The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, January 05, 1951, Image 4
PAGE FOOT Sfudenfe Urged- (Continued from page one) in an essential national enter prise. I urge each of you not to succumb to the uncertainties of our time and thus permit the quality of your work in college to suffer. Do the very best work you can, right up to the moment that you personally learn your services are more essential else where. “A good many influential na tional associations are trying to bring about an amendment to the draft law which will permit in dividuals to enlist in a branch of one of the armed services after their numbers have been reached in the draft processes. I do not know what the opinion on this may be in Congress. Person ally, I hope such a provision will be adopted. It would permit a stu dent whose number had been reached to complete the college year and then still ehlist. Tension To Last “The tensions , which now cause this nation to arm will most iikely be with us for many years. The problem is not one of getting a nasty job done in a hurry and then returning to a normal sit uation. This makes it imperative, I think, that the maximum num ber of capable young people achieve as much education and training as they can before they serve their time in the armed forces. “Conditions, laws, regulations, and procedures may change from day to day. College officers are trying to keep accurately inform ed and will pass on to students immediately anything which af fects their welfare. Sincerely, Milton S. Eisenhower” fo see ... "THE TIME OF YOUR LIFE" Mow at Center Stage 3rd Big Week Tickets At Student Union Fri. $.90 Sat. $1.25 THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA Twin Is Wed; Sister Engaged The marriage of Miss Jean L. McDermott, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. McDermott, of Dormont, Pa., and Richard Lyons, son of Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Lyons, also of Dormont, was solemnized December 23 in the Dormont Presbytei'ian Church. At the same time Mr. and Mrs. McDermott announced the en gagement of Jean’s twin sister, Anne, and Robert Stottlemeyer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B. Stottlemeyer, of Paradise, Pa. No date has been selected for the wedding. Jean, who was given in mar riage by her father, wore a gown of white lace, with a fingertip veil and carried a bouquet of white roses. Anne served as maid of honor for her sister, and an other sister, Mrs. Kenneth' Hutch ison was matron of honor. The bridesmaids were Miss Mary Rowland, Miss Joanne Winston, and Miss Deanie Krebs. James Hutchison, nephew of the bride was ring-bearer. David Lockard, of State Col lege, was best man for Mr. Lyons, and the ushers were Thomas Mc- Dermott, Wayne Cowder, Walter Gray, Donald Stalcup, Kenneth Hutchison, and Robert Stottle meyer. Mr. and Mrs. Lyons are residing at 117 E. Foster avenue, State College. Both Jean and Anne are seniors in Home Economics, and are members of Alpha Omicron Pi Sorority. Mr. Lyons is a junior in the pre-veterinary course and is a pledge of Phi Delta Theta fraternity. Mr. Stottlemeyer is a junior in agronomy. Council Sponsors White Hall Dance A faculty-student mixer 'and dance, sponsored .by the Chem istry and Physics school student council, will be held tomorrow night at White hall - from 9 to 12 p.m. Tickets are $1.50 and are being sold by members of the council. Skip Reader's orchestra .will provide the music for the dance. T-3 tags, signifying the dance, will be. worn by students’ in the School of Chemistry and Physics and will be placed on bulletin boards throughout the campus. Members of the dance com mittee are: Herbert Blough, chairman, James Plyler, sales, Henry Weiler, tickets, Craig Aicher and James Ramsay, as sistants to the chairman, Ron ald Ferguson, publicity, Gene vieve Kelly, refreshments, and Robert Sharretts, ex-officio. <* &SF <& >*k «es? *<sr 40* ' <" kh *? 'lf M m .<# M M. &$ sM 0f jM Jk <■ <>s r » **l % l ' 'r * ' / {Campus Interviews on Cigarette Tests'|| ~aot sP' may have caused panda-monium on doe campus but our scholarly friend was unperturbed. He pondered the facts of the case and decided that conclusive. Proof of cigarette mildness doesn’t come that fa6t! And that’s exactly why we suggest. . . The sensible test the 30-Day Camel Mildness Test which simply asks you to try Camels as your steady smoke on a pack after pack, day after day basis. No snap judgments needed. After you’ve enjoyed Camels and only Camels for 30 days in your “T-Zone” (T for Throat, T for Taste), we believe you’ll know why ... More People Smoke Camels than any other cigarette! Students May Obtain Pitt Dance Refunds ‘Students who still hold tickets to the dance which was to be held in the Hotel Schenley after the Pitt-Penn State football game should refund them at the Stu dent Union desk in Old Main. It is requested that these tic kets be refunded before the end of the semester because the tic kets must be sent to the Dean of Men’s office at the University of Pittsburgh. 1940 CHEVROLET tudor, excellent con- dition. 1946 House Trailer, 25 ft. 15’x8’ heated addition. Dick Hess. Phone 3965. 1933 BUICK, 5 good tires, 1947 motor. Call dorm 14. Number 10... THE PANDA 1L sudden rash of quick-trick cigarette tests one-puff or one-sniff tests ... single inhale and exhale comparisons are harc^y CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE '#i $ - :$ 4 m ■ f. if|, . FRIDAY, JANUARY 5,V1951 ROYAL HOUSETRAILER, 21’ therm heater, room att&clied. Good con dition. Call 6595. Fred Eakin, Woodadale Park. '••■ , J ■: • \ MISCELLANEOUS TYPING? FOR fast service and"low rates on term papers, theses, etc. Just call 6324. 330-B-Windcrest. TYPING AND Mimeographing. Letters, manuscripts, theses,. term. papers, etc. Hotel State College, Hoorn 205. Secretarial Service. Phone 4906. Helen G, Yarnell. IF YOUR typewriter needs repair* just call 2492 or bring machine to 133 W College Ave. Mr. Beatties 28 years ex perience is at your service. LOST OVERCOAT SAT. before vacation 5" n.m., Penn State Diner. I have yours \,con~ tabling flash bulbs. Cal! Crippe, Sigma -Nu. BROWN GABARDINE overcoat,' .;New College Diner, December 16. "Name-sewed on collar. Call 1193. I have yoiirsi FOR RENT ARE YOU looking for a room'with’;boani, close to the campus? Then Ag Hill is the spot. Spacious room wlir occoih ' 2 or-three'persons. Phone Mrs.-Madpre 25?7. get down to bear facts!” HI % 4 : \4;« jd»t%