the Collegian office the other day
with a bulging portfolio under his
arm. Asked us where he could
find "Bibler, the art editor" . . .
wanted to show him his work.
Well, Stanford, Cal. is 'a
way off—that's where Dick Bib
ler is at present. And the Colleg
ian is just one of 25 daily and 100
weekly and semi-monthly papers
that use the "Little Man on Cam
pus" to brighten up their pages.
"Little Man" Worthal, Profes
sor Snarf, Louise, and the rest of
Bibler's flat-headed joe's an d
shapely girls had their birth at
Kansas University in January
1946. The University Daily Kan
san ran a cartoon contest, and af
ter winning it Bibler found that
it was a job of turning out a car
toon every day.
38 States and Alaska
In reply to a letter from a Col
legian reporter, Bibler says, "Af
ter about the first year other
schools asked if they could run
the cartoon too, so I thought that
perhaps if I sent out a folder to
schools that it might be a good
solution to make some pocket
money and - a chance to express
It turned out to be both, for
the cartoon now goes to 38 states
and the University of Alaska.
Bibler bears no grudge against
one professor in particular. Snarf
is "just a composite of all ,the
things I have run across in my
travels," he says. "Something
happens to me in class and in
Inkling Issue
Inkling, College literary maga
zine, has entered the first phases
of production, according to Edi
tor Florenz Fenton. The coming
issue will mark the second ap
pearance of Inkling on campus.
Five fiction pieces' and eight
poems were sent this week to the
Nittany Printing and Publishing
Company to be set in type, Fen
ton stated. He added that more
were on the way.
Inkling, the only. campus pub
lication to make use of offset
printing, will begin the second
phase of production early next
week. This will consist of pasting
up the pages for photographing.
A large crew of students is need
ed to handle this production.
Business Manager Robert Ley
burn said that anyone interested
in learning the offset process or
in aiding in the publication of
Inkling should contact Milt on
Bernstein at 6876.
Reading Trials
to Be Held
Try-outs for students to repre
sent the College at the 'fourth
Pennsylvania Inter c o 11 e g i at e
Reading Festival May 1 and 2 will
be held at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday in
312 Sparks.
Approximately 80 Pennsylvan
ia colleges are invited to the fes
tival which was originated by
Penn State. Four representatives
are sent by each school. Two of
these read poetry, one drama, and
one prose.
The single representative for
the Eastern Intercollegiate Poetry
Reading Festival April 5 will also
be chosen from those who sign
Students prevented fr o m at
tending the first meeting may
register by giving their names to
Miss Lloyd in 300 Sparks by Feb.
place of blowing my top to the
prof I run home and draw a car
toon about him."
There are "a lot of fine profs
too," Bibler says, ."but unfortu
nately they just don't make for
good copy." •
Head Has Sores
He finds it takes about 45 min
utes to draw a cartoon, but "it is
practically nothing compared to
idea time." After drawing "at
least 1200" cartoons on college life
he finds it "awfully hard" to
wrangle new ideas, even with the
ideal environment of Stanford
."My head has many sores on it
caused by banging against the
walls," he says, and often he
keeps an idea rolling around for
six months before he finally finds
the situation that will work on
The cartoons are not only read
by. the students, it seems, for Bib
ler says, "I get letters every now
and then about some cartoon.
Some of 'the high brass of a col
lege thinks the cartoons are hit
ting too close to home."
Published Political Cartoon
But to the creator of "Little
Man" it is "mostly all in fun. My
cartoons are either just plain
`gripe' or 'slapstick'," he says.
Bibler comes from Elk h art,
Kansas, where his aunts whetted
his appetite for art at an early
age. At the age of 12 he had a
political cartoon published in the
Wichita Eagle. Although he was
a "dang happy kid" at the time,
Test Results Available
Freshmen who entered the
7-ollege in February may .now.
nave the results of their psy
:hology tests, Dr. Robert G.
Bernreuter, director of the psy
:hology clinic, said yesterday.
