The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, February 14, 1951, Image 8

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George System
Howard Freeman, member of
the Robert Schalenbach founda
tion, said the Henry George phil
osophy of taxation is the only
answer to socialism and that it
exposes the fallacy of. socialistic
thinking, in an address in 304 Old
Main Monday night.. He will also
address the economics club in 203
Willard hall at 7:45 tonight.
Freeman, a New York civil en
gineer, also claimed that George's
law would outlaw every existing
tax. He said socialism is that act
which gives government the pow
er to make something a crime in
statute which is not a crime in
morals, and that modern taxes,
including income tax and tariffs,
do that. Under George's program
nothing would be a crime by sta
tue which is not a crime in, morals.
New Source For Taxes
He said that the George system
provides a completely new source
for government taxes which will
meet all requirements. The
George tax is a single tax, which
taxes a man on land, Freeman
said. It is based on what a man
consumes according to the econ
omic definition of l and, which
means the entire physical uni
verse outside of man made pro
ducts, he said.
This means that every land
owner pays a single tax of 10 per
cent of his land value and all
other taxes are eliminated, he
said. According to the 1940 valu, - ,
of land and cost of government
this single tax on all land Owners
would provide more than enough
to pay for the costs of govern
ment that year, Freeman said.
Freeman, a graduate of Mon
tana university, is now at the
campus under the auspices of the
Penn State Christian association.
He spends three months a year
lecturing at colleges and to busi
ness organiaztions. He has also
taught at the Henry •George
School of Social Sciences, New
York, which is supported by vol
untary contributions and has vol
untary teachers. The school advo
cates th e principles of George
exemplified in his book, "Progress
and Poverty," which was written
in 1878.
Three Faculty Men
Publish New Book
Three members of the College
faculty collaborated in writing
a book entitled, "Introduction to
Agricultural Biochemistry."
Dr. R. Adams Dutcher, head
of the department of agriculture
and biological chemistry, one of
the authors, has been wtih the
College for almost 30 years. He
is a pioneer worker in the field
of vitamin research.
Dr. Clifford 0. Jensen, profes
sor of phytochemistry, and Dr.
Paul M. Althouse, associate pro
fessor in agriculture and bio
logical chemistry, are co-authors.
Both men are graduates of the
The book, published in Jan
uary, is a guide to the under
standing of the processes under
lying plant and animal growth.
(Continued from page one)
Zimmerman, and treasurer Rich
ard Klingensmith.
The new schedule, Miss Baker
said, is in effect on a trial basis.
"We are very glad to make this
new arrangement," she said, "if
it will provide better service to
the students,"
Threaten Action
In passing the resolution re
questing the longer hours, the
council had threatened to go to
a "higher authority" in the event
that it did not get "satisfaction"
from MisS Baker. The indication
was that the "higher authority"
the council had in mind was
Prsident Eisenhower.
Complaints about the long
lines in tho. West dorm dining
hall have bean voiced by council
members since the facilities open
ed Jan. 3. Only last week several
hundred West dorm men staged
a slow-clown to protest the long
lines and the service.
Miss Baker's action yesterday
was. howev,?.r. the first concess
ion the council has been able to
town Council Asks
Absentee Voting
The town council announced
Monday night that it hoped to
start a petition which would urge
the passage of a constitutional
amendment concerning absentee
According to David Olm
stead, council president, absentee
voting would save trouble for
everyone concerned as the per
son involvacl could vote in the
town of temporary residence in
stead of having to return to his
home town.
The council also discussed the
availability of Daily Collegians,
enough, of which, said one mem
ber, are not placed within easy
reach of all students. At some
places there are many left, while
at other spots they run out in
no time at all, he added.
Jones, Hess, Soens
Added To 'lndependent'
David Jones, Robert Hess, and
Ted Soens have been added to
the staff of the Independent,
Moylan Mills, editor, announced
• Remaining from last semester
are Edward Singel, business
manager; Robert Schooley, circu
lation manager; Robert. Vosburg,
,sports editor; Gerry Kassab,
women's editor; and Lee Stern
and George Demshock, reporters.
The first issue of the paper for
`his semester will appear Feb. 22.
Se Wen'
11E. Shakespeare aeuld bub live toay,
Vied really have a thrill,-
'ause Lucky Strike would surely be
the right smoke 4er"Old 13111'1
itzul e . v ° o r:0_10u
Ulu •
If you're not happy with your
brand (and a 38-city survey shows that
millions are not), smoke Luckies! You'll
get the happy blending of perfect mild
ness and rich taste that fine tobacco—
and only fine tobacco—can giiie you.
