The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, September 29, 1950, Image 3
FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 29; 1950 LATE AP NEWS COURTESY WMAJ- Troops Await Orders To Pursue Koreans WASHINGTON United Nations troops in Korea are awaiting instructions as to whether or not they will cross the 38th parallel in pursuit of the communists. Key officials want the UN assembly to approye a resolution authorizing the troops to follow the enemy as soon as , possible. The Reds are continuing their enemy resistance is finally at an end. Taejon, where American troops took such a beating two months ago, was seized by Ameri can forces yesterday. The Third Battalion of the Roy 7 al Australian Regiment has al ready arrived in Korea. A French battalion is expected to leave for Korea some time next month. UN Rejects Reds NEW YORK—The United ,Na tion Security council has rejec ted two Russian demands that communist China be permitted to participate in the UN discuss ions. Russia wants the Chinese Reds to present their complaint that the United States has invad ed Chinese territory by sending the US Seventh fleet to patrol the Strait of Formosa. The Soviet Un ion also wanted communist China to take part in the discussions of a complaint that American airmen had attacked Manchuria. Refuse To Ban Reds LONDON—Britain's conserva tive party has declared that it' will not ban the communist party from Britain if it ever should re turn to power. In planning the program for their annual convention, the con servatives barred four resolutions from discussion concerning a ban on communism in Britain., • Lovett Gets Post WASHINGTON Former un dersecretary of state Robert Lov ett has been named undersecre tary of defense by president Tru man. George Bott will be the new general counsel of the National Labor Relation board. Concert Series Begins Drive For Members More than 125 persons will han dle the membersmhip sales for the Conufmnity Concert series during the coming year, Dr. Hen- Ty S. Brunner, membership chair man said yesterday. About 75 students, headed by 'Suzanne Scurfield, and approxi mately 50 faculty members and townspeople will' solicit member ships. The membership campaign will •open with. a dinner meeting on Monday night, Dr. Brunner said. :He urged those who desire mem berships for the series to get h' touch with any of the represen tatives. The Dean of Men and Dean of Women at the College yesterday termed the concert series as an important part of a college educa tion. Dr. Pearl 0. Weston said," A college education is not limited to the work in the classroom. The wider and more varied our cul tural opportunities, the richer will be our personal lives." Wilson Comments Dr. H. K. Wilson commented that "with Penn State isolated from large centers where concerts of fine music are immediately available, students here will be • fortunate that several concerts :will be brought to the campus by the Community Concert- Associa tion." He said that he was sure that .those who are able to attend the concerts will find the programs an important part of their life at Penn State and a chapter in their college life. Male salesmen will be an- nounced Tueiday. Women stu dents who will sell series mem berships ar e Carolyn Royce. Chick Russell, Madeline Gardner. and Shirley Gayuse in the Grange dormitory; Rosemary Scott, Joan Fleming, Roberta O'Dell, and Norma .Lee McCormick in Mc- Elwain; Nancy Thomas, Ann 'THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA flight to the north, and in Seoul Stuck, Luella Martin, Jean Ros enberger in Atherton; Martha McMillan, Joan Atkinson, Jean Sherry, and Elizabeth Deknatel in Simmons; Marilyn Franklin, Charlotte Feifer and Elizabeth Steitir, in Mac Allister; Jane Bian co, Rosaline Wein, and Jean Mar ohnir in the Women's building; and Gay Brunner, Melissa Ward, and Suzanne Scurfield in town. WEEKEND CONFERENCE PENN STATE BIBLE FELLOWSHIP Announcing Conference Leaders Dr. Francis Steele Prof. of Assyriology University of Penn •Everyone Welcome FRIDAY, SEPT. 29- 7:30 p.m.—"The Word of God"—Room 405 Old Main 9:00 p.m.—Social-329 W. Ridge Avenue ,SATURDAY, SEPT. 30- 2:00 p.m.—Football Game 5:30 p.m.—Weiner Roast—Hort Wood's 7:30 p.m.—"Understanding the Word of God"—Room 405 Old Main. SUNDAY, OCT. 1- 4:00 p.m.—Bible Study Rooms 409-410 Old Main 6:00 p.m.—Supper-329 W. Ridge Avenue 7:30 p.m.—"Archeological Discoveries in Iran"—Group Discussion. // •-• /7 - ~7 /7, 7 , 4 - F -wm•nv;, m r7 ,-, ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,",,„ ~„,,,,, %, %g , ./>. /,.. v 4 andat t h e p ric es , 1 . e ~,,,, • • •l owes t too ,14 v., , 4 , ,/,„/;,..z ,/,,,,,,/,/i,7;. ~.,,40,/, , <ge,,, z-,.,-,,z,/ „n. 7. z2s ... 4 YA ' ' Choose between • ...- " - . , ....., — ,: j. - Standard Drive and ier ..*. - NI - N0WE1 , 20 7 114 '''''S.` e•P .... '• e• '''. '.. ' . ...• •• , • t e. , ......•••• , . - ' ' ... ' ..' , •••• 4 ' *5 Automatk Transm I, ission • r, ,>• , --. v." - okr , • • 50./77 wide aildtroftde/f&laoiee SEE YOUR LOCAL CHEVROLET DEALER Conveniently listed under ”Automobiles" in your local classified telephone directory Speech Society Sponsors Tea Delta Alpha Delta, women's speech honorary, will sponsor a tea for all women students • in terested in intercollegiate debate on Sunday from 2 to 4 p.m. in the northwest lounge of Atherton. In addition freshmen women interested in debate should re port to 2 Sparks on Wednesday, Oct. 4 at 7 p.m. for a preliminary meeting. Freshmen will be admitted to the squad without tryouts, ac cording to Lois Pulver, debate manager. Upperclass women who wish to try out for debate will meet in 2 Sparks on Thursday, Oct. 5. Tryouts are scheduled for Oct. 12. Prof. Clayton Schug is coach of women's debate, and Esther Beck is president of Delta Alpha Delta. Paul Carlson Staff Member for Pa. Inter- Varsity Christian Fellowship • Group Singing • Special Music Program - Only Chevrolet lets you make such a America's Best Seller . . . America's Best Trustees Grant Five leaves Five faculty members were granted leaves of absence by the executive committee of the col lege, board of Trustees at their week-end meeting. Three of the members were granted full-time leaves, one re ceived a half-time leave and one member was granted an extension on his leave. The three members given full time leaves of absence were Francis J. Doan, professor of dairy manufacture, Dr. Paul R. B e al, associate professor of speech, and Herman H. Apple dorn, associate professor of chem- t ie . 0 44 4v ote . oo of ,9,0 tto° WHETHER IT'S A HABIT 0 0 , OR AN EXPERIMENT Ids TEDIP.H7'S FOR SUBMARINE SANDWICHES *3sc Beaver Avenue Fd Open Teddy's 6:30 A. M. 'Til ? Restaurant • 47onsbination a Powerglide atatattatie and 105-h.p. engine op- Luxe models at esita cost. between Sty) Fleetline Sty, Choose between Bel Air and the Conve PAGE THREE istry. Appledorn is recuperating from an illness. Doctor Evan 'Johnston, Jr., pro fe-sor of mathematics, was given a nalf-time leave, and Doctor Da vid J. Perry, professor and head of the department of Aeronautical Engineering, was granted an ex tension on his leave. Call For Ex-Scouts All students who are forme boy scouts and who are intereOed in doing a service for the College and community will meet Mon day at 7 p.m. in 405 Old Main. . ,~~