FAGS EIGHT Town Council Tables Further Airport Action Action was again tabled on ob taining an airport for Centre 'County and the joining of State .College and Bellefonte borough councils and the County Commis sions, it was announced by the State College borough council. The two boroughs have been stalemated for ten months in an effort to combine sessions. Both councils have heard de tailed reports by the County Air port Authority on the proposed depot. The local council has set a special meeting for Monday night with three State College Author ity members to go over complete financial details of the airport. The College’s decision that it will not participate financially was discussed along with fam iliarizing the council with the authority’s work. - Bellefonte took similar action, but it was pointed out that the group was in no position to undertake any obligation with the final cost not yet determined. Sunday Papers To Be Provided Sunday paper service will again be provided by the Student News Agency this semester, John S. Huber, assistant in charge of student . placement, • announced yesterday. Sales started in the Nittany- Pollock and West Dorm areas last Sunday and deliveries in the women’s dormitories will begin next Sunday, Huber said. Subscriptions are available from Sue Sell, 446 Simmons; Joan Lobach, 229 McElwain; Jo sephine Hoffman, 135 Grange, and Helen Bonine, 31 Atherton. Papers handled by the agency are the Philadelphia Inquirer and Bulletin, the Pittsburgh Press and Sun-Telegraph, and the New York Times, Tribune, Mirror and News. NEW STUDENTS! Student Employment All students who have reg istration forms on file in the student employment office, 112 Old Main, and students who desire part-time employment this semester should fill out new registration forms with their new schedules, Ted Allen, assistant in charge of student placement, said yes terday. Senior Attends Ed Conference William Klisanin, a pre-law senior, served during the semes ter break, as discussion leader and recorder* for the college youth division of a national con ference. Klisanin traveled to Hunter College in New York City for the conference which took place from Jan. 27 to 31. The conference was the third of the United States National Commission for the United Na tions Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. The theme of the conference was “The Citi zen and the United Nations: The Struggle for Peace* Freedom, and Advancement.” In addition to serving at the conference, Klisanin helped pre pare the agenda for the college youth division at the conference and helped prepare a summary report for conference directors after the event. The two previous conferences were held in 1947 in Philadelphia and in 1949 in Cleveland. Chest (Continued Irom page one) a check from the Peoples National Bank of State College. Axford, in a letter to Klisanin dated Jan. 29. said “I gave the check to Mrs. (S. C.) Tanner, who was in charge of the local drive.” Mrs. Tanner, however, said yes terday that the check was turned over to the bank last April by representatives df the Campus Chest. Johnson said he did not know the March of Dimes was included in the Chest drive this year until after the campaign ended. ALL YOUR COLLEGE SUPPLIES Books Paper Cameras Penn State Jackets Pennants * Your Student Supply Center in State College You THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA METZGERS Always remember . . . Ogontz Gets Civil Defense Training Site A training center for leaders of civil' defense was .opened' this week at the Penn State Center in Ogontz, Pa. by the federal gov ernment and the Pennsylvania State College. George Brueckman, of Wilkes- Barre, has been named director of • the training program, which consists of one week of work for each individual. Forty persons, including civil defense instruc tors, directors, and workers, will be enrolled each week. The civil defense leaders, com ing from T 7 Atlantic seaboard states, will study defense against atomic, chemical, and biological warfare; elementary fire fighting; emergency welfare; civil defense organization; and methods of in struction. Instructors for the program will be provided by the federal government, while Penn State will provide dormitory and din ing, facilities as well as adminis trative assistance in the operation of the school. Grounds will also be provided for outdoor training facilities. Upton Close (Continued from page one) 1934, “Challenge” predicted the surprise blow on Pearl Harbor. ' When he returned to this coun try he was made professor of Asiatic culture at the University of Washington, but returned to the East each summer as. leader of oriental seminars composed of students and teachers. His latest book, “Ladder of History,” is a topical survey of world