The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, November 29, 1949, Image 3
TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 29,' 1949 Lion Harriers Finish Fourth in Nationals Trail Michigan State, Syracuse, Manhattan Penn State’s cross country team closed its season successfully yesterday by capturing fourth place in the NCAA meet at East Lansihg, Michigan. . ' Michigan State won the meet with a team total of 59 points. Syracuse captured second place with 81 points and Manhattan, was third with a score of 85. Penn State in fourth was -not far behind with' a total of 93 points. > ARMY FIFTH Behind tire Nittany Lions came Army, winner of last Monday’s IC4-A meet in' New York City. Army finished, far behind Coach Chick Werner’s Blue and White runners with a score of -133 points. Kansas, Big Seven Champion followed the Cadets with; 146' points and Wisconsin, Kingpin of the Big Ten Confer ence, was seventh with 207 points to-its credit, Illinois, Purdue and Notre Dame rounded out the first ten. The Irish are Central Collegiate champs. ; ' .. The NCAA results represented not only a return to form by Michigan State but also by Rhode Island State’s Bob Black in the individual battle. The vet teran New England runner carried off the individual honors after finishing far back in the pack in the -IC4 r A meet. He ’ covered the course in 20:25.7. He was fol lowed : across the line by Wis consin’s .great runner,;Don Gehr mah'dii second and by Bill Mack of'-Michigan State, who finished third. FIRST NITTANY - The : . first Nittany, harrier to finish, was ; Don 1 Ashenfelter in 13th, two positions better than he finished-in IG4-A. Bob Free bairn, who captured 13th last Monday,.• .followed Don in 14th and the Lions’ Al Porto was 16th. The: other. Penn State men were Bill. Gordon in 34th, Jack St. Clair in,; 35 th, Bill Ashenf elter in 39th and Capt. Bob. Parsons in 46th.: - '.The. .Michigan State victory gives the Spartans their second straight NCAA, title. It also pro vided them with revenge against Army and Manhattan, who upset thek Spartans last week in the IC4-A. The meet was run over a slippery, snow-covered course. 2 Grid Newcomers Added to '5O Card Georgetown and Rutgers have been added to the 1950 Lion foot ball ■ schedule 'announced H. R. Gilbert, graduate manager of ath letics, yesterday. Villanova and Michigan State were dropped x to„ make room for the new entries, while Army, Boston College, Nebraska, Pitt, Syracuse, Temple,, and West Vir ginia have been retained. , It will mark the first appear ance of a Georgetown grid squad on a Lion schedule; on’the; other hand, Rutgers was a Nittany op ponent back in 1918 and defeated Penn. State, 26-3. Georgetown is coached by Bob Margarita, formerly a back with the Chicago Bears, who is. in the process of moulding a team which' will be able to compete with the teams ; the Hoyas have scheduled for. the' coming season. Rutgers, perenially one of the better Eastern teams, is expected to be as strong next year as it was this past season, since they expect .to retain most of the mem bers of the .’49 squad.. The Lions will be hosts in both cpntests.' Schedule: . • ■ - Sept. 30— Georgetown Home Oct. 7—Army . Away Oct. 14—-Syracuse Away Oct: 21—Nebraska Away Oct. 28—Temple . Home * Nov.. 4—Boston 'College Away Nov. 11—West Virginia' Home Nov. 18-r-Rulgers Home Nov.: 25—Pitt ’ Away Dance Programs Invitations • , Form, Letters Commercial Printing Inc. Olennland Bldg;,, State College Lettermen Elect Owen Dougherty '5O Grid Captain Owen Dougherty, junior wing back from Dunniore, Pa.,, last night Was announced as captain of Nittany I,ion football forces for the 1950 season. Dougherty, who led the Lions in total offense this season, was elected by vote of the twenty four football letter-Winners. He succeeds Bob Hicks and Negley Norton, co-captains this season. Twenty-four players and the student manager, Dave Owen, were awarded varsity letters at the annual Varsity Football Ban quet at the Nittany Lion Inn last night. Eighteen seniors among the