The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, January 04, 1952, Image 8

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College Professors Attend
Meetings During Holidays
Many conventions featuring members of the College faculty
were held during the Christmas vacation.
Six members of the Speech Department participated in the
annual convention of the Speech Association of America in Chicago
last week.
Dr. Eugene T.- McDonald, a member of the executive council
of the American Speech and.
Hearing Association, presented a
paper on -"Factors Affecting the
Reliability of Phonetic Analysis."
Serve on Committees
Five other members of the de- 1
partment, David R. Macke y,
Joseph F. O'Brien, Clayton H.
Schug, Dr. Bruce M. Sigenthaler
and Harold P. Zelko, also pre-
Sented papers at the convention.
Dr. C. Cordelia Brong and Dr.
Ruth A. Sydney also attended
the convention.
The Midwest was also the scene
of the Modern Language Associ
ation meetings; which were held
in Detroit. W. L. Werner, profes
sor of American literature, and
Samuel P. Bayard, associate pro
fessor of English Composition,
served on two committees. •
Werner was . chairman of the
executive committee of the - An
glo-German Group of the Modern
Language Association and also
acted . in the same capacity with
the College English , Association's
Attend Meetings .
Bayard served on the associ
ation's committee on popular lit
erature and folklore.
, Six members of the Depart-
Ment of Philosophy atten de d
Meetings in Philadelphia and
Bryn Mawr College: They were
Dr. John M. Anderson, R alph
Cromleigh, Dr. Henry A. Finch,
Dr. E. H. Freund, Dr. John A.
Mourant, and Dr. Leslie M. Pape.
Arthur W. Einstein, associate
professor of marketing and re
tailing; presented a paper before
the annual meetings of , the Am
erican Marketing Association in
Discusses Collective Bargaining
Dr. Joseph Marin,- professor of
engineering mechanics and re
search professor of engineering
materials, was elected first vice
president • for the coming year of
the Society for Experimental
Stress Analysis.'
Dr. William' N. Leonard, head
of the Department of Economics
and Commerce, discuSsed- "Col
lective Bargaining. in the Regu-,
lated Industries" at meetings of
the American Economic Associ
ation in Boston over the vacation.
Dr. George L. Leffler, professor
of finance, discussed "Outlook for
Securities Market for the . Com
ing Year" before a meeting of
the American Finance Association
in Boston.
Study Published -
Dr. Carl P. Schott, dean of the
k gchool of Physical Education and
Athletics, was named to the fi
nance committee of the' Eastern
Collegiate Athletic Conference
and Harold R. Gilbert, graduate
manager of athletics, to, the tele
vision committee, it was, an
nounced yesterday.
• A study by Dr. V. E. Mares,
associate, professor of economics,
on the necessity, of cartels was
published in the December issue
of Current History. magazine: -
Three • representatives of the
Penn State chapter of Phi Delta
K,a pp a, professional education
fraternity for men, attended a
council meeting in -Chicago over
the weekend. They were Frank
Anthony, Department of Agricul
ture Education; John Masley,
physical education; and Thurs
ton Reeves, audio-visual aids.
Polcinsky Chosen Head
Of Chemical Group
Dr. Theodore S. Polansky, as
sistant professor of- fuel technol
ogy, was recently named chair
man of the Central Pennsylvania
section of the American Chemi
cal Society.
Other officers chosen include
Ralph P. Seward, associate pro
fessor of chemistry, vice-chair
man: Dr. Albert H. Holtzinger,
associate professor "of chemistry,
treasurer; Dr. Gordon H. Pritham,
professor of psysiological chem
istry, secretary; Dr. Nollie B.
Guerrant, professor of biological
chemistry, councillor; an d . Dr.
Donald N. Rockwell, Juniata Col
lege, alternate councillor.
Dr. Arthur Rose and Dr. Les
ter Kieft, Bucknell University.
will continue as councillor and
alternate councillor respectively.
Professor's Book
To Be Released
Dr. Chester T. McNerney's new
book, "Educational Supervision,"
will be released today by the
McGraw-Hill B'o o k Co., New
York, N.Y. Dr. • McNerney is an
assistant professor of education
at the College.
"Educational SUpervision" pre
sents the modern tiwory of super
vision and shows, through. the
use of many examples, how to
translate this theory into prac
tice and thus increase the effec
tiveness of the educational pro
cess. The book is a value to super
visors, administrators, and teach
ers•at all levels of the educational
Winning Year—
(Continued from page seven)
borrowed a Harvard javelin, and
by tossing the rival spear 211 feet
captured- the IC4A championship
at Franklin Field, Philadelphia.
