The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, April 13, 1950, Image 4
C„-edib Alpha Chi Omega New officers of Alpha Chi Omega are Freddie Dale Kuhne, president; Audrey Horner, first vice-president, Chris Sherrill, second vice-president; Virginia Richards, corresponding secre tary and Susan Scurfield, treas urer. Delta Della Delta Joan Crawford was pledged list Monday by Delta Delta Del ta sorority. CLASSIFIEDS All clossilled advertisements must be by 12:00 p.m. day preceding issue. Prices are GOc one insertion; 75e two insertions: $l.OO three insertions: $1.25 four Insertions: $1.50 five insertions: 17 words or less. All words over 17. three for Ie each insertion. Call Collegian 8441—ext. 544. MISCELLANEOUS LOUR TYPEWRITER can be repaired right here in State College, In many cases 24 hours service. Just dial 2492 or bring machine to 633 West College Ave. STUDENTS—Get your term papers, mim- - - - - _ eugraphing and typing done I Secretarial Service, Hotel State College, phone 4909. PERSONAL Ellen Father calls week end escapade naughty, but I say "Yes, My Darling Daughter." Love, Mother. Center Stage this weekend. LOST TAKEN from S.A.E. weekend, March 8, tan gabardine topcoat, maroon lining. gold label. .Call Robbie, 4023. LOST— Friday afternoon, March 31, a - K&E endemic, either in Osmond, Sparks, or Temporary. Contact Paul Eb erly, Dorm 28, ROOM 8. , FOR RENT THREE ROOM . apartment. First June.. Close to campus. No 'children. Interested, write Shirley Faller, Collegian Box 241. THREE ROOM furnished apartment. 10 miles east State College on Route 322. Centre Hall. Phone 0-R-1,1. ROOM FOR TWO students or couple 1109 S. Allen Street. Phone 7750. WANTED WANTED— Information whereabouts of daughter, missing over weekend. Cull Lewis Murray. Center Stage. "Yes, My Darling Daughter." WILL PAY $l.OO for copies of the April issue of the Penn State Froth. Call Elliot Krane 2312. WANT TO buy Tuxedo. Reasonable. For cash. Size 42. Phone 6281. Evenings. SOMEONE TO work evening meals Mon: Fri. at Chi Phi until April 22. Call 4850 Ernie Mackey. FOR SALE REMINGTON ELECTRIC Shaver, 5 head Just overhauled. $12.00. Bob Cramer 4928. You Name the Occas we'l FLORAL GARDENS 117 E. Beaver PHONE 2045 James E. Wolfe '39 Mgr. WHAT: Jam Session and Carnival WHEN: Sat., April 15 . 9 p. tn. WHERE: KDR Fraternity House EVERYONE INVITED "Stag" or "Drag" COME OUT AND MEET YOUR LION PARTY CANDIDATES Remember: YOU HELP YOURSELF • WHEN YOU VOTE LION State--- (Continued from page two) the Senate Committee on Stu dent Welfare. In this manner every major group on campus that is not represented now will have an opportunity to voice opinions. At present only three groups are represented in an ex-officio capacity. 7. The State Party, being cog nizant of the importance of stu dent work agencies, strongly ad vocates the expansion of these work agencies, namely: the Stu dent News Agency and the Stu dent Dry Cleaning Agency. In the initial trial, these groups have proven their worth by their service, and do deserve to be enlarged. 8. The State Party would like to lay the foundation for the establishment of a per manent Penn State "Hall Of Fame", in which all Penn Staters can be honored for their achievment in their res pective fields. 