letter-winners also were voted gold footballs'. George Avery was named to succeed Dave Owen as student football manager. The letter winners are: John Smidansky, Bob Hicks, Jack Storerf Negley Norton, Don Mur ray, Charles Godlasky, Joe and Charles Drazenovich, Fred Fel baum, Jim Barr, Ray Hedderick,' Charles Beatty, Ken Bunn. Owen Dougherty, C h a n d o i s Johnson, John Podrasky, Francis Rogel, Len Shephard, Bill Luther, Vipce O’Bara, Lloyd Amprim, Paul Kelly, Tony Orsini, and Charles Murray. Lacrosse Ends - Fall lacrosse practice ended Friday afternoon with a final workout on the College golf course. Warren Latimer, head manager, requests. that all men out for. lacrosse return their equipment to the lacrosse stock room this week. Ski Candidates Coach' Sherman Fogg . re quests that all candidates for the skiing'team report to Rec reation Hall from 4-5 p.m. to morrow. CLASSIFIEDS LOST WHOEVER picked up wrong overcoat on ground floor of Sparks at 1:00 Tuesday* be there Thursday to trade. WILL THE person who took brown top coat* second floor Burrowes Tues. 15 ,at 0:00 a.m., please call 7865. LOST PARKER 51 pen near. Sparks. If found please contact Harry Cover* phone 3061-265. SLIDE RULE—name on ‘inside flap. Re ward. K&E. Call 2770* Louis Kozarek. SILVER CRUClFlX —either on campus or between Mac Hall and Metzger's. Call Gwen Kelly* '5051 xt. 78. BROWN LEATHER wallet. Please, return matrlc card and other papers. Badly needed. Call ‘Jean 215 McElwain. FOR SALE .048 PLYMOUTH four-door blue sedan, excellent condition. Reasonable price. Must sell./soon. Call 7131 or 6831 PROTECT BOOKS and other, surfaces He's HURRYING Back BETTER START *£r Thanksgiving 1 Vacation HUNTING ■'J*. .. . . ••■Jpgfor your date NOW J to Otder his So you'll be ready to join in J$ KmSBrWwT ihe big Harvest Hunt at PENN STATE CLASS RING T h e HARVEST BALL Balfour Office in Atheltic Store 3 C * e ? I 5f 1 ! ‘ 9 ‘ 12 ' The statesmen Couple Everybody s Going io ihe Harvest Hunt" THE DAjILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA All contestants, planning io participate in the forthcoming intramural boxing tourna ment who have failed to take their physical examinations on the days prescribed, are asked to report io ihe intra mural office. According to In tramural Director Eugene Bis choff, those with legitimate excuse will be permitted to lake, their physicals prior to their first bout. 3 !M Loops Open Series Leagues D, E, and F of the fra ternity half of. the intramural basketball tournament opened their seasons Monday night, No vember 21, with nine teams post ing victories. In league D, Phi Sigma Delta toppeled Sigma Nu 20-14. Theta Chi downed Theta Xi in a low scoring contest, 13-7. Si£ma Alpha Epsilon swamped Pi Kappa Phi, 31-9, to take team scoring honors for the evening. . In League E, Sigma Chi de feated Pi Kappa Alpha, 19-7. Delta Tau Delta topped Delta Sigma Phi, 27-14, and Phi Kappa Tau Whipped Sigma Alpha Mu, 19-5. Beta Theta Pi walloped Alpha Phi Delta, 29-8; Tau Kappa Epsi lon edged Kappa Delta Rho, 18-13' and Chi Phi downed Alpha Tau Omega, 20-10, in League F con tests. Nine games are scheduled for tonight in the independent half of the tournament. . The schedule is as follows: At 8:45, Whiz Kids verses Royals, Shrimps verses Architects, and Nittany Co-op verses Barons. At 9:45, Portage Terrors verses Penn Haven, Tim ber Wolves verses Eagles, and Reds verses Mary’s -Muggs. At 10:05, Dorm 24 verses Dorm 41, Dorm 11 verses Dorm 3, and Dorm 13 verses Dorm 43. J. Drqz Earns Post On Carlson's Team Joe Drazenovich, the Nittanies’ sterling football guard, has been picked as right guard on The Football News’ annual three-deep All-America team. This team is selected by Stan W. Carlson. Two other top-flight linemen were, selected for the same posi tion in the three-deep “All” team, and both played against the Big White, on the gridiron this fall. They are Ralph Kaseman, Army, Don Mason, Michigan State. \ with easily applied COVER GLOW. Write or contact Janies Betz* GOO N. Allen St ROOM for., one. man in double room on corner, with running: water. Call 4850* a§k for C.R. SINGLE. ROOM for quiet graduate stu dent Call after 6:00 p.m /State College 6810.