The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, November 14, 1951, Image 8

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DeMolay Asks
For Charter
The Penn State DeMolay Club
has made application to the Sen
ate Committee on Student wel
fare for a - charter.
The.'club, organized last April,
hopes to apply to the DeMolay
Grand Council for recognition if
they receive the school charter.
DeMolay is a fraternal order for
boys, under the sponsorship and
guidance of a Masonic body.
The purpose of the club is to
bring together any DeMolays on
campus from out of town, and to
aid any persons interested ' in
DeMolay work. President Thomas
Farrell said that any freshmen
or sophomores Interested in the
club should contact ' him for
further information.
The organization meets ,the
first and third Wednesdays of the
(Continued from page one)
John Bennett of Union Theologi
cal Seminary will discuss "The
Religious Basis of Freeddm" with
Rabbi Benjamin Kahn partici
pating on the panel of the dis
cussion which will follow.
Col. Francis P. Miller, State
department consultant, and James
Fulton, congressman of the 31st
district of Pennsylvania, w ill
speak on "The Use of Power in a
Free Society."
Dr. Liston Pope, dean of the
Yale Divinity School, will deliver
the address in Chapel Sunday
morning on the therrfe of the col
loquy. _
Harry Butcher, secretary of the
Committee of 70, Philadelphia,
wi 11 als o participate
,in the
colloquy. All discussions will
take place in 121 Sparks.
After each address there
will be a panel of men made up
of all or most of the men speak
ing at the colloquy to answer
the questions raised by students.
(Continued from page one)
ters down, to his knowledge.
The majority of Lion •Party
posters was placed outside store
windows and buildings. State
Party posters were placed inside
stores for the most part, it, was
pointed out.
The editorial comment, -in yes
terday's Daily Collegian critical
of parts of both party platforms
received a "no comment" from
Amole. Evert said he hoped voters
would consider both the Lion
Party platform, an d its 'candi
dates before they cast their' bal
lots tomorrow. He said he thought
there is. "something definitely
worthwhile in the platform."
Dance Class Makeup
Members of the Student Union
counseling service's dance class
which was canceled Friday may
attend the meeting at 6:30 to
night in the TUB.
This will be the last chance to
make up the class.,
30'> 4 'VIARNE11
• • ••
OPEN AT 6:20
Froth Girl Entries
Due by SatOrday
Entries for the FrOth "Girl of
the Month" contest must be sub
mitted to Student Union desk in
Old Main by Saturday noon:
Photographs, on which judging
is based, must be submitted with
each entry. Name, address, and
collegiate status should also ac
company the entry.
Women may enter themselves
in 'the contest, or they may be
sponsored by interested groups,
such as fraternities and other or
ganizations. - ,
Material for Old Mania, Froth's
announcements of pinnings, en
gagements, and marriages, should
be mailed or submitted by Friday
to Renee Kluger, 413 Simmons
Alumnus to Head
Bureau of Mines
John J. V. Forbes, who grad
uated from the . College in 1911
with a bachelor of science degree
in mining engineering, has re
ceived a recess appointment as
director of the Bureau of Mines,
U.S. Department of the Interior.
Forbes has served previously
as chief of the bureau's health
and safety division, chief engin
eer of the .safety• extension serv
ice and. of the mineral production
security, division, and chief in
spector of the' coal mine inspec
tion division.
A gun turret for the B-36 bomber undergoes test as it
comes off the assembly line at a General Electric plant.
An advanced model of General Electric's .147 turbojet
engine packs far more power within the same size.
\ldeas freim college graduates at
Add to the above the nuclear-powered aircraft engine
that General Electric is developing for the Air Force
turbosuperchargers gUided missiles ... radar / ..
the plutonium-producing reactors which the Company
operates at Hanford, Washington for the Atomic
Energy Commission.
Into vital national projects like these are going the
efforts of hundreds of scientists, engineeri, chemists,
physicists and other college graduates who are making
their careers at General Electric. .-
There's a major reason why General Electric is
c %te CQYZub colikwe
Red Cross--
(Continued from page one)
Cross unit worked more than sev
en hours Monday securing 159
pints of blood.
Miss Cornelius said the desti
nation of the blood is deteianined
periodically by 'the War depart
ment, but all tif it is used for de
fense. Some of the blood donated
here Monday has already been
flown to'California where it is re
iced and flown to Korea within
72 hours after donation.
Donors are given a complete
physical examination before do
nating and receive refreshments
after the donation. Those be
coming ill following the donation
may secure a class excuse for the
dgy by presenting their appoint
ment cards to the Dean, of Men
or Dean of Women.
