PAGE FOUR eleming—Rosenberger Barbara Rosenberger and Rich ard Fleming were formally en gaged over the Christmas lion days. Miss Rosenberger graduated from the College last June and is now employed in Philadelphia. She was a member of Alpha Chi Omega sorority. Fleming, who will graduate this June, is a member of Druids, the tennis team, and of Delta Up silon fraternity. Hayes—Barraclough The engagement of Lydia Bar raclough from Reynolfisville to Darrell Hayes of Du8c7,14 was an nounced during the .'Thristmas vacation. Three D efaultsMark Table Tennis IM's Three defaults of the four games scheduled in the third week's play of women's table tennis intramurals marked Mon day night's matches in the last week of play before vacation. Leonides won by default over Women's Building as did Philotes over McAllister Hall. A double default was scheduled in the Oak and Hemlock cottages' meeting. Nancy Jardin defeated Rita Jackson, 2119 and 21-17 to aid Simmons in its victory over Spruce Cottage. Second win for Simmons was registered as Sally Shapiro also defeated Rita Jack son by identical scores. Summer Resort Jobs Available Students who are interested in summer employment at camps and resorts should file their appli cations soon, Allan M. Reece, di rector of student empkyment, has announced. Jobs are already beginning to come in, he said, and it is advisable for those per sons interested to formulate their plans early in the year. ' Those students interested in other types of summer employ ment should also see Mr. Reece at the student employment office in the TUB soon. So far, only camp and resort work is avail able. CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE 1936 FORD heater, recent valve job, new water pump etc. Good mechanical condition. $l5O. Dial 7024. BROWN S.B. SUIT, size 38. Ski Boots, size 10. Tux, size 37. Overcoat. Call HeeAlly 4081. MUST SELL-26-foot Houndtrailer, bottled gas stove, double bed, many extras. Will take best offer. 313 Wlnderest. COMPLETE SET or white metal sidewalls; jack, lug-wrench. 201 Jordan Hall. LOST LOST—Blue looseleaf notebook, notes vital for finals. If found please call Buekwald, Dorm 5, •room 3. MOULTON, MODERN reader's Bible from Collegian office preceding Christ mas vacation. Phone 4702. Joe Jackson. ONE CALCULUS book and one P. & E. slide rule. Call Smith 34-23 or Thomas 38-4. PARKER 51, black and silver In Old Main. Dee. 14. Name inscribed. Reward. See Eckert 713-B, Windcrest. WALLET IN Rec. Hall. Finder may keep money. Please return papers. important. Philip Armstrong, Alpha Chi Sig. MISCELLANEOUS PARTY REFRESHMENTS—FrIdn Stern 122 Irvin Ave. Phone 4818, State College GERMAN AND FRENCH—tutoring. Euro- pean language teacher with American allege experience. Elizabeth Mares, 7t5 W. Park, Phone 6387. STUDENTS—Get your thesis, term papers mimeographing, and typing Ilene I Sec retariul service. Hotel State College Phone 4906. FOR RENT ROOM FOR one man in corner room with running water. Call 4550. Aek for C. R. WANTED APARTMENT OR Trailer furnished, in or near State College. Call 6051. Ext 200. Ask for James Jones. Call after 6 p.m FOUND DRAWING COMPASS In 110 Sparks. Thursday evening'. Dec. 16. Owner Please 6zgageineilfa Miss Barraclough is a senior majoring in psychology. She is a member of Treble Singers, Psi Chi, Phi Kappa Phi and Kappa Alpha Theta sorority. Hayes is a student at the Phila delphia College of Pharmacy and a member of Upsilon Sigma Phi. Heiny—Phillips The engagement of Donna Phillips and Donald Heiny, of Williamsport, wa s announced over the holidays. Miss Phillips is a graduate of Penn Hall, while Heiny is a sen ior in commerce and finance at the College. He is head manager of the rifle team, and a member of Pi Kappa Phi fraternity. Co-Clib Zeta Beta Tau Asociate Professor Clifford Nel son was named the first president of the Association of Chapter Trustees of Zeta Beta Tau at the fraternity's national convention in Miami Beach recently. Mr. Nelson and Elliot Krane president of the College chapter attended the week-long conven tion in Florida, Tan Kappa Epsilon Gamma Phi Beta sorority en terained the Tau Kappa Epsilon fraternity December 14 at a des sert party in the lounge of Grange Dormitory. After the party the two groups went Christmas carol ing through town. The fraternity