mb AT, OCTOBER 18, 1949 ,V J There's io\ Grid, X-Country, Nittany Forward Wall Charges to Win, 22-7 Hard-charging lines that enjoy nothing better than bowling over opponents, together with fast-stepping backs who can consistently roll up yardage—that’s the Penn State grid formula, proved success ful for the past three years. . 'A#'**# combination never paid off more obviously than it did ®»tUt#py ■vyhen the Lions trampled the Nebraska Cornhuskers, 22-7, before 23,600 fans at Beaver iSeia. Led by Fred;, Felbaum, Don Murray, Negley Norton, Joe Dr - zenovich, Bobby Hicks, and Jack Stoker, the . Penn State line dup licated its teat of two years ago. lllie defense stopped Nebraska’s baH-carriers with 5 net yards in rushing average. NAGLE DROPPED " • The Husker average was shot; to pieces, especially in the final period; when State ' linemen caught Francis Nagle, Nebraska quarterback, attempting to pass and threw him for Huge losses. Three of those losses in one series cost Nebraska 24 yards, and gave Pehn two points in the fourth-period, when Jack Storer caught Nagle behind his ' own goM. 1 -The Lions also uncovered a top-notch ball-carrier Saturday With Bill Luther finally hitting his stride. A hard-to-sfap carrier diiring his high-school days at Osceola Mills, Luther hadn’t been too . impressive in collegiate ap pearances before this season and was sleted for second-string tail back duties. But he has shown improvement in aU four games this ; year, and may how be Coach Bedenk’s answer to the impor tant tailback problem. • ROGEL HURT'O.t:-' Hie Lions needed a hard-run ner after the offense suffered a severe blow, losing Fran Rogel iii the first.quairter.'Rogel sprain ed his left ankle, and was forced to ride the bench the remainder of the afternoon. Len Shepard, sophorrtore, filled in capably, at fullback. . Rogers ankle is stiU swollen this week and it is uncertain whether he will be ready for duty against Michigan Sta t e. The same is true of Earle Mun dell who injured his right ankle. Felbaum sprained the ligaments in his left knee but he is a safe bet to see action. Chuck Drazeno vich remains a question - mark, but the rest of the squad, though collectively suffering from an as sortment of bruises, should be irji shape for the Sjpartans. ; LUTHER SCORES BUI Luther’s two jaunts from the 9-yard line in the first quart er racked up the first Lion touch down) ana Joe Drazenovich’s placement gave State a'7-point lead that the “White-clads” never test.' 1 - ■ . ■ * After' Bobby Hicks tackled Gerald Ferguson attempting to punt out of danger on the Ne braska ‘25, Luther came back with' two passes, one to 'John Smidanßky. for 10 ‘ yards to the Husker ' 15, end another to Smi dansfcy over the goal for the sec ond TD and the Nittany 13-point Halftime, lead. Luther’s run-backs of kicks 'kept the Lions snarling iii Nebraska territory most of the first half. Nebraska’s first and only sign if life carhe two minutes after the ,opening of .the second half When Ronald Clark, diminutive halfback, scampered 82 yards on a punt return to score. Dick Yost added the point to make it 13-7. JV Gridders Lose In their first game of the sea son, the Lion Jayvee gridders lost to Navy, 16-6, Saturday af ternoon at Annapolis. . ‘ , M'^ographing j All Types of Printing fCoMNfciaiPrliifiiHiine, L_ Glt «"t»n4 Bldg.. Bt*t« CoIl«*« fit the Nittan Phi Kappa, ZBT Win IM Meets Phi . Kappa and Zeta Beta Tau registered victories in intramur al swimming meets at Glennland pool Friday'night. Trailing 18-17 going into the final event, Phi Kappa gained a 22-18 triumph over Kappa Delta Rho with a win-in the 120-yard freestyle relay. Sam Casey, Jack Watson, Dave Mahler and Carlon O’Malley combined their talents to give Phi Kappa the edge in the relay and in the final score, winning in 1:11.1. Bill Johnson won two events for KDR, but his efforts were in a losing cause. Johnson won the 60-yard-freestyle in 36.6 seconds, and the 60-yard backstroke in 52.9 seconds. SPete Howachin won the diving event for KDR. Jack Lavin, former West Catholic High School LPhila.) star was Phi Kappa’s lone indi vidual victor, winning the 60- yard breaststroke in 46.6 seconds. Pi Lambda Phi had a triple winner in Philip Laurie, who ac counted for all but two of his team’s points, but Zeta Beta Tau won a' 23-17 by dint of all-around team strength. 