PAGE TWO Peabody Lists 4 RILW Needs Four things must be incorporated into a Religion-in-Life Week program if it is to meet the needs of the College community, the Rev. John Peabody, chairman of RILW, said yesterday. In the first place, he said, it should present as forcefully as possible the particular genius of the two great Western religious traditions, Judaism and' Christianity. Past Religion-in-Life Weeks, the minister said, have been too generally concerned with present-, ing so c iNa 1 problems and not enough concerned with present ing God. College Is 49th In Graduates In 'Who's Who' A poll of the total number of graduates listed in the 19 5 0 "Who's, Who in America" ranks Penn State 49th among United States colleges and universities. The study, published in School and Society, was made by B. W. Kunkel, Lafayette College, and D. B. Prentice, of the Scientific Research Society of America, New Haven, Conn. Penn State had only 39 grad uates listed in 1938. The 119 named in 1950 make a gain of 105 per cent. Of those listed in the 1950 edition, 25.2 per cent re ceived their diplomas between 1920 and 1924. Harvard holds first place with 1566 graduates, an increase of 11 per cent since 1938. Yale is sec ond with 1299. Also at the top are Michigan, Princeton, Colum bia, U. S. Military Academy, Cor nell, Wisconsin, U. S. Naval Academy, and Chicago. Only bachelor degrees were used in the study of 963 colleges and universities. Five Students Plead Guilty Five students pleaded guilty Wednesday afternoon to charges of violating the State College minors ordinance. The plea came during an arraignment before Guy G. Mills, justice of the peace. Paul Austin, Richard A. Clark, Robert Dahle, Theodore Halkedis, and William Yerkes were ordered to pay fines of $25 each, plus costs. Another man, Joseph Sera bis, was scheduled to attend the hearing but did not appear. The six men were picked up at the Spa on S: Allen street last Fri day night in a surprise raid by the borough police and State Liquor Control Board agents. The case involving the man agement of the SPA has not yet been decided, authorities said. Engineering Lecture There will be a senior engineer ing lecture at 4:10 p.m. today in Schwab Auditorium. George Leetch, director of College Place ment, will speak on the; topic, "Student Employment." FRED ASTAIRE VERA ELLEN "THE BELLE OF NEW YORK" gra* ANITA LOUISE FRANK LOVEJOY "RETREAT HELL" 111114 / 1 0. OPEN AT 6:20 CLARK GABLE `'ACROSS THE Vf MISSOURI" By Lavonne Althouse Need Good Men "Our aim has not been to pre sent the lowest common denomin ator between the two g r eat traditions," the Rev. Peabody explained, "but to pres e nt the best in each and particularly to present a statement of classical theology." The second concern, the Rev. Peabody said, is to have the case Rev. John Peabody for religion presented by the very best men available. Commenting on this year's pro gram, he said, "I think we were successful on this point. We aimed at getting men who are known scholars and theologians but who are also active in the social struggle." Traditional Services The third aim of the RILW pro gram, the Rev. Peabody con tinued, was to present the entire program in such a way as to make it attractive to both faculty and students. Having worship services in the particular traditions of the various participating groups was the Rev. Peabody's concluding objective. These were the ideas around which he and the RILW commit tee built this year's program, the Rev. Peabody said. Services Your Bank Offers You FIRST NATIONAL BANK THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE :".