PAGE EIGHT Treble Singers To Give Annual Spring Concert The Treble Singers will present their annual Spring concert Fri day night in Schwab Auditorium at 7:30. This concert is one of a series being presented by the mu sic department. The chorus, consisting of over 100 girls, is under the direction of Elmer C. Wareham, Jr. Commit tees for the Friday night produc tion are: Joan O’Hara, programs; Anne Forrest, decorations; Lois Keener, 'stage; Lola Edmunds, lighting; Eleanor Young, music; Betty Jo Hill, publicity. Treble Singers officers are: Roslyn McCollom, president; Bet sy Lumley, secretary-treasurer; Lola Edmunds, Nelle Bender, Rita Leta and Joanne Seyboldt, libra rians. A varied program will include special arrangements of “Through the Years,” “Ave Maria” and “The Arkansas Traveler.” Dean To Explain Scientific Trends “Trends in Science” will be the topic of a talk by Dr. George R. Harrison, dean of science at the Massachusetts Institute of Tech nology, on May 4 at 8 p.m. in 119 Osmond. Open to the students and the public, the event will take place under the auspices of Sigma Pi Sigma, honorary physics so ciety. Dr. Harrison, who is inter nationally known for research in physics, will also show a sound movie in color made at MIT, in cluding scenes with Winston Churchill on the occasion of the Mid-Century Convention held in Boston last year. In 1939 Dr. Harrison received the. Rumford Medal for his spec troscopic research, and he is this year’s recipient of the Frederick Ives Medal awarded by the Op tical Society of America., He is author of “Atoms in Action, a popular interpretation of modern physics which was published in 1939 and has since been translated into eight languages. Stringent Rules For Traffic Likely Students with cars on campus will find the going tough next year if proposed traffic regula tions go through. ■ According to Capt. Philip A. Mark, campus patrol head, the regulations, if. approved, wm be put into effect either this, summer or next fall. New parking tags will be issued when-the new rules are put into motion. Briefly, the new regulations would permit only commuting students to drive cars on campus during class hours. They would be given permission to park where students now.'park. The regulations would also, limit the faculty and staff in their use of cars on campus. Only those who actually have to drive would be given tags. More drastic penalties are also a part of the new regula tions. These new rules are the result of a survey made of all available parking spaces and the fact that new parking spaces would cost too much to build. Because of the congestion which results from two-way traffic on Shortlidge road, Tribunal has re quested that only one-way south bound traffic be allowed there be tween Pollock road and College avenue. No action has been taken yet, George W. Ebert, director of physical plant, said. Final Discussion At Hillel Tonight “Job and the Problem of Evil,” the final round-table discussion on the theme “The Bible and the Modern Mind,” will be held at the Hillel Foundation, 133 W. Beaver avenue tonight at 7:30. The discussion leaders will be Henry A. Finch, visiting assistant professor of philosophy, Paul H. Margolf, professor of poultry hus bandry, and Rabbi Benjamin M. Kahn, Hillel Foundation director. The meeting is open for public at- May Day Festival Location Changed to Holmes Field Because of the condition of the grass in front of Old Main, the May Day Ceremony will be held on Holmes Field. Original plans called for the Festival to be on front campus, btft the bleachers cannot be put up on the ground, so the plans have been revised. A special May Day committee, headed by Ella Louise Williams, chairman of the House of Representatives, announced the selection of the rest of the participants in the Festival. Ann Porter and Sally Shoemaker will be the heralds; Sally Marshall and Jeanne Wiener the jesters. Heralds are traditionally sophomores, jesters freshmen. The sophomore attendants chosen are Joan Dobson and Joan Heppenstall. Mary Ann Hanna and Isabel Sorenson are the junior attendants. Freshman attendants are the two runners-up for Maid of Honor, Barbara Baker and Susan Knapp. Senior attendants are the girls who placed in the May Queen election. They are Arlene Connor and Victoria Williams. May Queen by election is Loraine Stotler; Maid of Honor is Joan Hutchon. The May Day committee also chose the honor arch, composed of twenty outstanding senior women. They are Christine Alten burger, Joan Bergdoll, Marie Card, Mary Cohen, Constance Croushore, Pauline Moss Dodd, Frances Eshelman, Marilyn Guil let, Betty Jane Hower, Dolores Jelacic, Anna Keller, Ruth Leh man, Roslyn McCollom, Helen Milligan, Betty Lou Shelly, Nancy Smith, Elizabeth Taylor, and Women's Softball Fields Off Bounds For Men—Patrol Men students have been warn ed that ballplaying is forbidden to them on Holmes Field, the womens’ grounds .be tween McAllister Hall and the temporary classroom buildings. Playing is also forbidden on the front campus, Capt. Philip A. Mark, head of campus patrol, said. Men who want to play ball