The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, April 13, 1951, Image 5
IfKiDAY, APRIL 13, 1951 Baltzell Elected May Queen; Robertson Is Maid Of Honor Martha Baltzell will reign as queen of the May. Day festivities as a result of yesterday’s election. "Louise Robertson was selected imaid of honor. The queen will have Sally Sechler and Charlotte Stine as senior attendants. Phoebe Erickson and Juliana Fees will be the freshman attendants. Miss Sechler and Miss Stine were runners-up for May Queen. Miss Erickson and Miss Fees ran for maid of honor. The queen will be crowned on May 12 at. ; 3:30 o’clock on the front campus. . When Miss Baltzell learned she had been Selected by the women students .for May Queen, she ex claimed, ‘ f l just can’t believe it’s true.’’ She is a blonde home eco nomics major and a belle candi date ■ for La Vie. The blue-eyed queen is a member of the College symphony orchestra, the Home Ec club, and the Ski club. Her major interests are in sports, of which she prefers swimming, ten jiis, and golf. Aside from these, she likes dancing and sewing. She spent her freshman year at | Indiana State Teachers college Maid of Honor Louise Robertson, the newly elected maid of honor, came to State in February after spending her first semester at Albright col lege. She is in the School of Lib eral Arts and expects to go into merchandising. In SDite of being "elected from nine finalists to represent her town on the Be-Teen fashion board last year, Miss Robertson flashed her quick broad smile and confided that she was “speech less” when she found she was a candidate for maid of honor. Honor, Arch Named Twenty outstanding seniors were elected to the Honor Arch by WSGA. These girls include Ruth Aaron, Eilleen Bonndrt. Au drey Brua, Gay Brunner, Rose Eifert. Joanne Esterley, Sally Greenberger, Nancy George, Sue Halnerin, and Betty Lou Jones. Also Ruth Johnson, Lois Ken yon, Nancy Metzger, Bettina de Palma, Helen Pond, Virginia Richards, Janet-Rosen, Sue Scur field, Joan Wentzel, and Ella Louise Williams. Fifty senior girls who signed r up when they voted - yesterday will compose the Hemlock Chain. The May Queen and her court will be honored at the May Day dance Saturday night, May 12th, in Recreation hall. A special committee selects the remainder of the Queen’s court. The coeds they pick will be sopho more and junior attendants, fresh:' men jesters, and sophomore her alds. The committee will announce their choices today. Sline Was Dairy Queen Charlotte Stine, a senior attend ant, is a dark-eyed brunette and an eighth semester Home.Ec ma jor from Hershey, Pa. She ihas been Pennsylvania dairy queen for the past three years, and last year reigned over the Dairy Ex position here. Sally S’echler, the other senior attendant, is an eighth semester senior in art education. She was elected to three courts at Edin boro State Teachers college, and also chosen one of four belles of the Edinboro yearbook. Freshman Attendant Phoebe Erickson, one of the freshman attendants, is a music major in the School of Liberal SUPERTITIOUS ABOUT . FRIDAY—I3TH? ? PLAN TO STAY HOME? DON'T Have the good luck to have a grand time at Center Stage See JOHN BULL'S OTHER ISLAND by beorge Bernard Shaw Beginning Friday 13th 8:00 P.M. Friday $.90 Saturday $1.25 (after show snack) ' Tax Included TICKETS ON SALE AT STUDENT UNION i HE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA Levitt New Panhel President; Hayman Named Vice-President Marilyn Levitt was announced as the new Panhellenic president at the council meeting Tuesday night. • Marlene Hayman will be vice-president next year. These two top positions are selected on a rotation system, and the women are named by their sorority chapters. Miss Levitt is a *igma Delta Tau, and Miss Hayman is a member of Phi Sigma Sigma. . Other officers, who are elected by thh council, are: Betty Cham plin, corresponding secretary; and Byrne Tetley, treasurer. Installation of officers will take place at a banquet to be held April 24 at the Eutaw house. This banquet is for the incoming °nd outgoing rush chairmen and ‘he council advisers. Three $5O scholarships have been awarded by the council to three senior women: Anna Louise Light, home economics; Anne Louise Wiggins, arts and letters; and Joan Schilk, chemical engi neering. These scholarships are annual awards made by Panhel on the recommendation of the lean of womens’ office.- Owen —•- Rush Chairman Nicky Owen .was named as the Panhellenic rush chairman for next year. She will plan the over all rushing program for next year. Arts. JShe also is an accomplished equestrienne. Juliana Fees, the other runner-up for - maid of honor, is'a second semester stu dent in the School of Education. •em • • • Monday - Tuesday Presented in Cooperation with International Film. Club : A SPARKLING COMEDY —MURDER MYSTERY Alec Guinness -'0.1,1,15 Price Valerie Hobson Joan Greenwood , 1 • ••••• A workshop has been planned for all sororitv presidents and anhel delegates. At this work shop definite rushing practices will be discussed. The date for the workshop has not been an nounced. Nancy George, Panhellenic president, announced that the next meeting will be held in the Alpha Xi Delta suite. Final rush ing plans will be formulated at this meeting. Phi Mu j Phi Mu sorority entertained 25 j Air Force men on Tuesday night.' The theme of the party was the “ Roaring Twenties.” Skits were presented and a Charleston con test was held. Refreshments were served followed by social danc ing. . For Experience All-College Candidates— Clair George, President Ray F. Evert, Vice President William J. Klisanin, Sec., Treas. VOTE LION Pi Kaooa Aloha ‘Dream girl of Pi Kappa Alpha” at the annual Dream Girl dance Marilyn J. Franklin, coed from held Saturday at the Nittany Lion Gaucher college, was named inn. Try Our NEW 24 HOUR SERVICE GUARANTEED DEVELOPING and PRINTING Oversize Snapshots "Bound to Please" Y&U ALWAYS GET BETTER SNAPSHOTS at CENTRE COUNTY FILM LAB 122 W. Beaver Ave. Buy Photo Items at a Camera Store / CLIP THIS COUPON j for your get acquainted offer j | 1 - 5x7 FREE of negative of j j your choice from roll developed j by US. CENTRE COUNTY FILM LAB. | Collegian \ Senior Class Candidates — John M. Stoudt, President Robert Flick, Vice President Polly Potter, Sec.-Treas. For Leadership , Experience and Ability Junior Class Candidates — Joseph Haines, President John A. Donnal, Vice President Barbara Baker, Sec.-Treas. FIVE