The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, October 17, 1951, Image 8

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Six to Head
Nittany Council Monday night
accepted the appointment of six
committee chairmen and three
special officers from Weston Tom
linson, council president.
Arthur Latta was named head
of the public welfare committee
with the two immediate objectives
being the establishing of a laun
dry case pick-up service, and de
vising a mail pick-up system
which would eliminate the long
waiting lines.
James Greenwood was appoint
ed head of the scholarship com
mittee. The committee was estab
lished to start a bluebook file
similar to the ones collected by
fraternities, with the hope of
raising the scholastic standing of
men in the area.
Collegian Shortage
James Himes was appointed
chairman of the dining hall com
mittee and advised to talk to the
dining hall supervisors about eli
mination of long waiting lines.
Students in the area have com
plained that sufficient Collegians
are not available ; to them. It was
estimated that the area is short
200 Collegians daily. Nathan
Goodman was named head of a
committee to look into the situa
tion. ,
John Frederick was appointed
chief fire marshall to check fire
extinguishers in the dorms and to
report on fire hazards which
Committees Appointed
Nicholas Catanese was appoint
er sergeant at arms and Steven
Pontier was named parliamentar
Two special committees were
appointed. Dale McElhattan heads
a committee to see that the candy
vending machines in the dorms
are operating properly. Daniel
Fagan is in charge of a constitu
tional committee to report any
needed revisions in the council
Fagan, council representative
on the AIM window display com
mittee, reported that 12 Nittany
dorms had displays in downtown
windows. The window displays,
sponsored through the coopera
tion of the State College Com
merce Club, carry out the theme
of Penn State in Pennsylvania
'Splinterville Review*
Richard Klingensmith, repre
senting the Student Union, re
ported that cards, checkers, and
chess had been placed in the
dorms for use by the men.
William Cole, president o f
Barons, Nittany-Polloek social
group, announced that tryouts for
the “Splinterville Review,” a tal
ent show for area men, will be
held shortly. The show will be/
presented Dec. 11.
(Continued from page one)
teams of 1887 to 1901 and the
1926 team.'
Dance at Rec Hall
During the first half, two of
the best cross-country teams in
the country, Michigan State and
the Lions will race.
Saturday evening a cider party
and alumni dance will be held in
Recreation - Hall. “Bottoms Up”
will also be playing at Schwab
Auditorium. -
Br stains Fire
(Continued from page one)
emment newspaper A 1 Balagh.
Unconfirmed advices said six
Egyptian troop trains have head
ed for Ismailia, the British head
quarters city at the center of the
canal 70 miles northeast of Cairo,
where looting of a British can
teen set off widespread disorders.
(Continued from paste one)
gin some of his duties imme
This fall, reorganization would
be completed in the freshman
and sophomore classes only,
Bernstein said. The junior and
senior classes- will reorganize in
the spring, but the All-College
chairman will appoint four jun
iors to act as class representa
tives until that time.
Traffic -
(Continued, from page one)
the regulation is short enough
for many to go unapprehended,
Weigand said. Others, he added,
probably would be guilty of vio
lating the. one-way traffic by
accident since it would be ef
fective for only a relatively short
period each week.
The experimental one-way sys
tem was successful in eliminating
a jam on Shortlidge road last
weekend, and many students had
signified that they favored the
experimental system.
Weigand pointed out, however,
that on the weekends 'on which
tieups occurred, no campus pa
trolmen were on duty along the
road. He said that with strict
enforcement of the no parking
regulations, traffic should be able
to move freely in both directions.
Candidates Chosen
For Leonides Offices
Nominees for the office of
president of Leonides, associa
tion of independent women, are
Edna Baylson and Vivian Peter
son. Betty Johnson and Janet
Magarini have been nominated
for the office of vice-president.
Elections will be held Oct. 25.
The election committee with
Muriel Amsel as chairman, will
supervise the voting at the bal
lot boxes in the women’s dormi
Millie Martin was elected as
Leonides’ representative to Wo
men’s Recreation Association.
Be Happy
o*aV>9 '"'tl,
Übran^s- 1 fe£?
Colwi* ,a uru
;Jt Abel
>«e ’5l
LS./M. FT-lucky Strike Means Fine lobaeco
• ■* ~— ■* - rr n r - -' —•
IF YOUR Typewriter needs repairs,
call 2492 or bring machine to 633 W.
College Ave. Mr. Beatties* 28 years ex>
perience is at your service.
FACULTY: LET the Student Magazine
Agency handle your special educator
rate subscriptions for Time, Life, For
tune magazines $3.00, $4.00, $7.50. Stop in
or write 112 Old Main.
TO MAKE your party a success, order
refreshments. Special party cookies,
warm and cold hors d’oeuvres, coffee cakes,
decorated birthday cakes, all kind of pas
tries from Frida Stern. Special wishes
concerning color and shape will be re
spected. Moderate prices. 122 East Irvin
Ave. Phone 4818 State College. *
SET OF prewar trap durms, cymbals,
accessories complete. A, bargain at $125.
Call after 5 p.m. 611 W. Beaver. \
NEW MODEL Remington Foresome Elec
tric Shaver only $ll.OO. Person to call
first will make sale. Call Roddy 3918.
1940 NASH Lafayette 4-door. Fully equip
ped. A-l shape. Call Wink*s Sky Top.
1948 PLYMOUTH Convertible. Perfect
condition; $llOO.OO. Call Norm -Nelson,
1194 after eight. •
LADY'S 17 Jewel Bulova Watch. Never
worn. Reasonable price. Call Ext. 1170.
Tom Powell, 14 Hamilton Hall.
PIZZA PIES, Spaghetti and Hoagies made
by real Italian epicurian. State College
representative L and L catering. P.O.
Box 741. Phone 6854 evenings.
GREEN, and BLACK Fountain Pen barrel.
I have cap.- Call 6695
SILDE RULE with G. C. on
it. In E.E. Building. Phone Jim Morar
A GREY-Btown top coat missing from
Pollock 6, Room 35. Information or re
turn will result'in a reward. No questions
WASHINGS and IRONINGS. Pick up and
delivery. Two Day Service. Call Mrs.
Coder, State College 7470.
FOUR PIECE Combo for Sat. night, Oct.
20. Call Tom Barrett, 7683.
RIDE TO Philadelphia, Doylestown—Fri
day any time.- Call Simmons 290.
For Better
Try Collegian
It takes fine tobacco t:o give you a better
tasting cigarette. And Lucky Strike
means fine tobacco. But it takes some
thing else, too—superior workmanship.
Luckies are the world’s best-made ciga-
That’s why Luckies taste better.
So, Be Happy—Go Lucky! Get a carton
I Let’s go! We want your jingles! We’re ready
and willing and eager to pay you. $25 for
every jingle we use. Send as many jingles as
you like to Happy-Go-Lucky, P.O. Box 67, y
New York 46, N. Y.
ROOM FOR one male graduate' stude;
faculty member. Phone 4318.
MALE STUDENT wishes to share d<
room, 445 E. Foster.' Phone 6106.
GREY GABARDINE' Topcoat Frida;
Saturday. Call Ray. Barr 4969.
B , t Xtps ate
To %w?£M*' e ' r * w,w *
NedFalkenstei" .
Miami Vmvetsuy 5J