The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, January 05, 1951, Image 3
FRIDAY, JANUARY 5, 1554 Grapplers Face Lehigh In Top Eastern Test Lions Send Five Veterans Against Strong Engineers By GEORGE GLAZER Wrestling will enter the winter sports picture for the first time tomorrow night when the Nittany matmen take on Lehigh’s grap plers in the first half of a double header in Rec hall. The match will start at 7 p.m. The Engineers, who edged out the Lions, 29-28, last year in the Eastern intercollegiates, will bring with them one eastern champion and two runners-up. George Feurebach became Le high’s first 128-pound eastern Intercollegiate Wrestling Associa tion champion when he took the title at Princeton last year. In addition, Coach Billy Sheridan will- have co-captains Mike Fili pos and John Mahoney. Filipos lost the 121-pound title. he had won in 1949 as a sophomore to Bob Gerbino, of Syracuse, last year. Lion captain Jim Maurey gained his title in the 147-pound class last year at the expense of Mahoney. Maurey got the title on a referee’s decision. Prep School Champ Bill Carlisle, a sophomore, will probably go for the Engineers in the 137-pound class. Carlisle, who was a national champion in prep school, lost his first collegiate match when he yas pinned in Lehigh’s first meet of the season with Cornell. Ed Mahoney, no relation to John, is Sheridan’s probable choice at 157. Mahoney, also a sophomore, won a decision in the Cornell match, as did Pete Mur phy in the 167 class. Tom Dim mig came out on the short end of a decision in the 177-pound division. Heavyweight Don Berndt, who pinned his Big Red opponent, received a varsity letter in 1949, arid faced State’s 1951 captain Homer Barr that year. Last year he saved a year of eligibility when he dropped out to make room for Gus LaSasso, who eventually lost to Barr in the Easterns. State last year defeated the Engineers to bring the log be tween the two schools to 21 wins for the Nittanies against 10 losses and 2 ties. Of the Lions in competition this year, Johnny Reese, Don Maurey, Bill Santel, Mike Rubino and Barr came up with wins in last year’s match. Reese de cisioned Filipos, Maurey decision ed Dick Kelsey, 1948-’49 eastern champion who was graduated, Sprite! decisioned Murphy, F.u bipo pinned Phil Donatelli and Barr decisioned LaSasso. For Lehigh, John Mahoney pinned Jim Maurey, Feurebach pinned Dean Harbold and Erik Erickson, who also was graduated, decision ed Cece Irvin. Nittany Card Uncertain Mat coach Charlie Speidel is still uncertain about his complete starting lineup. The only definite starters are Don Maurey, 137; sophomore Don Frey, 147; Ru bino, 177, and Barr, heavyweight. In the 123-pound class, letter man Reese and newcomers Harry Smith and “Judge” Watkins are CRE (Strawberry Hdairs frw orvifud itrcrwberriai and Breyer* famous Yanifia Ice Cream, decorated with whipped cream roiettec. Your friendly Breyer Dealer ba« them ready hr yoe now. ‘TtaS bKSjf' COtiLiBOXCin, Lion Cagers Seek Fifth Victory In Colgate Fray Tomorrow Night MIKE FILIPOS Lehigh's Veteran Co-Captain Lions Host Lehigh Fencers Saturday Coach Art Meyer’s varsity fenc ing team will open their 1951 season in Rec hall at two o’clock Saturday afternoon when they meet the Lehigh Engineers, who defeated Penn State 14-13 last year. Captain Ed Merek will wield the saber and will be assisted by Robert Searles, Jerry Clauser, Charles Ricker, and Bob Whit man in that division. In the epee division, Wayne Culver, Pete Raidy, and Lou Como will fence for'the Lions. The epee matches will be featured by an electrical machine which automatically re cords touches by the weapons. Gene Goldbloom, Dick Mansback, Acer Kalanik, and Joe Kusick will do the sword swinging in the foil event. Last year the team, matched strong opposition and finished with a two-and-four record. They defeated Temple and John Hop kins, but lost to Lehigh, Army, NYU, and Cornell. The Lions also finished twelfth in the Eastern Intercollegiates, in New York. Coach Meyer is being assisted by Tim Reed and Ralph Tykodi. Tykodi worked with the saber men last year. still engaged in a nip-and-tuck battle. At 130, veterans Jack Dreibelbis and Harbold are work ing hard as are Bill Slabonik and Irvin in the 157-pound division. Both Slabonik and Irvin are vet eran grapplers. 