The blood campaign, sponpred
by an All-College Cabinet com
mittee, opened Oct: 18. The ori
ginal goal of 400 was raised — to
600 and=finally fixed at 800 when
pledge repeatedly topped the
mark. Yesterday's total passed the
finaLgoal by 187.
Coffee Hour Today ,
Representatives of the Associ
ation of Independent Men Board
of Governors and one-half of the
members of the Liberal Arts Stu
dent Council will be guests of
Dean of Men H. K. Wilson at
the weekly coffee hour'• in the
Dean of Men's_ office this after
.e .;..- ,CLASS-tyttp,:.S.,-T, i _ • :,::',
36 mm. CAMERA Perfex "33" f/3.6 lens
1/600 sec. Good shape. Excellent for color.
Best offer. Phone 4368 evenings.
1937' CHEVROLET.' Recently, overhauled,
good mechanical shape.. Tires and 'bat
tery, good. Inquire JOhn Dick, 618 S. Pugh.
Call 4862.-:
IF YOUR Typewriter needs repairs; Just
call 2492 or bring machine to 633 W.
College Ave. Mr. - Beatties• 28 years ex•
perience is at your service.
BOYS" LAUNDRIES, family laundries
Will call for and deliver. Call 4502.
"TART:UFFE" rhymes' with "Spoof"
retarial Service, Room 207, Hotel State
College. Phone 4906..
ONE DOUBLE and one-half double room ;
reason for vacancy—student teachers
leaving. 4.80 Smith 'Pugh. Call 7084.
PRIVACY, AMPLE storage space, refrig
erator, and desk in our house trailer.
Opportunity for student couple in exchange
for care while we are gone. Near campus.
Contact Andrew Crooks. Phone State Col
lege, 093.
VACANCY FOR one male student at 322
S. Allen• St or call 2887. •
SINGLE ROOM $5 a week. Phone 2244
BLACK AND Gold Shaeffer-Pencil found
in Room 7 Sparks. Call Ken 7264.
WILL TYPE students themes, term papers,
etc: Rates reasonable. Call Miss Ross,
State College 3846.
are. helping U. S.
asked to contribute to so many of these projects:The
Company has prided itself on building an outstanding
engineering, technical and business organization, one
that can take the toughest problems and piaster. them,
one that can be a steady source of new ideas.
' Young people from American colleges and universi
ties, their skills and talents further developed through
G-E, training courses and rotational-lob programs,
are forming the core of that organization and are the
source of the ideas tha?:are standing the nation in
good stead. .
G-E engineers developed this pPrtable
steering unit which enables Navy ships
to be steered from any of several
widely separated strafegic positions.
WgDNESDAY;NOyEMBER 14, , .1951
RIDE WANTED to Detroit or vicinity for
.Thanksgiving. Call Cash,' 6710.
RIDE TO Southern Michigan Detroit
area this weekend. Will help drive and
pay, expenses. Phone' 2939. .•
WAISTED: 35 mm. or *2 1 i33 4 photo.'
, graphic enhirger.' Please phone 7206.
PASSENGERS TO North or South Caro:
lina and return over Thanksgiving. See
Copeland, 219 Plant Industries Bldg.
DO YOU have dirty laundry? Pll do it
for you!
_Just 'dial' 4589 for further
KR .LogLoß.Decitrig Sliderule. W. Blare'lc,
Pollock 4, Room 31 ext. 264.
•li7IDEIVANTED to Wellsboro, Pa. :or
vicinity after•s-:00 .in. Friday, Nov. 16.
Call Jerry 5051 Ext. 264.
FIRST FLOOR double robin. 424 W. Bea
ver Ave: Phone 6336 after five.
TAN ,OVERCOAT taken froth . Delta Tau
_ Delta by mistake Saturday night. Please
return to John Haub. Phone 6936. ,
Rule, brown case; Thursday' morning
between Mac Hall and Osmond Lab. Call
2679. Dale Jones.'
ONE PAIR of glasses between Engineer
ing units and Atherton Street. Black
donat case. Finder_ call - MO.
2 PHI SIGMA DELTA fraternity pins
Saturday night on Fraternity- Row. If
found please phone 4409.
SMALL GOLD and white crest pin. "We
Aim to• Hit".. Finder please call Jean,
250 Atherton Hall.
KEY IN green case : somewhere between
Simmons and Sparks. Please return to
Student Union in Old Main.
WILL THE person who took a tan over
coat from Phi - Kappa Tau •Saturday
night please contact' DeWitt, Ext. 298.
Have overcoat in return. ,
Hatcher label, Bill; 249 Hamilton.'Phone
1191. Reward. I have yours.