The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, May 19, 1951, Image 5

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    SATURDAY, MAY- 19, 195:1
Party-Hoppers Paradise Brings
Spring Week Festivities To End
Both party-goers and party-givers are, as always, looking forward
to the customary and often costumary events, peculiar to a big week
end theohouseparties. Tonight's parties are the final feature of
Spring Week. A warm welcome is waiting for party-hoppers and gen
eral socializers at the various open houses to which they may go.
Paul McWilliams is playing for
Acacia's costume dance. The
house will be decorated in, an
Egyptian theme. Perhaps.;ftittre
mummies will be there. The Al=
pha Chi Rho house is going to
be full of Old World atmosphere,
with the house decorated Jo
semble an authentic Germanr
Th e Alpha Epsilon Pi's are
giving the graduates a real Sen
ior Send-Oft with a semi-formal
dinner dance. Alpha Gamma Rho
is having Gene Magill play for
their semi-formal Rose Dance.
Those who haven't seen "South
Pacific" have a chance to take a
South See Soiree' at Alpha Phi
Delta—The decorations will fea
ture an honest-to-goodness water
The Alpha Sigma Phi hbuse
will turn into Club Tophat to
night fo r their annual formal
dinner dance. All sorts of under
world characters will be wander
ing around at Alpha Tau Omega's
Gangster Hideout. It will be open
to both goodies and baddies. Al
pha Zeta is finishing up Spring
Week with their annual formal
dinner dance.
More Parties
You're invited to make a trip
to the tropics by Beta Sigma Rho
on the Caribbean Cruise. To o
bad Captain Kidd isn't here—he'd
be the center of attention at the
Pirate Dance at the Beaver
House. Delta Tau Delta is hold
ing their formal Oriental Dance
tonight, with the house deco
rated in a Chinese theme.
The annual Kappa Delta Rho
Wharf Rat Cotillion will be held
in a French quarter, New Or
leans atmosphere. Mice and men
are welcome. An open bid for an
informal dance at Lambda Chi
Alpha's House of Blue Lights has
been extended to all. Phi Epsilon
Pi switches from a Ranch Dance
held last night to a formal at
Club Phi Ep, tonight.
Phi Gamma Delta is planning
a clambake. at Poe Paddy tomor
row. Phi Kappa Psi has decor
ously titled their party "Night of
Purple Passion." Why don't you
drop in and look around? For
the Beachcomber's Ball, Phi Kap
pa Sigma is going to have the
house rigged up with under
water stuff treasure ch es ts,
fish, mermaids . . .
And Still More
A House of Seven Fables, dec
orated with nursery tale images,
will really be the Phi Sigma Del
ta house transformed for .a semi
formal dance. Everyone is in
vited to attend Phi Sigma -Kap
pa's- formal Garden Party. Any
one who can say "chapeau" or
"faux pas" may come to Pi Kap
pa Alpha's Cafe Marseilles and
Sigma Alpha Mu's Gaite Pari-
Sienne. Both parties are based on
a French theme. How'd you
Tonight the queen of Pi Lamb
da Phi will be chosen at the
White Rose formal. A dinner by
candlelight will precede the
dance. Crowds are sure to be
shuffling around and generally
enjoying the Card. Party at Sigma
Alpha Epsilon. Sigma Chi will
hold its annual Sweetheart Dance
in honor of the Sigma Chi sweet
heart. Tonight Sigma Nu will
hold the White Star formal at
which the Sigma Nu Girl will be
Mooxlshirlees Ball
Penn State Nittany Mountain
eers will feel right at home at
Sigma Phi Epsilon's Moonshin
er's Ball. Style Your Desires is
the theme of Sigma Pi's costume
'Party—do what you want, carry
on high, drop your inhibitions.
You need not be an astronomer
or a meteorologist to enjoy Tau
'hi Delta's Starlight Dance.
"Come As You Are" is the
theme of the house party at
ileta Chi. Have fun while being
yburself. Zeta Beta Tau is hold
ing a block party, with a portion
of Nittany Ave. blocked off. The
decorationS •will• follow a Mardi
Gras theme a reasonable fac
simile of New Orleans.
The Association of Independent
Men will hold its houseparty in
the main lounge of the West
Dorms tonight from 9 to mid
night. Ray Evert and his "Art
ists In Melody" will supply the
music: NO admission will be
charged, but the dance will be
open to couples only.
Th e prevailing atmospheric
conditions " today will determine
"weather" or no t the picnics
planned for the afternoon can
be held. Fraternities planning to
overrun Whipple's Dam, Gieen
wood Furnace, and Black Mos
hannon are Phi Kappa, Chi Phi,
Delta' Chi, Phi Delta Theta, Tau
Kappa Epsilon, Phi 'Kappa Tau,
Sigma Phi Alpha, -Theta Kappa
Phi, Triangle, Theta Chi, Alpha
Chi Sigma, Pi Lambda Phi, Beta
Theta Pi, Kappa Sigma, Pi Kap
pa Phi, Sigma Phi. Sigma, and
Theta Xi.
Following the picnic, Kappa
Signia is , having a party Mid
night Jamboree, Sigma Phi Sig
ma and Theta Xi are having a
combined party an d Pi Kappa
Phi, a last dungaree party for the
Theta Sigma Phi's
Host PN PA Guests
Wives of the members of the
Pennsylvania Newspaper Pub
lishers Association, who are at
tending the association's annual
convention at the College were
guests at a tea in McElwain Hall
yesterday afternoon.
