The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, September 28, 1951, Image 8

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Progress Made
In Purchasing
State Air Depot
Centre County’s airport auth
ority, established last February to
work out plans for a new or im
proved airfield, has obtained an
option to purchase the State Col
lege air depot for $120,000 and 30
acres of adjoining farmland.
The air depot location was se
lected ( as the most favorable in
the county after the Airport Au
thority, the Civil Aeronautics
Authority, and state aeronautical
leaders surveyed and viewed
from the air several other lo
Steps have been taken for new
or improved air facilities because
All American Airways has sus
pended air service intermittently
since June, 1949, when it first
started, because of the poor air
field conditions here..
. All American suspended flights
last January, but resumed them
again in June. Airline service has
been operating regularly since
then. The airline has previously
demanded that the field be equip
ped with hard surface runways,
lights for night flying, and radio
; The authority will receive
funds from state and'federal gov
ernments to help finance im
provements after final plans are
completed for the proposed air
field. The enlarged airport, con
trolled by the-authority, will of
fer facilities for air mail, freight,
and passenger service.
Bible Fellowship
To Hear Smoot
The Rev. Murray Smoot, of
Baltimore, Md., will speak at the
opening meeting of the semi
annual weekend conference of
the Penn State Bible Fellowship
at 7:30 tonight.
Rev. Smoot’s topic wifi be “Fm
a Theist—So What?”
The conference includes two
other meetings in 405 Old Main
and a picnic in Hort Woods after
the football game tomorrow. The
topic for the meeting at 10 a.m.
tomorrow will be “Why Can’t I?”
and for the meeting at 7 p.m.,
“Trying to be Good?”
Students from Juniata College,
Bucknell University and other
nearby colleges will attend these
meetings. They are open to all
students on campus.
(Continued from page one)
Old Main and through An'drocles,
Druids, and Owens hat societies.
The price of admission is 50 cents
per person.
. The “Four Flats and a Sharp”
will sing several arrangements.
Earl Baker, David Margolf, Rich
ard Wrentmore, and Eugene My
ers are the Flats, and Nancy Hen
sel is the Sharp.
The group was among the five
finalists in the Penn State Club
talent show last February.
Acrobatic Act
Frank Lewis and Thomas Smith
will do a comedy routine. Lewis
was master of ceremonies at the
Miss Penn State coronation cere-
monies last May.
A newcomer to student talent
circles' Gail Thrush will do an
acrobatic act. She at one time
performed in the professional
football Philadelphia Eagle’s
All the hat societies and Alpha
Phi Omega, national service frat
ernity, have pledged to serve at
the dance. They will take tickets,
sell refreshments, and handle
other jobs. ,
In the event of rain, the parade
will be canceled. The rally will
then start at 8 in Recreation Hall.
Wallet Photos
20 for $l.OO i|jljp
For Application and Friendship Photos
Exact miniature reproductions (2%x
3 fa ) from your portrait, any size, but
not rod proofs. Printed on silk finish
double weight paper.
Simply write your name and address
clearly on back of your portrait. No
further instructions are necessary. In
clude remittance and 15e for postage
and handling. Satisfaction guaranteed
or your money back.
Conservative Clothes
Requested for Pictures
Jim Geffert, editor of La Vie,
senior yearbook, has asked
senior women to refrain from excessive amounts of
jewelry and printed dresses
when they have their gradu
ation pictures taken.
The actual selection of wear
ing apparel is left to the dis
cretion of the individual, but
large prints and too much
jewelry detract frorh the over
all beauty of page layouts in
the senior section of the book,
said Geffert.
Senior men should wear
white shirts and dark ties
wherever possible. All seniors
are asked to make note of the
senior picture schedules found
on most campus bulletin
boards since closing dates for
all schools are final.
Penn State Club
Activities Outlined
Lewis Hoover, president of the
Penn State Club, outlined the
past activities as well as the ten
tative future plans for the or
ganization at a meeting last night
in Hamilton Recreation Hall.
Russell Clark, director of hous
ing and adviser to the club,
spoke on its purpose and aims.
The initial meeting of the Penn
State Club is scheduled for 7 p.m.
Tuesday in 405 Old Main. Any
independent man who was unable
to attend last night’s meeting but
wishes to join the club may do<
so. at Tuesday’s meeting. -
(Continued from page one)
of the duties of the office she is
interested in, and her qualifica
tions will be reviewed.
. The WSGA application board
will consist of the senior mem
bers of senate, the present holder
of the office for which the girl
is applying, and students-at-large
who are past or present members
of the house of representatives,
freshman council, and -WSGA
standing or appointed committees.
The WRA board will be made
up of senior: members of the
WRA board, present holder of the
office being applied for, and
students-at-large who are mem
bers of the club presidents board,
intramural board, social board,
and WRA committees.
After the interviews, all eligi
gible nominees will be put on the
primary slate. Pictures of the
candidates will be posted in the
women’s dormitories, and the
candidates will be introduced at
house meetings and at meal-time
during the week of Oct. 8.
