'AGE I'OTJII 'CLASSIFIEDS LOST ullt,L'S red wallet, lost Saturday night Reward I if found, call Ann Christmas, 4667. ONE. HOUR SLEEP—Going to get Sunday Newspapers—why not call Student News Agency, extension 2049. DROWN LEATHER Jacket lost in White Hell after Mechanics II final. I have yours. Please call Hank, 4056. JUST BEFORE Finals, 6 strand gold bracelet. Reward. Please call 346 Ather- ton. GREY GABARDINE OVERCOAT believed exchanged in Corner Room Sunday night. I have yours. Call Ruane 4702. WANTED ANTED Photographers. with devel oping equipment, to take photos for 'the Daily Collegian. Must be able to develop gldsay photo in one hour. Call Red Roth. Daily Collegian office between 4 and 5 P.m. FOUR PERSONS with cars to join pool to commute from Altoona. Call 4117. Ask for Elton. • PIANIST for organized dance combo Must be able to 'fake. Call Darrell, 2220 WANT A good time Friday night?—Then see the All-College Talent Show. Tickets at Student Union. POST GRAD wishes to share or rent Apartment. Phone Wood, 7104, or call Apt. 6, 163 S. Frazier. RIDERS WANTED to and from Bellefonte daily Monday through Saturday. Call Bellefonte 4124, ask for Bob. MISCELLANEOUS STUDENTS—Get your thesis. term papers mimeographing and typing done Secre tarial Service, Hotel State College, phone 4906. YOUR TYPEWRITER can be repaired right here in State College, in many cases 24 hours service. Just dial 2492 or bring machine to 633 West College Ave. PICKED UP wrong coat outside 209 Will lard Monday. Call Helm, 2220. FRENCH TUTORING Call 7755. Mrs. Fawkes, former College instructor. 1109 S. Allen. Street. HARRISBURG CENTER • ALUMNI: Sec ond Annual Sweetheart Ball, February 25, 9-12, 'Lembo Mosque. $2.30 per couple. Semi-Formal,- TASH is only worthwhile event going on in Centre County Friday. Tickets $l.OO at Student Union. FOR SALE GOLF SEASON around the corner, but must sacrifice 4 good irons and, bag for $l5. Call 3938. ALTO SAX for sale. Excellent condition Call Sadker -2812. • SLIDE RULE—K&E, excellent condition Call 3179, nak for John. TUXEDO with tails, good condition, size 37, long. Call Bob Stefanon, 3449. NEW DIETZGEN drawing set. regular price $19.95, sacrificing for $l5. Call Tony Piento, 2909. ONE DIETZEN Log-Log Duplex Slide Rule. Never been used. Call Dohl 3181. TUX, worn twice, excellent condition, size 88. Need quick cash. A steal at $25. Call- Adams. 6123. YOUNG MEN'S SHOP WEEKLY SPECIAL Beg. $50.00 All Wool Gabardine $Z49.50 SUITS Reg. 75c Pure • Irish Linen 'KERCHIEFS . . . . . 39c Beg. $3.95 Pleetway $3.49 PAJAMAS Reg. 89c Otis Cotton T-SHIRTS 69c Reg. 89c Otis 65 c BRIEFS Reg. $9.95 All Wool Cardigan $7.95 SWEATERS Reg. 55c Fancy 3 for $ll.lO HOSE 39c— J Reg. $3.25 Plastic $1.95 RAINCOATS . . . YOUNG MEN'S 'SHOP 127 S. Allen St. State College THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA News Briefs Poultry Club .Penn State Poultry Club will meet tonight in 104 Hort Bldg. This is an important meeting and all members, especially new ones, are urged to attend. Sigma Alpha Eta Sigma Alpha Eta, speech and hearing honorary, will present Mr. Arden Monson, at 7:30 to night in 309 Sparks. Mr. Monson will speak on his experiences as a counselor at "Shady Trails Camp." a speech improvement camp owned and operated by the University of Michigan. Ski Club Meeting Penn's Valley Ski Club will hold a meeting in 105 White Hall at 7:30 tonight. A thirty minute color and' sound film, entitled "Winter in New York" will be shown. Dairy Science Club Dairy Science Club will meet tonight at 7 o'clock in 117 Dairy Building. Formal installation of new officers will be held. Speaker will be J. M. Fry, director of the Agricultural Extension Service. Engineering Speech Dr. H. L. Yeagley, who has received international recogni tion for research on bird naviga tion, will be guest speaker at a meeting of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers and Insti tute of . Radio Engineers (MBE IRE) Joint Student Branch at 7 o'clock tonight in 110 EE. 23' PLYMOUTH trailer—electric refriger ator, apartment-size stove, hot and cold running water. Forced sale, reasonable. Weidman 6945. MUST SELL immediately. 'lB' housetrailer with addition. Bottled gas. $450 or beat offer. Convenient terms can be arranged. 355 Winderestf. Inquire 878 Windcrest. TASH is show of the year. Friday night in Schwab. $l.OO at Student Union. TAIL SUIT with two vests. Size 38, $5 Call 2359 or see 363 Ridge Avenue. TASH is the Show of the Year! • --orr•'4 • • 4,1 i • z• ••\\.! ()5, 441.11- . 11 The Penn State Club's ALL y COLLEGE TALENT SHOW with HANK GLASS, M. C. —Featuring— • Four Roses Male Quartet • Ray RachkOwski Monologist • John Pagonis Baritone • Edw. DiPolvere Impersonator • Irene Polansky Soprano • Janice Berg ' o Lewis Blight Trumpet Soloist e Bill Kuster & Nancie Trembley Duo Skit e Harry Kondourajian & Sid Manes Song and Dance Team I Marie Sariero Accordianist John Hrivnak Guest Soloist —Music— SENTAMENTALISTS FRIDAY-8 P.M. Schwab Auditorium Reserved Seals On Sale at ' STUDENT UNION Admissiox $l.OO Tax Iricl. independent night. Assignments for the next issue will be made. Members of the staff of the "Independent," along with per- NSA Meeting • sons interested in working on the There will be an N.S.A. meet paper for the Spring semester, ing in 20 Sparks at 7:30 tonight. will meet in the offices of the ' Officer counseling system and student government room staff Daily Collegian at 7 o'clock to- I plan will be discussed. when you smoke PHILIP MORRIS Everybody talks about PLEASURE, only ONE cigarette has really done something about That cigarette is PHILIP MORRIS! Soprano Remember: less irritation means more pleasure. And PHILIP MORRIS is the ONE cigarette proved definitely less irritating, definitely milder, than any other leading brand. NO OTHER CIGARETTE CAN MAKE THAT STATEMENT. YOU'LL BE GLAD TOMORROW YOU SMOKED PHILIP MORRIS RETTE • . • • • . • ER • • • • • • • •• . . I...light up a , PHILIP MORRIS THEN, lust take a!puff through your INHALE.— and 14-o-W -1-y let the smoke come nose. Easy, isn't it? And NOW • . . NOW YOU, KNOW WHY YOU SH . . , PHILIP MO CALI FIR THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1950 Orientation The orientation me•ting scheduled for last evening will be held Sunday afternoon, the place and hour to be announced in tomorrow's Collegian. FOR QUICK RESULTS Us Collegian Classifleds. seconds yoy can prjri_re. 'P MORRIS ELY LESS IRRITATING -.w i re nom, sirnokingl • • • ligi Hr . _ . 2 • present brand 'exactly, the same thing —DON'T INHALE. Do Notice 'hat bite, that ;ling? Quite a difference from PHILIP MORRIS' ' . , - - ULD BE SMOKING PHILIP MORRIS'