FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1950 Two Rec Hall Dances Scheduled For Weekend Informal Soph Hop To Be Held Tonight The Soph Hop, an informal dance sponsored annually by the sophomore class, •will be held in Rec hall tonight- from 9 to 12. A Scottish theme wil be featured. Music for the affair will be furnished by Gene Magill and his orchestra. Members of the sophomore class who have not received their tickets may pick them up free of charge at the Student Union desk in Old Main. This is the second' year that the sophomore class has held an informal dance. In the previous years the class sponsored a for mal dance with name bands and charged $4.00 admission for the affair. However, . lack of funds to support the dance forced the class to limit the size and curtail the expenses of the affair. Co-chairmen for the dance are Marian Whitely 'and Thomas Smith. The committee heads are: publicity, Shirley Gallagher; dec orations, Glen Wiggins; finance, Josephine Waterhouse. Weekend At Pitt Bores Blue Band The Penn State Blue Band was bored in Pittsburgh. They were scheduled to prac tice their routine Friday after noon for the game Saturday, but because of the snow they couldn’t leave the Hotel Pittsburgher, where they were staying. “We were all real bored in Pittsburgh,” David Fishburn, trombonist, said, “and all we did was sit around and play cards.” The Blue Band smoker, which was held at the William Penn hotel, was over early, and the boys spent the rest of the evening do ing nothing. Saturday morning they spent with their ears glued to the radio to find out whether or not the game would be played. After hearing .that the game was to be postponed, they held a meeting and decided to go back to State College that afternoon. They gave two concerts one at the Pittsburgher and the other at the station. While at the hotel Ernest Skipper, clarinetist, was telling an elderly gentleman how inefficient' Pittsburgh’s snow re moval was. The gentleman turned out to be David Lawrence, mayor of Pittsburgh: Summing up the experience Fishburn said, “It was fun but I wouldn’t want to live through it again.” NOW! At Your Warner Theatre | LEW AYRES I "ALL QUIET ON THE WESTERN FRONT" State I Deborah Kerr I Stewart Granger I "KING SOLOMON'S MINES" II Robert Donat I "GHOST GOES WEST" Film Clastic Release I Harvest Ball Is Semi-formal Affair Rec hall will be transferred into a scene of the great West tomorrow night for Harvest ball,; a semi-formal dance, spon sored by the Ag hill student council. Decorations for the dance will feature a corral to carry out the “Round-Up” theme. Swinging doors will lead to the refreshment stand and a large western display will occupy the center of the dance floor. The Statesmen will provide the music and will feature a quartet for the first time. Dancing will be from 9 to 12. Tickets are $2 and may be purchased from Ag hill student council members or at Student Union. Co-chairmen Joseph Breisch and David Sta bler asked, that no corsages be worn. 1 This is the second year that the Harvest ball is a “big-time” dance. Previously the dance was held in the TUB. Committee heads for the dance are Sarah Chinn, decorations; Stuart Frear, publicity; Stanley Domosch, tickets and program; Bill Nichol, refreshments; Bill Wilson, arrangements. Newman Club To Hold Informal Mixen Tonight The Newman club will spon sor an informal mixer tonight at the Theta Kappa Phi frater nity house, president Drew Mahla announced yesterday. The mixer will start at 7 p.m. A semi-formal dance, originally scheduled for tonight, has been postponed until January. It will, however, be held at the TUB and previous plans will be followed for the dance. Alpha Omicron Pi Alpha Omicron Pi entertained Theta Phi Alpha in their suite before the holidays. McLANAHAN’S THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA Panhel Retreat Is Tomorrow Nancy George, Panhellenic council president, announced that a Penhellenic retreat will be held tomorrow in one of the cam pus cottages beginning at 9 a.m. All sorority presidents end rushing chairmen will attend this retreat. Such problems as pledge training, scholarship, and rushing will be considered at the meet ing. Because of weather conditions, the previous plans to hold the retreat in the WRA cabin had to be canceled. Maple cottage has been named as the probable cottage in which the retreat will be held. Next Saturday WSGA will hold its retreat, also in one of the cot tages. Representatives of the senate and house as well as & Smart ... Look Ahead f Lay-Away NOW For Christmas 9 RillgS for your best gal or beau • Watches of beauty and precision Jg? & 9 Cigarette Lighters for Him or Her T 9 Bracelets and Pins galore jfc • Pen and Pencil sets of quality £ Come in today A small deposit will hold your gifts jjC -i. Christmas i MUR JEWELRY { Allen Ave. ’ Open Mon., Wed., Fri., 'fill 9 p.m. ik/ | Men's Shoes M 3 Shoes by Jarman, Cadillac, |1 and other famous names in | footwear; in most styles and | sizes. *>£ Wing Tips Plain Toe || Scotch Grains Loafers § Crepe Sole Cordovans | Were $9.95 and $15.95 s#99 to $| #199 NOW 0 to IU rl MEN'S SHOES R Valye* to $8.95 | NOW $3.99 - $4.99 1 SPECIALS 8-2 9