(Continued from page one)
vice president and co-delegate to
the conference with Klisanin,
failed to appear to explain the
recommendations contained in
the report.
Fund Committee Set Up
All-College President James
Worth requested- that both Klis
anin and Cover appear at cabi
net’s next meeting.
Cabinet also set up a committee
to investigate a student loan fund
for which the profits from last
spring’s carnival are to be used.
— plus —
Atomic-Powered Sub
* To Be Tested by Navy
•7 „ —The House Armed Services
increase the stu- i,
tion on the Ath- commlt; tee today approved the
ioard is' scheduled Navy’s request to use a partially
when the board completed submarine for tests in
• before, the Bos- connection wi 16 its projected
Eootball game. atomic-powered submarine.
ere .are three stu- „ , . „ ~_T , _ .
lard, thei All-Col- 7116 submarine, the “Ulna,” is
the. chairman of now about 20 per cent completed.
Publications, and
the Athletic'As-
Will Di:
AA Pro
A proposal to'
dent representat
letic Advisory B<
to be discussed
meets, tomorrow.
ton : University f
At present, the
dents on the bo;
lege ’president, -
the Board, of I
the president of
sociation. -
The suggestion is to add two
more students, perhaps the All-
College secretary-treasurer and
the president of the Women’s Rec
reation Association, so that the
student body would have the
same representation as the . al
umni. The other members of the
board consist of one trustee, four
faculty representatives, and two
ex-officio members, the Graduate
Manager of Athletics and the
Dean of the School of Phys.l Ed.
• (Continued fn
future jam sessii
list -at the Stud
in Old Main. I
OTO page one) BARBELLS 2<o pounds York set. Iron
IOZIS may Sign a boots and courses. Used little. $2O. Call
lent Union desk Gene 3915.
Hllber said only GOLF CLUBS—three matched woods and
'Ollld be eligible six matched irons. $35. Phone 6257.
P nA+f«Si PNE APARTMENT Size Norge Frig!-
will De notmea - daire. Good * condition. Swede Millirent,
to appear at the 229 E. Prospect. Phone 6100.
those ‘ signing wi
to take part i
Those signing . \
when they are t
*n i j ~ 4 SALE—VEMCO Drawing: Set. Excellent
inil De under the condition $l5. Inquire J. Leasure, 309
ber and Darrell Main Eng. on Friday afternoon.
counselor in the FOR SALE; Suits, s i Z es 38, 39. Excellent
t. condition. Phone 4801 after 7 p.m.
The sessions w
direction of Hu'
Rishel, resident
West Dorm area.
like to vote in the November election?
transportation and lunch will be
provided for the first 50 students to make
their reservations. For more information
call Lorraine Dalphine, Room 137 Mc-
WANTED—STUDENTS Laundry! Will do
student laundries. Girls preferred. Call
ONE NEW Dietzen Slide Rule—price
$lB. Call State College 2871.
Campus A-man
■he "A” stands for "Activities”—and he’s in-a
lot of them. Plays first-string basketball. Writes
for the, school paper. Represents his class on the
student council.
And on. top of that, he’s a good student.
Telephone people are like that, too. Besides
giving good, friendly, courteous telephone service,
they take part in numerous extracurricular
activities. .
That’s why you’ll find telephone men''and
women, working on charity drives, joining service
clubs, leading Scout troops.
The same spirit of friendliness and helpfulness
which lies behind the fine telephone service this
country receives, makes telephone people A-people
in their
He’s a
Half HqlidqySfe
/Continued from page one) . ,
drink colloquy committee,,'who
reported that it would:be impos
sible to hold the scheduled-• col
loquy this semester. If enough
additional funds can be obtained,
the group" might convene - next
semester. At present, the colloquy
has only $3OO • at' its disposal,
which is not enough to- obtain
well-known speakers, Stoudt
LOST—TAN Sport Coat, outside ‘Willard
Hall, Monday Sept. 24' between 1 and
2 p.m. Reward. , Call. Karry, 2220.
LOST —COMPASS instrument ' set ; with
name W. Hirsch on inside. Return to
Student Union.
LOST —MAN’S topcoat neutral color. Size
40. Sparks Main Eng. or Temporary.
Phone, 7257.
LOU: . I left my . glasses in your Ford
Station Wagon last Friday. Please' call
Norman Cypers Ext. 1190.
MALE STUDENT to share* double room.
. Cali State College 6242. '
ONE LARGE single room. Private en
trance and privates bath. Call .Dick
Tomd 4326. • .
VACANCY FOR one student at 322 > S.
Allen St.
IF YOUR .Typewriter needs repairs, just
call 2492 or bring machine to 633, W.
College Ave. Mr; Beatties* 28 years ex
perience is at your service.
LAUNDRIES DONE in private home.
.Will call for and deliver. Phone 7579.