The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, April 10, 1951, Image 3

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    TUESDAY, APRIL 10, 1951
Reds Try To Flood
Out Allied Forces
TOKYO, Tuesday, April 10 Chinese Communists opened the
gates of Korea's third largest dam Monday in a vain attempt to flood
out advancing Allied forces on the central front.
Late field dispatches said it looked like the Re d man
euver itself was a washout: the Chinese had !ailed to open
enough gates simultaneously to create the deluge they had plotted.
Millions of tons of water, for a
time lifted the Pukhan river as
high as seven and one-half feet
in some of its narrower gorges,
but by noon it was receding.
\ Save Bridge
Alert American MP's and engi
nedrs saved a pontoon bridge by
disconnecting one end.
A strong United Nations tank
force, skirting the flood tide,
roared northward in a drive in
tended to seize the 880-foot long
Hwachon dam, six and one-half
miles north of the 38th parallel,
before the Chinese could do more
The tank force met Red rifle,
machinegun and mortar fire as it
moved toward the 275-foot high
dam, said AP correspondent Tom
Little Opposition
Other American, French, Greek,
Thai (Siamese) and South Ko
rean units speared toward the
southern banks of the 11-mile
long reservoir with' little opposi
Red troops were holding well
camouflaged hill positions to the
north and in the town of Hwa
chon itself, which is on the west
ern tip of the reservoir.
Hwanchon forms the southeast
tip of a triangular defense area
where the Communists have con
centrated up to 180,000 troops.
Truman Asks
WASHINGTON, April 9-0:1
President Truman appealed today
for the "complete cooperation of
every segment of our population"
in the mobilization program.
Mr. Truman Made the appeal at
the initial meeting of his new
mobilization advisory board com
posed of labor, industry, farm and
public members and headed by
Economic Mobilizer Charles E.
Joseph Short, White House
press secretary, told reporters
afterwards that Mr. Truman in
formed the group that "aggres
sion, inflation and relaxation"
are the nation's biggest problems.
Asked what Mr. Truman meant
by "relaxation" being a problem,
Short replied "well, just that in
general—he doesn't want the
people to let down."
The President discussed two
principal situations with the 17-
member board:
1. Ways to change the befense
Production act to help do a better
job of military rearmament and,
at the same time, do a more effec
tive job in controlling inflation.
The act expires June 30.
- .
2. The problem of putting the
wage stabilization board back into
business. It has been inactive since
union labor representatives walk
ed out two months ago in protest
against mobilization policies.
The discussion on both was
general; Mr. Truman supplied no
specific recommendations.
U.S. Asks Israel
To Halt Action
WASHINGTON, April 9 (11))
The United States called on Is
rael today to cease military ac
tion against Syria in the border
area where Israel planes bombed
a village.
The. Israeli government has
been told, the State Department
announced in the clicnilted area
"in no way justified" the retali
atory bombing.
The .incident took place last
week in the Shuleh and Tiberius
Committee Me bers
R-write UMT Bill
Language Dept.
Offers Award
The Romance Language depart
ment will select a graduating
senior as the candidate for a
fellowship offered by the Insti
tute de Cultura Hispanica, Ma
drid' The award will cover room,
board, and tuition at a Spanish
The Institute will also choose a
Spanish student whb has a speak
ing knowledge of English for a
gradu at e assistantship to be
awarded by the Romance Lan
guage department at the College:
This is the first year that this
exchange has 'been made with
The Penn State student who
receives the award must have a
speaking knowledge of Spanish
and may be required to assist in
teaching English at the Spanish
university. He will also take
graduate work in the field of
Candidates will be selected on
the basis of application, recom
mendation, and record by the De
partment of Romance Languages.
All interested seniors, preferably
Spanish majors, should apply at
the language office before April
15. The fellowship becomes ef
fective in September.
Albania Protests
Border Violations
LONDON, April 9 (1?) Iso
lated Red satellite Albania has
charged in formal protests that
he r anti-Cominform neighbors,
Greece, Yugoslavia and Italy
ha violated her territory by
land, sea, and air in a series of
frontier provocations.
The tiny country of Communist
premier Col. Gen. Enver Hoxha
declared that Moscow-hating Yu
goslavia was trying to touch off
World War 111, and _that Italy
sent eight flights of planes over
her territory..
MacArthur To Remain
Far East Commander
WASHINGTON, April 9 President Truman was reported to
day to have ruled out any action against Gen. Douglas MacArthur
that would affect MacArthur's standing as supreme commander in
the Far East.
