The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, December 14, 1951, Image 8

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colle g e NSA
Head to Chair
William Klisanin, president of
the Pennsylvania Region of the
United States N-tional Student
Association, and chairman of the
College's NSA, will preside at the
NSA regional assembly today
through Sunday at the University
of Pennsylvania.
Five other students from the
College will attend the Philadel
phia assembly. Walter Sachs, re
gional director of public rela
tions, will handle public rela
tions for the assembly.
David Mut chler, Tribunal
chairman, will discuss disciplin
ary action. John Laubach, presi
dent of the Association of Inde
pendent Men, will attend the edu
cational affairs workshop. Arthur
Rosfeld, Blue Key president, and
Harry Cover, All-College vice
president, will attend the student
government workshop.-
Klisanin will also present the
regional ,progress report and con
duct the plenary sessions.
Such student affairs as cam
pus chest, student bill of rights,
and international af f airs are
topics for other work shops..
Home Ec National
Society Initiates 15
Four men and 11 women have
been initiated into Omicron Nu,
national home economics honor
society. '
Prior to this year no men had
been initiated into the Penn State
Those initiated were Mary Jane
Dean, Edward Erotas, Dorothy
Fabian, Jane Fr ut i g er, Ruth
Horn, Pearl Kane, Joan Kanyuck,
Barbara Park Kinnan, Adam
Krafczek, Virginia Moore, Mary
Pierotti, Robert Schultz, Mar
jorie Telford, John Walker, and
JoAnne White.
Requirements for membership
in the society are a junior or
senior status in the School of
Horde Economics, high scholar
ship during college course, and
promise of leadership and future
Members are selected from the
upper one-fourth• of the senior
class •and upper one-fifth of the
junior class.
Trustees --
(Continued from page one)
campus on several occasions, said
he tried to contact the President
to show him some of the ma
terials. Man chest e r said he
couldn't get an interview. How
ever, M. Josephine Groesbeck,
President Eisenhower's secretary,
who is a member of Nittany Post
245, reminded Manchester that he
had been admitted to the Presi
dent's office on one occasion and
did talk with President Eisen
hower. She told Manchester that
he would have been able to see
the President at any time if he
had returned to the office.
Manchester then said that he
did have' the talk but that he
was on business of another na
Wed., Fri.. and Sun. Nights
Veterans' Book Refund
„The second refund of vet
erans' book checks will be
made today at the Bursar's
office, Richard H. Baker, Co
ordinator of Veterans Affairs,
announced yesterday.
Fruit Judging
To Be Here
The Intercollegiate Fruit Judg
ing League's annual competition
will be held tomorow morning in
10 Plant Industries, J. L. Mecart
ney, coach of the College team,
In ' the contests, each student
judges 20 classes of apples, with
three plates of five apples in
each class, Mr. Mecartney said.
Mr. Mecartney' said that the
College is the defending cham
pion in the league. He added that
Rutgers and the University of
West Virginia are entering teams
this year.
Representing the College in the
competition are Aden Francis,
Harold Garretson, and Lowell
Lewis. James Pitzer is alternate.
The College team has arranged
a dinner tonight at the Eutaw
House and a lour of the College
farms and campus for the / visi
Ski Club to Hold
Christmas Party
The Penns' Valley Ski Club will
hold its first annual Christmas
party Sunday evening at the Ski
Club Lodge.
Gerhardt Eckleman, president,
' said that due to the lack of space
the party is for members only.
Everyone planning to attend is
requested to bring a novelty gift
not exceeding twenty-five cents.
Santa Claus will be on hand to
distribute the gifts. .
All those desiring to attend
should contact Ruth McGrew at
extension 1099 for transportation
Phi SK, Kappa Delta
Phi Sigma Kappa fraternity
and Kappa Delta sorority will
entertain 22 youngsters,. ranging
from four to 12 years, at the frat
ernity house Saturday afternoon.
The annual affair will feature
Santa Claus, refreshments, and
presents for underprivileged chil
dren of Woodycrest.
The Interfraternity Council is
providing food baskets for many
needy families in • State College
and vicinity.
Or 110
Op an
rti 111"
2 Felloviships
Now Available
Two Hamilton-Standard Fel
lowships, each worth $l2OO for a
ten-month academic year, are now
available to qualified students in
electrical and 'mechanical engi
'Applicans must be holders of
B.S, degrees or in their last se
mester of work, for that degree,
with 1.5 averages.
The winners of the fellowship
may study for either• an M.S. or
Ph. D. degree, and will be ex
pected to accept employment with
the Hamilton-Standard Co. for not
less than one year after the com
pletion of studies.
They will be exempted from
payment of incidental fee, gen
eral fixed fee, and out-of-state
tuition fee.
Applications must be submitted
before Jan. 4. The fellowships be
come effective Feb. 1. For appli
cations students may see E. B.
Stavely, assistant dean of the en
gineering school, in 203 Main. E
German Xmas
Plans Made
Plans are nearly complete' for
the 22nd annual German Christ
mas program to be held at B p.m:
Monday in Schwab Auditorium.
The program -was started in
1930 by George J. Wurfl, profes
sor of German, for students in
the German department., Wurfl
will lead the program and will
read -the Christmas story from
the Bible in German.
George E. Ceiga, College or
ganist, will play the prelude and
postlude. Traditional carols will
be sung by the audience.
Soloists .will be Margaret Low
enfeld and Elizabeth Lessen, ac
companied by Joseph Rosenthal
at the piano. A viola obligato will
be played by Barbara Thomas.