Remember, Lucky Strike means fine
tobacco. So get complete smoking enjoy
ment. Be Happy—Go Lucky today!
LS/M.F.T.- Lucky Strike
Means Fine Tobacco
love. mou cause you do car'h
P.nd let me &lye sour
But those the Strikes you buy tor roe
love the best by Car
Mice O man
Way ne 'University
Metallurgist To Talk
At ASME Meeting
John J. B. Rutherford, - metal
lurgist for the Babcock - and 'Wil
son company of Beaver 'Falls,
will speak before the- open stu
dent branch meeting of the Am
erican Society .of Mechanical
Engineers tonight , at 7:30 in 110
Electrical Engineering Wilding.
His topic will be "Steel in
High-Temperature Service," and
he will' illustrate his talk with
For Best Results
Use. 'Collegian Classified
IF YOUR typewriter needs repairs just'
call 2492 or bring machine to 633 W
College Ave. Mr. Beatties 23 years ex
perience is at your 'service. •
TYPING AND Mimeographinc. Letters,
manuscripts, theses; term papers, etc.
Hotel •State College, Room 206. Secretarial
Service. Phone 490 G. Helen "G. Yarnell.
guaranteed. Will call tor and deliver.
Phone Paul E. Henninger. State College
7342. .
CHOICE TRIPLE room with hot and 'cold
running water. 123 W. Nittany Ave.
Call 4850. Ask for C. R.
ONE SINGLE room for rent.- 611 South
Pugh Street. 2610.
GRADUATE NURSE to manage nursing
home near State College. Living quarters
provided for man and wife. Phone 3764.
C* G ■
...... 30 , 0;i: .... i;:„ .
fi...0e . : . '?:•.... ,. ...... , z,......:4 ,. .... , ..,t . ..% . ........... , .. ,. .... , ...
~A, .4 . ,, z..., e i'"1ii'4, ;.,:........„„.„...„.. 4 „
~ .. z.!,,z,..w...:‘, . ."..- - , .
RIDE :" TO ...Bellefonta Ftiditi . 'Fehrlidri ,
6:30.. a.r.i... Call . H. Brown'. Room 241
Thompson, Hall Ext. 1094' after. 0:00 p.M.
GUITARIST. FOR organized,. combo. : Call
. ..Eddie • - Kaye, .. 4177 or. Al 60514191,
Room 211. .
WANTED YOUNG lady to ah#re furnished
,apartment. Adiass from campus. Call
Ann 3466.
ROOM AND Board available for three
'students. Call 2971.
1047 LIBERTY 23' Housetrailer. Good
, Special price. _Completely
furnished. Call 3505, Joseph Pagnanelli,
Hoover's Trailer Park.
BE READY for FREDDIE--Rnit yourself
• a , sparkling blouse of metallic 'yarn.
Margaret's Shop, 129 S. Frazier St.
PHILCO CAR Radio.and girl's shoe skates
size 7. Inquire at Drama office. Ext 2418.
STRING BASS. In fair '.cOndition at a
bargain price. Call Ben Ruhe, Delta
Sigma Phi. 4151.
collection at your own price. Come to
200 Lot auction 7 p.m. Valentines
Day, Library of State College. EL S. Mt.
Nittany Philatelic Society.
1936 FORD-46 " Motor. Good condition.
Can be seen at 129 S. Miles • St.' Betz
—First' floor apt.
STOP WATCH—Recondition], guaran
teed—s2o.oo. B. P. Moyer, 105 S.
Pugh St..
RAINCOAT TAKEN by mistake in Will
ard, Wednesday. I have yours. Call 1097
Ask for Edward. Thomas. • •
MOUTON LAMB coat taken in Sparks
. between 11 and .12 Thursday. Reward.
Carolyn Laughner, 147 Atherton.
WILL PERSON who lost light overcoat
Saturday in Sparks report at main
lobby of Hamilton Hall.
teamminer s ' miners' grab yo ur picks; ;
thru tho! - hike
lima Whether WI
We7ll have
~ z ert Furl
, BLACKLEATHER pulse in .vicinity= of
Willard Hall Or Creninery 'Sat:- Contains
wallet. and •
.glasSes. Finder' may iceeP
money. Return to Student. Eni0n.....,
• .. . .
Design &
of '
• .
in •Our Laboratories
at' Endicott, N.. Y.
& Poughkeepsie, N. Y.
Excellent opportunities for June B.S.
graduates and for those receiving ad
vanced degrees in 1951. Fields of
Gyros, Servos, Hydraulics, Optics,
Elertronics, Radar Meehallice. Elec
tricity, Mathematics and Physics.
Feb.. 19, 20, 21
Business Machines
New York, , New York
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