The possibility remained that the president might publicly or
privately rebuke the general for his open split with the administra-
WASHINGTON, April 9—(W)—
Members of th e House Arme.
Services committee rewrote the
universal military training sec
tion of their draft bill today in an
attempt to ease its passage
through the House.
The new version provides for
the appointment, by President
Truman, of a commission to draw
up a training and operation phln.
The commission would submit it
to Congress within six months.
It would then go into the leg
islative mill to be studied by. the
House and Senate Armed Ser
vices committees, approved by
Congress and okayed by the
president before becoming effec
Chairman Vinson (D-Ga.) of
the House committee announced
after a closed session that the
vote on revision was unanimous.
Administration leaders apparent
ly made the concession -to for
stall the substitution bill contain
ing no UMT provisions at all.
Reporters asked Vinson what
would happen to UMT if Con
gress rejected the commission's
"The commission would write
a new plan and it would go
through the same legislative pro
cess," he said.
A reporter wondered what
would happen if Congress re
jected a second plan, or a third
or fourth.
"By that time I would conclude
hat th e country doesn't want
UMT," Vinson said.
May Quiz More
Players In Fix
NEW YORK, April 9 (JP)—An
Assistant District Attorney said
today that basketball players not
yet' named in the recent fix ex
poses may be brought in:• for
William P., Assistant
District Attorney in Manhattan,
made the statement outside of
court after a hearing of 14 play
ers on bribery charges was post
poned until May 14. Sirignano did
not elaborate.
tion and with United Nations
policies—over the conduct of the
war with the Chinese Commun
Also today, House Speaker
Rayburn said the Russians are
building up strength in a variety
of places and Senator McMahon
(D-Conn.) agreed with Rayburn
that the U. S. is in terrible dan
MacArthui set off an interna
tional uproar, with Truman in
the middle of it, by coming out
last week in favor of using Chin
ese. Nationalist forces to open a
"second front" against the Reds
as a means of relieving pressure
on U. S. troops in K6rea.
Republicans Back General
Many Republicans strongly
backed the general's stand. But
from this country's allies abroad,
there were quick and sharp pro
tests against any spreading of the
Korean War. In some foreign
quarters, and from a few Demo
crats at home, there were de
mands that MacArthur be re
moved from his command.
An informed congressional of
ficial said today, however, that
Mr .Truman doesn't want to do
anything that might upset the
situation in Japan and thereby
give the Russians a chance to de
mand a bigger share in running
Japanese affairs.
Heads Occupation Army
MacArthur heads the Allied
Occupation Force in Japan as
well as the United Nations forces
fighting in Korea. Russia is one
of the Japanese occupation pow
ers. MacArthur has been running
Japan so far without taking much
advice from the Russians.
Rep. Van Zandt (R-Penn) is
drafting a House resolution tel
ling the president he should order
MacArthur home to report per
sonally on the Far East.
Governor's Wife
In Hospital
(IP) —Mrs. John S. Fine, wife of
Pennsylvania's chief executive,
has been detained at University
of Pennsylvania Hospital, and
will be kept "under observa
tion" for several weeks, hospi
tal authorities reported today.
She entered the hospital on
Saturday for a routine check.
About a month ago she under
went an emergency operation
Douglas Not
In Favor Of
Halting RFC
WASHINGTON April 9 (p)—
Senator Douglas (D. 411.) came out
today against abolishing the Re
construction Finance corporation
he helped to investigate. To kill
the agency at this time, he said,
"would be like throwing the ba
by out with the bath."
"The RFC, with all its faults,
has served many useful functions
—especially in filling a gap in our
credit structure," Douglas said.
He added that it can continue to
serve the public if it is properly
The Illinois Democrat also call
ed for a higher standard of eth
ic.s in the national capital, where
he claimed there was too much
moral laxity.
"Government work should not
be settled at cocktail parties or
around dinner tables in hotels,"
he said.
Douglas' osbervations we r e
made in an interview to be broad
cast tonight in his home state.
Petain Suffers
Lung Disease
ILE D'YEUUX, France, April
9 (AP)—Marshal Henri Philippie
Petain is suffering from a conges
tion of the lungs in the damp
fortress cell where he is serving
out a. life sentence, it was report
ed today.
Sources on this bleak Atlanta:
island said the condition of the
94-year-old World War I hero
who headed France's Vichy gov
ernment in World War II has
improved slightly in the last 24
hours. His illness started with a
Co-Opera five
A new cooperative for bus
iness women, professional
women and graduate stu
dents is now being organ
ized. Interested per sons
may write in care of Col
legian Office or PHONE
keep good
at penn state