The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, October 27, 1951, Image 8
PAGE EIGHT Chest-- (Continued from page one) Campus Chest is Earl Baker. Other committee members are Robert Evans, Sally Fischer, Jos eph Folcarelli, John Hoseford, and Ann Swagler. Last Year's Drive Success Students in charge of solicita tions are John Allison, fraterni ties Donald Beal, town men; John Laubach and Joseph Haines, campus men; Joan Yerger and Virginia Opoczenski, campus wo men; and Patricia Jones,, town women. Murray Goldman will be solicitation chairman. Although last year's drive was short by $3500 it was considered a success by the chest officials. Originally scheduled to last for one week, 'so's drive was extended to two weeks so that the• solici tors would have more time to contact the students they had missed. The final total was $10,500. COME To , CHURCH College Chapel Schwab Auditorium Oct. 28. 1951 Speaker—Dr. Raymond V. Kearns Jr. Topic: "Need for Unpurchasable Christians" Choirs: "0 Thou Eternal One" St Andrew's Episcopal Church Foster' Ave. and Fraider St. The Rev. John N. Peabody. Hector Matins Service-8:15 a.m. Holy Communion every Sunday 7:45 a.m. Also First lunday. 10:45 a.m. Sunday Church School 10:45 a.m. Morning Prayer .and Sermon 10:45 a.m. Choral - Evensong-5:00 P.M. Canterbury Club 6:30 P. M. University Baptist Church Bitteny Ave. and Bu?rowe% St. The Rev. Hobert H. Ends, Pastor Church School College Class 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship .... 1.0:45 a.m Roger Williams Fellowship . • . 5:00 p.m Free Methodist Church Sparks Street , W. College and West Beaver Ave Sunday School Sunday Service 10:45 a.m Young People's Service 7:00 p.m Sunday Evening Service 7:30 p.m Prayer Meeting, Wed. 7:30 p.m SCARAB CHI PHI SIGMA PI PHI MU DELTA ZETA • THETA CHI ALPHA ZETA KAPPA DELTA CHI OMEGA ETA KAPPA NU TAU PHI DELTA ZETA BETA TAU DELTA SIGMA PHI PI KAPPA ALPHA Band-- (Continued from page one) other bands. After the bands have arranged themselves on the field they will play two or three numbers en masse. The original plan was to have the program performed at half time, but West Virginia Univer sity's decision to bring its band with theirs, made the pre-game arrangement necessary. West Vir g:ni a's band will honor the armed forces of the United States by having forma tions to ' !pict the Marines, Air Force, Navy, Armored Forces, and Infantry. They will also have a. novel "band within a band" con sisting of a special group of mem bers who play accompaniment to the cheers. Fishburn said that he hopes all students will turn out for the game early enough to see the program and thus encourage con tinuation of the annual Band Days. 9:45 a.m This Message is Brought To You Through the Courtesy of Both College'end Town- Organizations THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA Dr. Elton Trueblood of Earlham College has this to say .concerning the church:—"The sober fact is that the Christian Churches and the Hebrew synagogues are the only' organizations in our civilization whose primary purpose is to keep alive the moral and spiritual prin ciples without which a decent world is impossible." Any organization depends for its existence upon the vitality of its following. Each church member is a tiny rootlet nourishing and sus taining the life of the whole cause. Fruits depend upon roots. Uphold your church. . Roman CathOHC Fairmount Ave. and Frasier St The Rae. John C. O'Leary Rector and The Rev. Richard Walsh Sunday during regular College Session 8:00, 9:00, 10:00 and 11:00 a.m.-9:00 a.m. Mass at Schwab Auditorium. Holy Days 6:30, 7:00, 8:00 a.m. The Prethyterian Church Westminster Foundation Beaver and Frazier Si. Rev. Andrew E. Newcomer. Jr. Pastor and The Rev. Donalc' W. Carruthers, Director, Church Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Morning Church Service 10:45 a.m. Westminster Fellowship 6:30 p.m. Evening Church Service 7:30 p.m. Friends Meeting 318 Atherton St. School for Youth and Adults and Student Discussion 9:30 a.m. ' ' Meeting for Worship, 10:45 a.m Student Meeting .... COLLEGIAN CLASSIFIEDS MISCELLANEOUS IF YOUR Typewriter needs repairs. just call 2492 or bring machine to 638 W. College Ave. Mr. Beatties' 28 years ex perience is at your service. THEMES, COMPOSITION