The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, November 01, 1950, Image 4
PAGE FOUR Women Nominate 15 Men For Mardi Gras King Fifteen men have been nominated by women's groups for king of the Mardi Gras. Their pictures are on display in the Athletic store .window. The king will be elected at the Mardi Gras, which is to be held at Rec hall this Friday night from 8 to 11:30. Each vote will cost a penny. Jars for the pennies w each candidate at the Mardi Gras. The coronation ceremony for the king will take place at 10:30. The king will receive a gift certificate donated by Jack Har per's. List of Nominees Nominees for king and their sponsors are Robert Conrad, Kappa Delta; Joseph Cook, Al pha Chi Omega; William Det weiler, Alpha Xi Delta; Phil Ferris, Chi Omega; John Flaugh, Delta Gamma; Thomas Griff erty, Delta Delta Delta; John Hall, Delta Zeta; Pat Helms, Al pha Omicron Pi; Frank Kelly, Leonides; Abe Leinbach, Alpha Gamma Delta; Robert Morton, Kappa Alpha Theta; Don Rouse, Kappa Kappa Gamma; Thomas NOW! , At Your Warner Theatre eat - haunt FRANCHOT TONE IN "JIG SAW" state MARLON BRANDO TERESA WRIGHT "THE MEN" Hittany CHARLIE CHAPLIN in "CITY LIGHTS" lITAIICYe s '?et q 3 , T ow - • Made of Breyers famous Vanilla Ice Cream with chocolate fudge, coated with chocolate and decorated with whipped cream. Your Breyer Dealer has them. 11 be placed before the picture of Smith, Theta Phi Alpha; Beech er Watson, Gamma Phi Beta; and William Yerkes, Zeta Tau Alpha. Eisenhower Addresses School Principals President Milton S. Eisen hower spoke at the annual con ference of the Pennsylvania branch of the National Associa tion of Secondary School Prin cipals in Harrisburg yesterday. The President told the educa tors that they have a basic re sponsibility in preserving Am erican democracy. / REGISTERED JEWELER V/440ited fideevemeota ..„... -.,,,, * ..".. '..-.:-.:::,,' * Enjoy the assurance of better values this store offers you. Thurs. & Fri. Alexander Ards iortsods .V't LEIGH liar Amway* 0' P 044,061V / Chocolate Eclairs THE DAILY CClLL,t..t...u%if, m;l=zt'rgE,- PENNSYLVANIA The American Gem Society, an International Organiza tion of dependable Jewelers, selects only those Jewelers' for membership who have acquired a scientific knowl edge of Diamonds and Gems. Yearly examinations and un questioned business integrity are vital requisites in main taining this valuable membership. 2a,teivice, 011VIB A FILM CLASSICS 1111" Oro MAO! ICE CREAM 2 kw 350 CLASSIFIEDS LOST LOST SATURDAY pair of red glasses gold and pearl trimmed. Black Terh case. Desperately needed. Call Flo 342 Atherton. WHOEVER TOOK wrong topcoat from Sparks Sat. morning—car • keys in pocket, 'please call Bob Shoe 4953. LOST SORORITY pin. Alpha Omicron Pi If found please call 35 McElwain Initials E. J. W. MAROON plaid folding lady's umbrella. have yours. Return to Music Depart ment office, 216 Carnegie. • PERSON WHO took by mistake light tan shorite coat from Willard call Jo Bothwell 5051. Ext. 75. Reward. MISCELLANEOUS IF YOUR typewriter needs repairs just call 2492 or bring machine to 613 W. College Ave. Mr. Beatties 28 years' ex perience is at vour service. TERM PAPERS, reports, etc. typed. Call 6443, 7 p.m. A. for Snyder. Very reasonable. LAUNDRIES DONE in private home. Will call for and deliver. Phon 7579. WE DARE T EM 111. PHILIP MORRIS challenges any other leading to suggest this HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS 0 SMOKERS, who tried this test, report in signed statements th PHILIP MORRIS IS DEFINITELY IRRITATING, DEFINITELY M 1. . . Light up a PHILIP MORRIS 2. . . Light up your present brand Just take a puff—DON'T INHALE—and Do exactly the same thing—DON'T s-l-o-w-I-y let the smoke , come through INHALE. Notice that bite, that sting? your nose. Easy, isn't it? And NOW... Quite cidiffetence from PHILIP MORRIS! Other brands merely make claims—but PHILIP MoRRIs invites you to compare, to judge, to decide for yourself. Try this simple test. We believe that you, too,-;,will:agree • • . PHILIP MORRIS is, indeed, America's FINEST Cigareite! NO .CIGARETTE ..-',v.....'ANGOVER.-.. means MORE SMOKING PLEASURE! CALL FOR WEARING A Tux for houseparty? If so, you can rent one• at the Young Men's Shop, 123 S.• Allen.- TYPING & MIMEOGRAPHING. Secre- tarial service. newly managed by Helen Yarnell, Room 205, Hotel State College. Phone 4906. . . BILL'S MODEL SHOP has a complete line of model airplane 'supplies: 35 dif ferent engines. 202 West Prospect. Ave nue 6 :30-9 :00 p.m. : . , ALL KINDS of typing clone. Reasonable. Call State College 7026. ALL STUDENTS invited , to meet Mrs. Lillian Narins, ProgresiiiVe-:Party...can didate for Senator at High School,' Wed. 8 p.m. Room 121, Fairmount entrance. FOR SALE H&R SPORTSMAN revolver $30.. Columbia LP phonograph 3P.0. Remington electric shaver $l2. See DeGroat. 631 W. College. FOLDING CHAIRS like new 52.50 and $3.00 each. Can be seen at Slkytop. Phone 6592. FOR SALE 1940 Plymouth. Good ..con dition. Bob, Landeaman, Hamilton Hall, Room 57. Call 5051 Ext. 1170. 1938 PAGEARD convertible. Very good condition. Radio, heater, defroster. Good tires. Economical. Jack Buxton. Phone 4975. $285. PHILIP MORRIS WEDNESDAY,- NOVEMBER 1, 1950 1936 FOUR-DOOR, Plymouth. Good en" „gloa t good - body, $l5O. Weiser Motor Company, 217'South Atherton. Phone 4171. POR SALE-1936 Plymouth coupe., 1946 motor. Car. in excellent condition. Phone 2009 end ask for Bob. ' FOR SALE Ivlotor. Scooter ; good condition. -Call '5051 Ext. 1083, ask for Jim Room 2. 1938-CiIEVROLET 2 -door sedan. Good good• engine... Must sell $ 2OO . C all 370 Theta Chi. , AMBITIOUS YOUNG Man for sales work during spare time. Hie: com mission paid. Must have experience in men's wear. 'For interview. write P.O. Box '6lB. 'State College. WANTED . PASSENGERS to and from Texas for Christmas holidays. E. B. Reynolds, University Club. Phone 2251. WANTED RIDE 1 to Wash., D. C. or vicinity Nov. 3. Call Bill 2253. DOUBLE ROOM near campus. Single beds. Telephone 2919. ONE HALF of large double room. Reason. able rate. Within walking distance. 252 S. Atherton Street. Phone 4219. WANTED - FOR RENT ot ? "::