The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, May 06, 1950, Image 4
PAGE FOUR '' Ag Hill Students To Hold Mixer The second annual Ag. Hill stu dent faculty mixer will be held in White Hall from 8 to 12 tonight. A program of square dancing and variety shows by three fra ternities will be MC’d by Dr. A. A. Borland, retired head of the dairy department. Mr. Chauncey Lang of Agricul ture Extension will call the squares, it was announced by Rob ert Neff, student chairman of the mixer. ' ■ Delta Theta Sigma, Alpha Zeta, and Alpha Gamma Rho are the fraternities preparing snappy skits for everybody’s entertain ment. Last year’s mixer was attended by over 700 professors and stu dents, Bill King and Cairoll Howes, publicity chairmen an nounced. Refreshments will be served to cool everybody after the hoe down. Frosh Society Initiates 32 Thirty-two women were initiat ed into Alpha Lambda Delta, freshman women’s honorary, Thursday night at 6:30 p.m. in Simmons'Hall lounge. They were previously pledged on January 19. Those initiated were: Lila Barnes, Lois Blanckensee, Doro thy Bordner, Donia Browand, Janet Brown, Anna Buchanan, Patricia Bush, Eleanor Dickson, Elizabeth Dunlap, Marion Ehler, Phylis Esrey, Emma Evans, Mar garet Feather, Dorothy Groslcy, Margaret Henderson, Julia Ibbot son, Marilyn Jones, Pearl Kane, Dolores Lipkowitz, Nancy Metz ger, Eleanor Miller, Elaine Notari, Barbara Park, Lois Pulver, Dori Spielberg, Maryanne Stewart, Joanne Straley, Greta Weaver, Frances Weinland, Janet Wensel, and Mary Jane Woodrow. The twentieth anniversary of the founding of the honorary at the College on May 24, 1930, will be celebrated with a tea. • • Tops with College Girls Women from 227 colleges are now taking Gibbs secretarial training. fVri(& CoiUge GxtMrseTDean for catHkg Katharine Gibbs 23 0 Park At*, HEW YOfiK 17 33 Ptymorth St, MONTCLAIR 51 E. Superior St, CHICAGO 11 !5S Anftft St, PJtOVinFNCE $ 90 Marlborough St. BOSTON 16 NOW! At Your Warner Theatre C^athaum WILLIAM HOLDEN JOAN CAULFIELD "DEAR WIFE" State JOSEPH COTTON VALLI ORSON WELLES "The 3rd Man" / httan LARRY PARKS BARBARA HALE 'JOLSON SINGS AGAIN' TUB DAILY COLLEGIAN STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA > (^o-£ditd Zeta Beta Tau Zeta Beta Tau fraternity held its annual Alumni Weekend, April 28 and 29. Four men were initiat ed into the fraternity including Irving Terushow, Milton Balding er, George Jay Joseph, Emil Keen. Guest speaker for the initiation banquet was Arthur R. Warnock, dean emeritus of men. Alpha Sigma Phi Recently initiated by Alpha Sigma Phi fraternity were Rob ert Eichenlaub, Allen Gibson, Patrick Harmon, William Kla ban, Frank Moritz, John Parry, Richard Pischke, Robert Reed, Richard Spriggs and Gustave Wes cott. James Griffin, Harry Salmon and William Richards were re cently pledged by the fraternity. CLASSIFIEDS All classified advertisements must be in by 12:00 p.m. day preceding issue. Prices are 50c one insertion; 75c two insertions; $l.OO three insertions; 51.25 four insertions; $1.50 five insertions: 17 words or less. All words over 17, three for Sc each insertion* Call Collegian 8441—ext. 644. WANTED FOR RENT apartment for couple during summer months close to business dis trict. Call Don Hazlett at 2411. WANTED: BABY STROLLER and play pen. Call 2255 if you have a bargain. $lO REWARD if John Wood can rent that small apartment you’re Quitting in June. Call College 2034. APARTMENT in or near State College to sublet for summer