history and is now used in high school and college courses. He writes a syndicated news paper column, “Close-ups,” and sends out a biweekly - personal newsletter entitled “Closer-ups.” In sign language the breaking of a stick signifies strength, and the drawing of the finger across the forehead, to signify the pres ence of a cap, represents white man. can be bought at et It At METZGERS Kearney to Talk At PSCA Meeting Walter Kearney, member of the legislative committee of the Penn sylvania State Education Associ ation, will address a public meet ing of the College and Centre County branches of the PSEA at 7:30 p.m. Monday in 121 Sparks, according to Dorothy Harpster, president of the Centre County branch. Following the talk, a panel dis cussion on “What Do the Teachers of Centre County and the Col lege Need to Work for and Pro mote in the PSEA during 1952 • will be held. Kearney will review the or ganization’s legislation for 1951. New Pre-Vet Officers Newly elected officers of the Pre-Veterinary ' Club are : James DeVoe, president; Lynn Fowler, vice president; Harold Melchor, secretary-treasurer; Lee Everist, reporter; and James Cox, agri culture student council repre sentative. CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE YOU TOO CAN HAVE TIME ON YOUR HANDS THIS SEMESTER. Four months of Time magazine only $l.OO, 1 year $3.00. Student Magazine Agency, 112 Old Main. AUTOMATIC DISHWASHER for sale. Call 4923. ' BLACK TWO-PIECE Leotard, size 12, See Terry, 307 McElwain. FOUR VENETIAN Blinds 30”x63’\ Also curtains. Call State College 2559. Reason able price. - MUST SELL before Friday—House Trailer with large modern room, suitable for four students or a family of four, 12 minutes walk from campus. Electric cook ing, running water. Don't delay, it is going to the highest bidder. See John Tibbott, 112 N. Butts Street. 4x5 ENLARGER and dark-room acces sories. Phone Ralph, 4645. MISCELLANEOUS ALTERATIONS, RESTYLING, Button holes. Specialty gowns. Mrs. Stearl A. Moyer, 515 E. Beaver Ave., State College. NICELY DECORATED birthday cakes, other cakes, all kinds of party refresh ments. Special prices for students. Frida Stern, 122 E. Irvin Ave. Phone 4818. IF YOUR typewrtier needs repairs, just call 2492 or bring machine to' 633 W. ollege Ave. Mr. Beatties' 28 years ex perience is at your .service. OLD STUDENTS! Typewriters Pencils Folders Souvenirs Jewelry WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 6, .1952 CLASSIFIEDS FOR RENT COMFORTABLE ROOMS with running water. Apply Colonial Hotel, 123 West Nittany Avenue. Central location, oil heat, maid service. Cal] 4850. Ask for C. R. LATE MODEL 27’ trailer. Running-water, electric refrigerator, excellent condition. Call Tom 3965 after 5 p.m.' .. TWO SINGLE Rooms, and half of' one room. Convenient location. 519 West .Col lege. Call 3308. s ATTRACTIVELY AND comfortably fur nished large one-room and bath apart ment. Faculty residence in Lemont. Private entrance. Phone State College 6278. PLEASANT DOUBLE room with .twin beds in private home. Inquire 612 West Foster Ave. LARGE QUIET single room, .directly‘be hind campus. 113 E. Mitchell. Call Mrs. Weiser, State College 2244. PLEASANT ROOM near campus where you can come, go, and do as you 'like. Phone 2021. • v. BOY WANTED to share room with neat, quiet roommate. blocks from cam pus. Private entrance. Call 2965. • "• BOARD and ROOM at Marilyn^Hall.-$16 per week. Ask for Mrs. Elleard at', 317 E. Beaver. ' DOUBLE ROOM for rent. Twin .beds. 611 S: Pugh street. Call 2610. SMALL FURNISHED' apartment at M2O . E. Fairmount Ave. and one single rqom available immediately. Phone 2887. HALF OF double room for rent to woman graduate student or secretary. Call 6722 after 6:30 p.m. ’’ DOUBLE ROOM vacant. Available * im mediately. 5 minute walk from campus. Phone 3872. " / THREE ROOM apartment, half block from campus. Utility kitchen, private bath. Call State College 3347 after 8 p.m. , . DOUBLE ROOM with cooking facilities. Also half a double room with cooking facilities. Phone 8441 -Ext. 2345 between 8 and 5 and after 5 call 4078. • FURNISHED three room and bath efficiency apartment. Central location. Call 2131. ROOM & BOARD ONE-HALF DOUBLE room with board, or board separately. Single bed. Rates reasonable. Call 7247. LOST LAVENDAR AND white Chessboard Silk Scarf; on Allen street January 18. Re turn to Ginger Opoczenski, 427 McElwain. BROWN TWEED Topcoat, third floor Sparks, Jan. 25. Please return to Stu dent Union or Don, 146 Hamilton Hall. WANTED MAN TO make insurance and credit re- ports in spare time on fee basis in the State College vicinity. Write P.O. Box 1465 Pittsburgh 30, Pa. HELP WANTED: Any students desiring to earn up to $1.50 per hour on a steady-part time basis. See “Perry” 'at the Dux Club, 128 S. Pugh street. Don’t phone.