The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, October 12, 1949, Image 4
PAGE FOUR Enrollment Hits College facilities will be jam med even more this year accord ing to the College Public Informa tion Servie which reports a record enrollment of 10,928. Approximately one-fifth of the enrollment, 2,640 students, is in ,the School of Liberal Arts. Sec ond highest enrollment is in the ■Engineering school, where 1,824 prospective engineers are to be found. Engineering also holds down top spot in the number of new matriculants since 525 sopho mores are engineering majors. Mineral Industries hold the re- ******************** * PLAYERS PRESENT * "GLASS MENAGERIE" * * at CENTER STAGE “ * Every Fri. and Sat. “ * OPENS OCT. 14 l. ************ ft •"<»*** sV * MONDAY - TUESDAY OCTOBER - 17 and 18 Tht THEATRE GUILD pmntt Laurence OLIVIER {■ William Shakcapcarc'i "Henry ¥ lIUUMCIUI • IM nn IlniM Midi CONTINUOUS PERFORMANCES , NO RESERVED SEATS ALU STUDENTS .76 DOORS OPEN AT 1:15 P. M. | . At Your Warner Theater: . • NOW! ■: Cutll gum GUY MADISON RORY CALHOUN “MASSACRE RIVER” J. Arthur Rank presents FREDRICK MARCH “CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS” GE Light Bulbs .. All Sizes Spotlights . . $l.lO each OTHER SMALL ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES THUMB TACKS-lOc & 25c CREPE PAPER-1 Oc per pkg. HANDY BOXES OF NAILS-lOc box HAMMERS & SAWS "Open A Charge Account With Us Today" MURPHY'S 121 5. Allen Street State College 4016 Record Height cord for least women enrolled with two, and Liberal Arts is high, boasting 739 in the School. Women make up the major por tion of the School of Education with 659 students, while Home Economics boasts 479 on the distaff side. Seventy-six transfer students, 1,208 graduate students and 218 special students are included in the record total enrollment. C'/VAFiNt.T! BPIOTHFrc 1 ATHAUVj Special Advance! FRIDAY MIDNITE SHOW Doot‘B Open At P.M. Ren Piic3> Dana AN DFIiWS Marfa TOREN # | SfeplpMcNAtlY ijr j vord w* the Oesefl m | A UNIVERSAL-INTERNATIONAL PICTURE • . NOW PLAYING • Doors Open At 6:45 Hey kids! z* namm WE CAN HELP YOU WITH YOUR LAWN DISPLAY ! Wire 3 ft. for 10c Extension Cords 49c-79c (6-15 ft.) Large Color Assortment THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA BUGS BlHtll* mERRIE-mUODIS , lOOIKY ~ PORHVPIC mic»i¥ mouse JNf omf Many Oihen\s£f 2 HOURS OF CARTOON FUN Two Performances Regular Prices College Gets Aero Research Four research projects in the field of engineering have been procured for the College by Jos eph Marin, profesor of engi neering mechanics. Three of the projects are spon sored by the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics and the other by the Research Cor poration. The four projects will total $47,000. Research will deal with the study of the behavior of ma terials subjected to the combined stresses under conditions of plas tic flow, creep, and fatigue. Information obtained from the project is expected to lead to im proved procedures in machine and aircraft design. Assisting Dr. Marin will be Benjamin Ulrich Jr., Charles A. Neyhart, W P. Hughes, and L. W. Hu. CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE FOR SALE: All Aluminum. Spartan . Trailcrcoach. Excellent' condition, see •ferry Byrem after 6 o'clock, Hoover's Trailer Park. 1037 DODGE 4-door in all around good condition. Phone 4819. Ask for Bit. Price $350. PAIR SIZE 10 hand-made track shoes; also'medium siee full dress tail coat. Call Nick 77141. INFORMAL WEAR This new. collegiate shawl collar • : tuxedo has much more than meetsthe eye! Natural shoulders, generous lines' and lightweight fabrics make it as comfortable as a sport coat and slacks. You'll rhumba in ease—and look like you stepped right out of Esquire. AM Models *45 and up J3^ a j 4 Jack Harper's, College Ave. Hur's, College Ave. Kalin's, Allen St. USED HOOVER upright sweeper with atta'chments, $16.00. Call 3801. 1932 DODGE 4-door sedan. Good Wndl tion. Call 4018 after 5 o'clock. • BIKES. MEN AND LADIES. Ehch.26 inch wheel and in good condition. Phone State College 2866.. MERCURY CONVERTIBLE. 1946, fog lights, radio, heater, back-up light, and spot light. $1096, Call Dave, 2026 Belle fonte. 1941 CHRYSLER ROYAL (6-cylinder> sedan. Motorola radio—heater. Fair shape. Call 6323. REBUILT UNDERWOOD typewriter. Charge $2O. Call 3177. Ask for Ron. 1947 RED CROSLEY sedan. Excellent condition. 36-40 miles per gallon. $486. Can be seen rear of Phi Delta Theta daily. Call 2221 in evenings. LOST LOST BLUE WALLET containing meal ticket, room key ( ln Corner Room Thurs day. Finder please return to Collegian office. BROWN Shaeffer fountain pen in EE. Tuesday. Finder call George Himes, 6786. ; TRENCH COAT. Name on label McMena min. Taken by mistake Friday, at second floor Sparks. Return to Sparks custodian. Yours in there. LOST THURSDAY or Friday Log-Log Slide Rule: Call 2148 or leave at desk in Old Main. ONE CLASS RlNG'inscribed New Cum berland. Call John Beiter, phone 6311. REWARD OFFERED for return of Senior A-A Book. Andrew Buchanan, Alpha Gamma Rho. Phone 3181.' HISTORY BOOK, for History 20, and Psych 2, book lost. I f found, please re turn to Student Union. Name—George Ckobany. WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 12, I^9 BROWN HORN rim glasses. Pugh St, Friday n!gh& If found return to Dee 290 Simmons. MAN to work as orderly. Hours 4 p.m. to midnight. Must be reliable. Supt. Centre County Hospital, Bellefonte. w STUDENTS FOR SALESWORK in your spare time. Average commission—s2.oo per- hour. Inquire Jay Jones 2760. HEY .MARLIN 1 LOOK! Penn State is classified-conscious because classified advertising is effective and quick. More and. more people arc advertising every day. Thelma. HARRY'S-RENT-A-BJKE—4OO *E. College Ave. Phone 4200. 86 cents per hour. Special day rates. IT ISN’T NECESSARY to send your type writer out of. town for repair. Just dial 2492 or bring machine to 633 West College Ave. CAR OWNERS ATTENTION.""Join AAA now, only $6.00 for first year. State College Hotel, Room 205, phone 4906, TYPING AND MIMEOGRAPHING done reasonable. Secretarial Service,.. State College Hotel, Room 205, phone 4006. SANDWICHES, ICE CREAM, milk; choco late milk, etc., can be had at'Dorm 20 and the - PUB starting at 8 - p.m. Sunday through Thursday. GIRLS! EARN MONEY with music! All girls interested in joining an- all-girl dance orchestra are urged to contact Ruth Beatty, 335 Atherton, or “Willy" Williams, 2054 by October 15. WOULD ' LIKE instructions. in guitar playing. Not necessarily by formal in structor. Call 3177. Ask 'for Ron. WILLY WATSON lost his racoon coat in Snoe Shoe. If found return to Schwab Thursday, Friday, or Saturday.' WANTED MISCELLANEOUS