The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, February 16, 1952, Image 1
Get. Into , Politics Before the Pols— See Page 4 VOL. 52, NO. 86 Cagers Edge RI State, 72-66 Dinner, Address To Open RILW Dr. A. T. Mollegen will speak on" "Man's Deepest Need" after a dinner tonight tä open - Religion-in-Life Week observances on cam pus. The dinner will be held-at St. Andrews Episcopal parish house, S. Frazier street and Foster avenue, at 6 tonight. Information as to where to secure tickets, priced at 50 cents for students, may be secured by tele phoning the Penn State Christian Association office 8441 ext. 541. A limited number of tickets are still available. Dr., Mollegen's address, sched uled for 7:30 tonight at the Epis-: copal parish house, will be open to the public. Student Co-Chairmen Eisenhower To Address Convention President Milton-S. Eisenhower will be one of the speakers at the Eastern Intercollegiate Associat ed Women Students convention to be held April 23-26 at Penn State. Anne Guthrie, United Nations reporter for the Christian Science Monitor, and Christine Conoway, dean of women at Ohio State Uni versity; will also speak. "Our . Future Is- Now" is the theme of the convention, which will draw approximately 200 women student government lead ers, advisers, and deans fr om member, colleges and universi ties to the campus, Jane Mason, chairman of publicity for the con vention, announced. ' Many work shops have been planned for the three day period, according to Joyce Buchanan, chairman of that committee. Top ics to be discussed include "Structure and Function of As sociated Women Students," "Au thority and Position of Associat ed Women Students," and "How to Stimulate Participation." Other general topics are . "Ca reer vs. Marriage," "Are College Women Letting Us Down?," and "Women in Defense." Virginia Miller, secretary of WSGA, is in general charge of the convention. State and Lion Parties to Meet In order to acquaint students with 'campus politics, both the Lion and State parties will hold non-partisan meetings at 7 p.m. to morrow. The Lion Party meeting will be held in 409 Old Main where Ray Evert, Lion Party clique chair man, will explain the objectives of campus politics. Party organization will be com pletely explained at the 'State Party meeting in 119 Osmond. Robert Amole, clique chairman, said the meeting will be, organi zational in nature. • Election of clique officers is also scheduled for the State meet ing. • ' Collegian Promotion Joan Kuntz has been promoted to senior board of the Daily Col legian, Marvin Krasnansky, edi tor, announced 'yesterday. Miss Kuntz will replace Mil dred Martin as, staff librarian. Miss Martin has',resigned. - .., .• .i g g , 7 .... , ..:.' . IT-oar to • • . •. . FOR A BETTER PENN STATE By LaVONNE ALTHOUSE RILW, sponsored by Inter-Reli gious Council, is observed an ; nually in conjunction • with Na tional Brotherhood Week, which begins tomorrow. The theme this year is "This Meets Your Need." The Rev. John Peabody, rector of St. Andrews Episcopal Chtirch, is general chairman of the pro gram. Student co-chairmen are Jane Montgomery and R alp h Cash. During the' past month, however, Milton Bernstein has been substi tuting for Cash, who was gradu ated Jan. 29 and is now assistant director of the Hillel Foundation at Ohio State University. Cash will return here today to partici pate in RILW. • Tomorrow's RILW pro gr am opens with the Catholic Mass and the Chapel service in the morn ing. At a coffee hour sponsored by the Dean of Men and the Dean of Women in McElwain lounge tomorrow afternoon Dr. Mollegen will spe a k on "Education for What?" The idea of having an address lby one of the RILW leaders at the coffee hour was instituted this -year so that more students would have the opportunity to become acquainted with the visit ing leaders and to ask them ques tions, the - RILW committee re ported. A panel discussion on "Modern Man's Dilemma" will be held at 8 p.m. tomorrow in 121 Sparks. The panel will include Rabbi Ar thur Lelyveld, Dr. Mollegen, and Dr. John Dillenberger, three visit ing leaders for RILW, and Dr. A. H. Reede and Dean H. K. Schill ing of the College faculty. The Rev. Luther Harshbarger will moderate the discussion. A Lutheran