The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, November 08, 1951, Image 8
PAGE.FIGHT 'Our Town' -- (Continued from page one) cemetery speaking about - eternal harmony in• the universe. Other lead roles are played by Prim Diefenderfer as Mrs. Gibbs and Shirley Gallagher as Mrs. Webb. • Don Barton playi Joe Crowell, Ivan Ladizinsky, Howie Ne w some; Mary Kozelnicky, Rebecca Gibbs; Bill Valmont, Wally Webb; Ed Reiss, Sim6n Stimson; • and Elaine Schleifer, Mrs. Soames. Miriam Bleiberg has the role of the woman in the balcony; John Aniston, the man in the auditorium; Cathy Keister, the lady in the box; Ed Raffensper ger, Constable Warren; Has Simm plays Si Crowell; Dick Wahl is Sam Craig; and Paul McWilliams is Joe Stoddard. Reifsneider Directs Joe Marko, Barry Kay, and Chuck Suerken play the baseball players and the people of the town are played by Roland John son, Charles Rockman, William Pete, Agnes Porter, Renee Klu ger, Miss Keis t e r, and Ann Feather. Dramtics Instructor Robert Reif sneider is directing "Our Town" an d Assistant Dramatics Prof. Warren Smith directs the lighting crew. CLASSIFIEDS MISCELLANEOUS IF YOUR Typewriter needs repairs, just call 2492 or bring machine to sn W. College Ave. Mr. Beattiee- 28 years ex perience is 'at your service. FOR RENT ONE DOUBLE and one-half double room. Reason for vacancy—student teachers leaving. 420 South Pugh. Call 7084. LIVING ROOM—Bedroom combination, kitchen, refrigerator and gas stove, share bath, and laundry. Suitable for married couple, secretaries, or bachelor combination. Now available. Call 2335 after six or come to 113 Heister St. NICELY FRNISHED House Trailer walk- ing distance campus. $12.00 week in cluding all conveniences. Ideal for two. Ray, State College 2028. . FOR SALE 1936 FORD Sedan ; radio, heater. Excel lent body and 'motor. See Dave Irons, Dorm 4, Room 25 or call ext. 264. 80-40 KRAG WITH Weaver K-25 scope— $BO.OO. 30-30, M-49, Winchester-860.00. 218-B with Weaver 330 scope-856.00. 16 guage. Ithaca double-barreled shot gun— s4o.oo. Phone 3144. 402 S. Frazier St. FORMAL GOWNS, Sizes 11 and 13. Phone 2280. TUX. Size 36. Cali Roy 2726 THREE SPEED, 78 331/3 45, Vietrola; six months old. Must sell-Call Mike 4953 5:30 to 6:30. or COCKTAIL PARTIES after the game: excellent fruitpunch, hors d'oeuvres and •then refreshments. Frida Stern, 122 E. rvin Ave. Phone 4818. Live to 80? These organizations are Working toward that goal by conducting research designed to reduce the death rate due to disease . . . . Heart Fund March. of Dimes • Leo Houck. Cancer Fund They.need your help now so that they can serve • , - 'you later. GIVE ONCE --.SERVE ALL Campus Chest .THE -DAILY COLLEGIAN. • STATE ;77:.:1;EGE 'PENNSYLVANIA Corsages for Prom Orders for corsages for the Junior Prom are still being ac cepted by the Student Floral Agency, according to All a n Reece, director of Student Em ployment Agency, The agency will take orders at noon today in the lobby- of Hamilton Hall an d in th e Nittany-Pollock dining hall. Mil Ball Committee (Continued from wage one) has only been a member •of the faculty • since September. 1950. --The legal sources said that while the ball was given under the auspices of armed forces units, it was considered strictly a so cial operation of the military de partment and as such would not come under the .tax policy gov ernment organizations. A similar decision was made in the case of officers' clubs on military reser vations a few years ago. In 1947, section 1701 of the Internal Revenue code was re pealed. The section had exempted educational, veterans, and certain other organizations from payment of tax on admissions. A circular was sent out in which the information was set down. The circular stated that profit, LOST WHITE GOLD Bulova Watch with black wristband, between. Methodist Church and Atherton Hall. Call 8491 Ext. 575. • GRAY CHECKED top coat Saturday night at Phi Kappa Tan. Call Tom Zerbe, 218 McKee. WILL PERSON• who picked np new blue overcoat off rack outside 317 Willard please contact Ed Zimmerman, 106 E. College Ave. ' WILL PERSON who accidentally took tan jacket, brown collar, from rack in Temp. call ext. 293, Room 14. 