The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, November 28, 1951, Image 8

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New York Sets
Engineers' Test
New York state is accepting
applications for tests for several
bundred engineers to assist in its
program of highway construction.
Successful candidates who pass
the examination for professional
and technical assistant will, be
eligible for permanent appoint
ment as senior engineering aides
at a starting salary of $3237. •
Students who are due to re
ceive degrees in engineering in
June 1952, are eligible to take
the examination on Jan. 12.
• Information and application
blanks for the examination can
be .obtained from the College
placement office or from New
York State Department of Civil
Service, 39 -Columbia street, Al
bany, New York. Applications
must be on file by Dec. 10. -
Pirates Will Stick
With Branch Rickey
PITTSBURGH, Nov. 27—(W)--
President John W. Galbreath
of the Pittsburgh Pirates, deny
ing reports of a rift among own
ers of the club, said today, "We're
going to sink or swim with
Branch Rickey."
The statement was in reply to
a report there has been a crackup
among the owners over loss of
$300,000 the last season. The
story was that Tom Johnson and
Bing Crosby, Galbreath's part
ners, have had enough and want
to get out and that a syndicate
is bidding to buy the club.
Famed Names--
(Continued from page one)
responding to cities, such as
Cleveland, Dußois, and Syracuse.
Others have had cars named af
ter them, Ford, Nash,. and Olds.
Then t her e are those whose
names sound like trees. For ex
ample, Chestnutwood, Rose, and
Other names which might be
considered unusual are Cashdol
lar, Cloud, Comfort, Conquest,
Copy, Course, Courtless, Crow,
Cylinder, Dart, Dash, Fairfield,
Fairweather, Feather, Fees, Few,
Firestone, Flood, Folk, Gatehouse,
Guest, Guy, Harp, List, Mailman,
Moon, Mountain, Snow, True, and
In the student directory you
can go from High to Low, from
Summer(s) to Winter, from Old(s)
to New. It would seem that
nearly everyone is attending the
College, but alas, we have a Ro
meo and no Juliet.
Student Employment
Fills 9 Holiday Jobs
During the Thanksgiving holi
day the Student Employment of
fice answered 46 requests for stu
dent help. The jobs, which were
nearly all temporary and part
time, were filled by only nine
students, according to Shirley
Smith, employment office assis
The holiday spirit was not lack
ing, as the employment office re
ceived two calls from townspeo
ple asking for help in contacting
any students who would like to
share Thanksgiving with them.
Both of the callers were success
fully assisted by the office.
'Phi Beta Kappa,
175 Years Old,
Plans Celebration
Plans are being completed -for
the celebration of the 175th anni
versary of the founding of Phi
Beta Kappa.
Reservations fora banquet are
being made at the•' Nittany Lion
Inn for Dec. 5.
,A. 0. Morse, provost of • the
College and foundation member
of the local chapter, will be the
Members of the society in the
State College area who are not
connected with the local chapter
are asked to send their name,
their college, and the date of their
initiation to Elsa C. Lisle, secre
tary, in 'care of the Pattee Li
The information is requested
whether the member desires to
join the local chapter or not,
Miss Lisle explained.
15 Students Enroll
For Polish Course
Fifteen students, including two
graduate students, - have signed
up for a beginning 'class in- Polish
next semester.
' William B. Edgerton, professor
of Russian, who, will instruct the
class, said that enough students
have signed up, and the course
will probably be scheduled. It
first must be approved by the
German department and the,
School of Liberal Arts.
Other •students interested in
taking beginning Polish may still
sign up with' Virginia Opoczenski
in 427 McElwain Hall.
Fellowship Record Tests
To Be Given January 18
The fellowship record exam
ination will be given Jan. 18 in
15 Plant Industries.
Candidates will take a general
test of academic ability at a morn
ing session and one of seven ad
vanced tests in specific fields in
the afternoon. The testing time
for each test is about three hours.
Bolduc Attends
Militaty Confab
Col. .Lucien. E. Bolduc, prfes
sor of military science and tac
tics, recently returned from an
infantry conference at Fort Ben
fling, Ga., designed to increase
student interest in combat arms.
Col. Bolduc was one of the
Second Army area representa
tives to the confab.