9. The State Party will con tinue to do as it has in the past, to support the policies of AIM and Leonides in an effort to aid these important indepen dent groups. Theta Kappa Phi New officers of Theta Kappa Phi are Edio Micozzi, president; Joseph Filoromo; vice-president; and Alfred Friestak, secretary. John Albarano,,Rudy Marazzo, Arthur McHugh, Thomas Shri ver, Robert Sundius, and Ber nard Whitehall were recently pledged by Theta Kappa Phi. College Sportswear SECOND FLOOR MEN'S SUITS Have to Be Good . . . . .. BECAUSE WE WILL GIVE A NEW SUIT FREE IF YOU CAN BEAT OUR PRICE ANYWHERE Economy $29:50 Grade All Wool Gabardine Better Grade $34.50 Gabardine • and Worsted Plus Alterations SECOND FLOOR BARGAIN ROOM 103 E. BEAVER on • • • provide the flowers Follow the theme of spring. Complete all occasions with flowers from— WOODRINGS ~, ) L i Llls4 S I ' ' f.:(l News Briefs Musicale A classical musicale will be given in Simmons Lounge at 7:30 tonight. The program will con sist of selections by the London Symphony and Paris Conserva tory Orchestras. biy Cleaning The Student Dry Cleaning Agency has resumed its services after suspending operations for the Spring vacation. Senior Engineers There will be no senior Engi neering lecture this Friday in Schwab Auditorium. Westminster Film A film strip, "50 Years in the Caribbean," will be shown in Atherton NE Lounge at 6:45 to night. Following the film, Luther p.. , , , .................,:....v,mmwmm01MUM R ... : ,,,, :::::•::::::: , :::::.:.:.::: , :::::.:.:::::.*9::::*: ; : : : : : ::::: . : . :41:::;:zo ,, Ak; g , i: ,,, :::::::::::::::::::::.4:.:::::.: : : : : : : : : ; * ; : ; : : : ; :: * . *.z , ..i:i ..: : , :i , ::: , :*: , ::::::.:.: , ....:.:.•:: , :::.;::,..,:.:::::::::;::::. ; ::. : : : : : : : : ; : :::: , %:; * : , K;;;;;;;;;;; . :: . : , ''''' ..: • :.: • :,...,: :::.: ,,,,,,,,, :::::::::::::::::%:$:,.:......: : : : : : : : :.:.: : . : : : $ :0... '''''''''''''''''ii':':''' .,: : : ' , ::''' ,, •' 4 : : :i*:::.:.*:::i*i*,:s.:s:::::***:*EA: : : : :N.* :::: .... ... ;.;;;;,,.::w,,,,,..,,,,,,,,„:,,,..,:.. .i ... . , '' . . : i? : ••• :' : :: : , ' , :: ,:. 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Yes My Darling Daughter Hang your clothes on a hickory limb AT CENTER STAGE Weekends Beginning April 14 P>. : Y P ? °:vi'•':~~~'::;jyr'3l,a,„Y.:S %S ~i<~"^~,'.}t Vii* ~S V: ''`i :r :y~; :''gs •"` s:ii` : ~i:;uE~it'B?3c Y'f:' ,n .# ; }~ ;: a`a'. .g~•::"%E£a4~::a::4::<i :.:r:3i;Z'iai.:~3~i:i~i,~~•~~. • '.c~~tii 4 ` ;.::::~i4c:fi'•:;,i ~~g,i'.~~ ~`.': ;i;r.;t;4 x•". i, \.:.: `:.. v a 'ii v :i : i. ii i•S t'•yi,•:S <'v~~v<' ••••••••••••••-•,:•••••••••• U. ::: , f , tin...".'.. • •,,,,......,,,:::.:, ?* , .....ex.:4:: , ::::::::: f ~,,,. :Av.:tv:,, , ,,..,:::::: , , iiiiiii:i, ir:* ~,ANtmk::::•,..,........•••••• ..:÷ , k1,...,:;.::::::: , :,:::.: 1:1......::::::::. AS WHO KNOW . . issfir iitinacc Yes,Camels are SOMILD that in a coast•to•coaet test of hundreds of men and women who smoked Camels—and only Camels—for 30 consecutive'days, noted throat specialists, making weekly examina• tions, reported -NOT ONE SINGLE CASE OF THROAT IRRITATION due to smoking CAMELS! ';;Z. APRIL 13, 1950 li,:,: : : l ,<'o!:irtkl - :ii.i.:'"::::',':::: . :1'' : ;!:::::fP"'":':*'; : '; : k.' . :1: N. : .1 ::.,,...:;,,,,*::,:,....:,:, ~,,,,,,, ,:%,:........" i