Interpretations will be made
by' appointment, Bernreuter
said. The clinic is located'in the
basement of Woman's Build
Journ Students
T© Inaugurate
Press Dance
An informal dance open to all
journalism students and members
of publications, and their dates,
will be held March 22 at the
State College Hotel.
The Press Dance, the first af
fair of its kind, according to
chairman Robert Fraser, is being
sponsored by Sigma Delta Chi,
men 's professional journalistic
fraternity; Theta Sigma Phi,
wo m e n's journalism fraternity,
and Alpha Delta Sigma, advertis
ing fraternity.
Tickets, priced at $2 a couple,
will be sold by members of the
fraternities. Individual invitations
will be sent to students in the
journalism department, and soph
omore, junior and senior board
members of Collegian, Froth, La
Vie, and Inkling.
Blanket invitations for Senior
and Junior Boards will be sent
to editors of all other campus
The Press Dance committee in
cludes Charles Coffman, Fraser,
Bettie Loux, Ernest Moore, Wil
liam Prokoff and Joanne Wil
Alumni Reunion
Being Organized
For Mid-June
The second class reunion week
end will be held for returning
Penn State alumni June 12, 13,
and 14 with many classes having
already organized local commit
tees to make• the arrangements.
The Alumni Institute commit
tee, named by President Milton
S. Eisenhower, is working on the
institute program.
The returning alumni will have
headquarters in the West Dorms.
Hamilton, Thompson, and McKee
Halls will be operated as hotels
for the weekend.
he says there are "so many heart
aches attached to this business of
art, that I would be a happier in
dividual (I think) if my aunts had
never stuck a pencil in my hand."•
During the war Bibler was in
the Pacific with the Air Forces
Air ways Communications and
worked as a field artist for , the
Pacific edition of Yank. After
that he was graduated from Kan
sas University with a fine arts
Working on MA
"I decided that I couldn't make
a living painting pictures," he
says, "(I am quite aware that I
can't make a living drawing car
toons) so I decided that I ; would
go to Colorado State College of
With an A.B. and teaching cer
tificate he decided he wanted to
teach in college. At present he is
at Stanford University working
on an M.A. In addition to teach
ing, Bibler wants to continue
drawing cartoons, and will keep
up "Little Man," at least until the
students get sick and tired of
What with a wife and baby
daughter to support (and another
one expected in August), he has
two more ambitions. One is to
have a collection of cartoons pub
lished sometime; the other is to
try a metropolitan paper some
time. Although he fears they
might not think the cartoon hap
general reader interest, Bibler
hopefully says, "I think it
The Jew and his religion cannot be Separated because only as
a religious group can the Jews survive in America or anywhere
else, said Will Herberg, eminent Jewish layman, last night.
Herberg spoke at, Sabbath Eve services at the Hillel Foundation
Hillel Speaker
Will Herberg
Noted Layman
To Close RR.
Week Services
Will Herberg,. noted Jewish
layman, will climax the local Ob
servance of Religion-in-Life Week
by speaking on "Prophetic Faith
in an Age of Crisis" at 10:55 a.m.
tomorrow at Chapel in Schwab
Herberg is known for his work
in two fields, labor and social
research, and theology. He is di
rector of research in a large
American Federation of Labor
In recent years, Herberg's major
concern has been theology and
social philosophy. He has lectured
at leading academic institutions,
such as Cornell, Princeton, Har
vard, Wellesley, lowa, and Jew
ish Theological Seminary.
Herb erg has written on social,
political, and religious subjects.
Among the works he has pub
lished are "The Ethics of Power,"
"Bureaucracy and Democracy in
Labor Unions," "The Political
Theory of American Socialism,"
"Theological Issues of the Hour,"
"The Theology of Reinhold Nie
buhr," and "Franz Rosenzweig's
'Judaism of Personal Existence'."
Last September Herberg pub
lished his book, "Judaism and
Modern Man: an Interpretation of
Jewish Religion." He is now at
work on a study of the relation
of religion to the social sciences.
