SATURM - X, ',writ:lA.lW 7, 1960 Record Crowd Expected For Initial Double-Bill (Continued from page one) over its up-state New York rival for the first time in three years by odds ranging to '7 l / 2 points. If local basketball ever had a box office athlete that player was VandeWeghe of whom former Lion Coach John LaWther once' said, "He looks better every time I see him." However, Howard Hartman, who succeeds Karl Lawrence as cage tutor, has lost both Vande and his ace setshot sidekick, Ed Brett. SCORING MARK Last year these two collabor ated for 49 points to whip the Lions 58 to 40. In that game Brett set a Rec Hall scoring rec ord with 25 points. State won a second game, 45 to 40. But with a new season, a new scoring threat has burst upon the Raiders' scene in lithe Curt Nor ris, 5-foot 10-inch, 160-pound for ward who in six games has posted an 18.3 average. In addition, Coach Hartman has received un expected aid from 6-foot 5-inch Dave Alton, who hit for 25 points against N.Y.U. in Madison Square Garden, and Joe Stratton, a soph omore guard. Colgate has won four games, in cluding upset, wins over N.Y.U., 83 to 78, and Princeton, 76 to 68, m their last two times out, while losing two this season. DEAD SHOT Norris, who will captain the team from one of the forward spots, is a deadly shot with either hand and last year tallied 203 points. His running mate will be southpaw Stratton, high-scorer on last year's freshman team. At center Alton will alternate with Gene •Cremins • who also stands 6-foot 5-inches. Alton averaged 12.3 points with the rookie squad last year and will be assigned to Vandeweghe's old slot in the key tonight. Ted Stacy and' Jim Moore will start at the guards. Stacy, a dean's list stud,ent and physic ed major, is Colgate's best set shot and will bear plenty of , watching by the State zone. Moore is one of the most aggressive players on the squad and can be recognized . by his throttle-open drive toward the hoop. FIVE STRAIGHT Penn State has hopes of taking its fifth victory of the season, in cluding two Dixie Classic tilts, and thereby extending its home floor winning streak to six in a row. Up until the holiday return, Gross had his dribblers on the court twice daily, going so far as to hold one practice sessi4)n on a Sunday night. The Lions will average 6-feet 3- inches in height and can be ex pected to control the boards against the fast-breaking Raiders. They 'will employ the same zone that was so effective against Duke, West Virginia and, for two periods, North Carolina State. Against this formation Colgate is expected to set up a 1-3-1 offense. LOOK IMPRESSIVE Gross' trio of timber-toppers, Marty Costa, Lee Schisler and Jay McMahan have all ..looked impressive in practice scrimmages during the past week. With Shis ler, the State mentor continues to be pleased. "Lee is becoming more aggressive, the one thing he lacked .all last year, and his one hand shot is very good." As usual the Nittany Lions will pin their play-setting hopes on Joe Tocci, crowd-pleasing for ward who earned the recent Dixie tourney's award as its second most valuable player. Lou Lamie will form the other half of the State fast break and open at for ward. Schisler has taken over the center spot leaving Costa and McMahan at the guards. Held for reserve duty will be Jack Storer and Ted Panoples while Zeke Seidel, Lloyd Amprim, Hardy Williams and Ken Weiss will see limited service. Costa is the team's leading scorer having garnered 60 points in six games for a ten point aver age, while the gignt sophomore McMahan has canned 40. Schisler, who has scored 58 points, Laurie, 55, and Tocci, 32, round out the first five. urg DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANnt Murgas, Comet 1M Cage Squads Register Third Victories The Murgas and Comet quin tets of Leagues' G and H respec tively became the first indepen dent squads to register their third win of the season Thursday night as the intramural basketball tournament resumed play after the Christmas vacation layoff. Seven other squads posted vic tories. Am Crissman led the Murgas five to its third consecutive win by dropping in seven points to help beat the Basketeers, 22-9, in a League 'G game. Other results 'in the same league saw Windcrest down the Crusaders 26-16, and the Mohawks wallop Simmons Hall, 22-4. The Comets turned back the Colonials, 31-17, to remain und.