The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, December 02, 1950, Image 8

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Eng. Honorary
Initiates Sixty
Sixty new members will be
initiated into the Tau Beta Pi,
engineering honorary, at a semi
formal dinner-dance in the Nit
tany Lion inn tonight. The affair
will begin at 7 p.m.
The initiates will be received
in to begin at 5:30
p.m. Following this is a dinner
which will feature a talk by Dr.
Fred Matson of MI on his expe
dition to Arabia.
'About 75 couples are expected
to attend the dance which fol
Those being initiated are: John
If. Sinfelt, Charles A. Brock
miller, James H. Grimm, Charles
R. Thomas, Daniel Babcock, Glen
R. Brown, Jr., William R. Sittig,
Frank R. Johnson, Edward A.
Buch, Eugene C. Fiedorck.
David C. Gumbert, Donald M.
Hackenyos, Frederick W. Schulze,
Grant C. Clapper, Anthony Den
ardo, Fred H. Kramer, Jerome
R. Markoch, Robert L. Getis, Ed
ward T. Ruch, William I. Smith.
Donald C. Amand, Eber E. Lud
wick, Kenneth G. Harple, Jay M,
Burkhart, Robert H. Goodenow,
Samuel W. Sillaman; Donald E.
Beck, Edward C. Sword, Victor
K. Lynch, Richard E. Klemick.
John-W. Ladd, Regis L. Galla
gher, Philip B. Klemick, Benja
min Ungerleider, Merle L. Jones,
Come To Church
College' Chapel
Schwab Auditorium
Dec. 2.. 1950
Speaker—Rev. George J. Howard
Topic—Human Relations - the key
to the future
The Chapel Choir
The Presbyterian Church
Westminster Foundation
Beaver and Frasier Si.
Rev. Andrew E. Newcomer. Jr.
The' Rev. Donald W. Carrulhers,
• Director
College Sunday School 9:30 am
Morning Church Service
10:45 a.m.
Westminster Fellowship 6:30 p.m.
Evening Church Service 7:30 p.m.
University Baptist
Nittany Ave. and Burrowes St.
The Rev. Robert H. Eads. Pastor
Church School College Class
9:40 a.m.
Morning Worship .... 10:45 a.m.
Roger Williams Fellowship
Student Service 5 to 7:30 p.m.
Alpha Zeta
Boalsburg Bus Co.
College Sportswear
Delta Chi
Delta Sigma Phi
Delta Theta Sigma
Jack Harper
Kappa Sigma
Lambda Chi Alpha
Mur Jewelry
Faculty Members
At Miami Meeting
On Vocational Ed
Three members of the College
faculty are participating' in the
annual meeting's of, the American
Vocational association in'Miami,
Fla., this week. .
Dr. S. Lewis. Land, director of
vocational teacher education, is
addressing a joint meeting of
state supervisors, state teacher
trainers and local directors of
vocational education on “Evalu
ation Procedures in Industrial
Dr. Jean D. Amberson, head of
the Department of Home Eco
nomics Education, is speaking at
the meeting of teacher trainers
in home economics education on
“Improving the Curriculum in
Teacher Education.”
Dr. Henry S. Brunner, head of
the Department of Agricultural
Education, is participating in sec
tional meetings on vocational agriculture.
Daniel J. Snopkowski Milton V.
Poulos, Herman F. Anspach, Ray
mond E. Markle, John Walsh.
Robert Wachter, John M. Tom
linson, Jack W. Enterline, John
B. Sparhawk Tarig B. Kham
mash, Edward Edgerley, William
R. Valego, William'B. McMillin,
Harry D. Graham, John D. Harri
This Message is Brought To You Through the Courtesy of Both College and Town Organizations
"The churches are not begging for your support. They exist only to
serve you and bear witness to our faith in Almighty God. If you are in
trouble, come to us for help. If you are not in trouble, come and thank
Roman Catholic
Fairmouni AVe. and Frazier St.
Th« Rev.: Owen M. Gallagher.
Rector ’
The Her. Richard Walsh
Sunday during regular College
Session 8:00, 9:00, 10:00 and
11:00 a.m.—10:30 Mass at Nit
tany Theatre
Holy Days 6:30,- 7:00, 8:00 a.m.
St. Paul's Methodist
: and
Wesley Foundation
College Ave. and McAllister
The Rev. Frank W. Montgomery.
Mrs. Dorothy G. Anderson
Program Director
Student classes 9:30 a.m.
Morning Worship 10:45 a.m.
Fellowship Supper and Program
5:30-7:30 p.m.
Grace Lutheran Church
College Are. and Atherton St.
The Rev. John F. Harkins, D.D.,
The Rev. Edwerlh E. Korie,
Camptis Pastor
Church School 9:30 a.m
The Service V... 10:45 a.m.
Lutheran Student 'Meeting
6:30 p. m. .
Engineer To Discuss
Light Aircraft Engines
D. S. King, assistant chief en
gineer of the Lycoming-Spencer
Division of the AVOC Manufac
turing corporation, Williamsport,
Pa., will speak on “Developments
in Engines for Light Aircraft” at
a general meeting of the Society
of Automotive Engineers on
Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. in Willard
hall.. .
Mr. King graduated from Cor
nell in 1930 with a M.E. degree
and worked approximately one
year each with Chevrolet and
American La France prior to
graduation. Since graduation he
has been employed by the Ly
coming-Spencer division.
