The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, January 08, 1952, Image 8

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90 Scholarship
Entries Made
Approximately 90 applications
for scholarships have been re
ceived by the Senate committee
on scholarships and awards, ac
cording to Dr. Robert L. Weber,
chairman of the committee.
Weber said the applicants will
be interviewed by the committee
next Monday. Tuesday, and Wed
nesday nights. The recommenda
tions of the committee 'will be
presented to the College Senate
at its next meeting, Feb. 7.
Winners of the scholarships will
be announced by the Senate, prob
ably immediately after its meet
ing. Weber said, but he indicated
that the President's office may
hold up the announcement until
this year's Honors Day.
Weber said that more applica
tions were received this year than
in any other. Last year's total :was
approximately 65, he said.
Mining Engineers
Job opportunities in the mining
field will be discussed at a meet
ing of the Penn State chapter of
the American Institute of Mining
and Metallurical Engineers. The
meeting will be held at 7:30 p.m.
Thursday in the art gallery of the
Mineral Industries building.
IF YOUR Typewriter needs repairs. Pug
eall 2492 or bring machine to 633 W
College Ave. Mr. Beatties' 211 years ex
perience is at your service.
MEALS FOR students: neighborhood of
G 22 S. Allen by week. Call 4347.
A CAMERA in 316 Willard Hall prior to
Christmas holidays. Call Audrey. 260
SUITCASE IN Corner Room Friday. Call
Mrs. Kauffman. 143 Simmons. Reward.
GRAY GABARDINE topcoat missing from
third floor Willard Thursday noon.
Finder please call 2845. Ask for Joe.
SINGLE RQOM with one bed ; double room
with two beds ; one bed in another
room—for next semester male students.
230 Pugh street. 2060.
each with four rooms and bath. Heat,
water, electric stove, and refrigerator fur
nished. Come to 513 West College avenue
between 4:30 and 6:00 p.m.
DOUBLE ROOM vacant. Half available
immediately; end of half semester. Five
minutes walk' from campus. Phone 3872.
ROOMS FOR rent next semester at Cody
Manor. Male students. Call 6935.
ROOM, , EITHER single or double, for
rent next semester. Call 4346 after
1:00 p.m.
PLEASANT DOUBLE room with twin
beds, separate study tables. Inquire 512
West Foster avenue evenings.
J. Paul Sheedy* Switched to Wildroot Cream-Oil
Because He Flunked The Finger-Nail Test
NONE of the girls were wild about this Wildcat. His hair looked
like something the cat dragged in! "I'm feline mighty low," he
told his Paw. "Every Tomcat, Dick and Harry on campuss has
dates but me!" "Yes, Siam aware of that, son. You need Wildroot.
Cream-Oil hair tonic. All the cats are using it because it's non
alcoholic. Contains soothing Lanolin. Relieves annoying dryne-
Re'mores loose, ugly dandruff. Help you puss—l mean pa-
Einger-Nail Test." So Paul got Wildroot Cream-Oil,
he's the most popular Persian at school, Purr-haps it;
need! Take some small change out of your kitty and
it to the nearest drug or toilet goods counter for a
tube of Wildroot Cream-Oil. And ask fur profession
tinny at your favorite barber shop. Hurry—meow is tilt
* 31 So.Thwris Hill Rd, Williamsville, N. Y.
\X'ildroot Company. Inc.. Buffalo 11, N..Y
Christmas Club,
Collects 7500
Greeting Cards
A total of 7500 old Christmas
cards have been received by the
Christmas Card Club, a student
campus organization, the club
said yesterday.
The largest number of cards
have been turned in by students,
while faculty members of the
College and townspeople have al
so contributed.
The club, with an original goal
of 10,000, is collecting the Christ
mas cards which are to be turned
over to the Children's Hospital in
Pittsburgh for use in physical
therapy work. The club is now
trying to obtain as many cards
as possible.
Cards may be turned in at 106
Sparks from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. or by
calling extension 2439 and having
a member of the club pick, them
The campaign will be in effect
until Jan. 12.
Education makes a people easy
to lead, but difficult to drive;
easy to govern, but impossible to
enslave—Attributed to Lord
1930 4-DOOR CHEVE sedan. Good shape
with good tires and" late inspection.
Weiser Motor Co.. 217 S. Atherton.
4x5 SPEED GRAPHIC, pola screen—
filters, two lenses etc. Call Ralph 4645.
All conveniences. Immediately available.
Contact William Feaster or call 6594.
GOTTEN A LETTER from Time maga
zine?. Let Student Magazine Agency,
112 Old Main, speedily process student's
special .1/ 2 price subscription: 4 months
$1.00: 1 year $3.00.
1:4.5 Ilex lens. Like new, $l2O. Call
2610, ask for John. "
BRAND NEW $71.50 Gruen wristwatch.
Never worn ; expansion bracelet. Guaran
teed-350. Call Rudy, 4225 after 5:30 p.m.