'Laurie won the 60-yard free style iii "37.5. seconds, the 60-yard backstroge in 49.2 seconds, and the diving. Herb Arnold was ZBT’s only individual, winner, copping first honors in the 60-yard backstroke in 50.9 seconds. Tonight’s intramural swim ming schedule lists Alpha Phi Delta against Kappa Sigma iii the fraternity side of the schedule, While Dorm meets between 3143 and Penn Haven, and Dorm 44 and Dorm .43 usher in the inde pendent competition. ■ _ Touch *• football continues tor night after having the first wash out of the season on Friday. The Eagles face Dorm 5 at. 7 p.m. and Dorm 4 is matched with the Nit tany Cooperative at 7:45 ;in inde pendent play. A second round fraternity game pits Alpha. Epsi lon against Alpha Chi Sigma at 8:30, while Phi Epsilon Pi, de fending champion, lines up against Alpha Zeta at 9:15. ' Candidates for the swim ming team and second assist ant managerial posts should attend a meeting in 316 Sparks at 7:30 tonight. VIC'S MILKY WAY 145 S. ALLEN ST. ICE CREAM BAR SANDWICHES THICK SHAKES THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA vale because ... Swim Call Soccer Teams Score Win Lion Booters Dump Syracuse For Third Win The Lions’ third straight tri umph, a 6-1 verdict over Syra cuse last weekend, might have been a costly one for the Jeffrey meh. Early in the'first period, Ron Coleman, sophomore sensation of the Nittany booting forces, sprained his ankle and had to be removed from the game. X-rays revealed that . no bones Were RON COLEMAN broken but Coleman would" be out of uniform for more than a week. After Ted Lieb gave the Nit tanymen an early 2-0 lead by tal lying after, the game, was ten minutes , old. and again early in the second period, Boyer, his re placement, scored to give the Lions a comfortable half-time margin. Shortly after intermission, Joe Lane broke through the Orange defense to add another tally to the Lions’ list of high-scoring games. Especially outstanding during the contest was the work of , the Nittany forwards who kept pos session of the ball in Syracuse' territory throughout the major part of the struggle. - Only once did the Orange forces penetrate the danger zone. That was late in the third period When they scored against Goalie Ron Coder. The score was the first that an opponent has made all se&son. Bill Yerkes, starting. fullback, was removed from the game when he fell and injured his shoulder; however, Coach Jeff rey stated that the injury was not severe' enough to keep him out of the Nayy encounter this Saturday, when the Lions hope tv, extend their current win streak to four. A NEW SERVICE HOT COFFEE From Morning to Night in the PUB Pollock Circle Harriers Swamp NYU, 15-48, in Opening Test Coach Chick Werner’s cross country team opened its in sensational style Saturday by shellacking NYU, 15 to the College golf course. Running under conditions that were anything but good, the Nit tany Harriers captured the first six places and had things pretty much their own way at the finish of the five mile race. DON ASHENFELTER Don Ashenfelter led the pack home, covering the distance in 27 minutes and 10 seconds. Fol lowing him to the wire were Bob Parsons in second place, Bob Freebairn, A 1 Porto and Bill Ash enfelter in a tie for third and John St. Clair in sixth place. All completed the course in times under 28 minutes, Ashcnfelter’s victory was all the more noteworthy in that it was the first intercollegiate race of any sort in his career. It was also Bill Ashenfelter’s first inter collegiate cross country race. TERRIFIC “Our boys were terrific,” he said. “Considering the terrible conditions under which the race was run, the boys performed wonderfully. Even St. 'Clair and McCall, finishing where they did turned in respectable perform ances.” Coach Werner was greatly pleased with the results of his teams showing despite the fact that the NYU team was extreme ly weak and far below that uni versity’s usual form. The summary: 1. Don Ashenfelter, Penn State, 27:10 2. Parson, Penn State, 27:13 3. Freebairn, Porto, Bill Ashenfelter, ' Penn State, 27:2C. 6. St Glair, Penn State, 27:36 7. McKenzie, NYU, 27:42 8. Jacobson, NYU, 28:10 9. McCall, Penn State, 28:26 10. Gordon, NYU, 28:28 11. Brooks, NYU, 28:48 12. Cunningham, Ellis, NYU, 20:06 14. Loland, NYU, 29:40. THE IN j GRII AND THE , BOWL PAGE * PENN STATE PLAYERS * Proudly Present * "GLASS MENAGERIE" * at CENTER STAGE * Every Fri. and Sat. . At 8 P. M. At Your garner Theater NOW! (^atliaum LIZABETH SCOTT DON DeFORE DAN DURYEA “Too Late For Tears” BEATRICE PEARSON MEL FERRER “LOST BOUNDARIES” Iflitlanq. The Theatre Gnild Presents LAURENCE OLIVIER in, William Shakespeare's “HENRY V” All Students $.75 tax inc. THREE