PAGE FOUR Pledge Ribboning Ends - Sorority Formal Rushing Formal rushing will end for this semester tonight with the rib boning of new pledges by the nineteen campus sororities. Rush chairmen may call at the dean of women’s office for lists of acceptances at 7 o’clock tonight. Ribboning, the final phase of rushing which consists of placing the sorority’s pledge ribbons on the new pledges and welcoming them into the sorority, will then follow. Sororities must have turned their preferential lists in to the dean of women’s office by 6:30 p.m. Sunday. Rushees also must have signed preferential cards in the dean of women’s office from 7 to 10 p.m. Sunday or from 9 to 10 a.m. yesterday. Rushing chairmen must turn in expense sheets with rushing bills attached immediately. Informal Hashing A strict silent period will en sue with the end of formal rush ing until October 31. Open bid ding or informal rushing will start then and continue for the remainder of. the semester. A bid from a sorority shall be a written formal invitation, taken to the dean of women’s office where it will be stamped with the official Panhellenic stamp and mailed. During this period if a sorority sends a bid to a rushee, a silent period lasting for two weeks will exist unless a reply is received before the ex piration of that time. C^o-^ditd Gamma Phi Beta Gamma Phi Beta wih hold a coffee hour in honor of Mrs. George Hinkle, their province di rector, tomorrow night from 8 to 9:30 at their suite, third floor Grange. Theta Chi Allan Codd'WfcgffcOm, Charles Cooper, Herbert Kurtz, Edward Nayes and George Shuette were initiated into Theta Chi fraternity last Tuesday night. Sigma Afyfea Epsiion Sigma ’Alpha Epsilon recently 'initiated James Ewing, Robert Morton and Thorton Williams in to the fraternity. STUDENTS!! FOR YOUR ADDED CONVENIENCE... You may now send your dry cleaning and tailoring to your favorite cleaner merely by depositing your clothes at the place designated for your particular dormitory .. .at no extra cosfll THIS IS A SPECIAL SERVICE OF THE STUDENT DRY CLEANING AGENCY AND YOUR LOCAL DRY CLEANERS. Remember, at our cleaning, plant we give you personalized service. As final proof we invite you to inspect our plant and see the advantages in sending all your cleaning, pressing, reprocessing, .month-proofing, dyeing, repairing and Queen Photos Due Tomorrow Tomorrow is the last day that photographs of entrants for “Queen of The Belle Hop Ball” will be accepted. The pictures must be submitted by 5 p.m. in 4, Home Economics, and should be either 5 by 7 or 8 by 10 inches. Judges will select five finalists for the title of queen and the winner will be decided by vote of popular applause during the intermission at the dance held in Rec Hall from 8 p.m. to 12 p.m., Saturday. The queen will receive two tic kets for the Pitt-Penn . State game and reservations for two single rooms at the William Penn Hotel in Pittsburgh. The dance is sponsored by the Junior Greeters Club of the hotel administration department. Tic kets are $2 per couple and the music will be furnished by “The Statesmen.” PSCA Leaders — (Continued, from page one) College, McPherson, Kan., and Yale Divinity School. While at McPherson, the ex ecutive secretary worked as as sistant dean, of'men and director of the employment bureau. He served a two-year pastorate at the Church of the Brethren, Am bler, and from 1942 to 1949, was director of administration for the welfare program for prisoners of-war in Great Britain, Belgium, Holland, and Germany under the World Council of YMCA’s. The burden of the PSCA pro grammes upon the shoulders of these capable leaders. Dial 3461 THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA alterations lb— News Briefs — (Continued from page one) Art Exhibit Sybil Emerson, associate pro fessor of art education, and Paul F. Norton, assistant professor of fine arts, will present a lecture on the works of Pablo t Picasso, Spanish sculptor and painter, at Simmons Hall lounge, 7:30 