•;..;ES,GE PENNSYLVANIA Checking accounts Savings accounts Safe deposit vault Trust department Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation State College - Pennsylvania Mixer Set Next Friday ByAPhiO Alpha Phi Omega, national service fraternity will hold a pledge mixer next Friday in the Hugh Beaver Room in Old Main. About 75' men . are needed for pledging. At present, the group has 100 active members. The requirements for meber ship in the organization area de sire to render service, previous affiliation with the Boy Scouts, and satisfactory scholastic attain ment. At the College, Alpha Phi Omega serves by going to the in firmary every night to take orders from patients for refreshments and cigarettes. They help with the College elections and sponsor the "Ugly Man" contest each year. The group sets up the Mardi Gras along with the Mortar Board. Alpha Phi Omega took part in the Orientation Week ac tivities by setting up an informa tion booth on Pollock road to aid new students. During Religion-in-Life Week, it provided transportation for the speakers and escorted them to their respective meetings. This spring, Alpha Phi Omega will sponsor an Easter egg hunt for the Windcrest children and will conduct a use-the-walk cam paign to preserve the campus. Rosfeld Named Student Gov't Clinic Director Arthur Rosfeld, junior in arts and letters, has been named di rector of the second annual Stu dent Government Clinic, to be held April 19 and 20 at the Col lege. The announcement was made The announcement was made by William Klisanin, president of the Pennsylvania re gion of the National Student As sociation, s p o sor of the clin. Th e meet, will be a dm Terence and clin. open to all co' lege student go , ernments in tI state. St ud e. goveinme rr from New Jersc.„ and West Vir- Arthur Rosfeld ginia m a y also be included in the clinic, Klis ani n said. The first clinic was held last year as Muhlenberg College. In _1596 Shakespeare owned enough property in the London parish of St. Helen's, Bishops gate, to have his taxes assessed at five pounds, a large sum in those days. • Member For the Glory . . —Photo by Sussman LOIS BROWN AND ANN QUIGLEY lead members of Civeps, women's hat society, and freshman women in songs and cheers at a rally for freshman women yesterday afternoon at the bulletin board in frdnt of Carnegie. Forty-fivp freshman women participated in. the Frosh Day activities sponsored by CwenS. 45 Freshman Women Observe 'Froth Day' Forty-five of the 48 first semester freshman women gathered at 12:30 p.m. yesterday in front of the Carnegie Hall bulletin board to carry out "Frosh Day" as set un by Cwens, sophomore women's activity honorary. Standing in the cold, with s women were led in songs and the ack, and Ann Quigley, members of the cheerleading squad. Active members of Cwens aided in the song leading and cheering. To Instill Purpose Wearing their green bows and carrying their Student Handbooks, this was the first time since cus toms began that the women were gathered in one group. The purpose of the rally, ac cording to Marian Ungar, chair man of the committee, was to in still spirit within the first semes ter women and to teach them the College songs and cheers. The rally, which Cwens under tok as a project, was approved by Joan Yerger, chairman of the Freshman Customs and Regula tions Board. The cases of three first semester women who did not attend the meeting will be han dled by the FCRB, according to ~, 4:: .. ..,. - .‘„. • ::...,i; .. 1:: ::.. A . : ck 5,, , 'i .... :. ;; ;.1 .. \ ".") ' ...e - ....,..., .... .;i:,,..,....,:..;....:.....-. ~,...,,:p .4-,. : . ~, ~.._. _...„....._ ....,....... ..............„......._ _,...._ Look! Anther man switched to Kentucky Club- , - the thoroughbred of pipe tobaccos MIDAY, FEBRUARY ` . 22; 1952 light snow flurries, the freshman ers by Lois Brown, Roseann Mon- Miss Yerger The 45 freshman women were slow in coming to the rally, but finally arrived by 12:40 p.m. The singing, a little weak at first, be came more vigorous when the Cwens agreed to match their force. The rally, ending at 1 p.m. so that freshmen could get to their classes, seemed to have the effect that it was meant to have; accord ing to Miss Ungar. Many fresh men left the scene singing. PHOTOSCOPES at the PHOTO SHOP Saturday 1-5 PM DO IT TODAY! SWITCH TO 1.4.11,33 KENTUCKY CLUB Notice how Much better your pipe tastes—how much fresher your mouth feels when you switch to Kentucky Club. Send for free catalog showing fine pipes and how to get them at big Savings. Mail Pouch Tobacco Co., Wheeling, West Va. Dept. 39 Still Singing /SC T~~s'YiK