The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, December 07, 1951, Image 8
PAGE EIGHT 25,Wi1l Travel To Kansas U. For Conference Twenty-five students, faculty members, and religious counselors from the College will represent Penn State at the quadrennial Student Volunteer Movement conference Dec. 27 to Jan. 1 at the University of Kansas, Law rence, Kan. The theme of the conference is "Christ's Kingdom—Man's Hope." Students still desiring to at tend the conference may obtain inforniation from the ministers of • their churches or from the Penn State Christian Association. The cost is $3l plus transporta tion. - A chartered train will leave Philadelphia at 4:20 p.m. Dec. 26 for the conference. Round trip will cost $60.78. A chartered bus leaving Pittsburgh on the morn ing of Dec. 26 will cost $28.75 round trip for 37 passengers or more. Students planning to at t end the conference are meeting at 1:30 p.m. each Saturday at West minster Foundation to study the conference study book, "That They May Have Life" by Dr. D. T. Niles of Ceylon, India. Home Ec Council Resumes Meetings No Home Economics Student Council meetings have been held within the past two weeks be cause of the absence of its offi cers, but will meet Tuesday. President Betty Anders will be practice teaching in Bellefonte until the end of the semester and is unable to preside at the meet ings. Both Barbara Norton, vice president, and William Tritsch, secretary-treasurer, we r e con fined to the hospital for the past week, but are now back and will be able to take charge of the meeting. ETa MAKE THIS A REAL MUSICAL CHRISTMAS Give Gifts That Give Lasting THE HARMONY SHOP *Record Players , — • *Ukeleles. Also Tenor and Baritone Tikes *Superbly Built and Styled Hohner Harmonicas *Table Model Radios *Sheet Music *Record Player Attachments—One Speed or Three Speeds *Recoid Racks, Albums, and Record Carrying Cases *Large Assortment of Records to suit every taste— Christmas Music, Shows, Opera, Operetta, Light Clas sics, Popular Hits, Dance, Folk Songs, Ballads, Latin American, Western, Chamber 'Music, Concertos, Chil drens Records, Music of the Other Countries, Dixie, New Jazz, Jazz Concerts, Contemporary Music, and many others. HARMONY THE 135 S. Frazier Street Open Every Weekday From 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. 11!=•=;:!!= 'Who's Who' Shingles Students who have been named to "Who's Who Among Students in American Colleges and Universities," may pick up their shingles at the Student Union desk, Clair George, head of the committee, announced yesterday. La Vie Names 40 To Junior Board Forty students have been pro moted to the junior board of La- Vie, College yearbook. Those named to junior board are: Charles Basch, Jacqueline Becker, Jean Berg, Nancy Big ley, George Carter, Yvonne Car ter, Jacqueline Daroshefski, Mary Elliot, Anne Fleming, Thomas Geffert, John Goettel, Barbara. Greer, Ann Hafner, Richara Ham ilton, Elizabeth Harlor, Carl Ha zen, Doris Hiestef. Barbara Holza, Barbara John son, Sally Johnson, Nancy Kahl, Sarah King, Leonard Krieger, Geraldine Jean Lathlean, Joan Lee, Betty Lentz, Bettie Loux, Carolyn McElroy, Patricia Nahas, Nancy ' Nelsen, Patricia Pirrall, Adith Raak, Henry Ros enthal, Douglas Schoerke, Joanne Seitz, Betty Seltzer, David Swan son, Jean Truzal, Sabina Wallace. Suicide (Continued from ixege one) dyed them a week or so pre viously. "He seemed to revel in them," Slothower said. - Son of Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Hep' ler of Brackenridge, Allegheny county, Hepler was described as "well liked" by acquaintances in Jordan Hall. The body is at the Koch Fun eral Home awaiting funeral ar rangements. College Creamery • Starting Sunday, the Creamery salesroom will close at 1 p.m. Bulk ice cream for home freez ers is sold at the Creamery ship ping room, two and half gallons for $4.50; quarts at 55 cents; and pints at 30 cents. Pleasure SHOP TIM DAILY di Phone 2130 h~xe~/:~cl~i~-i~Vo'4wa1Ci(ilii~dei~J~~~`ti~*~►~~_~:~~:~ Students to Hear Atomic Authority Dr. T. Keith Glennan, a mem ber of, the Atomic Energy Com mission, will speak on the "Work of the Atomic Energy Commis sion" at the senior engineering lecture at 4:10 p.m. today in Schwab Auditorium. -• There will be several 'hundred seats available for interested students, faculty members, and townspeople, according to Dr. Eric A. Walker, dean of the School of Engineering. Dr. Glennan 'has been presi dent of Case Institute of Tech