'C.W.S. FOUND GLASSES, one pair grey female: south of White Hall. May be claimed at 214 Mineral Science Building. WANTED SPORTS MINDED Guys and Gals for-or ganized basketball and volley ball games at L.S.A. Friday 8 p.m. WILL TYPE students themes, term papers, etc. Rates reasonable. Call Miss Ross, State College 3846. MALE STUDENT for part time work in exchange for attractive room. Phone 2133. U.S. STAMP Collections and antique or modern gun. Call Ext. 2262 day-time or 361 Pleasant Gap evenings and ask for Ivan Bjalme. ENGINEERING STUDENT desires quiet single room in College Heights. Call 4812, Bob Thompson. VACANCY FOR one student in room with hot and told running water. APpIY 123 W. Nittany Avenue. Phone 4850 ask for C. R. PASSENGERS TO Morrisville Pa. Leave Nov. 16 6 p.m. return Sunday afternoon. Phone 8441 Ext. 791 Mrs. Chubb. -- June rad -- (continued from page two) great problem indeed—especially on a Friday afternoon. What about students who hand in assignments late? Buzz claims he's pretty hard on them, but he , admits he under stands how they feel. "The student has to prepare his work before coming to class," he says; "but I know so well the things that would prevent him from doing so." Buzz should be acquainted with the distractions which confront a student, too, for some of his ac tivities last year were All-Col lege Cabinet parliamentarian, president of Forensic Council. co chairman of the Campts 'Chest and Community Forum. IFC ex ecutive committee, Lion's P a w and Skull. and Bones. whether • real or contemplated, was subject to the tax, whether the organization was public or private. HOW MANY TIMES A DAY ... .. • . .....-.: • , • " •.-• -•-•:•.• ...... ••:•:., .• ••• ~ , .. .. • ... ~....,.. ..... ••:....., :,•• . „•••••••...• ..• •.• ~• .• •• . ....-•• •• ••• .- . ~•'. . ~.....: • ... .. , ...,.. . .. •• • • • , .. .. . .. . .. . , • .. . . .•..• . • • • • • ••• .. r .. .• • ....,•:. ••• . :., .. . • . ... . . . ~.... . -...... ;........, . ~. : • , .• .• •.t . . . . ..... , ....:. •-• ..,......,.. . ....., , ...... : ...• . , . .. . ... - • • • • ..., .. • .. , . .. • ~ :..',...-,... ... i, '.. , ....... . 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Control Amount of Aid Both the NCAA and the ECAC, control the arhount of aid Penn State may give to its athletes, Schott explained. At the College, Schott said, fi nancial aid is granted on the in dividual's need and academic ability. He emphasized, "Every student who has received aid has met his scholastic - requirements." In order for a student to partici pate in extra-curricular activities at the College he must haye a .65 average. At present, there are 145 ath letic scholarships available vary ing in value, Schott said in an swer to a query from the floor. "This does not, however, rep 100? Yes, 200 times every day your nose and throat are exposed to, irritation • • . 200 GOOD REASONS WHY YOU'RE BETTER OFF SMOKING PHILIP MORRIS! THURSDAY;:iVOVEMI3ER - :8: 196 i resent all ,the aid which is given to athletes," moderator Riley said. "Alumni 'gimps and friends of the College also Contribute a large portion ,of the money avail able to athletes." The recent scan dal • disclosures are not so much the fault of the • sports," Engle said, "but rather should tributed, to a nation=wide lower ing of moral standarda." • , After the panel discussion, AAUP officers were elected. They_ include F. -8.. Krause, professor ):)f Latin, president; F. R. Matson, professor of ceramics, vice-presi dent; William Smith, professor of family relations, secretary; and R. S. Farwell, instructor 'in •in dustrial , engineering, treasurer. Outgoing president is Dr. Nelson McGeary, professor of political science. F-trimmed gowns; a fashion innovation last year, seem to have attaed lasting popularity. 200? -.r.:sNA"'' D by outstanding nose and throat specialistsi you!II ha glad tomorrow,. you sinoked PHILIP MORRIS today!