- ROOM in State College for student couple. Phone 7746. RIDERS WANTED to Miami, Florida De cember 21. Notify Leroy Guccini. Call Extension 294 immediately. IT ISN’T NECESSARY to Bend your type- writer out of town for repair. Just dial 2492 or bring machine to 633 West College Ave. IM Boxing FOR RENT WANTED MISCELLANEOUS Costa, Tocci Co-captain Gager's Two Platoons Lanky Marty Costa and little Joe Tocci will c»-captain Penn State’s 1949-’5O lioopsters for the coming court season Coach Elmer Gross announced. The two popular seniors, elected by their letter-winning team mates recently, will each assume leadership of one of the two pla toons which Coach Gross plans to'use this season. In his first two seasons of in tercollegiate play, Costa, 6-foot 6-inch pivot-man, has scoied 129 points. Tlie fact that the Freder icksburg athlete had never played with a varsity team until his second year in college makes this feat all the more remarkable. TRANSFER STUDENT A junior transfer from Mohawk Junior College, Tocci hails from New York City. He is one of the few out-of-staters on the squad. During his first year as a Nittany courtsman, in 1948, he attracted wide acclaim as one of the smoothest all-around players ever to play for the Blue and White. Both Gross and assistant coach John Egli rate the dynamic 5-foot 5-inch guard as one of the best dribblers in the nation today. Last year ‘Little Joe’ came through with 106 points, and at the completion of the court sea son was named, along with Milt Simon, to Pittsburgh’s first team all-opponent squad. SERVICE RECORDS Both veterans, Costa served 26 months as an Infantryman and received both the purple heart and silver star while fighting on the Italian front. Tocci served with the Navy. Costa and Tocci head a list of nine returnees to the 1949-’5O. squad who have been working Since the middle of October under the watchful eye of Gross, who succeeded John Lawther at the head of the Blue and White. Other members of last year’s varsity array which won nine while losing ten games are Lou Lamie, Ken Weiss, Lee Schisler, Bob McKown, Tom Schuptar, Lloyd . Amprim and Jack Storer. The last two named have just finished a full season’s play with Coach Joe Bedenk’s eleven and are expected to put in an appear ance in Rec Hall early this week. The opening game will pit the Lions against Susquehanna Col lege at Rec Hall on Dec. 6. Nine of- Penn State’s twenty games will be played at home. Following custom, the Lions will not floor, a junior varsity team. Pep Up Your Pipe With HEINE'S BLEND ... The Smoking Tobacco With a B.F.A.* Degree! ‘Better Feminine Appeal! Dougherty Leads In Total Offense Wingback Owen Dougherty led the Nittany Lions in total offense in the 1949 season. The fleet junior racked up 519 yards in 81 plays for a 6.4 aver age. His nearest competitor, tail back Bill Luther, came up with 464 yards for a 3.5 average. State’s pile driving fullback, Fran Rogel, was third with 437 yards, but had ■ a better average, 3.8, than Luther. Rogel far outdistanced the rdst of the Big White backfield corps in rushing offense, gamering 395 yards on 110 plays. Dougherty was second with 240 yards and a 4.5 average. Luther, throwing four touch down passes, led the pitchers with 264 yards and co-captain Bob Hicks led on the receiving- end, snagging ten, two for touch downs, for 196 yards. Vince'O’Bara and Luther led the scoring with five touchdowns each. . illllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllli 1 For Chills - Thrills = | kimdlady 1 ~ Players Production —— = OPENING = s=. ' - Dec. 2 & 3 == = CENTER STAGE §= Allen 8c Hamilton Sis. —— S Fri. 90c jsat. $1.25 = ~ Refreshments •== 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 At Your Warner Theatre NOW! 1 GEORGE RAFT VIRGINIA MAYO "RED LIGHT" •^tate ALAN LADD DONNA REED "CHICAGO DEADLINE" it la. nit ITALIAN HIT! "THIS WINE OF LOVE" With TITO GOBBI PAGE THREE