session by couplp g 0 j Ask for it either way ... both Plus trade-marks mean the same thing. State Tax BOTTIFH U'-'f'FS AUTHORITY OF THF COCA-CO'A CO»AP»MV BV COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY OF ALTOONA with 8-weck-old child. Phone collect any time, Williamsburg 87-IU2. LOST ONE BLACK Navy officers raincoat on Mon. Pve got yours and it’s too darn big I Cnll 4377, F. A. Innni. LOST: PAIR OF GLASSES in vicinity of South Pugh Street. Finder please call Lew 3332. TOPCOAT from Phi Delt House, on Bow ery Ball weekend. “Dundee” label. Phone 4957 MISCELLANEOUS YOUR TYPEWRITER can be repaired right here in State College, in many cases 24 hours service. Just dial 2492 or bring machine to 633 West College Ave. 525 REWARD for information leading to the discovery of photographic equipment stolen from A. Z. fraternity. Call 7621. TYPING. TERM PAPERS, thesis, etc. Quick, efficient service. Reasonable prices. Cull . G 638. FOR RENT BICYCLES FOR RENT day or night. Organize a group hike. 400 E. College Phone 4200. Harry Hunter. FOR SALE 28' ZIMMER (47). New condition inside and out. Completely furnished, refrig erator, B-G stove; private facilities on largo private lot. Must see to appreciate. For appointment Call 8441, Ext. 663 Mrs. Speichcr. AMAZING THING .22 TARGET RIFLE. Winchester 75. Ly man renr, flat front sight. 8% pounds. $45. John Flyzik Dorm 43-15. GET YOUR fishing rods, reels* flytying equipment, etc., at Max Hartswick’s Sportsman's Shack, Caldcr Alley, State College. 19 FOOf TRAILER with utility porch in good condition $395. Call Joe Wise 3906, 3148 Windcrcst. 1946 ELCAR TRAILER 24 feet. Three rooms, bottled gas stove. 705-B Wind crest. LARGE TRAILER in pleasant country location. All facilities. Ideal for small family. Moderate price. O’Brien,' Boals burg 2679. 24- HOUR SERVICE on all KODAK WORK "PACOLARGER" JUMBO PRINTS AT NO EXTRA COST GIBS PHOTO FINISHING 212 E. College Are. 'ln Ihe'Penn Stale Photo Shop" Heart Winner A personalized wave will keep your hair looking its very best through spring and summer. . Let us give you the style that requires only a brush stroke for care—the style that suits YOU best. Hotel Beauty Salon Phone 2286 FEATURETIME 1:41. 3:39. 5:37. 7:35. 9:38 ’ mi FILM OF THE YEAR and “DE SICA BEST DIRECTOR “NONE BETTER. A drama at onea » u. VCAD ,y funny,appealing, exciting and said. 1 Ol me I LHIf D* Sica is the peer of any | omivicw IT IS A MASTERPIECE." -JOHN McCARTIN. N«w Yorker DE SICA’S RtiMMd t» HAVER BURST**?: SATURDAY, MAY 6, 1050 «* / A A Sf 0 " ' t / iilM Everyone cheers when this package appears . . . SUTUFF TOBACCO CO., 45 Fr.mont, S. F., Calll State College "‘THE BICYCLE THIEF' IS ONE OF THE TOWERING MOVIES OF OUR TIME ...endless zest and humor... a movie of pure gold. DON'T MISS IT.’’-SEYMOUR/PECK, Compau “ABSOLUTE. TRIUMPH .. .‘The Bicycle Thief’ is as full and electric and compelling as any plot-laden drama you ever saw. Should fHI you with warmth and compassion... bids fair to fulfill all the forecast of its absolute triumph oypr here.” - BOSLEY CROWTHtR, N Y tlrnn “AN UNFORGETTABLE MOTION PICTURE... it hat variety, humanity, humor and •mo tional depth...a work of soaring artistry." -HOWARD BARNtS, HtroU tilbvnt "The Bicycle Thief is in a class by itself, this year or any other year.* (EXCELLENT) -ARCHIR WINSTIN. Am# “A GENUINELY GREAT PICTURE. Unquestionably a masterpiece of movie making... here is a genuinely great pic ture." -ALTON COOK, Wcrld-Uhamm >egins lesday