matins service, the first of. a series of worship ser- (Continued on page eight) Froth Have The. Student Union Office is opposite the Jordan food plots Joe Bush is-All-College president. The Christian Missionary is responsible for freshmen receiving a copy •of the Student Handbook. Since when? Apparently •since Monday and Wednesday nights when freshman men were quizzed by hatmen on College traditions, songs, the campus, student government, and the student handbook. One of the questions asked the names of the two political parties in existence on campus, and from the answers, the Lion S and State parties are going to have some stiff competition in the coming elections. Have Good Opinions Among I he "third parties" listed by the frosh were the Ti gers, Nittany, AIM, Council, Tri bunal, Republican, a n d Demo cratic. If so many parties actually exist, it appears that the All- College Cabinet may soon be a coalition .government• periodically asking for votes of confidence. SO far, at • least, all the .frosh seem to have. a pretty. good opin ion of Penn .State.. All. but one, STATE COLLEGE, SATURDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 1,6, 1952 Panel Discussion Flunk Quiz, `Lots to Learn' By DAVE PELLNITZ Mollegen To Speak At Chapel Dr. Albert T. Mollegen, profes sor. of Christian ethics at the Protestant Episcopal Theological Seminary at Alexandria, Va., will speak on "God's 'Demand and Man's Desire" at 10:55 a.m. to morrow in Chapel. Dr. Mollegen will also speak at 7:30 tonight at the parish house of St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, S. Frazier and Foster avenue, on "Man's Deepest Need." At 4 p.m. tomorrow he will speak at a cof fee hour in McElwain Hall on the topic "Education for What?" Both meetings are open to the public. Music by the Chapel choir will include the introit, "A Mighty Fortress Is Our God" (Luther); the anthem ,"O Praise_ Jehovah" (Delamarter), and , the service of prayer, ,"Only Begotten, Word of God Incarnate," (Roven Melody). George' Ceiga at the organ will play as prelude "Awake, Thou Wintry Earth" (Bach); as offer tory, "Sixth Couplet" (Couperin); and as postlude, "Fugue No. 5—D Major" (Bach). Flowers will be provided by Tau Phi Delta and Kappa Delta. I Members of Deita Zeta and Kap pa Delta will attend 'Chapel en masse in honor of their new initiates. Fee Lists Available To Undergraduates Lists of estimated fees for undergraduate students are available at the bursar's office, basement of Willard Hall. Stu dents may pick up copies of the estimates to send home to their parents if they so desire, David C. Hogan, bursar, said yesterday. Fees will be due Thursday and Friday in the basement of Willard Hall. They may be paid any time between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. or either 'day. Hogan asked students to check lists of fees, which will be' posted by matriculation number on one sides of the base ment of Willard Hall during both days, and make out checks before getting into line. This procedure would speed, up fee payment, • he said. Students who pay fees late will be assessed a five dollar late payment fee. ' that is. His opinion was "not too favorable." (And he passed the test, too!). Many of the frosh were struck by the size of the campus: 'Sev eral said it "was a long walk from Nittany." One frosh said Penn State is the "best college in the country but customs are for plain morons •who care to gloat over them." Another said it was the best "excapt for the hatmen." Willow Comes From? Other questions brought out that the Alma Mater has 16 verses, that' Tribunal has 100 members, that Morrill signed the Morrill Land Grant College Act which (Continued on page ,eight) Williams, Weidenhammer Star As Lions Cop 14th Straight Win By DAVE COLTON • Special to the Daily Collegian KINGSTON, R. 1., Feb. 15—Penn State's basketball team continued to set a hot pace by defeating Rhode Island State here tonight, 72-66, for the Lions' 14th straight victory. Paced by the fine floor-play of Co-captain Hardy Wil liams and Ronnie Weidenhammer, Coach Elmer Gross' cagers had to turn back a last quarter rally by the Rams in \order to win their 16th contest of the Leads Cagers Hardy Williams Committee To Receive Traffic Report