The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, January 07, 1950, Image 4
PAGE FOUR WRA Basketball Enters Last Week Before Playoffs Next week WRA basketball enters its last round before the playoffs with five teams still remaining undefeated in the nine leagues. Monday evening finds the Atherton teams from leagues I and II competing, with the powerful SE-I sextet dominating these leagues. Ath NW-I seeks revenge in the first game for an earlier de- feat by Ath SW-I which knocked Ath NW-I from the ranks of the undefeated. Ath NW-I and SW-II tangle at 6:30 p.m. with Ath NW-II still seeking its first vic tory. Ath SW-II has a record of 3 wins to 2 losses. Ath SE-I will attempt to con tinue its winning streak when it meets Ath NE-I which it pre viously defeated 16-5. Alsol in league 11, Ath NE-II will play Ath SE-11. Bowling— (Continued from page .one) especially for the youth of the town Since I look upon bowling as a community recrea tion as much as a business, I do not feel that increased prices is the answer. "Council appropriates money for playgrounds which operate only three months a year. Bowl- NA, • ~ • ~~f y Q :ti r ..,, ~f, ;. . `,,,~.}6i... ?+h}: >:i ~`. :Y: ...... :n\;: ViJP ii:: I*.g' Nei* iiiiii r ifiliejefre 7019 THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. ST ATE COLLEGE, - PENNSYLVANIA ing is a nine-month recreation which costs the borough nothing, and which is enjoyed by a cross sectinn of the entire _population of the town and campus. As such I think' it is entitled to considera tion from Council, to much more consideration than Council has shown any inclination to • give it so far. "And so with deep regret, I feel that I have only one course left open to me . . . I shall close the doors." APARTMENT OR Trailer furnished, in or near State College. Call 5051. Ext.' 250. Ask for James Jones. Call after 6 p.m. BROWN S.D. SUIT, size 38. Ski Boots, size 10. Tux, size 37. Overcoat. Call rleadly 4031. ....... .......... • } 4 ;: 4 .^. tii: ~,`~; CLASSIFIEDS WANTED FOR SALE .... ~.:;;s:, MUST SELL-25-foot Housetraller, bottled gas stove, double bed, many. extras. Will take best offer. 273 Windcrest. COMPLETE SET of white metal sidewalls; Jack, lug-wrench. 201 Jordan. Hall. 21 FOOT SCHULTZ Trailer with 6 x 6 utility room attached. Very reasonable. Phone Barr 2646. Jack's Trailer Camp. PAIR OF Swiss ski boots, size 7, inirdly worn, almost new. 700 West Foster Ave. TRAILER SILVER Almn 18% sleeps four, excellent condition. See anytime. 349 Winderest. LOST MOULTON, MODERN reader's Bible from Collegian office preceding Christ man vacation. Phone 4702. Joe Jackson. ONE CALCULUS book and one P. & E. slide rule. Call Smith 34-23 or Thomas 38-4. PARKER 51, black and silver in Old Main. Dec. 14. Name inscribed. Reward. See Eckert 713-B, Windcrest. WALLET IN Rec. Hall. Finder may keep , money. Please return papers, important. Philip Armstrong, Alpha Chi Sig, BROWN LEATHER briefcase, Dec. 22 Passport and important papers inside Reward. Write P.O. Box 351, State College. FRANCHOT TONE Famous Cornell Alumnus, says: "Every time I open a pack of MILDER CHESTERFIELDS I know that every one will leave a clean, fresh taste in my mouth. No other, cigarette does that for me. That's why Chesterfield is MY cigarette." • STARRING IN "THE MAN ON THE EIFFEL TOWER" RKO RADIO RELEASE SATURDAY, JANUARY 7, 1950 RONSON LIGHTER, in 1948 light blue Nash, December 20th while hitchhiking to Phila. Initials, J.L.D. Return to Col legian office. LOST TWO Rings: D. High and a silver Navy ring. If found call Martin 5051 Dorm 39, Rm. 3. MISCELLANEOUS PARTY REFRESHMENTS—Frida Stern, 122 Irvin Ave. Phone 4818, State College. GERMAN AND FRENCH—tutoring. 'Duro. pean language teacher with American college experience. Elizabeth Mares,. 715 W. Park, Phone 6387. STUDENTS—Get your thesis, term papers, mimeographing, and typing done! Sec retarial service. Hotel State College. Phone .4906. YOUR TYPEWRITER can be repaired right here in State College. In many cases 24 hour service. Just Dial 2492 or bring machine to 683 West College Ave. FOR RENT ROOM FOR one man in corner. room with running water. Call 4860. Ask for C. R. FURNISHED APARTMENT for couple Twelve miles front State College. Call Centre, Hall 5-11.-5. ' '•te