BROWN LEATHER jacket with fur collar.
Size 36. Contact Bill Morris, 282 Hamil
ton Hall. Phone Ext. 1189.
KEEP YOUR trailer snug and warm
with a Coleman oil heater, model 666 A.
Radiating, circulating '31,000 BTUs an
hour. Fuel-air control haves up to 25%
on fuel; low draft burner, oversize heat
exchanger, new functional air flow de
sign. See it soon at Bouts. O. W. Houts
& Son; Inc., N. Buckhout, State College;
WILL DO student and family laundries
in my home. Will call for and deliver.
Call 4502.
Three replacements for. THE COLONIAL
for next semester. Phone 3938.
Van Za n dt, •P rexy
Confer on UMT
•. President Milton 'S. Eisenhower
yesterday met with Rep.'James
E. Van Zandt (R-22nd dist.) to
discuss co-ordination . of,Universal
Military Training programs with
ROTC programs at colleges and
Van Zandt, a member of the
armed forces committee of the
House, consulted with Eisenhower
because" of the latter's position as
president of the Association of
Land Grant Colleges and Univer
Following his meeting with Van
Zandt, the President addressed a
meeting of the faculty, of - the
School of Education in 304 Old
Main, and headed a roundtable
discussion on the goals of the
School of Education and the ma
jor impediments to the goals.
To assist outstanding BS graduates in
obtaining their Master of Science De
grees while employed in industry and
making a significant contribution to
important military work.
June 1952 graduates receiving BS De
grees in the following fields:
Electrical Engineering
Electronic Engineering
Physics •
Mechanical Engineering
Aeronautical Engineering
Those chosen to participate in this plan
will be from the upper portion of their
graduating classes or will have evi
denced unusual technical ability. They
must also have evidenced imaginative
ability and possess personality traits
enabling them to work well with others.
Applicants must be United States citi
zens• who can be cleared for "Secret,"
due to their work at Hughes Research
and. Development Laboratories being of
a classified nature.
The University of California at Los
Angeles and the University of Southern
California will participate in this pro
gram, and candidates for Master of
'Science Degrees must meet entrance re
quirements for advanced study at 'these
Under this Cooperative Plan, starting
June 1952, the following schedule of
employment at Hughes is arranged:
Full time—froth June 1952 to Sept. 1952
Half time—from Sept. 1952 to June 1953
Full time--Lfrom June 1953 to Sept. 1953
Half tithe—from Sept. 1953 to juhe 1954
Under this arrangement it is possible
for a recipient to receive Ys th of a nor
mal year's salary each year and to attend
Jaauciry Graduates
January • graduates may ob
tain their graduation invita
tions and announcements now
at the •Student Union desk in
Old Main. Receipts must be
presented. •
AEPhi Donates $lO
•A contribution -of $lO was made
to : the victims of. the Gentzel
Builaing . fire by Alpha Epsilon
Phi sorority.'
The Daily Collegian had re=
ported that the donation had
been made by Alpha Epsilon Pi
The first anthracite coal was
accidentally discovered .in 1791
by Philip Ginter, a hunter, near
Shaup Mountain, Carbon County,
Hughes Research and Development Laboratories
Engineering Personnel Department
Culver City, California -
a university half time during regular
sessions working on his Master's De
Salaries will be commensurate with the
individual's ability and experience and
reflect the average in the electronics in
dustry. Salary growth will be on the
same basis as full-time members of the
- engineering staff. In addition, the indi
viduals will be eligible for health, ac
cident, and life insurance benefits, as
well as 'Other benefits accruing to full
time members.
For those residing outside of the South
ern California area, actual travel and
moving expenses will be allowed up to
10% of the full starting annual salary.
Tuition at either UCLA or USC, cover
ing the required number of units neces
sary ,to obtain a Master's Degree, will
be paid by Hughes' Research and De
velopment Laboratories.
Approximately one hundred Coopera
tive Awards shall be made each year, if
sufficient qualified candidates present
Candidates- will be selected by a com
mittee of representation composed of
two each from_the University of Cali
fornia at Los Angeles, the University of
Southern California, acid the Hughes Re
search and Development Laboratories.
Informal applications should be mailed
prior to January 30, 1952. The Lab
oratories will then forward formal ap
plications, which should be returned,
accompanied by up-to-date' glade tran
scripts, by February 15,1952. Selections
will .be made during the month of
TOr_ISDAY,- JANUARY ' 8, 195
19 Ag iNlen Enroll
In Short Course
Nineteen men are - enrolled i
the General Farming short cours
in the School of Agriculture, A. I
Beam, director of short course:
announced. yesterday.
Upon completion of . the four
week course Jan. 31, many of tli
students Will - remain on campu
to enroll for either Dairy Farmin,
or Livestock Farming short course
during February.-
"She neglects her heart who
studies her glass." —Lavater
"Times A Westin' .
Order Your
41 Balfour r s S
("A" Store)-