The tea was spohsored by The
ta Sigma Phi,- national women's
journalism honorary. Approxi
mately 30 guests were present.
A centerpiece of yellow chry
santheniums decorated the table.
Lemon ,punch, tea cookies, and
hors d'oeuvres were served.
eekend Special
Fresh Strawberry
Topped with
Whipped Cream
Drug Store
Plan Houseparties, Picnics
Old Favorites
Drew Crowds
20 Years Ago
Twenty years ago students
packed State College theaters to
see Norma Shearer and John Bar
rymore, according to an old Col
Coed favorites were Greta Gar
bo, Douglas Fairbanks, and Ron
ald Coleman. The males - liked
Constance Bennett, Joe E. Brown,
and Lawrence Tibbett, but their
favorite was Joan Crawford. Ann
Harding, led .as .the favorite fac
ulty star.
Today, only Joan Crawford and
Ann Harding have not tarnished .
in screen popularity. Constance
Bennett ad Norma Shearer have
retired. Douglas Fairbanks and
John Barrymore are dead. Joe E.
Brown has turned to the stage.
He recently played in the Broad
way hit, "Harvey."
Greta Garbo has completely
vanished from the film world.
Ronald Coleman appears in only
a few pictures. Lawrence Tibbett
is doing well since his stint on
the Hit Parade.
s.sgma Phi Sigma
Sigma Phi Sigma fraternity has
elected LaVern Straight Jr. presi
dent for the coming year. Other
officers elected are Robert Olson,
vice-president; Edward Bus h,
treasurer; William Reisteter, re
corder; John Jeffries, senior sen
sor; Addison Unangst, junior sen
sor; Richard Millhouse, chaplain;
Jack Schonely, historian; John
Jeffries, house manage r; and
Robert Hammer, caterer.
Sigma Phi Epsilon
Andrew Daneff Jr. has been
elected president of Sigma Phi
Epsilon fraternity. Other officers
elected are Carmen Troisi, vice
president; Lon Dillman, secre
tary; Kay Finley, treasurer; Ken
neth Crooks, alumni secretary;
David Schmidt, historian; James
Fulton, house manager; and Ward
Clark, athlete' manager.
For Cleaner,
Brighter Clothes
Friendly "Cash & Carry" Store
Prompt Pickup & Delivery
118 S. Pugh St. Phone
(in' Calder Alley)' 2632
Contestants' Pictures
Available At SU
Pictures of Miss Penn State
contestants may be picked up
from the Student Union desk
in Old Main Monday, William
Zakor, Spring Week co-chair
man, said yesterday.
Quarterdeck Elects
New Commander
The Quarterdeck Society, na
val science honorary, elected
Frederick Rodgers as commander
at a recent meeting. He succeeds
M/Sgt. Gordon E. Robinson.
'Other officers elected were
Rhys J. Phillips, vice commander;
John Walsh, ship's secretary;
Michael J. Munk acsy, corres
ponding secretary; and Lt. R. L.
Eighteen pledges were also
named at the meeting. They were
Ronald D. Kinsey, William E.
Rice, Lloyd B. Hartsough Jr.,
Edward P. Kalanik, Thomas H.
Irving, John H. Althouse, John
H. Allison Jr., Paul T. Bourdeau,
Richard A. Erb, George T. Eden,
Richard M. Spriggs, James J.
Shull, Glenn R. Wiggins, Richard
A. Zimmerman, William J. Tabar,
Paul. E. Harmeier, Edward J,
Gulas and Robert S. Gehman.
Psychplogy Club
To Hold Picnic
The Psychology Club will hold
its annual • picnic on May 27 at
Poe Paddy.
Those interested in attending
have been asked to sign up on
lists .provided on the second floor
of Burrowes building or in the
psychology lab. Those attending
need not be members of the club.
The group plans to leave from
the rear of Old Main at 1:30 p.m:
the day of the picnic.
Blue Band
Takes Part
In Festival
The Blue Band will present its
annual spring concert on the mall
in front of Schwab Auditorium
Sunday at 3 p.m. The concert,
which is a part of the Combined
Arts Festival, will be conducted
by James W. Dunlop.
The program consists of "The
Trumpeters," by Erik Leidzen,
featuring the entire trumpet and
coronet sections; "Sakuntala Ov
erture," by Carl Goldmark; "Four
Leaf Clover," by Erik Leidzen, a
trombone quartet featuring James
Bortolotto, Richard Brady, David
Fishburn, and Darrell Rishel.
"Americans We," by Henry
Fillmore; "S no w White Over
ture," by Frank Churchill, "Wed
ding of the Winds," by John T.
Hall; "American Patrol," by F.
W. Meacham; "Pennsylvania,
Keystone State," by William R.
Gordon; "Mannin Veen," by
Haydn Wood.
"An American Weekend," in
four parts, "Picnic-Outing," "Ev
ening Stroll," "Concert in the
Park," "Stepping Out," by John
J. Morrissey; "Joshua," arranged
by Paul Yoder; "Colonel Bogey,"
by Kenneth J. Alford; Selections
from "Kiss Me Kate," by Cole
Porter; and "The Stars an d
Stripes Forever," by John Philip
In case of rain the concert will
be held in Schwab Auditorium.
'Triangle fraternity has pledged
Donald Schlegel, Robert Rapp,
John Bricklemyer 11, Paul Brobst,
Richard Dorshimer, James Babb,
Gifford Albright, Donald Plaster
er, and Rodney Beck.
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