to night. An exhibition of 14 large lith ographs and 4 small bronzes, re cent works of Picasso, opened in the lounge today and will remain until November 7. Mining Engineers Professor Arnold A. Asman will speak on the German coal mines at a meeting of the stu dent chapter of Association of Industrial Mining Engineers'to be held in 121 Mineral Industries at 7:30 tonight. Economics Speaker William C. Decker, president and director of Corning Glass Works, will address students in economics in 10 Sparks at 2 p.m. tomorrow. A graduate of the college, Decker took graduate work at Columbia University and later received a master of busi ness administration degree at the Harvard School of Business. Belees Lettres Club Belles Lettres Club, c'ampus literary group, will hold its first meeting of the year in the north east lounge of Atherton Hall at 7 o’clock tonight, President Joel Fleming, announced today. Wil liam Werner, professor of Eng lish literature, will speak on “Seven Mysteries of American Literature.” ' ' COOK'S I LUNCHEON SPECIAL TODAY BOILED' PREMIUM BEE" HORSERADISH SAUCE VEGETABLE POTATO SALAD ROLL ~ COFFEE 65c ling Plant 307 W. Beaver Ave. CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE 1041 CHRYSLER ROYAL (6-cylinder) sedan. Motorola radio —heater. Fair shape. Call 6323. FOR SALE: Pair of black suede shoes. Wedge heel. Babydoll style. Size 58. Worn once. Reasonable. Call 2248 between 6:30 p.m. and 9 p.m. FRENCH MADE* binoculars, 10x86. Leath er case. Excellent condition. Price $2O. Don Wampler. 705-B Wlndcrest. TUX, size 38. Excellent condition. Call Scheidcm&ntel 7851. 1040 CHEVROLET, clean inside and out side. Call 3787. Penn State Trailer Sales. Reasonable price. 1 _____ BRIDGE AND table lamp, used two years. Good condition. From $5.00 to $6.00. 1026 South Atherton. Phone 2647. THAYER BABY CARRIAGE, recondi tioned, good shape, very reasonable. Phone 6837. FOR SALE—Standard . Underwood noise less typewriter, excellent condition. $5O. Trailer 434 Wlndcrest. LOST EYEGLASSES at Rec Hall Thursday eve- ning. Finder please notify John Ander son, Pollock Dorm .12, Room 5,. Tel. 5051- 272. LOST WEDNESDAY between Atherton and Buckout Horn-rimmed glasses in red case. Return please to Nancy, 42 Atherton. MAN’S Self-Winding wristwatch between 100-500- West College Ave. or 200 South Atherton street. Finder please phone 2708. ARMY OFFICERS RAINCOAT, at tem porary !ast ; week. I have yours. Name on collar, Donald Yenko,- call 2337. - ■ WILL THE PERSON who took the field jacket by mistake in Forestry Bldg, last state college TUESDAY, OCTOBER Ifl, 1949 week please return same to J. Detwiler at Forestry Bldg. FOUND GOLD-heart expansion bracelet. Owner can claim at Simmons desk. MISCELLANEOUS IT ISN'T NECESSARY to send your type writer out of town for repair. Just dial 2492 or bring machine to 683 West College Ave. HARRY'S-RENT-A-BIKE—4OO & College Ave. Phone 4200. 35 cents per hour. Special day rates. WILL PERSON who borrowed. brown Eversharp pencil, gold top, at Boston' College game call Russ White, 5051-780. GUNS FOR RENT. Used guns for sale. Ammunition, caps, and hunting equip ment. At Max Hartswick Sportsmans' Shack. Around the corner from the Skel lar. PHI LAMBDA UPSILON will pay 50 cents for one clear-glass ovalshaped labeled liquor bottle, and no questions asked. See or call Jim Lemley, 304 Walker lab. PEPSI COLA and Hires Root Beer vend- ing machines for your Frat House, Sorority or any organization in State Col lege limits. Will call at your convenience. Write 231 Wlndcrest. EDUCATION STUDENTS—If you don't get your 1950 La Vie picture taken 1 be fore October 19th, you've had it. V ~ Cloe** 1 MQYER 1 * Watchi«a^® r lo *. 1 in IntpeccaHy borroct distinctively smart . lin's Special Occasions' When You"DHESS" -It's Important that our Dress Clothes Pos- sess the Distinction D. B. Tux Illustrat ed Is 40" FOUND On Those of Character. Tuxedos From KALIN'S Assure Style Authority.
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