• feated in League H. Warren La zarowitz paced the winners with 13 points. The Ramblers edged the Musketeers, 26-23, and the Lodgers swamped the Tigers, 21- 6, in other League H contests. In League F, Edinboro annexed its second contest by defeating the McAlly Cats, 26-12. The For esters also captured their second win by felling the Twenty Niners, 25-12. Also in League F, the Clarkers, downed Navy, 15-12. The schedule for Monday: 8:45 Beaver House vs. Choppers Section 10 vs. Jayvees • Brickettes vs. Harm House 9:25 Penn Haven vs. Mary'•s Muggs Big Man Largest man on Colgate's 1949- 50 basketball squad is letterman Gene Cremins. Last year's under study to the now-departed Ernie Vandeweghe, Cremins stands 6'5" and tips the scales at 205 pounds. 15.111711 Of - • trA tgi tem r*l WM %i::::` , ,::....:.:'.. i... , ,' Kt . 2 . 8( ? :4).:A.7 NO k....., , , , ti.iil r•Mt4 W RA: AI :s.:: WY i 1 k 4 LA tAti mg. : 4 W! : A EI EA I/ 4 r:Ris:: , 4 ICI OPENING SATURDAY ---10 A. M. 221 East Beaver Ave. COFFEE & DONUT SHOP Free Coffee and Donuts All Day WEEKEND SPORTS Saturday, January 7 7 p.m. - Wrestling - Virginia 8:30 p.m. - Basketball - Colgate Penn State Club vs. Reds Portage Terrors vs. Tim berwolves 10:05 Dorm 3 vs. Dorm .41 Dorm 13 vs. Dorm 24 Dorm 28 vs. Dorm 22 aWn&=.l,: 'i:n.lagr:AMM43k%S• -, M<3 , l kleAi imq k4')4 tke: ktM YOUR Lion Matmen Meet Cavaliers In Opener of Sports Twin Bill Virginia's Cavaliers furnish the opposition for Coach Charlie Spieders Lion wrestling team, which opens its season tonight. The meet is slated to begin at 7 o'clock in Rec Hall, as the initial part of the season's first sports double-header. The Southerners won their opening match, 27-5, over Davidson, a Southern Conerenence rival; lost 11-9 to Johns Hopkins and, swamped Gallaudet 21-3. Five lettermen will take to the mats for the Nittanies in tonight's bouts. They are Johnny Reese, 121 pounds; Jack Dreibelbis, 128 pounds; Captain Jim Maurey, 145 pounds; Bill Santel, 165 pounds, and big Homer Barr, heavy weight. Newcomers Don Maurey and Mike Rubino will wrestle at 136 and 175 pounds respectively. Maurey, younger brother to Cap tain Jim, is a sophomore. He was a three-time PIAA state champ ion at Clearfield High School. Rubino, who as a transfer stu dent was ineligible last year, will see his first varsity action. Mickey Silverman, Jayvee grappler in 1949, will represent the Nittanies in the 155-pound class. NAME CARDS for Graduation Announcements Commercial Printing Inc. Glennland Bldg., State College "Just one thing more," bade Pompadour, "I want a blow, •< • ` ~?e ` i ~Lf~} sOLD vB B l, I BOND MOS sp. s 9631 - oRRES EVER v w ._ 4 '4;44. Wm. F. Gable Co., Altoon a 47 :larles Shop, State College I'm booklet: "WARDROBE TRICKS". Write Ludy Pond, Inc., Dept. P. 1375 Broadway, New Tort 11 PAGE TARIM The probable lineups: VIRGINIA PENN STATE G. Morse (e) 121 W. Morse (c) 128 136 D. Maurer 145 .1. Maurey (e) 155 165 175 II vy MITICO . Wood hiclAtrnln Clarkson Better Than Half In 49 years of intercollegiate basketball competition, the Col gate Red Raiders have won 517 games and lost 320 for a .618 per centage. 1 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111 g 4TH BIG WEEK = 4 : KIND LADY Players Production JAN. 7 CENTER STAGE .7-7- 1 — = Allen & Hamilton Sts. = Tickets at SU or = = Box Office C. Stage = Fri. 90c Sat. $1.25 = •••1 Refreshments Etimulniummunnimmiri NOW! At Your Warner Theatre MINIMININNESBMI.I.r eathaUM Danny Kaye , in "INSPECTOR GENERAL" State DENNIS MORGAN JANE WYMAN "LADY TAKES - • A SAILOR" ilittany ALLAN "ROCKY" LANE in "SUNDOWN in SANTA FE" .~ _ ~ ii' v' 7.9,4 P Reese Drelbelbis Silverman Santa Rubino Bars