The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, October 29, 1949, Image 4
PAGE FOUR Sigma Pi .Sigma Pi recently initiated Joseph Breisch, Chester Cobos co, William Harvey, Wi 11 ia m Henderson, Robert Johnson, William Walls, and James Yerkes. Vernon Wingenroth was elect ed treasurer of Sigma Pi. Alpha Chi Omega Officers of Alpha • Chi Omega installed last Monday night were Freddie Kuhne, second vice-presi dent; Helen Aicker, recording sec retary, Patricia Veil, house man ager; and Janie Slifer, publicity chairman. CLASSIFIEDS FOR RENT BOARD and room for married couples. One vacancy at Marilyn Hall, 317 East LUCKIES PAY MORE to give you a finer cfaarettef iis*'i£%'*Mf’ &'•''&; ? ! *v. i;'i.-<\|| ' /*is&*''Jgi'' A -i> • >' • '■ ,f <s j&K %<*%£ f i~ \•** -s -H* I’i v > '^r: ; 5 6.5.//W.F.T—lucky stodke Afeawo Ftne 7&6accc So round, so firm, so fully packed—so free andeasy onthedraw THE DAILY'COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA Heaver Avenue.- Ask for Mrs. Elleard or Hal 3035. N for Sale tOU SALE—Rebuilt'Uhderwood type\vrit- ( er. $25. Call 2532. Ask for Jim Corwin. 1938 4-DOOR CHRYSLER eight. Good condition. New phint and tires. $375. Sec Dick Weiser, ‘ Autoport Service Sta tion. / *4O CHEVEY- 4-door sedan. Very good condition. Call Hang 7851. H&R 22 REVOLVER Sportsman model. Also Parker 51 pen. • See DeGroat, 631 W. College. 1947 LADD trailer, 18t& foot with bottled gas, running water, within walking dis tance of campus. Vesper Rody’s Trailer Camp. Phone 3965. LOST LOOSE LEAF notebook, blue. Loot down town. Contact Charles Schultz 519 West College Ave. Phone 3308. Reward. LOST— Light colored raincoat Lord & Taylor label. George Rice. Name tag. White cap in pocket. Phone 2638 after 5. ..x. , f \ /x f*&>x\g i, ¥v>*' -' A / 'C J'V' -* * 'l ? '•• V' -\V > % FOUND KEY CASE, brown leather. May be picked up at Collegian Office by paying for ad. WANTED NURSES, general duty, alternating shifts. Apply superintendent, Centre County Hospital, Bellefonle. REPLACEMENT for single room in Nit tany Dormitory. 43-24. < LOG LOG vector slide rule, . preferably with Q Q* and P 1 scales. Phone 6403, ask for George. ... MISCELLANEOUS IT ISN'T NECESSARY to send your type- —JEWELRY— High Grade Swiss Watches Watch Bands & Straps Guaranteed Repair Service B. P.. MOYER Upstairs at College Sportswear Yes, at tobacco auctions pays millions official parity prices for fine tobacco 1 • I- writer out of town for repair. Just dial 2402 or bring machine to 683 West College A ve. BACH TO BEBOP Modern Music pre sented by a 6-8 piece Combo. Originnl arrangements. For open dates write Jock Davis Orch,’ 1388 West Main streot. Pal myra, Pa. » ATTENTION Fraternities: ATO pledges will be around Saturday .morning, Oct. 20 to collect your empty pints and fifths. DUFFY'S TAVERN BOALSBURG ' for SPAGHETTI and Your Favorite Beverage in THE GRILLE ROOM of dollars more than There’s no finer cigarette in the world today than Lucky Strike! To bring you this finer cigarette, the makers of Lucky Strike go after fine, light, naturally mild tobacco—and pay millions of dol lars more than official parity prices to get it! So buy a carton of Luckies today. See for your self how much finer and smoother Luckies really are —how much more real deep-down smoking enjoyment they give you. Yes, smoke a Lucky! It’s a finer, milder, more enjoyable cigarette! RAYMOND W. CRUTCHFIELD of RetdsviUe, N. C., veteran tobacco warehouseman, says: “ Year after year, I’ve seen the makers of Luckies buy fine,, ripe leaf that makes one great smoke!?' “Crutch” has smoked Luckies for 20 years. Here's more evidence that Luckies are a finer cigarette! SATURDAY, OCTOBER », IW9 Prizes for the houses that contribute most. Don’t miss this sensational offer* Be Prepared ... For That Next Formal Have Your Formal. Wear Laundered Now See Our Agent Or Driver FOR PROMPT SERVICE and QUALITY LAUNDRY PENN STATE LAUNDRY . ,320 W. Beaver Avenue Lucky Strike m TOOACCO COMPANY COP*., THS AMCftteAl