held its anxual Christmas dinner before 'vca tion. Pledges gave a skit. Phi Kappa Sigma New officers of Phi Kappa Sig ma are Jack Thomas, president; Paul Thayer, first vice-president; Richard Lewis, social chairman; Nat Netscher, secretary; Jim Ed mondson, treasurer; and David Christopher, initiating officer. The First National Bank 0/ State College Member of Federal Deposit lnstrance Corporation Federal Reserve System • THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA Ifll epair Work n Old Main Almost Done Alterations and repairs on sev en administrative offices in Old Main will be completed by next week, the department of physical plant has disclosed. The old office of the bursar is being repaired for the depart ment of accounting and the office formerly used by accounting is being made ready for the director of housing. The office of the dean of men and the division of Intermediate Registration will move into the space formerly occupied by the recorder. The office of Arthur R. Warnock, retired dean of men, will be taken over by the payroll department, while the old payroll office will become the head quarters of the food service de partment, The old college placement office is being converted for use by the student government and vet eran's counselor service. College placement will move into the of fice of the Dean of Admission in the first floor lounge. Clurch Calendar St. Andrew's Episcopal Regular services at 7:45 and 10:45 a.m. Sunday. At 5:15 p.m. Sunday there will be a supper• meeting for college students fol lowed by a candlelight service of Epiphany music by the Boys' Choir. Young Friends The monthly meeting Will be held at 1 p.m. Sunday, following a pot-luck dinner at the Meeting House. Students are invited to attend both. A shoe-shine party will be held at 7 p.m. Sunday Those who plan to attend are requested to bring polish, cloths, and a pair or two of new laces to be used on shoes to go overseas. Everyone is wel come. Four-Two, Record Prior to Saturday's game with Penn State, Colgate's basketball team has won four games, losing only to Columbia and Cornell. New Bluebook System Planned Advance scheduling of blue books for the major courses in the School of Chemistry and Phy sics was recently approved by the executive committee of the School and will go into effect at the beginning of next semester. Under the new system the oc currence of two major blue books on one day will be avoided. Pro fessors will be asked to submit dates desired for their blue books so that a tentative schedule can be worluid out for the semester. If a professor does not give the advance date, he will be required to flt his blue book time into the previously announced schedule. If it is found necessary for a blue book to be given at night, no blue book may be scheduled for the following day. This pioneer project originated among the student council group of the Chemistry, Physics School. Jack Senior, representing the physics department; Tierbert Blough, pre-medical; and Harry Lawroski made up the special Light Up a Pipeful ' of HEINE'S BLEND . . . The Smoking 'Tobacco with an LL.D.* Degree *Ladies Love Dearly! OEO 4 4 00 'tea •:-' -4,,/ o• 1M -' V "--co Yes, it's the same thrilling Breyers flavor creation you enjoyed before! Made with plenty, of choice fresh cocoanut,and rich golden cream. Ask your friendly Breyer Dealer to hand-dip you a pint or , quart. For Information, write or phone Breyer Ica Cream Co., Williamsport. Wmspt. 2.0773 FRIDAY, JANUARY 6, 1950 committee which worked out de tails for this new scheduling plan. Professors in the Schools of Liberal Arts and Engineering teaching math courses and cer tain engineering courses are/ co-' operatin i g to make this project a success. =.. 11111 1111111111111111111111111111111111110 = YOUR LAST TWO WEEKS TO SEE KIND LADY Player's Proauctlon IMMO mom= Miami JAN. 6 and 7 \. CENTER STAGE E-2 = "Centre County's only Continuoualy Running L I V E f Theatre = = Allen & Hamilton Sta. • Pd. 90e Sat. $1.26 = ••••••• Refreshments 111111,1111111111111111111111111111111110 NOW! At Your Warner Theatre cat urn DANNY KAYE WALTER SLEZAK "INSPECTOR GENERAL" ate DENNIS IvIORGAN JANE WYMAN "LADY TAKES A SAILOR" Thitany Ann Sheridan Cary Grant "I WAS, A MALE • WAR BRIDE" • , . • Old-fashioned cocoanut ICE CREAM Mil