Finally on a frigid windy day
in December, Bill Ashenfelter
became • the - seventh Nittany
champion of the year whipping
Olympic potentials, Fred Wilt,
Curt Stone and brother Horace
Ashenfelter in the National Ama
teur Athletic Union 10,000 meter
cross , country championship.
$7.95 & $6.95
Campus Wool
All Other Sweaters
Skiiers to Enter
Essay Contest
Skiing enthusiasts may enter
the -State of Vermont's third an
nual "Why Ski?" 'competition.
Any undergraduate in good stand
ing of any accredited two or four
year college in New England,
New York, New Jersey, Pennsyl
vania, Delaware, or Maryland is
Entries should be 100 words or
less, prose or poetry, on the sub
ject "Why Ski?". _They should be
sent- before midnight, Jan. 24, to
Why Ski Editor, Statehouse,
Montpelier, Vermont. •
The ten winners, five men and
five women, will be Vermont's
guests for seven days, Feb. 3-9,
with all meals, lodging, travel
within Vermont, entertainment
skiing and instruction provided.
Management Training
Supervisor Named
Paul S. Beaver, assistant pro
fessor of management in exten
sion, is the new acting supervisor
of management training,' succeed
ing J. E. Kennedy.
The management training pro
giam directs courses for super
visors of business organizations
and industrial plants -throughout
the state.
Naval Flight Training
Naval reserve officers will be
able to take flight .training at
the Williamsport airport, the
Navy has announced. They will
be among 28 officers who will
take the once-a-month drill ;train
ing. Interested officers are re
quested by the Navy to contact
the Navy reserve training cen
ter in ,Williamsport.
All,:: SUITS -, . .'2 .. (Y0 off
Young Men's Shop
Young Men's Shop
Store wide Clearence Sale
All Other Slacks 20% Off
. $5.49
. 20% Off
Selective Service
Releases Figures
For. '52 Induction
Figures governing Selective
SerVice calls for January • and
February have been released by
Cpl. Joseph 'Mehallow of the
Bellefonte Army and Air Force
recruiting station.
The Marine Corps will be as
signed 30 per cent of the 59,00 b
men to be called •• in January,
while the remainder will be as
signed to the Army.
The February call will total
55,000 men with s 75; .per cent
assigned to the Army and the
remainder assigned to the Marine
Pre-inductees who have not as
yet received induction notices
have been extended the privilege
of enlisting in the services of
their choice by the Selective
Pre-inductees are defined as
men who haire already passed
draft examinations and are await
ing notice to report for induc
Examinations for all men and
women who volunteer or who
are inducted will be given at the
newly-established Armed Forces
examining station at New Cum
NSA Pions' Student
Government Newspaper
The National Student Associa
tion is tentatively planning to
publish an student
government newspaper, Walter
Sachs, regional director of public
information for NSA, said yester
. Marie Minninck, president of
Women's Student Government
Association at the University of
Pennsylvania, will work with
Sachs in planning the newspaper.
All Wool
Famous Brand
1 Full Size Range
Regular Prices
Belts •
Dress Socks
Fincke Will Address
Bible Group Tonight
The Rev. Luther P. Fincke will
address the Penn State Bible Fel
lowship, chapter of Inter-Varsity
Christian Fellowship, in 405 Old
Main at 7:30 tonight.
.Rev. Fincke ‘is a graduate of
Williams - -College, Westininster
Theological Seminary and West
ern Theological Seminary. He has
served as director. and as.speaker
for young people's conferences at
Stony Brook, Long Island and at
Silver Bay on Lake George, New
York. At present he is pastor of
the • Point Breeze Presbyterian
Church in Pittsburgh.
New Ag Dig Head
A. W. Clyde, professor in the
School of Agriculture at -the Col
lege since 1929, has taken over
as acting head of the - Department
of Agricultural Engineering. He
succeeds Prof. R. U. Blasingame,
who retired Dec. 31. -
IF YOUR Typewriter neede repairs. Past
call 2492 or bring machine to 633 W.
College ' Ave. Kr. Beatties' '2B years ex
nerienee is or your service
HAMILTON WATCH in Hort. Building
on Dec. 'l2. Finder please return to
Student Union desk. Reward.
SINGLE ROOM immediate possession
and also double rooms at second semes
ter. Call 2919.
1930.4-DOOR CREVE sedan. Good shape
with good tires and - late inspection.
Weiser Motor Co., 217 S. Atherton.
4x5 SPEED GRAPHIC, pola 'screen--
filters, two lenses etc. Call Ralph 4645.
'2 87
Suspenders * JeWelry
• Topcoats * Jackets
Sport Coats-