should do so in the regular recrea tion places in the dorm areas or on the golf course, he said. It is particularly important to keep students off the grass now, Mark said; because the ground is soft and paths are easily worn down. Final Ad Film Alpha Delia Sigma, adver tising fraternity, will show the last in this year's series of ad vertising films, "Johnny On The Spot," a 20-minute full color sound film today at 9 a.m. in 214 Willard Hall. The film shows how the newspapei representative serves his paper and advertising in general.' Want, hair that gleams ? Then shampoo with new, lanolin-rich Wildroot liquid Cream Shampoo. It’s soapless, sudsy. Whips up a lather that floods away dirt, grime, and loose dandruff. Leaves hair soft, gleam ing, and squeaky clean. Only 591 at your drug store or toiletry counter. New Wild l Liquid Cream Shampoo GLEAMS YOUR HAIR ... LEAVES IT SQ! HE DAILY COLLEGTAN STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA the girls who placed in the May Dorothy -Werlinich. • Flower girls wil be Cathy Dean Crabtree and Elaine Smith. The trainbearers will be Jo De Lauter and Bobby Forker. CLASSIFIEDS Alt classified advertisements mast be in by 12:00 p.m. day preceding; issue. Prices are 50c one insertion; 75c two insertions: $l.OO three insertions; 5J.25 four insertions; $1.50 five insertions: 17 words or less. All words over 17, three for 5e each insertion. Call Collegian 8441—ext. 544. ONE BLACK Navy officers raincoat on Mon. I've got yours* and it’s too darn big! Cal! 4377, F. A. lanni. K & G log log duplex decitrig .slide rule.. Owners name inside of cover. Reward. Call 4332. Ask for . Randy Laylon. BLUE TOPCOAT and tan trenchcoat on Route between State College and Lewis, town. Reward. Call State College 6786. K & E SLIDE RULE. 121 MI, Saturday either in room or hall. Finder please call Plunkett 4274. - CANDIDATE FOR degree desires to rent four room apartment or house June 13—July K. V. Jackman, The Hill School; Pottstown, Pa. SMALL FURNISHED apartment for Col lege staff member. Call John Howell College 2125 Machines Wash Your Laundry in Less Than an Hour. MARSHALL’S Automatic Laundry 454 E. College Avenue—Rear OPEN TONITE ’TIL 10 How to drop a drip ? /Wait a sec! Perhaps he’s only shy. Try bringing out the best in him —and watch him turn into a Dream Boat. If he’s a bad actor, though, say a firm v no” to every invitation and mean it! • LOST WANTED IjE . WiLUoet S \ ft \t \\ IEKIf CLEAN COUPLE DESIRES to -rent trailer or smhll apartment available Sept. No children. Call . Simmons 5051, Room 347. WANTED BABY STROLLER and play pen. Call 22B5— if you have a bargain. tOR RENT UNFURNISHED APARTMENT. 3 rooms and bath in Milesburg. Ideal for couple. Occupancy- June 1. Call Bellefonte 4225. FOR SALE SPRING FASHION HIGHLIGTHS of 1950 previewed in' tomorrow’s Collegian. Don’t miss it! WOODWIND' CLARINET, chrome keya and tuxedo, .size 82. Call John Brukncr, 7881. GRADUATION GOWN and. capVwith gold tassels for Ph.D. Pract\illy new. Rea. sonably priced. Call 2572. 1947 PONTIAC Convertible, radio. heatSr, fog lights. Doug Pagett, 250 S. Atherton, Call 2779. .22 TARGET RIFLE. Winchester 76. Ly man rear, flat front sight; B ] /& pounds. $46. John Flyzik Dorm t 43-15. HARLEY DAVIDSON motor cycle 1935. Call Miller 4969. 28’ ZIMMER (47). New condition inside and' out. Completely furnished, refrig erator,, B-G stove: private facilities .on large private lot. Must see to appreciate. For appointment Call 8441, 563 Mrs. Speicher.. DAUMIER LITHOGRAPH—first impress ion, title ‘‘Temptation” Dorm 36 Room 1 Robert Marks. HOUSE TRAILER for sale. '1948, fully equipped, 19 ft. Mobil Sportsman trail er, Penn State Trailer Sales. Call 7540 today. ' ‘See me for choice tickets to Players comedy hit Center Stage. George, Student Union.' MISCELLANEOUS THERE’S A great day a-bornin’ if you. • vote Joe.Hudak Pres. Newman Club. STUDENTS—GET your term papers, mimeographing, and typing done! Sec retarial service. Hotel. State College, Phone 4906. YOUR* TYPEWRITER can be repaired right here in State" College, in many cases 24 hours service. Just dial 2492 or bring machine to 683 West, College Ave. fresh Strawberry ICE CREAM ' Big, juicy strawberries bursting with sweetness . . -. blended with rich, golden.cream. That's Fresh Strawberry lee Cream as only Breyers it: Get a hand-dipped quart or a money-saving Gallon or Half Opllon from your friendly Breyer Dealer. ' WEDNESDAY, MAY 3, 1930 LADIES LAPEL WATCH. Owner may claim by identifying watch and paying for ad. Contact Alleman, 2715. NOTICE—BEWARE! All Capuleta are warned to keep off Verona’s streets May 11 to 18. The Montagues* EXCELLENT FRUIT PUNCH, $1.45 per gallon Frida Stern, 122 Irvin Avc* Phone 4818, State College. BIRTHDAY CAKES, all kinds of party refreshments. Frida Stem, 122 Irvin Avq Phone 4818, State College. College Sportswear SALE Men's Slacks All Wool A 77 Sharkskins g Gabardines Worth $12.50 and more 40% Wool M 77 60% Rayon £lj# # Worth $6.95 ' Plus Alterations SECOND FLOOR Bargain Room 103: E. BEAVER AVE. il ~%. I ’ '-1 -1111111 l
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