The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, September 26, 1951, Image 8

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Paradise -
(Continued from, vage four)
we turned to the actual me
chanics of his work, and found
out several interesting things.
Mahlon comes on the job at
6 p.m., and quits at midnight.
His task involves the sprinkling
of six greens a night, rotated
.every night so that each portion
of the course gets watered about
twice a week. The sprinklers,
must be shifted about on the
/green to insure the rough soaking
•of all parts, and this,done
.‘six times. Earlier in the "Season,
the tees also were sprinkled, hew
ing- watered all night andrrescued
in the morning. But nights are
long since summer went away,
and too much aqua pura would
seep in in the interim so he now
foregoes the tees.
We don’t know whether you’ve
ever seen, the golf course at night
.or not. As a matter of fact, we’ll
give you the benefit of the doubt
and assume that you haven’t, so
we’ll tell you about it. By day,
•it is a symphony of well watered
greens and sun-baked, browns,
joining in joyous harmony with
the happy babble of golfers, lusty
shouts of fraternity football
teams, and beautiful strains of
the ‘ ROTC band. By night, it is
a different place.
.Greens and bunkers com
bine to throw eerie shadows
, about; and sand traps yawn
horribly from the gloom. Flags
flap ominously in the breeze,
. nighthawks screech above, and
Mahlon whistles his way from
(Continued from vage one)
smoking, will have to wear a
similar sign reading: “I thought
it was a joke, So I took a smoke,
Now I carry an ashtray, Got any
butts today?” Advertisement on
back will read: “Let me help you
to ‘keep our campus clean.”
The penalties will go in effect
today and will continue until
Thursday, Oct. 4. All custom vio
lators from last week and this
week must appear on the field
between halves of the football
game Saturday in full dress.
Two other freshmen appearing
before-Tribunal were placed on
probation and a third man was
fined $3 for parking in Osmond
parking lot and driving on cam
sprinkler fo sprinkler to sprink
ler. All' of which makes a
pretty weird setting in which
to work, but Mahlon doesn’t
When asked about it, he gal
lantly asserted that he wasn’t
afraid of much of anything. He
conceded, however, that it was
“kinda lonesome.” That’s putting
it mildly. ■
If you ever get out that way
at night, look around you. It’s
a beautiful place really. A little
frightening at first, but beautiful.
And when you see Mahlon’s spot
light 'Stabbing the night, with its
friendly beam, walk over and
talk to him. He’s a nice guy with
an interesting story to tell. And
besides—he’s lonesome.
ILLEGIAN; 'STATE' college;
(Continued from vage one)
dating customs for the dance Fri
day night.”
Blue ’ Band in Parade
The Kickoff Dance will be part
of . the pre-B ost o n University
football game pep rally that will
begin 7 p.m. Friday..
A parade, beginning 'at Garner
and Prospect streets, will be led
by the Blue Band to the' Lion
Shxine;-for the rally. The
will'follow the rally. '
Tickets for the dance are on
sale at the Student Union desk
in Old Main at 50 cents, each.
Eight campus hat societies and
Alpha Phi Omega, national serv
ice fraternity, have pledged aid
to the Campus Chest, sponsors of
the program.
Proceeds of the dance will go
to the Chest, which has set a
$12,000 goal for this year.
• I
“It’s a literate, adult M
entertainment of a pol-
ished superior sort.” Sfk
—Chicago Daily Trib. ■
State Theatre—Soon I
inkling Staffs to Meet
i£StE3ie : advertising and- business
staffs of Inkling, literary maga
zine, will meet at 7:30 tonight in
202 Willard.
Advertising candidates are
needed, and Johh Tibbott, busi
ness manager, has asked inter
ested persons to atten'd/this meet
ing. s' '
STUDENTS TWO or Three men, im
mediate occupancy. Contact Robert Wiser
MALE STUDENT to share double room.
Call State College 6242.
LIGHT AIRY double rooms for students.
Two short blocks from campus. $5 per
week. Phone 3308.
ONE NEW Dietzen Slide Rule—price
$lB. Call State College 2971. .
HO -MODEL Railroad Kits, accessories.
Special 100 excellent freight cars with
M.D.C. couplers, below cost. 138 S. 'Ath
erton, after 4, Mondays thru Thursdays.
CUSHMAN MOTOR Scooter. Phone 6809.
MERCURY II 35mm Camera with flash
attachment and leather carrying: case.
Excellent condition. A good buy. Call 2853.
BARBELLS 240 pounds York set. Iron
boots and courses. Used little. $2O. Call
Gene' 3915. •
MINUSA DRAFTING Set, best made. Call
FOUND: - PLACE to yarn—four
brands; and children’s wear—Sizes up
to 10. Margaret’s Shop.
FOUND MONDAY, Senior R.O.T.C. -man
ual. Carnegie Hall or Plant Industries.
Call Bob, State College 2443.
:^Ef)r:Esi3Ay,: -'SEPTiMBEIt -26,-1951
LOST—ALUMINUM, and Blue Parker Si
pencil , on, campus.. Finder please call
Herman at 4662. Reward.
BLUE SHEAFFER Pen. Fine point. Re
-ward offered; Call Pat 224, Simmons.
LOST A Great Big Doorstep. If found
please return to Center .Stage.
LIGHT WEIGHT teal green,, jacket in
- /.Willard'on Friday, Call 7851. Ask for
Joe Omelchuck.
LOST—TAN Sport Coat, Outside WiUard
Hall, 'Monday Sept. 24 between 1 and
2 p.m. Reward. Call Harry, 2220.
LADIES i'CYMA” Wrist Watch between
Ag Ed. Bldg, and parking lot. rear of
•Osmond’. Call Ext. 749.
LOST—COMPASS instrument . set with
name W. Hirsch on inside. Return to
Student Unionl ~
GLASSES WITH clear plastic frame, lost
somewhere between Osmond Lab and
Sigma Chi. Call James Worth,' 4479."
ment. Reward offered. Call 4969, ask for
Jim' Keightly. * - ’
like to vote in the November election?
Free transportation and lunch _will be
provided, for the first 50 students to make
their reservations. >For more information
call Lorraine Dalphine, Room '137 Mo
REGISTERED NURSE, for. matron # at
nursing home. Living accommodations
for single or married applicant. Call 3764.
WANTED—STUDENTS Laundry l Will do
student laundries. Girls preferred.' Call
WILL TYPE term papers, theses or other
written work; Reasonable rates. Call
Pleasant Gap 450. ‘
IF YOUR Typewriter needs repairs, just
call 2492 or bring machine to 633, W.
College Ave. Mr. Beatties' 28 years ex
perience is at your service..