TUESDAY,'JANUARY '_B,''"-.1952' Schott-Geibel Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Geibel of Butler have announced the en gagement of their daughter, Anne, to William Schott of WU,- kinsburg. Miss Geibel is a senior major ing in elementary education. Mr. Schott, a member of Sigma Phi 'Sigma, majored in advertis ing and was graduated_ from the College in June. He is-now in the U.S. krmy and is .stationed at Fort Riley, Kan. Gabel-Ketcham Mrs. Kathryn Ketcham of Ger mantown has announced the en gagement of her daughter, Mary Ann, to John Gabel, son of Mr and Mrs. J. Saylor Gabel of Er- Miss Ketcham is a junior in home .economics. Mr. Gabel is a junior majoring in industrial engineering, and is a member of Alpha Sigma Phi. , Swimmer-Bruck Mr. and Mrs. Ben Bruck '.of Scranton have announced the en gagement of their daughter, Mar ilyn„ to Harry Swimmer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice - Swimmer of Chester. Miss Bruck is a senior in the. School of Liberal Arts, majoring in sociology. Mr. Swimmer was • graduated from the College last June, with a major in commerce and finance. A member of Phi Epsilon Pi, he is•now associated with the Equit able -Life Assurance Society in Philadelphia. A June wedding is , planned. Goldstone-Berkowitz Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Bet:ko witz of Ellwood City have an nounced the engagement of their daughter, Sylvia, to Myron Gold stone, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ru dolph Goldstone of Sharon., Miss Berkowitz is a sophomore in business eduCation. Mr. Goldstone attended - t h e College and is at present em ployed -by the Goldstone Furni ture Co.- at Sharon. He is- a mem— ber of Sigma 'Alpha Mu. The couple is planning a spring wedding, and will reside in Shar on. • Smith Schedules Players Tryouts Tryouts for Players' March pro duction of "You Can't Take It With You" are scheduled for 7 to 9 p.m. tomorrow and Thursday in the Old Main Little Theatre. Students who have not appeared in Players' shows are %especially asked by Director Warren Smith to try out for the comedy which will. be staged in Schwab Audi torium. Persons may sign up eithdr in Smith's office opposite the sch wab Auditorium Green Room: or" in the Green Room. • . SAM to See MoVies The Student Chapter, of th e Society for the Advancement of Management will shb w .two movies, "Golden Gate Bridge" and "Shipways," d u rin g its monthly meeting at 8 p.m. to morrow in 107 Main Engineering. The meeting is open to the public. JANUARY CLEARANCE . SHOES . , . Nationally advertised quality, brands. Were $5.95 to $17:95. Now only $2.85 to $11.85. Not all, colors and styles in all sizes. HANDBAGS Your choice of suedes, calfs, and reptiles at savings up to 50 ° 4. NYLONS • . • Famous make hosiery in all sizes, colors and gauges, at 50% off. • - 1 .1 :••-' : 1 ' 4 . : .1Z la j '.. ''' ..' 'F t •l't engagemenb Kondouraiian-Gabriel Mr. 'and Mrs. Peter Gabriel of Scranton have announced the en gagement of their daughter,. Alice to Harry Kondourajian Of Phila delphia. Miss Gabriel .is a second sem zster ; freshman in home econom ies..) ' Kon - dourajian was gradu ated from the College last 4iLne A member of Phi Kappa' Tau, he was a member of the varsity debate team and served as All- College vice president. He is now attending the University of Penn sylv.inia Law School.. ;Style-Zislin Mr. and Mrs. Louis Zislin of IPhiladelphia - have announced the [engagement .of their daughter, Charlotte, to Jay Style, son of, Mr and Mrs. Abraham Style, also] of Philadelphia. Miss Zislin is a senior in zo ology and entomology. 'Mr. Style was graduated from the College in 1950, and is now attending the Philadelphia Col lege of Osteopathy. He is a mem ber of Sigma Alpha,Mu. Smith-Ward Mr. and •Mrs. H. C. Ward of Bellefonte have announced the engagement of their daughter, Melissa, to Ens. James Smith, son of Mr. and - Mrs. H. 0. • Smith of State College. Miss Ward is a senior in . music education, and a member of Alpha Omicron Pi. A '5O graduate, Ensign Smith was - a.membei of Beta Theta Pi. McCullough-Locke Mr. and Mrs. Allen Locke, of Pittsburgh, have announced the engagement of their daughter, Clover, to Howard. McCullough also of Pittsburgh. Miss Locke is a secretary for the United Mercantile Co. Mr. McCullough is a senior in me chanical engineering. • History Prof Has Articles Published Dr. Robert K. Murray, history instructor, is the author of an article, "Communism and the Great Steel Strike of 1919," which appeared last month in the Mis sissippi Valley Historical Review: -The other, works by Dr. Mur ray have recently been published by the American National Red Cross' press, in Washington, D.C. They are a monograph, "Amer ican Public Opinion on the Amer ican•" National Red Cross; 1881- 1948," and a booklet, "The • His tory. of Red Cross Home Service, 19164947:'. . Belles Lettres Club -The Belles Lettres Club will not, meet - tonight as scheduled. It will meet at 7 p.m. Tuesday in Atherton •Hall. "Y6tii" • PENN .STATE RING Youlnii only 1; get the best at Balfour% (`!A" Store) SALE THE PAILY., COLLEGIAN: STATE- COLLEGE -0. ito Alpha-Epsiloq Phi s 4 i New