Questions of changing military
doctrines and their preparation
were among the topics discussed
at the conference, Col Bolduc
said. Discussions . were also held
on summer camp policies, distin
guished mili tar y student and
graduate programs, changes in
tables of allowances, and train
ing literature and aids, CoL Bol
duc added.
Similar conferences were also
held at the artillery school, the
anti-aircraft artillery school, and
armored schooL
For Best Results
Use Collegian Classifieds
Alpha Phi, Omega
Stanley Rapp has been elected
president of Alpha Phi Omega,
national sgrvice fraternity.
Other new officers are Richard
Schuler, vice-president; Lincoln
Warrell, recording secretary; Wil
liam Mikesell, corresponding sec
retary; •David Thomas, alumni
secretary; William Burr ow s,
treasurer; Robert Noel, historian;
John Westhafer, sergeant-at
arms. Dr. Charles Hosler is chair
man of the advisory committee.
BOARD FOR 3 qtudents. Inquire 512
West Foster Ave.
DOUBLE ROOM; first floor, private bath,
private entrance. 445 E. Foster Ave.
Phone 6106.
AVAILABLE Dec. 1: • 3-room furnished
Apt, ideal for student couple. 432 E.
College Ave. Call or phone. 4305 after
6 pan.
. +~ ~.
Campus Interviews on Cigarette Tests
;` f
Hysteria reigned from the moment he heard the
details of those quick-trick cigarette mildness tests.
First he giggled . . . then he guffawed .
wound-up rolling in the aisle! He knew that the
"single sniff" test or the "one puff" test didn't
' prove anything! Millions of smokers have
reached the same conclusion there's just one
test that really proves cigarette flavor and mildness!
0 : 4
ti 4
It's the , sensible test . . . the 30-Day Camel
Mildness Test, which simply asks you to try
Camels as your steady smoke on a pack-after-pack,
day-after-day basis. No snap judgments! Once
you've enjoyed Camels for 30 days in your "T
(T for Throat, T for Taste), you'll see why ...
Camel Was all other bailie Ay Maar
1:Z ? ?
CAMERA. Retina lIA F 2. Like new
Reasonable. Call 3996. Ask for Maurice
BUECHER ALTO Saxaphone pa. Call
6216 evenings.
MAN'S BENRUS ' Wrist Watch. Never
been worn. 17 jewels. Expansion band.
Retails for $39.75. Yours for $29.50. Phone
30 TUXEDOS from fire sale only $ll
per suit. Phone George or Norman 2760.
1941 STUDEBAKER business coupe; over
drive; huge trunk space. Good mechani
cal condition. Call 3256 6-8 p.m.
SMALL ITALIAN Accordion in perfect
condition. Would make wonderful Christ
mas present. Call 3255 6-8 p.m.
BRAND NEW Tuxedo, size 36, short; $25
Royal portable typewriter; $2O. Terms
cash. Call 1267 after 6 p.m.
COME TO Houts for that heavy-weather
clothing you need, for this fall's hunting
and sports event. Shirts tailored by Work
man and Woolrich in fine light-weight yet
warm cottons and woolens. Choose from
your favorite colors in solids and plaids.
We also have trousers and jackets styled
for a long sturdy lifetime 'of service.
0. W. flouts '& Son, Inc., N. Buckhout,
State College, 6703.
No. 29... THE HYENA
After all the Mildness Tests ...
WILL TYPE students themes, term papers,
etc. Rates reasonable. Call Miss Roes,
State College 3846.
EXPERIENCED MEN and women coun.
selors, supervisors, and water-safety in
structors wanted for children's summer
camp in Pennsylvania. Applicants will be
interviewed by the director Sunday, Dec. 2
from 1-4 p.m. at the - Foundation.
WILL PERSON who took brown leather
jacket from Walker Lab. on Nov. 16,
1951 please return. Call 5051-963 ask for
Don Peters.
A TIE-CLIP with an All-College Cabinet
key attached. Initials E.D.S. on back of
key. Please return to Student Uhion desk
in Old Main. Substantial reward.
WHOEVER — GOT my - sportiacket from
117 Carnegie. Friday, 16 November,
please return to Student Union desk: Tan
checked. Duane Beals. Reward.
IF YOUR Typer7iter needs repairs, lust
call 2492 or bring machine to 633 W.
College Ave. Mr Beatties' 28 years ex
perience is at Your service.
rr iy . die('