The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, October 24, 1950, Image 3

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    TUESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1950
Three Charters Granted
By Welfare Committee
Three campus organizations were granted charters, and
permission was given to schedule the Military Ball 8:30 p.m.
to 12:30 a.m., Dec. 8, at the meeting of the Senate Student
Welfare committee lait Thursday.
The three organizations to be granted charters are the
Poultry club, for poultry majors, the Quarterdeck society,
for midshipmen to promote fel
lowship among members of the
naval reserve officers training
group, and the Pelin State Mar
keting club, for marketing ma
The committee also discussed
field trips and authorized ab
sences. There was general agree
ment among the members that
field trips should be cleared of
ficially so that they will interfere
as little as possible with classes.
Concerning absences, the com
mittee decided to insist on the
presentation of required excuses
from the deans of the schools.
Committee Recommendations
A recommericiation to the sen
ate was approved by the com
mittee to change Rule 99, section
(d) of the Regulations for Under- 1
graduate Students. The rulel
would be changed to read: "Each
dance and houseparty shall be
provided with at least two chap
erones. The dates of the dances
and the names of chaperones
shall be filed with the Dean of
Women and the Dean of Men at
least one week before the event.'
Approval was given to a letter
of transmittal, drafted by the sec
retary, to accompany the mailing
of "A Summary of Policies and
Regulations Affecting Men's and
Women's Social Fraternity Chap
ters". This pamphlet was pub
lished by the committee.
Penn State Club
Holds Initiation
Initiations for new members of
the Penn State club will be held
tomorrow night at 7 o'clock in
405 Old Main.
Members are requested to at
tend to supervise proceedings,
Joseph Lipsky, president, said.
Members interested in going
to the theater party at Center
stage must sign up either on the
bulletin board in the club room,
411 Old Main, or with Moylan
Mills, vice-president.
Mills said yesterday that 40
club members already have regis
tered for the party. He added
that those who have signed up
and cannot go should contact
him as soon as possible at 320
Hamilton hall.
Half the admission price of the
party, which is for club members
only, will be paid by the club
For Best Results
Use Collegian Classifieds
Silhouette of a
Well Dressed Co-ed
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Dank's & Co.
148 S. Allen Street
Open Wednesday Afternoon
Drink Ban—
(Continued from page one)
rushing list for -fraternities by
which the houses would be bet
ter able to fill their vacancies.
It was also suggested that,
through cooperation with the ad
ministration, a temporary dorm
contract be established, which by
signing, a student wishing to go
fraternity would be housed in a
staging area until pledged. The
Pollock Circle dorms which are
closed now were suggested as an,
ideal spot for the proposed stag-1
ing area.
The house maintenance corn-1
rnittee reported that steps had
been taken to put an exchange
waiter system into effect. The
committee also formed, a per
manent group of house managers
to meet periodically to discuss
maintenance problems.
Harry Swimmer, co-chairman
of the chapter administration
committee, reported that the
committee's propose to IFC
that a fraternity alumni directory
be made up and sent to them.
Business Agenda
' The committee also suggested
to the houses that a business
agenda be brought up at house
meetings in order to cut down
on the length of the meetings
which the committee found to be
the biggest criticism of chapter
The committee discussing pub
lic relations proposed that each
house elect men to a publicity
committee to work in conjunc
tion with IFC. According to the
proposal, the committee would
meet once a month to discuss
fraternity publicity.
A proposal to IFC from the
scholarship committee, asked IFC
to form a committee to: 1. investi
gate the possibility of decreasing
the scholarship advisory ratio;
2. increase the frosh scholastic
guidance; 3. investigate the possi
bility, of 'professors informing
houses of pledges' grades by post
cards; 4. investigate the possi
bility of cooperation of professors
in discussing pledge's grades with
the brothers.
All proposals by the various
workshop committees will be dis
cussed by IFC before any action
is taken.
Full reports of the committees'
discussions will be published in
a booklet for future reference.
Support Behind
Campus Chest
President Milto* S. Eisenhower,
accepting the position of honor
ary chairman of the Campus
Chest said "I hope that everyone
on the campus will give," to the
drive which begins Saturday.
The drive will continue until
Nov. 4, and has a goal of $14,000.
"The purpose of the drive is to
consolidate into one campaign
most of the worthy charities and
organizations to which students
are accustomed," Marlin Bren
ner, publicity chairman of the
drive said.
Brenner also said a solicitor
will contact students and faculty.
All students above or below
eighth semester will have the
privilege of giving a cash contri
bution, or signing a pledge card
to authorize the College to add
his contribution to fees for next
semester. Eighth semester stu
dents will be asked to make a
cash contribution, Brenner said.
ASME To View
Film On Steel
A meeting of the Penn State
chapter of the American Society
of Mechanical Engineers will be
held today at 7 p.m. in 110 EE.
The Allegheny Ludlum Steel
corporation sound film dealing
with the manufacturing and test
ing of stainless steel will be
The meeting is open to all stu
dents in the School of Engineer
Dancing Class
To Meet Tonight
A West dorms dancing class for
beginners will hold its first meet
ing in Hamilton hall recreation
room at 6:30 o'clock tonight.
This is the first dancing class
to be organized in the West dorm
area. Paul Kritsky and Frank
Huttlinger, resident dorm advis
ers, will be in charge. The pro
gram will be carried out in co
operation with George Donovan
manager of associated student ac
- - - See Us!
• Whizzer Bike Motors
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• Paris and Accessories
• Expert Repair Service
Open daily Krumrine's
9-12, 1-5 Bicycle Shop
Closed Rear 433 W. College
Wed. P. in. Phone 9123
Alpha Phi Omega Pledges
Undergo Service Period
Alpha Phi Omega, boy scout service fraternity, pledged
48 men last week. Pledges will undergo a three month per
iod of service to the campus and community before being
initiated. Duties will range from retagging campus trees to
picking up articles at the TUB for infirmary patients.
Men pledged were George Allison, James Axsom, jar.) es
Bissett, James Brust, John Car
nen, Frederick Coe, Julian Cook,
William Cowen, David DeFerie,
George Evans, William Fi
gart, Raymond George, Joseph
Hartman, John Hager, Edward.
Hinderliter, Russell Ingham. Rob
ert Irwin, Solomon Jaffe, Robert
James, Howard Killian, Marc
Kimelman, Ned Kocher, Fredric
Krupnick, Robert Lansberry.
Al] Marshall, Wesley Men
zel, Ronald McWilliams, Edio Mi
cozzi, Charles Miller, Lewis
Montgomery, Frank Pokorny,
James Randall, John Salvetti,
Richard Schuler, Tom Shinier,
William Slepin, Marvin Slomo
witz, Donald Snyder, John Moy
er Smith, William Stambaugh,
Robert Sundius, David Swanson,
Manning Taite, David Thomas.
Sororities - Fraternities . . .
Decorate Your Tables
with Flowers -
make your house or suite
look its best for the alums
A few simple floral decorations on the tables will
make your house or suite sparkle. Bill McMullen has
a selection of all the bright fall flowers that give the
perfect finishing touch to any room.
Bill McMullen, Florist
" 135 S. ALLEN
PAGE r.!. IRE; E.
Stanley Vitt, Harding Williams.
Lincoln Warren and Robert Wil
Refreshment Workers
Men who sold refreshments
at the Georgetown game
should report to the Student
Employment office, Old Main.
Hort Show
Saturday & Sunday, Oct. 28, 29
in the Pavilion