officers of Alpha Epsilon Phi are Arlene .11ifkees, dean; Nancy Stein, sub-dean; Arlene Teitelbaum, treasurer; Sylvia Sil ver, assistant treasurer: Doreen Jackson, registrar; Joan Weiss, scribe; and Nancy Gordon, rush chairman. A party was held recently for the coeds in the wing of the build ing in which the Alpha Epsilon Phi suite is located. Entertain nent was presented and refresh ments were served. Alpha Chi Sigma Recently-elected officers of Al pha Chi Sigma are Edward Wal den, president; Phillip Arm strong, vice president: John Jup penlatz, secretary; John , Goettel. treasurer; Millard Rehburg, so cial chairman; Donald Lutz, pro fessional chairman; John Knox, caterer, David Milenius, nistor ian; and Millard • Rehburg,. David Fix, and Samuel Engle, • execu tive board. Phi Sigma Sigma Phi Sigma Sigma held its an nual Sapphire Ball Saturday night at the Nittany Lion Inn. A dinner was served for actives and alum nae. Following the dinner, Jack Huber's orchestra played for the semi-formal dance, 17 hich hon ored the sorority's new initiates Phi Sigma Delta h i Sigma Delta entertained Alpha Epsilon Phi at a brunch party Sunday noon. Entertain ment included group singing. Alpha Gamma Delta Alpha Gamma - Delta initiated eight pledges at a ceremony Sun day morning. A breakfast was served following the initiation. •T hose initiated " were Mary Bingaman, Susan Holtzinger, Kathryn Lloyd, Beverly Morgan, Carolyn Peterson, Anne Rebholz, Jane Shettel, and Joan Marie Sparta. Newman Club to Meet Newman Club will hold its regular business meeting at 8 to night in 217 Willard Hall. January léard i ;.: = a -- Now's the time to replenish your college wardrobe. Dip into your Christmas gift money and drop into Mary , Leitzinger's. You'll find the latest fashions at give-away prices in this annual January Clearance Sale. Supplies are limited and time is short, so come in today. A New Year gift. skirtS like this at a price like this! Wool, taffeta, and corduroy - skirts in full circle or straight styles. many leitzinger 'ENNSYLVA.NIA Panhel-to Release New Rushing Code After Workshop The women's rushing code for next semester will be released Saturday a f ter a Panhellenic Council workshop, according to Marilyn Levitt, council president. Rush chairmen, sorority presi dents, and sorority, alumnae ad visors will attend the workshop, which will be held from 9 a.m. to noon Saturday in Simmons lounge. A tentative code has been drawn up by Addell Owen, Pan hel rush chairman; Marian White ley, assistant rush chairman; and Patricia Acosta, Emily Knobloch, June Leighty, Sally Lyddon, and Michelle Weiller, members of the rushing committee. Council members will have an opportunity to amend, the code before its final adoption. Other pertinent sorority problems will be discussed. , Sally Diehl and Nancy Queer are co-chairmen of the workshop. Basketball Tourney To Open Tonight Junior class women will begin defending their interclass basket ball crown when they meet the freshman sextet at 7 tonight in White Hall. The sophomore and senior squads will clash at 8 in the other opener of the Women's Recreation Association tournament. The schedule will continue throughout this week with a win ner probably being decided Thursday night. The Army-Navy teams "will swing into action next Tuesday. Senior Women to Meet Women graduating in January will meet at 6:30 p.m. next Tues day in Grange lounge to hear in formation concerning commence ment. Capt. Ruth Reenstjerna, Wo men's Army Corps recruiting of ficer, will also speak at the cof fee hour. Small group of date and day-time dresses at wonderfully low prices. In rayon, wool jersey,, and corduroy Soft and warm sweaters of fine Botanywool. Slip-on and cardigan styles. Illarriaga Leonard-Swartz The marriage of Mary Swartz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Swartz. of State College, to Ar no] d Leonard, son of Mrs. Doro thy Leonard of Scranton, took place Dec. 29 at St. Paul's Metho dist Church, in State College. Mrs. Victor Henri of Boston, Mass., was matron of honor. Polly Crouch of Hoboken. N.J., and Helen Haugh of State College :,ere bridesmaids. Harold Stetson of Bristol served as best man. A reception was held at the Nittany Lion Inn fol lowing the ceremony. Mrs. Leonard is a senior ma joring in science. Mr. Leonard, a graduate of the College in 1948, recently returned from Brazil, where he was engaged in explor atory work. The couple is resid ing at 133 S. Gill street. Feracing . Club To Elect Officers The Fencing Club will elect officers at 7 tonight in the Beaver Field water tower. Following the elections, there will be fencing. The club will meet regularly every Tuesday an d Thursday. Peter Raidy, president, requests that members bring their own towels and soap. Howe to Speak Herbert E. Howe, resear ch metallurgist for the Central Re search Laboratory, Am er i c an Smelting and Refining Co., will talk on the subject of the eco nomics, sources, recovery, prop erties and uses of lead at 8 to night in the Mineral Industries Art Gallery. TROUSERS cleaned and pressed 3 pair for $1.29 LAUNDSRCTTC rff ' ' I;, oat! PAGE FIVE
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