Council to Give '
Betiefit Dance
The Town Council will sponsor
a "Can Can" dance from p.m.
to 12 midnight tomorrow in,Rec
reation Hall. The dance is a bene
fit affair for the Center County
Home for the Aged. Admission
will be two cans of food per
Henry Pitt, social chairman for
the council, is in charge of the
dance, and Robert Campbell and
his orchestra will provide the en
tertainment. The dance is open
to the public.
Cabinet --
(Continued from page one)
tied for third. The contest was
open to architectural engineers.
Jean Nisley; a member of the
Junior Prom committee, reported
that a net income of $4039.29 was
made' at the dance: After ex
penses, he estimated a profit 'of
$526.97 would be made. This did
not include the additional ex
pense of seven missing decora
tions at a cost. of $lO each.
Robert Leyburn, business man
ager of the student handbook,
told cabinet that the book was
printed at a cost of $1502.93. Ad
vertising accounted for $1103.50 of
the cost he said. Cabinet agreed to
undersign the deficit last spring.
Phys Ed Majors
Attend Convention
Margaret Laripster, fifth sem
ester physical education major,
and Andrew Andrews, seventh
semester physical education ma
jor, are' student representatives
at• the 30th annual. convention
ONE PAIR NEW Army surplus laminated
hickory Skis with steel edges-413.00 ;
one Linguaphone German language course
on records, scarcely used, with accom
panying texts—original price—sss.oo, for
$25.00. See C. M. Stine, Room 120 C
Dairy Building any afternoon.
1926 HUDSON Brougham, 'inspected, new
paint, good tires. 67,000 miles. Inquire
4634 evenings.
LET LAMPS from Halite add their beauty
to your home—use .them as Christmas
gifts. We have a host of fine styles,
traditional and modern, all designed with
your safe eyesight in mind. Floor and
table styles—Certified and Deena lamps.
Choose yours tomorrow at 0. W. pouts &
Son.' Inc., N. Buckbout, State College ;6703.
Christmas trees for sale. , Six to twenty
feet. Come and choose yours, at Autoport
3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
RIDE .WANTED to Pittsburgh, Monday
afternoon, Dec. 17. Call Phyllis 447
GIRL WANTED to room in apartment
with young married girl for spring
semester. Call ,2152. Inquire Snodgrass.
RIDERS TO Little Rock, Ark. via Cin
cinnati, Memphis. Leaving Dec. 18. Cali
M. B. Burton 4326.
RIDE TO Altoona around noon tomorrow
'Contact Tip, Dorm Ext. 1099.
SQUARE DANCE Saturday. Dec. 15 9.12.
Coliseum skating rink on Rt. 545. Joe
Corrado and his orchestra.
PEOPLE WHO have proofs from portraits
taken at the Lion Studio before the fire
may still have Christmas portraits made.
Call 4454. A new and better Lion Studio
will open shortly in a new location.
TYPING AND mimeographing Secre-
tarial Service Room' 207 Zotel State
College. Phone 4906.
1. W . ''..
Vti'..: .
, I "Wp,....,
' i'is' W ,
A. 3 sc!"
One good thing about modern cars.
They very rarely succumb to major
breakdowns withoUt giving warn
ing first. Have your engine, brakes,
transmission and other parts check
ed regularly and be sure that you
can depend on your car. Drive up
for a Winter Check-Up, T 0 •D A Y.
Across The Railroad Tracks
(Continued from page onel
to a misunderstanding„" was
solicited, but will. be c6ntac
in the near future. He. said fi
totals will - be available "soi
time in January."
Marvin, Krasnansky, Daily C
legian editor, reported that
"students are letting the fire .1
tiros down.", He said that .to d
only $166.78 has been turned
Estimated damage to the involi
students totaled $4638, he
"To this date 14 of the 19 grl
uate and undergraduate studei
involved in the fire have report
estimates of their losses to De
DeMarino (a ssist ant dean
men)," Krasnansky said.
for health, physical educatic
and recreation at the Penn She
atoit Hotel, Philadelphia,
In the convention which beg
yesterday and will end tome
row, Miss Lamaster will- partic
pate in a panel discussion c
"Your Student Major Club."
RED VELVET purse between Kappa Si
ma and Atherton Hall Saturday nigi
Call Mimi, 413 Atherton.
RED LEATHER jacket with fur-lined cc
lar. Taken from Sparks Nov. 19. Ca
Will Mockler. Phone 3946. Reward.
GREEN STRIPED pen and pencil a
Friday evening, on or near campus. Ca
Fran 326 Simmons.
RONSON cigarette lighter, ii
itials J.W.E. between Phi Gamma an
E.E. Sentimental value. Call Enterlin
BROWN DEERSKlN — jacliet on — 3rd floc
Willard between 8-10 a.m. Friday. Finde
please call Schmidt 5051 - 1190. Beware
GREEN LEATHER wallet. Wednesda
afternoon. Please return to Joanne DE
Vaux, 19 Simmons.
ROOMS FOR RENT. One single and on
double. Call ,6242. ,
IF YOUR typewriter needs repairs, lust
call 2492 or bring machine to 633 W,
College Ave. Mr. Beatties' 28 rears me
perience is at your service.
is the time to book •the band for your
spring dance. We still have a few open
dates.• The Jack Huber Orchestra. 4th year
on campus. For information call Skip
Wareham at 2689.
HOtPTS HAS electric Handyhot portable
washing machines for apartments and
trailers. Two styles: porcelain enamelled.
2-pound capacity, $27.95; stainless steel
model with timer, 2 to 3 pound capacity,
$42.60. There is also a hand-turned wringer
that fits both styles for only $7.96. Ask
for it for Christmas, 5% discount at
Bouts for cash and carry; convenient Pay..
ment .terms. 0. W. Routs & Son, Inc.,
N. Buckhout, State College; 6703.