2 for 35* Penn State’s basketball men will have their work cut out for them again tomorrow night when a high-flying quintet from Col gate invades Rec hall to tangle with the Nittany Lion cagers. Runner-up to North Cardlina State in the Dixie Classic over the Christmas holidays, Colgate has posted a record of six wins and three losses against some - of the best competition in the East. The Red Raiders hold wins over Duke, NYU, Navy, Toronto, St. Lawrence, and Rider. The win over Navy in the Dixie Classic knocked the Midshipmen from the ranks of the undefeated. The only teams the Raiders have lost to are Cornell, Prince ton, and North Carolina State. Cornell and Princeton are unde feated. The College will operate a re freshment bar in Recreation hall for all indoor athletic events, it has been announced. The bar will sell soft drinks beginning with tomorrow's wrestling and basket ball bill. Penn State athletes will man the bar. Last season the Lions split in two games with Colgate. After losing a 68-67 overtime game in Rec hall, the Lions defeated the Raiders on their home -court, 72- 57. Coach Howard Hartman can boast one of the hottest shooting aggregations in the country. The Raiders were shooting at a 42 per cent clip prior to the Dixie tournament. Two of the starters on the Col gate squad, Bill Dodd and Joe Stratton are shooting at a 49.2 percentage. Dave Alton, a star of last year’s team, is shooting at a 4E>.B clip and is averaging 15.8 points per contest. Hartman will probably start Alton, Stratton, Dodd, Dan War ren, and . Ted Stacy against the Lions tomorrow night. Nittany Lion coach Elmer Gross will shakeup his starting line up in an attempt to stop the high scoring Raider team. Three of the Penn State “iron men” will get a much needed rest. Captain Lou Lamie, Ted Panopolos, and Hardy Williams will not be in the starting lineup against the Raiders. Gross will start a first five composed of Tiny McMahan, Jun ie Moore, Joe Pioroko.wski, Dick Phillips and Herm Sledzik. Lavin Lone Senior George Lavin of Audubon, N.J., is the only senior on Bucknell’s 12-man basketball squad. jMonday & Tuesday Presented in cooperation with Romance Languages Dept. *nMAD J ifMJIEJEM "'Y* (loioro ft» Amor) | “Spectacular* Miss Bautista portrays the title role with great charm... the first lady of the Spanish theatre.” —Brooklyn Eagle "Miss Bautista gives a booming tserformance!” —Daily Mirror iTnmn DU, Beta Theta Pi Tie For Ring Title Although they failed to pro duce a single champion, Delta Upsilon’s mittmen managed to pile up enough points to tie Beta Theta Pi for the team champion ship in the intramural boxing race. Both teams tallied 95 points. The DU’s hopes of a second straight undisputed championship were dealt a fatal blow by Laz LeMon, of Alpha Phi Alpha, who scored an upset victory over Joe Lane, the only DU battler to reach the finals. '' Beta i Theta Pi, on the other hand, emerged from the eve nings doings with two title hold ers. Sam Hamilton copped the 128-pourid crown by stopping Skip Lucas, last year’s 121-pound champ from Sigma Nu, and Dick Cameron captured 165-pound laurels by beating Dick Dum, of Alpha Gamma Rho. Johnny Reese, Phi Delta Theta, set a record for individua champ ionships, as he took his third in a row, whipping A 1 McChes hey, of Phi Kappa Sigma, in the 135-pound class. In 1948, as a sophomore, Reese grabbed the 121-pound title. In uiiiimiiiiiimicmmim min 11111111111.1 { Gab Topcoats ( | Zipper Lining § | s 2l°° I f • TAN f | * GREY f | JUST A FEW LEFT! | ( PENNSHIRE I ( CLOTHES | E 112 S. Frazier Si. - E = NEXT DOOR TO CITY HALL jj 5 Open Monday and Friday till 9 E Eiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiililimiiinmiiir. The First National Bank Of State College K Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Federal Reserve System Page thiceb -Late Sports RIVERSIDE, CaL The Pa cific Coast conference, announced yesterday that it might abandon the Rose Bowl because of the “win” pressure put on the schools by the alumni. . Big Ten representatives were in doubt whether their pact with the FCC concerning the Rose Bowl game would be renewed. The five y6ar pact expired after the California-Michigan game this year. NEW YORK Fred Will, Ihe FBI trackman, was named win ner of the James E. Sullivan Memorial Trophy yesterday as ihe outstanding amateur athlete for 1950. ST. LOUIS Stan Musial and Fred Saigh, president of the St. Louis Cardinals, talked contract for three and one-half hours yes terday. Neither would say if they had come to terms. 1949, because of a special intra mural rule which states that champions must move up one weight bracket, Reese won the title in the 128-pound class. He then moved up to the 135-pound class this year where he estab lished the record. NOW! At Your Warner Theatre gum GARY COOPER RUTH ROMAN STEVE COCHRAN "©ALLAS" State CLIFTON WEBE JOAN BENNETT "FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE" Ifjittanij. BETTY GRABL. DAN DAILEY "MY BLUE HEAVEN"