nology, Cleveland, Ohio, since 1947. CLASSIFIEDS MISCELLANEOUS IF YOUR typewriter needs repairs, lust all 2492 or /bring machine _to 633 W College Me. M. Belittles' 28 years ex perience is at your service. RAAZAB TINK expert ideas for Christmas gifts. Home Economics Living Center, December 7, 9 to 5 p.m. JANUARY GRADUATE to work on staff of C.P.A. firm. Reside in or around Lewistown, Pa. for work in that vicinity. Excellent opportunity. Call or write Lav enthol, Krekstein & Co., 3 North Wayne Street, Lewistown, Pa.' GIFT - STJGGESTION: Penn State Playing Cards sold SU and Candy Cane for AAUW's Penn State Graduate Scholarship fund. WITH EVERY Columbia 3-speed attach- ment (automatic) at $24.95 each we will give you a long-playing album up to $3.00 in cost as a bonus. Offer for two weeks only. The Harmony Shop,. 135 S. Frazier St., 'lState College; OPEN EVE NINGS. ABOUT ENGLEWOOD, N. J.? BELL TELEPHONE SYSTEM LOST TUESDAY evening Lady Elgin wristwatch. Black band. Please return to M. Bleiberg. 406 Simmons. Reward. GRUEN WRIST watch Saturday evening Finder please contact Walter Pollak. Phone 2207. Reward. IC and E Log4;agZDE'CITRIG , Slide Rule, Contact J. Knox, 7881: Lost 'Nov. 30, Reward. Name on slide rule. - ALPHA XI Delta sorority pin was lost. If found call Doris , Free, 213 or 216 Simmons. TUXEDOS—one winter, one summer. I'm 5'10" 175 lbs. Best offer takes either. Call Bellefonte 4816 after. 7 p.m. DELICIOUS SOUTHERN borne-made fruit cake—light or dark—sl.2s lb. Call be fore Dec. 15. Phone 2650. $225 DIAMOND RING-4 months old, 3 diamond setting. Will sacrifice. $lOO. Call 4232, ask for Torn. THREE SPEED, 78 33 1 / 3 45, victrola ; six months old. Call Mike, 4953 or 4635. 5:15 to 12. IDEAL. CHRISTMAS presents; pedigreed Cocker Spaniel puppies. Reasonably priced. Ready to go at Christmas recess. Call State College 4815. LET LAMPS from flouts add their beauty to your home . use them as Christmas gifts. We have a host of fine styles, tra ditional and modern, all designed with your safe eyesight in mind. Floor and table styles -. . . Certified and Deena lamps. Choose yours tomorrow at 0.. W. Routs & Son, Inc., N. Buckhout, State College; 6703. TWO PRACTICALLY new English tweed top coats, two Michael Stern suits— name own price—size 38 & 39. Call 6913 between 6 & 7. For Best Results Use Collegian Classifieds WHAT'S SO DIFFERENT In Englewood, the local telephone exchange looks. pretty much like the telephone building in any other town. And Englewood's telephones seem just the same as the twenty seven million other dial telephones in.the:COUllily. But there's a difference . You 'can pick up a telephone in Englewood and dial San Francisco telephone numbers direct! In fact, you can dial any one of eleven million telephone numbers in thirteen widely scattered areas from coast to coast. That's what makes Englewood different the new kind of'Long Distance telephone service on trial there by. the Bell System. Long Distance dialing is another example of the Bell System's constant search for ways to provide you with .ever-better telephone service. CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE DECEMBER -7, LOST TAN CHECKED tweed sport coat, tai from 117 Carnegie 16 November. l ward for return to Student Union de Duane, Beals. BLACK WALLET, drivers license a other valuables. Please return to S dent Union desk. Thank you, • Beve PENN STATE jacket in Willard H . Wed Nov. 5 about 1 p.m. If fou please call Corson 4937. GOING BLIND, lost my glasses. Ho rimmed, :red ease. Simmons lounge N( 2S,' Shirley, 436 Simmons. SILVER. RONSON Lighter. Initials C.: Downtown, Friday Nov. 30. Call Ext. 2E, WANTED RIDE TO Dallas, Texas any time betwee now and Christmas. Call ' 4852 aft noon. Will help with driving and expenhe TO BUY Tenor Sax in good conditio Call ,State College• 3476 daytime. RIDERS TO Johnson City, Term. Leavin Dec. 19, returning Jan. 2. Call Ger. Love 6802 6-8. RIDER TO N. Y. City and Conn. Leavin Friday afternoon at 2 p.m. Call lerr at 8718. RIDERS TO North Carolina. Leavin noon, Dec. 19. Phone 6189. FOR RENT TWO DOUBLE rooms.' very reasonable convenient location. No landlady. Droi card Box 741. We will contact you. ' TRAILER FOR RENT—Reasonable rate good condition. Inquire Woodsdale.Trailei Park, or phone State College 8772. ATTRACTIVE ROOM for two girls—em. ployed or students. Frazier Dorm, near campus ; many home privileges. • 236 S. Frazier St. . DOUBLE ROOM with board for students. Inquire 612 W. Foster Ave. Phone 2598 for appointment.