An autobiographical sketch of
Herberg is to appear in the vol
ume, "American Spiritual Bi
ographies," to be issued soon by
4 Local Speakers
At Bucknell RILW
Three local religious 1 eaders
and a professor emeritus of his
tory are now participating in the
Religion-in-Life Week observanc
es at Bucknell University.
The Rev. Robert H. , Eads, min
ister of the University Baptist
Church, Rabbi Benjamin M. Kahn,
director of Hillel •Foundation;.the
Rev. Edwerth E. Korte, Lutheran
minister to students on campus,
and Dr. Francis J. Techan, pro
fessor emeritus of history, are
s e r vi n g as resident discussion
leaders at Bucknell until tomor
Bucknell's RILW pr og r a in,
which began Wednesday; has as
its theme, "Developing a Personal
Religious Faith."
Two Men Promoted
By Pershing Rifles
David Odiorne an d William
Alich have been promoted on the
Pershing Rifle fifth regiment
staff, the regiment headquarters
announced recently.
Odiorne was advanced to the
rank of first lieutenant and Alich
was promoted to master sergeant
Says Jew,
as part of the local observance of
Religion-in-Life Week. His topic
was, "The Jew and His Religiori—
Can They Be Separated?"
There is no secular basis of
Jewish existence in America be
cause America knows - no ethnic
groups, and gives their existence
no national status, Herberg said.
Also, any cultural distinction
which separated Jews from other
immigrants when they first came
tq America was merely tempor
ary, 'he added, -
Zionism was a popular founda
tion for Jewish existence twenty
to thirty years ago, Herberg said,
but with the establishment of the
state of Israel this vague theory
of belonging, also dissolved.
If religion is the only, basis, of
Jewish survival and only religion
can provide a sufficient reason
for Jewish survival, we may then
ask the question, "Why survive as
a group?" Herberg said.
T,wo fundamentals, of the Jew
ish religion answer this, the schol
ar continued. They are ultimate
allegiance to God and the choice
of Israel as a people of God with
a special vocation- in history, he
said. On these fundamentals is
based the Jewish religion an d
they offer the reasons, why Juda
ism should survive, Herberg con
Shapiro to Give
2d LA Lecture •
"Cezanne—the Artist and the
Man" will be the topic of a lec
ture by, Dr. Meyer Shapiro at
8 p.m. Monday in 121 Sparks.'
Dr. Shapiro's talk will be the
second of the Liberal Arts lecture
Dr. Shapiro, who is a lecturer
in fine arts at Columbia Univer
sity, held Guggenheim Fellow
ships in 1939 and 1942. He has
held.the position of associate pro.
fessor at Columbia since 1946 and
is the author of numerous papers
in critical art publications.'
Forestry School
2d in Country
A recent c.e nsus •of forestry
schools has shown that the Col
lege'Department of Forestry ranks
second in the country with an en
rollment of 332 students.
The New York State College
of Forestry ranks first with 579
students while Colorado St at e
College is third with 270. Oregon
State College places fourth with
247 students.
In recent nation -wide Civil
Service examinations, the College
was second both in the number
of men taking the examinations
and the percentage_of men' who
Hillei Plans Meeting
To Organize Choir
All students interested in join
ing a Hill'el choir have been in
vited by Hillel to an organization
meeting at 7:30 p.m. Monday at
the foundation.
Any interested person unable
to attend the meeting has been
asked to call Harold Klemow,
Burns Commends
Penn State Film
"This is Penn, State," a film re
leased by the College, is winning
favor and growing in popularity
with high school teachers as a
film used in guidance programs,
according to Charles 0. Burns Jr.,
supervisor for six Maryland high
Burns advised the Audio-Visual
Aids Library that the film had
been - used by principals and guid
ance teachers as background for
a discussion on the subject, "Why
Go to College."
Burns said that he and the
teachers felt the film was excel
lent'for this - type of, program.