Papers, etc. typed. $.20 a . sheet. Please call Beals burg 651.4. Ask for Edith. FOUND BEGINNER'S SLIDE Rule near Frear Lab. - Owner can have for cost of nd. Phone Vic 964. LOST ONE SILVER and beige Parker 51 pen with name Judith Cohen. If found call Simmons 235. SILVER HEART shaped Identification Bracelet lost on campus. Pris is marked on one side. Call Pris, Ext. 1093. WANTED RIDE TO Cornell or vicinity wanted for Friday, Nov. 2. Call 363 Simmons. St. Paul's Methodist Church Rev. F. W. Montgomery; Pastor The Pennslyvania State -College 7:00 p.m CORONET MAGAZINES Bound Volume 28 at Library Oct. 19. Finder please return to Library. Needed for reference. HELBROS WATCH with brown leather strap. pair of born rimmed glasses. Call George %or Jack 4122. GIRL'S BLACK Wallet. Identification • cards -belong to Bernice Rubin. If found, call or return to 118 McKee Hall. K & E SLIDE 'Rule in black 'case—Thurs day afternoon during common hour. Finder please call 3939; Dave Kern. MEN'S BULOVA wrist watch with gold expansion bracelet—last weekend. Re ward. Phone 3939: Call McNutt or Kinsey. BLACK ONYX Ring vicinity West Dorm lounge Sunday 21st. Return to Seide man; Pollock 943. Reward. WHITE STEEL tank 28" long, 8" di ameter in State College. Finder please call Weiser 2134. Reward. DARK GRAY Rain Coat at Willard Ball on Wednesday. Phone Nick 6611. Re ward. GRAY TOPCOAT at Phi, Kappa, Saturday night. Call - 2.084. Ask for Gene: PARKER 51 Pencil between Dux Club and Main Eng. Initials B.C.T. Call Ext. 262 ask for Troutman. First Church of Christ Scientist 101 West Beaver Ave. Suriday School 9:30 am Sunday Service - 11:00 a.m. Testimonial meeting Wednesday 7:30 p.m Faith Evangelical and Reformed. Churth College Ave. & Miles St. The Rev. Albert .Asendort and Tha r Rev. Richard Goodliag Sul:lday School 9:30 a.m Sunday Service 10:45 a.m Student Fellowship ... 6:30 p.m Church of Christ Woodman Hall 0. L. Castleberry, Miniiter Bible Class Worship LOST 10:00 a.m 11:00 a.m SATURDAY, ,OCTOBER 27,,1951 FOR SALE UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER—good con dition, $25. Philco 33 1/3 L.P.' record attachment: ellised• case; practically new. $l5. Call 2514. ONE 600x16 TIRE and tube, 1000 miles tred left , 'before re-cap; no patches ; 17., Call Tom Gardner 4969. DISCRIMINATING CAR ATTENTION OWNERS I 1951 Singer 4 • passenger con vertible, English 'sports roadster, 8600 miles,; 35 miles per gallon. Ideal for com muting, comfortable on long trips. Sleek, flowing classic streamlining, deep maroon color ;• burgundy upholstery. 24-hour sell , - ice on. replacement parts. Comfortable in. winter,' heavenly in summer. Rolls-Royce eye appeal; -- comfort, and performance' at small car price. To see this thoroughbred —contact Mr: - Nomer, 415 Old Main, •Ext. 441; or at hoine call State College 6502. COMPLETE SET of tails, size 38, $lO. Quality Mouton Lamb Fur Coat, size 14, $35. 'Phone 7368. 40X0$4haRmil HOMEMADE fru itcakes and special overseas cookies ready for mailing. Frida Stern, 122 Irvin Ave. Phone 4818. ROYAL ARISTOCRAT Portable Type writer. Magic margin. Like new. Phone 7717. between 8 a.m.-4:30. After 4:30 phone 6242, • ) I ► I I ► 1 A St: John's Evangelical., United Brethren Church Beaver Ave. and / Burrowes St. The Rev. James P. Reed, Pastor Morning Worship and . Sunday School 9:30 a.m Student Fellowship Meeting 6:15 D.M. Vespers • 7:30 p.m Grace Lutheran Church College Aye. and Atherton St. Tho Rev. John F. Harkins, D.D.. Pastor and The Nev. Edworth E. Kona, Campus Pastor Church School .. .... 9:30 a.m. The Service 10:45 a.m. Lutheran Student Meeting 6:30 m. Vespers- 112=1 lEnai Writh Hillel Foundation 133 West Beti*err Ave. Rabbi Benjamin 24. ram -Director Friday Evening Services-8 p.m. Saturday Morning Services 10 a.m. • St. Paurs Methodist Church and • Wesley Foundation College Ave: and McAlltiter The Rev. Frank W. Montgomery. Pastor • Mrs. Dorothy G. Anderson Program Director Student classes' 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship 10:45 am. - Fellowship Supper and Program 5:15 - 7:30 p.m. ZETA TAU ALPHA SIGMA PHI SIGMA PHI SIGMA SIGMA COLLEGIAN , ALPHA PHI OMEGA SIGMA ALPHA EPSILON KAPPA ALPHA THETA ALPHA CHI OMEGA • TAW KAPPA EPSILON KAPPA KAPPA GAMMA LIBERAL ARTS STUDENT COUNCIL .. 7:30 p.m