The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, September 29, 1950, Image 6
PAGE SIX AEPi, Phi Delts Garner Opening IM Football Wins Alpha Epsilon Pi, Phi Delta Theta, Phi Kappa Tau, and Phi Kappa Psi came through with victories last night as the 1950 IM touch football season got under wz Sigma Chi was the victim of the AEPI's by a count of 6-0 in the evening's finale. In the op eners, Phi Delta Theta squeezed by Lambda Chi Alpha, 7-6; Phi Kappa Tau scored early to dump SAM, 13-0; and Phi ' Kappa Psi outpassed Ph'. Gamma Delta, 6-0. In IM play, all losing teams are immediately out of the running. The second round of intramural touch football will get under way tonight with eight more frater nity squads seeing action. Starting at 7 p.m., Delta Upsi- * .slte * Swam to Say Koehler Banning Krasnan'y Glazer Temple-Syracuse Syracuse Syracuse Syracuse Syracuse Dartmouth-H:Cross Dart. Dart. Dam . . Dart. Duke-Pitt Duke Duke Duke Duke Geor.Tech-S.Car. Ga. Tech Ga. Tech Ga. Tech Ga. Tech Kent.-Mississippi Kentucky Kentucky Kentucky Kentucky Maryland-Navy Maryland Maryland Maryland Maryland Michigan-Mich.St. Mich. Mich. St. Mich. Mich. Nebraska-Indiana Indiana Indiana Indiana Indiana OhioSt.-S.M.U. i Ohio St. SMU Ohio St. Ohio St. Okla.-Bost.Coll. Oklahoma Oklahoma Oklahoma Oklahoma Penn-Virginia Virginia Virginia Virginia Virginia Tulane-Alabama Tulane Tulane Alabama Alabama FA OUS BRAND SHOE STORE Celebrates Its ip Cordovan, were $15.95 now Wingt Cordovan, were $15.95, now Crepe Grain Continentals, were $15.95, now Scotch Mac Continentals, were $15.95, now Crepe Sole Plain Toe, were $12.95, Burgundy Plain Toe, rubber sole, were $10.95 Bedroom Slippers, were $6.50, now Hood Basketball Shoes, were $5.95, now Hood Basketball Shoes, were $2.95, now Famous Brand Shoe Store lon will meet Triangle; at 7:45, Sigma Pi vs. Tau Kappa Epsilon; at 8:30, Pi Kappa Alpha vs. Phi Sigma Delta; and at 9:15, Acacia vs. Sigma Alpha Epsilon. This fall's intramural action will break all records for number of men participating. In touch football 47 fraternities and 47 in dependent teams have entered. In swimming 45 fraternities and 14 independents, and in tennis sin gles competition 90 fraternity men and 40 independents are ,en rolled. d ig SHOES FOR MEM Jarman Shoe Values "OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE ON BEAVER AVE." THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE CU Lion Vignettes Anthony (Tony) Orsini has more than his share of big days to remember when he reminisces over his many high school ath letic feats. His latest and greatest big day, however, came three weeks ago, when he slipped an engagement ring on th third ;finger left hand of his lady love.. Although Tony is looking for ward to a successful season in his last year of collegiate foot ball, the loose-hipped halfback will have to go some to outdo his 1947 achievements. In that year he was awarded the Nobe Frank player of the year award, presented annually to the out standing football player in the Harrisburg area; then, too, in 1947, he received the Oldtimers' Scroll as the outstanding athlete in central Pennsylvania. Of course, he likes to think back to the school record he set, by scoring 30 touchdowns in one year. Besides his four letters for var sity football, Orsini pulled in three for track, two for baseball, and one for basketball. Tony had to overcome a big handicap this year to get back into Rip Engle's starting lineup. Three weeks ago he separated his right shoulder in a scrimmage. The injury kept him sidelined for about a week and a half. Thank you Penn Staters for your patronage during our first year in business. Now we want you to share in our first anniversary celebration by offering you these "famous brand" shoe values. Come in today and see our large selection in, most styles and sizes. $12:" $12:" $12 . " $ 12 .95 $ 7 .95 $ 6' $ 3 .95 $ 3 .95 $ 1.95 Tony Orsini Scores 30 Touchdowns Women's Famous Brand Shoes were $10.95 NOW Carmelfetes, high heel, black suede Carmelletes high heel, brown calf were $110.95 Teen Age Black Suede Sandals, were 7.95, now. Friendly Black Suede Dress Flats, were $6.95 Buskens, Black Leather Flats, were $3.95, now Cobblers, were $6.95, now 100 Pr. Dress Flats, brown and black, now Sizes 4to 6 - Medium Width I.YLVA 7 ::IA Earl Bruce's Frosh Squad Absorbing Winged-T System Coach Earl Bruce's freshman football squad, just a jumble of high school players two weeks ago, is now beginning to assume the shape of a well-balanced team With Penn State's new winged-T formation forming the framework After two weeks of intensive drilling in the intricacies of the new system, the frosh are begin ning to develop the smoothness and timeing that is essential to a good T team. With two good intra-squad scrimmages under their belts, Bruce has been able to get a pretty good line on his men. Bob Szajna has looked good in the past week's scrimmage and appears as the leading candidate for the all-important quarterback slot. Behind him are signal-call ers Frank Minana and Hugh Jones. Dave Yeakel, 215 pound center, is fighting off the bid of Rudy Radasinovich for the starting pivot position. Amon• Hassen and Pete Schoderbek are running ahead of Cy Brown and Don Mitchell at the guard positions. Tony Kustinavage and Ron Bressan are in leading contention for the starting tackle roles, while CONCESSIONAIRES SALLY'S AGAIN HAS CANDY BY THE CARTON MOUNDS-HERSHEYS-CLARK BARS ALMOND JOYS AND MORE 90c STATE COLLEGE CANDY CO.-140 S. PUGH ST. 9.00 OFF • on Regular Stock SE. Jimmy Russell and Don Malinak are the No. 1 men at the terminal posts. The backfield lines up with Szajna at quarter, Don Eyer at halfback, Nick Firda at wingback, backed by Jimmy Finn, Pete Shopa, and Wayne Wolfkeil at fullback. WALLET PHOTOS 20 for MOO Perfect for application 3r Friendship Photos. 2 1 / 2 ;1.:4: 3 '.'t . , .. ,c3 l k double weight i':..?"' . .. 5i.,„,. A Prints on best quality ;',',.:•;• ''' t silk finish paper. Mail ; : 1'..'•,: - ,4,• : ,:...:. ....... your portrait NOW for V:....'•!'•'. .. . .g: Prompt service. Any size '• • , - -..... , :r.;...::, ....... .:. A I photo will make good ‘;•:.,...„.-:'.: :::.!:' reproducti on s. Original • ..e" , ..: . .,.... - 0 returned unharmed. ,; ,., Please include .15c for ''''''''' , postage and handling. Satisfaction Guaranteed MAIL TO-DAY CO. P.O. Box 1112, Altoona, Pa. sLE $4.95 $ 4 .95 $ 2 .95 $ 2' 95 s l' 39 $ 2' 95 $l.OO 29. 1950