Three Profs Will Discuss
Loyalty Oaths At Hillel
“Should a Loyalty .Oatfy Be Re
quired of College Teachers?” is
the subject for discussion of the
second Hillel Town' Meeting to
morrow night at 8 o’clock in the
Hillel Auditorium.
The three speakers are Dr.
Arthur F. Davis, Professor of
Physical Education; Dr. James J.
Reid. Professor of Bacteriology;
and Dr. Ruth C. Silva, Assistant
Professor of Political Science.
Harold P. Zelko, Associate Pro
fessor of Public Speaking, will be
the guest moderator.
For Best Results
Use Collegian Classifieds
7:30 p.m.
IF YOUR typewriter needs repairs just
call 2492 or. bring machine to 633 W.
College, Ave. Mr. Beatties 28 years ex
perience is at your service.
TUTORING DONE in math, physics,
chcm.; all classes.. For appointments
write P.O. Box 476.
GET YOUR Christmas cards and -supplies
9 for less. The BX is your store.' Sup
port it. '
argyles, mittens and baked good at the
Allencrest, Sat. Dec. 2, 2:00—4 :30 p.m.
THROW AWAY your bluebooke files and
read FROTH . . . Education issue . . .
out soon.
PAIR OF horn-rimmed glasses. Front of
Armory. M.J.B. inside case. Call 5051*
1087, Room 112.
RELIABLE STUDENT with car to de
liver Collegians everyday. Contact Ed
Noyes. Phone 4702.
ROOM FOR Rent. »Single. Half block
from campus. 227 W. Park. May ’be
used by couple. Kitchen privileges.
WARM. FEET? It’s a pleasure to got a
hotfoot with Zeta socks! Dec. 9th Corner
ALUMINUM TRAILER, Frigidaire, water-
heater, bottled gas; reasonable. Im
mediate occupancy. Glenn Wommer.
Hoover Trailer- Park, State College. Route
DESOTO COUPE 1936. Latest inspection
365. Call 3897 after 4 p.m.
—Rev. John N. Peabody, Rector
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church
First Church of Christ
108 West Beaver Ave.
Sunday School
Sunday Service
Testimonial meeting
Faith Evangelical and
Reformed Church
College Aye. & Miles St.
The Rev. Albert Asendorf
The Rev. Richard Goodling
Sunday School ...... 9:30 a.m.
Sunday Service 10:45 a.m.
Student Fellowship ... 6:30 p.m.
Friends Meeting
318 Atherton St.
School for Youth and Adults
and Student Discussion
9:30- a.m.
Meeting for Worship, 10:45 a.m.
Student IfKtaH •
9:30 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
. 7:30 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
COMPLETE 30 ft.. Trailer 1949 Mobile
. Cruiser. Hot water heater, bath, porch.
Excellent' location; Call -6596 after 6 p.m.
BROWN SHARKSKIN suit single breasted.
Brown : gabardine cardigan. Both 40
long. Excellent condition. Call Bob Gates
MUST SELL Kodak 35 camera complete
with rangefinders _ and carrying case.
Best offer takes it.. John.Gaut 7621.
TWO TICKETS for Military Ball. ; Only
$4.00. Call ' Jim * Railing—Dorm 22-
Room 24.
1940 CHEVROLET Tudor. New rings,
wrist pins; valves,.rubber. Paint winter
ized. ss4so. Richard - 3965 State
1936 CHEVROLET coupe. Good running
• condition. Must sell. Best offer takes
it. Call 4225 after 3 p.m. ;
COLD 7 GREY, . sheepskin lined jacket.
Size 42. Waist length. Worn six times.
$35 ncw-r-SSO. Pete 3129.
RED COMBINATION * billfold and coin
purse- Sunday night in ; front of Me-
Elwain getting out of taxi. Call 5051-
Ext. 108.
K&E. LOG LOG Duplex elide rule. Name
inside case. Reward. ,Call Andy 3204.
tween Post House and Thompson Hall
Tuesday evening. Reward. Call Andy Ext.
1090. . . " ,
GRAY TOPCOAT, Hess Brothers label;
outside room 3, Sparks 1% weeks ago.
Call Frank, Dorm 35, Room 11. Phone
$20.00 BILL either in Willard or towards
Rea '& Derick Thursday’ afternoon.
Urgent. Reward. Call Jack 7169.
CHI PHI fraternity pin. Thurs. 29 Nov.
Call John Schulte 4332.
FURNISHED ROOM . to. student and wife
or student Call 7677.
St. Andrew's Episcopal
Foster Aye. and Frazier St.
The Rey. John N. Peabody, Rector
Holy Communion every Sunday
7:45 a.m. Also First Sunday.
10:45 a.m.
Sunday Church School 10:45 a.m.
Morning Prayer and Sermon
10:45 a.m. '
Evening Service 5:00 p,m.
College Student'Meeting 5:30 p.m.
St. John's Evangelical
United Brethren Church
Beaver Ave. and Burrowes St.
The Rev. James P. Reed. Pastor
Morning Worship and
Sunday School 9:30 a.m;
Student. Fellowship Meeting
6:15 p.m. ... .
Vespers ..... 7:30 p.m.
B'nai B'rith
Hillel Foundation
133 West Beaver Ave.
Rabbi Benjamin M. Kahn,
Friday Evening Services 8:00 pjn.
Saturday Morning Services
10:00 a.m.
Phi Kappa Sigma
Sigma Nu
Sigma Pi
Sportsman's Shack
Tau Kappa Epsilon
Tau Phi Della
Theta Chi
Theta Kappa Phi
Theta Phi Alpha
Westminster Foundation
Zeta Beta Tau