Results of a traffic survey, re cently conducted among faculty and staff members, together with suggestions by committee mem bers for possible solutions to the campus parking problem, will be heard at the second meeting of the All-College traffic committee Feb. 25, Walter H. Wiegand, chairman, said yesterday. The traffic committee was es tablished earlier this year to study campus traffic problems arising from having about 4000 student and faculty cars on cam pus and only 2500 parking spaces to accomodate them. Results of the faculty survey have been tabulated according to schools and departments, Wie gan I said earlier. Figures gather ed in a similar student traffic sur vey conducted during fall semes ter registration may also be con sidered by the committee, he said. T.Viegand said he did not wish tO.predict all that the, committee would talk about because corn mittee members will probably have - many proposals to be dis cussed. A plan that would seriously curtail student' driving on campus was proposed at the committee's first • meeting, but no decision was reached. Release Date Set For Spring Grades March 15 has been set as the earliest date for the release of spring semester grades, Clarence 0. Williams, registrar, said yes terday. The Honor Society council has asked that the grades be released earlier so they could be consid ered in tapping • for honoraries. The council's committee on grade releases said that a March 1 dead line is needed by the groups. • Williams suggested that the groups tap on the basis of pre vious grades. He added that his office would be glad to aid in decision ' involving border-line cases. Does This Meet Your Needs?— See Page 4 PRICE FIVE CENTS season Jesse Arnelle drew to within 16 points of the Penn State one season record by tossing in 18 points, high for the Lions. Wil liams tallied 15 but it was his fine floor-generalship that stood out during - the rough contest. The Lions will move down to West Point tomorrow morning NEW HAVEN, Conn., Feb. 15 —(AP)--The Penn State 'bas ketball squad made a court appearance here this morning— but only as spectators. While awaiting a train con nection for Kingston, R. 1., where they are scheduled •to meet Rhode Island State To night, the Nittany Lion Cagers made an unscheduled visit to Superior Court and listened to the proceedings of .divorce ac tions being heard. "We were just killing time," said a spokesman. The court experience gained here was not expected to bene fit the Nittany Lions in their court appearance at Kingston. for a game with Army's Cadets tomorrow afternoon. • Tonight in Kingston, 1300 fans went wild as Rhode Island State's courtment came from a 41-30 deficit at halftime to nar row the count to 64-62 with two and one half minutes left in the game. However, two buckets by Co-captain Tiny McMahan, and one each by Jack Sherry and Williams put the game on ice for the Lions. Behind, midway through the first period, 11-10, the Lions came alive and took a 19-17 lead at the end of the quarter and con tinued to build up the score dur ing the second stanza. Shortly after the period got underway, McMahan hit on two one-handers to give the Lions a six point bulge and from then until the half ended State continued in the lead. Rhode Island State began to (Continued on page six) NSA Members Will Attend WSSF Meeting William Klisanin, chairman of the National Student Association, and the Rev, Luther Harshbarger, College chaplain, will attend the general committee meeting of the World Student Service Fund in New York City Monday. Klisanin is a national repre sentative of NSA and Harshbar ger is a member-at-large. Th e NSA is one of the sponsors of WSSF. The purpose of the meeting will be to evaluate and report on the work of WSSF and di s cuss whether its role should be one of outright relief or educational pol icy, Klisanin said. The gene r al committee is WSSF's policy body. The five hour meeting will be held in the Riverside Church. Klisanin, who is also Campus Chest chairman, said while he is in New York he plans to visit Basil O'Conner, head of the Na tional Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, concerning the foun dation's national ruling against accepting money from joint fund. raising campaigns.