The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, September 29, 1950, Image 2
PAGE TWO Know Nobodies Nobody Knows? Don't be a wheel—be a broken wheel. Here is your chance to be recognized as a full-fledged, non-active nobody. Sam Vaughan, editor of Froth, the College humor magazine, in order to promote a more fervent interest in said magazine, has announced the birth of a new hat society, originated and sponsored by the Froth joint chiefs of staff. The name of the new society shall be the Broken Wheel Hat society of the Pennsylvania State College. Unites Nonentities The purpose of the society will be to band together in strict al legiance the nobodies, non-enti ties, and. any person in general who has managed to come through several semesters of school living without having accomplished any thing; to have no meetings, charge no dues, and hold no obli gations; to not be represented on Hat Societies Council; to be of little or no service to anyone, to uphold and maintain the proud tradition of the nobodys, to foster anonymousity, and to let its mem bers alone. Vaughn requests all fraternities, sororities, and independent men particularly to submit entries of one person of whom they were formerly- least proud. Entries Contain Entries should contain past records of inactivities, all-college average if sufficiently low, and any other unmentionable qualifi cations such as having tried out for Players only to have been sent away, having gone out for football only to have been drop ped after the first cutting, or having run for an office only to have been miserably defeated. In Froth's October issue pic tures will be run of Mr. and Miss Nobody. These two will be the only officers of the Broken Wheel Hat Society, and will be chosen on the basis of their lack of activi Junior Prom—Houseparty ties, their undistinguished all college averages, and their ability to go along with a gag. Two full pages in next month's Froth will be devoted to the list ing of names of campus nobodys chosen for membership in the Broken Wheel Hat Society. Hats will also be given to the members. Deadline for entries is Oct. 10, Vaughan announced, and entries should be mailed to Box 845, State College, or handed to any member of the Froth staff. Three Faculty Members Attend Home Ec Confab , Three faculty members of the School of Home Economics at the College were in Pittsburgh to at tend meetings of the Council of the Pennsylvania Home Econom ics association last week. Francena Nolan, chairman of the committee on housing; Dr. Helen R. Leßaron, chairman of For Your Victory and Weekend Parties GINGER ALE—SODA—POTATO CHIPS ICE CREAM AND ALL OTHER PARTY NEEDS at Mark's Peßo Dairy Store 101 W. Nittany —Just Off Allen The JUNIOR CLASS FRIDAY, NOV. 10 JUNIOR PROM Rec. Hail, 9 to 1 $4 per couple Semi-formal THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA TV Innovation Peps Up House Television has hit the Penn State fraternity! With the problem of the new, temperate Saturday night coke I party staring them in the face, the members of Alpha Sigma Phi believe they have found a sensi ble alternative in the installation of a television set. The - 16-inch screen set was in stalled yesterday, but with the set came a new problem of what effect it would have on the schol arship standing of the house. However the fraternity, with the aid of its °I. V scholarship com mittee, has set up rules govern 'f7 ing its use. The set will be turned - on for one hour • t only every night in the week e A ex cept Friday an Saturday. The expense of setting up an aerial was circumvented by the fraternity through an agreement with a neighbor whereby they will pay him so much a month for the use of his 70-foot antenna. the committee on recruitment; and Lila Cartright, chairman of the committee on international relationships made the trip. Johnny Long For the Biggest Weekend Proudly Presents and HIS ORCHESTRA of the Year West Virginia vs. Penn State Axford Named To Lead Campus Chest Drive Herbert Axford, has been named chairman for the Campus chest drive, scheduled to begin Oct. 28, and last until Nov. 3. The goal of the campaign is $14,000, and the new organization has three purposes. First, the drive will emphasize the responsibility of students and faculty towards the charities and organizations bene fited by the funds. Second, it will minimize the duplicated efforts involved in separate fund raising activities. With this program, each student will be asked to make only one yearly contribution to the pro jects included in the combined drive. Third, the drive will establish a definite policy towards the op eration of various fund drives on the campus, and will provide an organized Control by All-College cabinet. ' Groups Benefit Campus organizations author ized to receive funds, and the am ount they will receive are: Penn State Christian association, 45%; Women's Student Government as- Celebrate After The Game at CO 0 I,* Mon J. Warner 230 E. College Ave SATURDAY, NOV. 11 VARSITY FOOTBALL New Beaver Field 2 Fraternity Dances FRIDAY, SEPTEWIER . 29, .1950 sociation, 5% . ' World Student Service fund, 10%; Scholargram program, 7%; and working capi tal for the chest, 3%. • Organizations off campus auth orized to receive funds are;. Tu berculosis fund, March of Dimes, Cancer fund, and Heart drive, 19%; Salvation army, 5%; Red Cross, 5%; and State College Christmas fund, 1%. Leaders of IRRA Officers of the newly organ ized Industrial Relations Re search association are: George Nyce, president; James McMa hon, vice-president; Rich a r d Scheaffer, treasurer; and Rich ard - Hughes, secretary. P.M.